Thedelldays Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 anothersaintinsouthsea said: and you should be entirely grateful for it - how much does one of those boats you work in cost to build and then maintain? tax money has paid for your training, tax has paid your wages, and tax will pay your pension. will remember that the next time the firefighter go on strike and want a 47% pay rise..or the next time there is a severe weather front that wipes out a power station or the next time a disease ravages livestock... unless you fancy shovelling dead cows? or putting fires out with 1950's equipment whilsy brand new shiney red engines are sat in the fire stations? didnt think not.. that is right, they build subs to sit and never do anything and i get paid for the hell of it....
bridge too far Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: will remember that the next time the firefighter go on strike and want a 47% pay rise..or the next time there is a severe weather front that wipes out a power station or the next time a disease ravages livestock... unless you fancy shovelling dead cows? or putting fires out with 1950's equipment whilsy brand new shiney red engines are sat in the fire stations? didnt think not.. that is right, they build subs to sit and never do anything and i get paid for the hell of it.... Do you have to do this very often? How on earth do you find time for the day job?
Thedelldays Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 bridge too far said: Do you have to do this very often? How on earth do you find time for the day job? not often...should not do it at all..but when something happens..............................
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: will remember that the next time the firefighter go on strike and want a 47% pay rise..or the next time there is a severe weather front that wipes out a power station or the next time a disease ravages livestock... unless you fancy shovelling dead cows? or putting fires out with 1950's equipment whilsy brand new shiney red engines are sat in the fire stations? didnt think not.. that is right, they build subs to sit and never do anything and i get paid for the hell of it.... wow you're touchy, at what point did I slag off the RN? Just pointing out the irony of a public servant who works aboard a boat that costs hundreds of millions of pounds moaning about high taxes.
teamsaint Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 it doesn't help either if the business you work for is run by tossers. The company I work for is going to , quite possibly, have its future decided by one days sales, that day being tomorrow. Doesn't matter that we were over target last month, and might easily be next month. Unbelievable!!
Saint Martini Posted 27 November, 2008 Posted 27 November, 2008 teamsaint said: it doesn't help either if the business you work for is run by tossers. The company I work for is going to , quite possibly, have its future decided by one days sales, that day being tomorrow. Doesn't matter that we were over target last month, and might easily be next month. Unbelievable!! Isn't that just a trick to "motivate" you more?
Mole Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Personally i'm not feeling the recession. My company is having to turn away orders at present and is very strong. The recession is in fact helping. Happy days. What i would say is that i think the UK is well placed to weather the storm despite what many forecast. The weakness of the £ puts British businesses in a strong position to sell to Europe. Also banks should start lending again in Janauary/February so i don't think the credit squeeze will be so much of a problem soon.
SNSUN Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 With an increasing amount of crime, especially gang related, I can also envisage a few "vigilantes" operating in the future, taking the law into their own hands. Maybe it's just me, but it's something I wouldn't be suprised to see.
Thorpe-le-Saint Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Baj said: You should see the hospitals... granted I've only ever been to maternity wards, but the country is an example of how good socialised medicine can be. When the missus has to use the NHS, its frankly cringeworthy... Am I right in thinking Baj that Scandanavia is made of largely social democratic governments?
teamsaint Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Saint Martini said: Isn't that just a trick to "motivate" you more? doubt it. You do learn to read the signs- and with venture capitalists etc involved you know they would sink you as soon as look at you. Crap orders so far today , as well!!
jeff leopard Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Its not like it used to be, before the darkies ruined everything, now you can't say darky without the PC brigade labelling you a racist and throwing you in prison, which would be a fine thing because they are more like 5 star luxury hotels these days. What about those speed cameras which fine you when you speed, what an outrage! How mercenary of the govt do this! They should be locking up paedo's and deporting muslims before they bomb us. Everything was perfect before the immigrants stole my job, ate my children, raped their teacher and devalued my precious house. What do you mean it hasn't trebled in value since i started typing this messge? Kill Gordon Brown, vote BNP and swear allegiance to The Telegraph, before its too late! Y A W N !
Thedelldays Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 is comments like that why people cant say what they feel without being branded a (delete as applicable) daily mail reader/racist/facist/thicko/BNP Voter/little englander/immigrant hater blah blah blah
CabbageFace Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 I blame everyone on the dole who said "Bloody imigrants coming over here"
Special K Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Ah well, there is some good news. I'm on a promise tonight.
