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Hi Gays!


This thread is top secret and is written in secret code! Genuine muppets pm me to receive secret instructions for deciphering the top secret things we is discussing in this thread!




Kl pxsshwv! Iluvw vhfuhw pxsshw fkdoohqjh lv wr jhw POJ wr fruuhfw brx rq pdlq erdug. Iluvw pxsshw wr dfklhyh wklv jdlqv 5 uhsxwdwlrq srlqwv!

Reminds me of a kid at school who invented his own language. It was like a mix of Latin and Elvish.

I assume Elvish is itself a mixture of talking partly like an Elf and partly like Elvis?


weh adag reatc odei tw orkedl iket his. Youj usta ddt hef irstl ettero ft hen extw orda ndt het eacherc ouldn otr eadi to rsow et houghtu ntilw eg ots uspendedf orw ritings heh adg reatt itsa nda rse.

Where the **** is my pm bear? I shouldn't need to be asking for this kind of stuff! If I don't receive it soon, I'll get bletch to crack the code and spill the beans all over you.

^ this, I've had no response to my request for codes either. I think this is a scam, on reflection I shouldn't have included my bank details in my pm request!

Where the **** is my pm bear? I shouldn't need to be asking for this kind of stuff! If I don't receive it soon, I'll get bletch to crack the code and spill the beans all over you.


What part of send me pm don't you understand you homo!

weh adag reatc odei tw orkedl iket his. Youj usta ddt hef irstl ettero ft hen extw orda ndt het eacherc ouldn otr eadi to rsow et houghtu ntilw eg ots uspendedf orw ritings heh adg reatt itsa nda rse.


Oh sh!t we have security breach!


Edit: No, wait. I think we're ok! This is not bonafide code!


why no mods allowed if they don't know the code it shouldn't matter? wouldn't it be better to say (trying to quote baresy here so excuse the pluralses) "come on here all you stupids mods as you can't understands it anyways" but in code so they couldn't understand it anway so you wouldn't get an "infractions"?

Reminds me of a kid at school who invented his own language. It was like a mix of Latin and Elvish.


Mrqqberb lv d pdvvlyh ehqghu! Kh wklqnv kh'v vr frro prfnlqj vhfuhw frgh exw kh grq'w orrn vr frro zkhq kh'v jhwwlqj expphg eb klv erbiulhqg!


Kl ehdu, fkhhuv iru wkh frgh. Jrrg prwkhu ixfnlqj lghd fxqw pxqfkhuv. Ixfn brx urer prg vzhdu ilowhuv, zh duh lq ixfnlqj frqwuro qrz!


Zkhq vkdoo zh kdyh wkh erre uhyroxwlrq? Mxvw plnh lv eodqnlqj xv.


Don't give let h the code. It will be Lols to see him try and crack it. ****! Was that in code?

Kl pxsshwv! Iluvw vhfuhw pxsshw fkdoohqjh lv wr jhw POJ wr fruuhfw brx rq pdlq erdug. Iluvw pxsshw wr dfklhyh wklv jdlqv 5 uhsxwdwlrq srlqwv!


Did you write this on an enema machine?

why no mods allowed if they don't know the code it shouldn't matter? wouldn't it be better to say (trying to quote baresy here so excuse the pluralses) "come on here all you stupids mods as you can't understands it anyways" but in code so they couldn't understand it anway so you wouldn't get an "infractions"?


Shut it narc. Undercover mods might come in here pretending to be muppets, but cos of the disclaimer they is not allowed. It's the law. If you say "are you popo" they have to say "aw sh!t brah yeah I'm popo", even if they is undercovers.

Shut it narc. Undercover mods might come in here pretending to be muppets, but cos of the disclaimer they is not allowed. It's the law. If you say "are you popo" they have to say "aw sh!t brah yeah I'm popo", even if they is undercovers.


Didn't understand a word of this it must be in code...send me the code so I can understand....I won't tell them mod guys at the curry night..honest

Kl ehdu, fkhhuv iru wkh frgh. Jrrg prwkhu ixfnlqj lghd fxqw pxqfkhuv. Ixfn brx urer prg vzhdu ilowhuv, zh duh lq ixfnlqj frqwuro qrz!


Zkhq vkdoo zh kdyh wkh erre uhyroxwlrq? Mxvw plnh lv eodqnlqj xv.


Don't give let h the code. It will be Lols to see him try and crack it. ****! Was that in code?


