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We need a Beyonce or a Tom Cruise, we have got Lucy Pinder but she is a snooty cow, Craig David when it should be Daniel Craig and Christian O'Connell when it should be Christian Bale, the skates have crap celebrity fans but we aint far behind, I wonder if Cortese could buy some?

Why would we want Tom Cruise? His scientology half time entertainment would be mind numbing!


I think he would be a right crack on the lash. We need a bit of jazzing up, our clarks and cords are a bit worn, we have to be the most middle of the road, middle class jessies when it comes to celebrity fans.

We are Terry and June when we need Mork and Mindy.


Iwan Thomas loves the lash, he's on board. Pinder's tits will always put her out in front (hur hur). That cycling bird who won gold is new to the ranks, though she's a bit dull (but not as annoying or dumb as the idiot blonde Essex one). Roger Black loves a bit of his Saints, David Frost is proper old school and was a rogue with the women back in the day.

Iwan Thomas loves the lash, he's on board. Pinder's tits will always put her out in front (hur hur). That cycling bird who won gold is new to the ranks, though she's a bit dull (but not as annoying or dumb as the idiot blonde Essex one). Roger Black loves a bit of his Saints, David Frost is proper old school and was a rogue with the women back in the day.


David Frost isn't really a fan I seem to remember.


I was thinking this during the week,


If we are going into Champions League, then we need Champions league status celeb fans.


We need to fire off some emails to big agents in Hollywood.

Craig David is a saint


Craig David was on a celeb panel show 12 - 15 yrs ago and stated he was a Chelsea fan as Saints were not very good, being annual strugglers. Suited his image a few years later when Strachen was manager to change his aliganse to Saints. Fuk in glory hunter.

If we get to the Champions League in a few years time Fiona Phillips might remember where she is from ;)
she can stay being a Chelski fan thanks. Of course when we are in CL and there is a chance of her being on the telly she might then remember her roots. As for Ewan Thomas I'm pretty sure he is a MAn U fan

Cannot stand iwan Thomas.....remember him being asked on question of sport years ago if he was a saints fan and said "no they're rubbish"......suddenly he's our biggest fan now we're winning


Wasnt Holly Vallance big on saints around FA cup time in 2003? Allegedly Christian Bale grew up around Bournemouth, so if he had any sense he'll follow us.

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