Baj Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Thorpe-le-Saint said: Am I right in thinking Baj that Scandanavia is made of largely social democratic governments? 100% right, socialism thrives strongly in Sweden at least (can't speak for the other countries), with trade unions having a far more affective influence than they do here, akin to France. In England, the people are afraid of the govt, in France, the govt are afraid of the people. It's not that the French are a bunch of work-shy surrender monkeys, they just get off their arse on a regular basis and act if they dont agree with something... when was the last time you can say we did that in this country, Poll Tax? Worked didn't it...
CabbageFace Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Baj said: 100% right, socialism thrives strongly in Sweden at least (can't speak for the other countries), with trade unions having a far more affective influence than they do here, akin to France. In England, the people are afraid of the govt, in France, the govt are afraid of the people. It's not that the French are a bunch of work-shy surrender monkeys, they just get off their arse on a regular basis and act if they dont agree with something... when was the last time you can say we did that in this country, Poll Tax? Worked didn't it... Trouble is the French are the lazyist bunch of work shy mongs and this is why no-one respects them.
Thorpe-le-Saint Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Baj said: 100% right, socialism thrives strongly in Sweden at least (can't speak for the other countries), with trade unions having a far more affective influence than they do here, akin to France. In England, the people are afraid of the govt, in France, the govt are afraid of the people. It's not that the French are a bunch of work-shy surrender monkeys, they just get off their arse on a regular basis and act if they dont agree with something... when was the last time you can say we did that in this country, Poll Tax? Worked didn't it... It's a very good point! Look at the war demonstrations back in 02/03, the government, 'Labour' government all of things, just laughed in our faces. I'm hoping this recession pushes Labour much more to the left, however I can't see the 'New Labour' cronies backing down without a fight. It seems to me such a waste of a potentialy workable system in Socialism, yet it has a bad reputation in this country and America purely because of the cold war
Wiltshire Saint Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 jeff leopard said: Its not like it used to be, before the darkies ruined everything, now you can't say darky without the PC brigade labelling you a racist and throwing you in prison, which would be a fine thing because they are more like 5 star luxury hotels these days. What about those speed cameras which fine you when you speed, what an outrage! How mercenary of the govt do this! They should be locking up paedo's and deporting muslims before they bomb us. Everything was perfect before the immigrants stole my job, ate my children, raped their teacher and devalued my precious house. What do you mean it hasn't trebled in value since i started typing this messge? Kill Gordon Brown, vote BNP and swear allegiance to The Telegraph, before its too late! Y A W N ! Beautiful!
Baj Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Thorpe-le-Saint said: It's a very good point! Look at the war demonstrations back in 02/03, the government, 'Labour' government all of things, just laughed in our faces. I'm hoping this recession pushes Labour much more to the left, however I can't see the 'New Labour' cronies backing down without a fight. It seems to me such a waste of a potentialy workable system in Socialism, yet it has a bad reputation in this country and America purely because of the cold war America more so, I wouldnt say that socialism has a bad name here, I think everyone appreciates the NHS. We were the pioneers, the first country in the world to implement socialist medicine. Obviously I was too young to appreciate or understand it at the time, but Thatchers snuggle with Regan and strict adherence to Milton Freidmans laissez-faire economic model, ie. "sell off everything, wreck the unions and dont touch the economy" saw us lose any of the strong socialist model we did have.
TheCholulaKid Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Boo****inghoo. Have any of you moaning bastards lived in another country? And I don't mean western Europe or the US. I mean somewhere where you really haven't got a ****ing chance, where the odds are so heavily stacked against you you're ****ed for life. Get a ****ing grip. Selfish ******s. You've got it so good in this country it's unbelievable. Can't buy a new telly - so ****ing what. You're alive. Your life expectancy is amongst the highest in the world. You have friends and family that love you. You can do literally whatever you want. Wake up and stop being ****s. The weather's ****, mind.
Saints1980 Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 TheCholulaKid said: Boo****inghoo. Have any of you moaning bastards lived in another country? And I don't mean western Europe or the US. I mean somewhere where you really haven't got a ****ing chance, where the odds are so heavily stacked against you you're ****ed for life. Get a ****ing grip. Selfish ******s. You've got it so good in this country it's unbelievable. Can't buy a new telly - so ****ing what. You're alive. Your life expectancy is amongst the highest in the world. You have friends and family that love you. You can do literally whatever you want. Wake up and stop being ****s. The weather's ****, mind. You are an absolute ****. Now **** off.
