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I know there's already a thread on the Pistorius case, but I think this deserves a thread of its own.




That's the front page of The Sun today. Completely tasteless, inappropriate and only serves to compound the disdain that I feel for that "newspaper".




What are you talking about, I think she looks quite hot


They know their market! I'm their market! If i hear bout bird in the news, no matter if it's cos she's dead or cos she's won lottery or cos she strangles babies the first thing i want to know is what her boobs look like.


The sun always report in a rule 1 style. If you don't like it don't buy it. I don't like it and therefore don't buy it but I will check it out for free if I am in a pub or a cafe and there is a copy lying around.


i quite often buy it! I don't really bother much with front page i turn to page 3 and look at the boobs and then i like to find out where the boobs is living and confirm that they is 19 years old and i like how they now include an implausible quote bout her views on the the political situation in Nicaragua or wherever. Then i flick through the other pages just checking for any hot girls or funny headlines. I always read the Dear Deidre's very carefully. They is my favourite bit! If there is a good one i cut it out and keep it in my wallet and then if i find someone who could benefit from the problem i give it to them at later date. Like the other day i see a fat girl struggling to get out her car at Asda so i extracted "Dear Deidre My Boyfriend Says My Bum Is Too Big" from my wallet and helpfully tucked it under her windshield wiper. Then i go to the puzzles page and i do the beginner maths one in my head and sometimes i get it right. If i do get it right i then try and do the intermediate maths puzzle. I usually get that one wrong. Then i read the cartoons. Then i turn to the back pages and see what's happening bout the football.


It's a good 8 minutes solid entertainment.

Not a fan of the paper.


But I'm not offended by that frontpage.


What's the offensive bit supposed to be?


I don't think the OP said it was offensive, just tasteless. It is tasteless, imo.


No one can ever accused the sun of having taste! I haven't seen today's front page but I bet it includes some made up story, a b1tch in a bikini, something mildly racist and France for a pound token.


Devil's advocate....


If the Sun front page is tasteless then what does "re-publishing" it achieve? By posting it here the number of people offended by it is likely to rise. Aren't you just perpetuating what the Sun has achieved in the first place? If its tasteless and offensive surely the less people that see it the better?


End of Devil's advocate post.

Devil's advocate....


If the Sun front page is tasteless then what does "re-publishing" it achieve? By posting it here the number of people offended by it is likely to rise. Aren't you just perpetuating what the Sun has achieved in the first place? If its tasteless and offensive surely the less people that see it the better?


End of Devil's advocate post.


Me putting it on here is a drop in the ocean, given that The Sun is sold in almost every shop in the UK, their website gets millions of hits and the Guardian's story about the front-page controversy has received a lot of coverage. I wouldn't say that me putting the front page on here is exposing too many more people to it - and besides this thread is supposed to provoke debate!


Dunno what the fuss is about. Fit bird who used to kit off for lads mags gets shot by national icon.


The Sun is a laughable rag, not sure what the problem is here.


What's the big deal, if people are offended by it then don't buy it.


Always makes me laugh when right on lefties complain about it, but won't have a word said against the chavs that buy it.


Its not like its funded by a poll tax and you have to pay for it regardless of whether you read it or not. It is the number one selling paper, not by accident, but by appealing to a large portion of the country. Nobody forces people to buy it

What's the big deal, if people are offended by it then don't buy it.


Always makes me laugh when right on lefties complain about it, but won't have a word said against the chavs that buy it.


Its not like its funded by a poll tax and you have to pay for it regardless of whether you read it or not. It is the number one selling paper, not by accident, but by appealing to a large portion of the country. Nobody forces people to buy it


Don't talk sh.it. Most of us despise the paper and the Jeremy Kyle watching idiots, whose best aspects were left to run down their mothers legs, who read it.

Don't talk sh.it. Most of us despise the paper and the Jeremy Kyle watching idiots, whose best aspects were left to run down their mothers legs, who read it.


I'm talking about lefties on poll tax funded BBC and guardian writters etc. Basically famous lefties, not forum posters. I've lost count of the number of times the sun and Murdoch has been attacked on qt, with no mention of the fact people buy it. Of course lefties can't criticise the readership because its a lot of the people they'll be defending in the next breath.

They know their market! I'm their market! If i hear bout bird in the news, no matter if it's cos she's dead or cos she's won lottery or cos she strangles babies the first thing i want to know is what her boobs look like.

Surely unless she's topless, you're none the wiser??


Agree with most other folks on here - disgrace of a paper. Why anyone would pick up that rag instead of a real newspaper is beyond me.

Don't talk sh.it. Most of us despise the paper and the Jeremy Kyle watching idiots, whose best aspects were left to run down their mothers legs, who read it.


That's you Bearsy that's is, that's you who he's talkin about.

I'm talking about lefties on poll tax funded BBC and guardian writters etc. Basically famous lefties, not forum posters. I've lost count of the number of times the sun and Murdoch has been attacked on qt, with no mention of the fact people buy it. Of course lefties can't criticise the readership because its a lot of the people they'll be defending in the next breath.


There are hypocrites on both sides of the left/right divide. It doesn't change the fact that The Sun is a f*cking sh!t paper and those who read it as their main source of news are sorely misguided.

There are hypocrites on both sides of the left/right divide. It doesn't change the fact that The Sun is a f*cking sh!t paper and those who read it as their main source of news are sorely misguided.


I would say that what sums up a lot of what's wrong with broken Britain is the fact that the sun is its number one paper. It shows our morals, our trashy culture, our political debate and our education standards. I just love the birds with their tits out who comment on the worlds great events. "Cindy 19 from Exeter is really sad the pope is stepping down, so have a look at her tits". Nobody will spell out the truth because the numpties that buy the sun also vote. Much easier to attack journalists & Murdoch instead.


Cheap tat with no political merit, fair play to a tory or a libby who know their reasons and can articulate their conscience for doing so, most or all sun readers are can not though or none I have ever met, sheep thats all.

I would say that what sums up a lot of what's wrong with broken Britain is the fact that the sun is its number one paper. It shows our morals, our trashy culture, our political debate and our education standards. I just love the birds with their tits out who comment on the worlds great events. "Cindy 19 from Exeter is really sad the pope is stepping down, so have a look at her tits". Nobody will spell out the truth because the numpties that buy the sun also vote. Much easier to attack journalists & Murdoch instead.

Murdoch does so to protect his business interests and also his political views, a mouthpiece.

What was more amusing was last week when he pretended to hate Thatcher.


Why pretend? I dislike Thatchers and her policies she implemented, the wasteland that she left, silverware of the people gone.

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