Bhdk ixfn wkh fxqw prgv! L khdug vwhyhjudqw qrvkhv rii edm zkloh mxvwplnh zdwfkhv.

Didn't understand a word of this it must be in code...send me the code so I can understand....I won't tell them mod guys at the curry night..honest


No we need to check you out first. I think you might be popo. What is your social security number?

How about disgraced ex-mods who have gone rogue?


Kpp zkdw gr brx uhfnrq wrnbrv dqg vsxgghuv? Lv Fodun vdih? Kh pdb vwloo kdyh frqqhfwlrqv.

Kpp zkdw gr brx uhfnrq wrnbrv dqg vsxgghuv? Lv Fodun vdih? Kh pdb vwloo kdyh frqqhfwlrqv.


Bhdk elw ri d ulvn. Krz derxw zh whvw klp? L nqrz wkhuh lv d vhfuhw vxe iruxp wkh prgv xvh wr wdon derxw srvwhuv. Pdbeh li kh fdq whoo xv vrphwklqj lqwhuhvwlqj wkh fxuuhqw prgv zrxogq'w zdqw xv wr nqrz, wkhq pdbeh zh frxog ohw klp lq?

Bhdk elw ri d ulvn. Krz derxw zh whvw klp? L nqrz wkhuh lv d vhfuhw vxe iruxp wkh prgv xvh wr wdon derxw srvwhuv. Pdbeh li kh fdq whoo xv vrphwklqj lqwhuhvwlqj wkh fxuuhqw prgv zrxogq'w zdqw xv wr nqrz, wkhq pdbeh zh frxog ohw klp lq?




Vzhhw lghd! L ehw wkhb kdyh errelhv lq wkhlu iruxp ixfnlqj kbsrfulwlfdo edvwdugv! L'p jrlqj rxw qrz, brx lv lq fkdujh ri lqyhvwljdwlrqv! Ru qrw li brx fdq'w eh erwkhuhg, lw'v nlqg ri ixqqb ohwwlqj shrsoh gdqjoh! Uhsob wr wklv zlwk d oro vr shrsoh wklqn wkhb'uh plvvlqj rxw!


That tokyo fella just sent me a pm by mistake should have gone to some bloke "just mike" obviously as I don't know the code I thought i would share it.


Dear Just Mike..It hinky oua reg reata ndc antw aitt os pendl otso ft imew ithy ou. yourd icki sr eallyh ugea ndy oua rem uchg entlert hanb earsy.


Can you decode it please?


Lp jrqqd srvw vrph jreeohghjrrn mxvw wr frqixvh eohwfk zkhq kh frphv rq khuh frgh euhdnlqj!


Hivil givi'noqgv osidvs is0gvi s0ifg v0ssfgv f0gvi fvgmfgrifg fi g'd id idg i gv igv ixzh jmygqynvg y vmg ykngv fkngv imgx ikvg kifgv k gk kf gkfgkg g gki gmi xi

Posted (edited)


Vzhhw lghd! L ehw wkhb kdyh errelhv lq wkhlu iruxp ixfnlqj kbsrfulwlfdo edvwdugv! L'p jrlqj rxw qrz, brx lv lq fkdujh ri lqyhvwljdwlrqv! Ru qrw li brx fdq'w eh erwkhuhg, lw'v nlqg ri ixqqb ohwwlqj shrsoh gdqjoh! Uhsob wr wklv zlwk d oro vr shrsoh wklqn wkhb'uh plvvlqj rxw!


ha :lol:


Bhdk L khdug doo srvwv wkdw duh ghohwhg iurp wkh iruxp jr lqwr dqrwkhu duhd vr wkh prgv vwloo kdyh dffhvv wr dq duhd ixoo ri errelhv dqg rfwrsruq. ;)

Edited by Spudders
I assume Elvish is itself a mixture of talking partly like an Elf and partly like Elvis?


Did you notice Cilla Bear is trying to set us up as a couple?


It's these sort of responses that are going to break us my spudgun.

Did you notice Cilla Bear is trying to set us up as a couple?


It's these sort of responses that are going to break us my spudgun.


I missed him doing that, I'm not good at picking up signals from girls, so maybe I'm the same with forum bromances?

That tokyo fella just sent me a pm by mistake should have gone to some bloke "just mike" obviously as I don't know the code I thought i would share it.


Dear Just Mike..It hinky oua reg reata ndc antw aitt os pendl otso ft imew ithy ou. yourd icki sr eallyh ugea ndy oua rem uchg entlert hanb earsy.