Johnny Bognor Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 (edited) Thorpe-le-Saint said: It seems to me such a waste of a potentialy workable system in Socialism, yet it has a bad reputation in this country and America purely because of the cold war Hmmm. Interesting concept. The fact of the matter is that this country has been ruled by the centre right for the majority of the last hundred years. Overall, it is a pretty good place to live and the envy of much of the world. In the last 40 years, whenever we have a 'socialist' government, we were left with a screwed economy. This current lot were left with the legacy of a growing economy and look what happened. If anything, the current lot are looking more like a totalitarian dictatorship as each day passes. Their leader took control without so much as a vote and now we have political opponents being arrested. Robert Mugabe has more legitimacy than Clown has - at least he was voted into power (before he started rigging elections) We have major abuses of power - using anti-terror legislation to seize the assets of another democratic country to cover up the fact that the FSA (appointed by Comrade Crown) failed to regulate properly. Anti-terror legislation used against an MP who leaked a document, when this totalitarian regime has been leaking things for years. They want to lock people up for 42 days without trial? The very basis of our legal system is that you are innocent until proven guilty, and this is being eroded each day. More people die from asbestos poisoning every year than in road accidents, yet we are getting cameras on every road "to reduce road deaths" - I suppose it is hard to make cash out of making building sites safer - so much for standing up for the working man (who is left to choke to death) Edited 28 November, 2008 by Johnny Bognor
TheCholulaKid Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Saints1980 said: You are an absolute ****. Now **** off. Ouch.
Totton Red Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Saints1980 said: You are an absolute ****. Now **** off. thought about it? been abroad apart from Orlando and the Costa del Sol?
Baj Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 TheCholulaKid said: Boo****inghoo. Have any of you moaning bastards lived in another country? And I don't mean western Europe or the US. I mean somewhere where you really haven't got a ****ing chance, where the odds are so heavily stacked against you you're ****ed for life. Get a ****ing grip. Selfish ******s. You've got it so good in this country it's unbelievable. Can't buy a new telly - so ****ing what. You're alive. Your life expectancy is amongst the highest in the world. You have friends and family that love you. You can do literally whatever you want. Wake up and stop being ****s. The weather's ****, mind. Because we fought wars, developed our west civilization and democracy to a point where we are able to influence in very broad terms our destination. This is EXACTLY what gives us the right to complain you patronising sod. eg. if I'm hard done by after buying a new appliance which breaks down, i don't think "ah **** it, its ok, I could be living in Darfur".
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 28 November, 2008 Posted 28 November, 2008 Bognor Saint said: Hmmm. Interesting concept. The fact of the matter is that this country has been ruled by the centre right for the majority of the last hundred years. Overall, it is a pretty good place to live and the envy of much of the world. In the last 40 years, whenever we have a 'socialist' government, we were left with a screwed economy. yeah cos the Tories did so well with the recession in the early 80s and the one in the early 90s! Bognor Saint said: This current lot were left with the legacy of a growing economy and look what happened. we had a decade of consistent economic growth? Bognor Saint said: If anything, the current lot are looking more like a totalitarian dictatorship as each day passes. Their leader took control without so much as a vote and now we have political opponents being arrested. Robert Mugabe has more legitimacy than Clown has - at least he was voted into power (before he started rigging elections). Since we vote for a local MP to represent us at Parliament this is a null and void argument. Comparing Brown to Mugabe is ludicrous. Bognor Saint said: We have major abuses of power - using anti-terror legislation to seize the assets of another democratic country to cover up the fact that the FSA (appointed by Comrade Crown) failed to regulate properly. Actually this was done because thousands of british savers were going to be screwed illegally by Icelandic banks. Entirely appropriate IMO Bognor Saint said: Anti-terror legislation used against an MP who leaked a document, when this totalitarian regime has been leaking things for years. Let's wait and see what the police uncover first you could be left with egg on your face. MPs aren't above the law. Bognor Saint said: They want to lock people up for 42 days without trial? The very basis of our legal system is that you are innocent until proven guilty, and this is being eroded each day. Completely agree with you
Johnny Bognor Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 anothersaintinsouthsea said: Since we vote for a local MP to represent us at Parliament this is a null and void argument. Comparing Brown to Mugabe is ludicrous. I don't remember our democratically elected representatives voting for Clown to be PM. He took the position because he felt it was his right - sounds like democracy at work to me. anothersaintinsouthsea said: Actually this was done because thousands of british savers were going to be screwed illegally by Icelandic banks. Entirely appropriate IMO If the Clown-appointed FSA had done what they where supposed to, this mess could have been avoided. anothersaintinsouthsea said: Let's wait and see what the police uncover first you could be left with egg on your face. MPs aren't above the law. Are you suggesting that this MP is a terrorist and a threat to national security? anothersaintinsouthsea said: Completely agree with you Does that not worry you? If anti-terror legislation is being mis-used, can this detention legislation not be misused? Very worrying IMO
Thedelldays Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 when we vote we vote who we want as our local representative in parliament..the party that is in power decides the leader, thus the prime minister.. I dont think when you vote you vote for the prime minister at all.... anyone who voted labour in the last election was giving the party mandate for this it was common knowledge it would happen...
