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Does anyone else have / or had problems getting their Sky On Demand to work?


I brought the little gadget that connects to the sky box to receive the broadband network, but i still can't get the on demand to work. I spoke to sky and they told me to reboot the router and to change a setting on my sky planner and it work, however it's gone again and just wondered if anyone knows how to fix it (otherwise i'll be back on to sky).


They tried to get me to buy the new wireless router also saying that would help, but there is nothing wrong with my one as it's only 3 years old and lives in the same room as the sky box.




Not sure if this will help but here goes, press services, then on demand and scroll across to settings (has a spanner icon) and check if the network is detected top 2 should be set as ok.


If they are not I believe there is an option to search for the network from there.

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