Can you decode it please?


Sure, it says:


Wklv jxb grhvqw jhw lw


wklv lv d vhfuhw phvvdjh

Lp jrqqd srvw vrph jreeohghjrrn mxvw wr frqixvh eohwfk zkhq kh frphv rq khuh frgh euhdnlqj!


Hivil givi'noqgv osidvs is0gvi s0ifg v0ssfgv f0gvi fvgmfgrifg fi g'd id idg i gv igv ixzh jmygqynvg y vmg ykngv fkngv imgx ikvg kifgv k gk kf gkfgkg g gki gmi xi


It looks like it's a Caesarian shift cypher with a shift of 23.


I shall spend my afternoon looking for that Enigma machine that I got from a jumble sale a few years back. After that I shall see if I can download the code book because as we all know you never get the instruction manual with junk you buy from jumble sales.


By the by, took some old junk down to the local tip the other day and one of the gyppos who hangs about down there balled me out for not bringing the mains connector lead for a 1970's calculator.

It looks like it's a Caesarian shift cypher with a shift of 23.


Exactly Bletch, it's fecking obvious isn't it? Dumb bear. I told him to make the shift at least 24 but he just wouldn't listen. Kept banging on about 23 being Beckham's number and he has nike air Jordan's that have never let him down etc etc.


Bleeding bletches takes one look at encrypted text and is like oh yeah that's cesarean section 15 or whatever ffs!


Edit - Hi mods someone hacked my account last night and all the stuff i posted here that you're feverishly decoding was actually posted by someone else. Probably tokyos or someone. I don't think you're dumb, i think all mods is aces!

Bleeding bletches takes one look at encrypted text and is like oh yeah that's cesarean section 15 or whatever ffs!


Edit - Hi mods someone hacked my account last night and all the stuff i posted here that you're feverishly decoding was actually posted by someone else. Probably tokyos or someone. I don't think you're dumb, i think all mods is aces!


Bletch is Knox,Turing and Jeffreys all rolled into one. Saint Dilly, there's a user name and a half, I think I shall apply for it.

Saint Bletch is a very apt name for a code wizard


Thank you Window Cleaner but I am not at liberty to confirm or deny if my name is related to BP. #nationalsecurity


But a couple of years ago my son's school team (my favourite son, not Toke) came second overall in a the National Cipher Challenge - a competition run by Southampton University and sponsored by GCHQ. Take a look, it's a brilliantly conceived competition and is great fun for anyone with an interest in maths, statistics and words. What's that? Just me? Anyway, the award was presented at Bletchley Park.


By the way, Window Cleaner sounds like the name of a 70s soft-porn star, which is also very apt given your tales of university life. I will from now on envisage Robin Askwith whenever I read your posts.


Bleeding bletches takes one look at encrypted text and is like oh yeah that's cesarean section 15 or whatever ffs!


Edit - Hi mods someone hacked my account last night and all the stuff i posted here that you're feverishly decoding was actually posted by someone else. Probably tokyos or someone. I don't think you're dumb, i think all mods is aces!


Sorry about that Bear, but if you're going to use a cipher on here you should probably take in to account a couple of things.


Firstly, there is a beautifully constant frequency distribution of letters used in the English language. Even our scrawlings on here largely follow this pattern below. Altho txt spk chngs thingz a lttl.



This means that if all you do is rotate (shift) the alphabet, then all you achieve is to move this frequency along. So given enough text, and taking into account your eccentric spelling, this makes it fairly easy to find the shift - 23 in your case.


Secondly, alter your lexicon. I'd guess that if I took 5 of your posts, I reckon that I'd find at least one of the following terms present:




Knowing this makes it easier to crack your elaborate 'code'. Oh, and drop the punctuation too. The gobbledegook was a nice touch though.


So my advice would be to chose a more complex cipher bear. That way you, or rather the person that hacked your account, can post with impunity.


But remind me...which Mod is it that noshes off another Mod while another Mod is watching?

That tokyo fella just sent me a pm by mistake should have gone to some bloke "just mike" obviously as I don't know the code I thought i would share it.


Dear Just Mike..It hinky oua reg reata ndc antw aitt os pendl otso ft imew ithy ou. yourd icki sr eallyh ugea ndy oua rem uchg entlert hanb earsy.


Can you decode it please?


No, because as i am a dumb mod i don't get access to the top secret bearsy formula to decode it but don't worry I am sure double agent tokyo will help me

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