Johnny Bognor Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: when we vote we vote who we want as our local representative in parliament..the party that is in power decides the leader, thus the prime minister.. I dont think when you vote you vote for the prime minister at all.... anyone who voted labour in the last election was giving the party mandate for this it was common knowledge it would happen... OK, fair enough. BTW, how many 'votes' did Clown get when the party in power made their 'decision'?
Thedelldays Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Bognor Saint said: OK, fair enough. BTW, how many 'votes' did Clown get when the party in power made their 'decision'? depends on who challenged him in order to get labour member to vote in the first place..
Johnny Bognor Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 (edited) Thedelldays said: depends on who challenged him in order to get labour member to vote in the first place.. There was certainly no unanimous support - Blairites can't stand the Dictator. Says a lot about the government when there is no one better on offer than the Clown. I'm starting to pine for Blair (something I thought would never be possible), at least he made the labour party paletable. BTW, are you not mad that whilst you are out there defending our freedoms, your paymasters are taking them away? Edited 29 November, 2008 by Johnny Bognor
miserableoldgit Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 jeff leopard said: Its not like it used to be, before the darkies ruined everything, now you can't say darky without the PC brigade labelling you a racist and throwing you in prison, which would be a fine thing because they are more like 5 star luxury hotels these days. What about those speed cameras which fine you when you speed, what an outrage! How mercenary of the govt do this! They should be locking up paedo's and deporting muslims before they bomb us. Everything was perfect before the immigrants stole my job, ate my children, raped their teacher and devalued my precious house. What do you mean it hasn't trebled in value since i started typing this messge? Kill Gordon Brown, vote BNP and swear allegiance to The Telegraph, before its too late! Y A W N ! Yeah - because there isn`t a grain of truth in anything that the Telegraph or the Mail prints and anyone who reads these papers is a card-carrying Nazi. YAWN!
Thedelldays Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Bognor Saint said: There was certainly no unanimous support - Blairites can't stand the Dictator. Says a lot about the government when there is no one better on offer than the Clown. I'm starting to pine for Blair (something I thought would never be possible), at least he made the labour party paletable. BTW, are you not mad that whilst you are out there defending our freedoms, your paymasters are taking them away? what are they taking away exactly?
Thorpe-le-Saint Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Bognor Saint said: I don't remember our democratically elected representatives voting for Clown to be PM. He took the position because he felt it was his right - sounds like democracy at work to me. Wasn't there was no challenges to Brown's claim to leadership as all other potential leadership candidates admitted they would be beaten should the party vote?
TheCholulaKid Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Baj said: Because we fought wars, developed our west civilization and democracy to a point where we are able to influence in very broad terms our destination. This is EXACTLY what gives us the right to complain you patronising sod. eg. if I'm hard done by after buying a new appliance which breaks down, i don't think "ah **** it, its ok, I could be living in Darfur". You're absolutely right. Millions died so we could moan. Jesus. People need to get a sense of perspective sometimes - nothing patronising about that.
Baj Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 TheCholulaKid said: You're absolutely right. Millions died so we could moan. Jesus. People need to get a sense of perspective sometimes - nothing patronising about that. So a sense of perspective should stop us from seeking a better life and country for ourselves? Sorry mate, but you're talking absolute sh1t
bridge too far Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: when we vote we vote who we want as our local representative in parliament..the party that is in power decides the leader, thus the prime minister.. I dont think when you vote you vote for the prime minister at all.... anyone who voted labour in the last election was giving the party mandate for this it was common knowledge it would happen... Exactly so. And, by the same token, I don't remember having a say in who should be prime minister when Thatcher left. Major just took over. It's the way it happens in this country, the ruling party chooses its leader (and therefore Prime Minister if it's in power). We just elect an MP for our constituency.
Wiltshire Saint Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: i could not care less what happens in europe etc..i could not careless if the dutch also dont have enough kit...does not make it right at all.. I care about this country (well used to) and the fact it is supposed to be one of the top3-5 wealthiest in the world yet..yet, im sure more pensioners will die in the next few weeks as they cant afford to hea their houses.. meanwhile...some **** will probably get a sex change on the NHS due to them being "different"... Is this what is bothering you? Were you told you couldn't have a sex change? Just tuck your willy between your legs, it's free and reversible if you don't like your new life.
Thedelldays Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Wiltshire Saint said: Is this what is bothering you? Were you told you couldn't have a sex change? Just tuck your willy between your legs, it's free and reversible if you don't like your new life. nail.on.head
Robsk II Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Baj said: if I'm hard done by after buying a new appliance which breaks down, i don't think "ah **** it, its ok, I could be living in Darfur". There's a middle ground I think between the two extremes in regards to this. For one thing, it isn't really workable to continually think in terms of relativity. if we feel bad, we do. On paper, it may not be as woe-worthy as something else someone has gone through, but if it feels bad to us, while perspective should be used, it just does. We can't go through our lives always considering the whole world, as we were born into this society and should live our lives without feeling intolerable guilt as it achieves nothing. However - I think we should at least make an effort to appreciate our standard of living, and also that of others compared to us. In doing so, we should attempt to gain enough perspective to enable us to hold on to the realities of the world at large, and our own situations and problems, in the wider context, even as we do live in our microcosm. Also, of course, if we do really care about how bad others have it, how many of us have downed tools and gone to help in the most direct way possible? Not many. Some of us make a contribution or do other things to impact on the world.. well, not always positively, but less negatively, and I think this should be farly standard. We have a right to live our lives in our society, but the position we are in should come with responsibilities that priviledge allows us to choose. I for one genuinely do try to keep context about things happening in my life by thinking about things like Darfur. I will pay a little more for things - though not more than I can actually afford, there's that line - if I believe it might actually be a good thing to do so. In short, putting our fingers in our ears (la la la) to either the world at large our the reasonable pragmatisms of our own existence is stupid. As with most things, a balance between the two is, at least in my view, the best course. I don't think there's a lot of point in continually being critical about every element of our admittedly decadent society and lifestyle, but equally, I cannot understand or tolerate people who literally give no thought whatsoever to others in the world as long as they are ok.
Robsk II Posted 29 November, 2008 Posted 29 November, 2008 Also, in regard to sex changes etc.. I'm pretty certain many more people in other countries will die worse deaths and more preventable ones than the pensioners you mention, TDD. That doesn't make it OK, of course, but in context, in the coldest statistical terms, at least they are pensioners at all. Many don't make any age across the world. Also - the price of that sex change op you mentioned - we almost certainly take that much capital and much more out of national assets of other countries, and feed it into our own economy, every single day. So while I can, on the surface, understand your consternation about balance of spending etc at times, there are much bigger, more fundamental issues at work.
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 30 November, 2008 Posted 30 November, 2008 Bognor Saint said: Does that not worry you? If anti-terror legislation is being mis-used, can this detention legislation not be misused? Very worrying IMO Yes, which is why I won't be voting for Labour at the next election - nor the tories.
Johnny Bognor Posted 30 November, 2008 Posted 30 November, 2008 Thedelldays said: what are they taking away exactly? Taking away is a bit strong, perhaps I should have used 'eroding' our freedoms. Thorpe-le-Saint said: Wasn't there was no challenges to Brown's claim to leadership as all other potential leadership candidates admitted they would be beaten should the party vote? Will the Labour party not stand at the next election because they would be beaten?. If this was democracy at work, why do the Lib Dems bother? bridge too far said: Exactly so. And, by the same token, I don't remember having a say in who should be prime minister when Thatcher left. . No, but the party voted for him (I think in a run off against Heseltine).
miserableoldgit Posted 30 November, 2008 Posted 30 November, 2008 Ray Winstone - Bloody Nazi!!!
Atticus Finch of Maycomb Posted 2 December, 2008 Posted 2 December, 2008 Bexy said: I was watching the Amazon series with Bruce Parry recently where he stayed with the indigenous tribes along the river who have virtually no contact with the outside world hmmm... apart from appearing on national television you mean?
Calvin Posted 2 December, 2008 Posted 2 December, 2008 (edited) TheCholulaKid said: Boo****inghoo. Have any of you moaning bastards lived in another country? And I don't mean western Europe or the US. I mean somewhere where you really haven't got a ****ing chance, where the odds are so heavily stacked against you you're ****ed for life. Get a ****ing grip. Selfish ******s. You've got it so good in this country it's unbelievable. Can't buy a new telly - so ****ing what. You're alive. Your life expectancy is amongst the highest in the world. You have friends and family that love you. You can do literally whatever you want. Wake up and stop being ****s. The weather's ****, mind. I bet you are wealthy and in your own world. People are entitled their opinion. I agree, we have got it quite good but the country is falling. It's far too stressful living in this country because every few months the tax keeps on rising. The rising wont stop. AS FOR foreigner, yeah they waste the resources of this country. it makes me sad for the amount of benefits we are paying. OH, and british people who claim benefits because they are too lazy to get a job. I have noticed by the amount of good cars and expensive stuff these people throw away, from I was a refuse collector. Stupid amounts of money is being thrown away on these people. The law of benefits need to be more strict on people, and the laws need to be as strict as Australias laws to make this country a better and well respected place. The country is sinking into a new dimension. Such a small country but yet paying out so much to foriegners and people who recieves council tax. I just hope that we will get a prime minister who will inspire us and make us the country we can be. AS FOR Gordon Brown.. as a public figure, people hate the look of him and hate his leadership. ALSO I hate labour and that dawin bloke. What is stupid is having a stupid tax plan for the rich. It wont benifit in future. Will just make the country less stable. It will have a very bad effect on the house market, in terms of morgage. It will destroy businesses. DEBT DEBT DEBT BRING IT Edited 2 December, 2008 by Calvin
TheCholulaKid Posted 2 December, 2008 Posted 2 December, 2008 Calvin said: I bet you are wealthy and in your own world. People are entitled their opinion. I agree, we have got it quite good but the country is falling. It's far too stressful living in this country because every few months the tax keeps on rising. The rising wont stop. AS FOR foreigner, yeah they waste the resources of this country. it makes me sad for the amount of benefits we are paying. OH, and british people who claim benefits because they are too lazy to get a job. I have noticed by the amount of good cars and expensive stuff these people throw away, from I was a refuse collector. Stupid amounts of money is being thrown away on these people. The law of benefits need to be more strict on people, and the laws need to be as strict as Australias laws to make this country a better and well respected place. The country is sinking into a new dimension. Such a small country but yet paying out so much to foriegners and people who recieves council tax. I just hope that we will get a prime minister who will inspire us and make us the country we can be. AS FOR Gordon Brown.. as a public figure, people hate the look of him and hate his leadership. ALSO I hate labour and that dawin bloke. What is stupid is having a stupid tax plan for the rich. It wont benifit in future. Will just make the country less stable. It will have a very bad effect on the house market, in terms of morgage. It will destroy businesses. DEBT DEBT DEBT BRING IT Are you drunk? I thought at first you had it in for Darwin (being the bicentennial and everything) and then I realised you must mean Alistair Darling. 'Quite good' - doesn't do it justice mate. Go and spend some time in a country less fortunate than ours. Seriously do it, it'll change your opinion on life (for the better I might add) As for being chance. Money just isn't that important to me. Doing a challenging and satisfying job is though. Money aint everything (it's not even half of it) despite what most people think.
RedWillie Posted 2 December, 2008 Posted 2 December, 2008 miserableoldgit said: Ray Winstone - Bloody Nazi!!! Ray Winstone - bloody spot on more like.
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