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I remember the good old days of saintsforever, posting lots of random crap (!) met some good people from there, crab lungs, ormergod, saintette1981, saint_ste, minty, steve grant, SAF_AM_10 to name a few. And a crazy chap who I can't remember his name who got death threats from lots of pompey fans after a pompey away game (used to do martial arts i think) and of course griffith500 (rest in peace)

What a w@ nkfest...:lol:


GM, what was your username on S4E? I'm sure you stirred things up under a different name.

Always been Guided Missile, even from the old 606 board. Looked a bit younger in those days as this will testify.




Hello ladies!


BBC: Are there any promising youngsters in your squad?

GM: Fitz Hall, Darren Kenton and Leandre Griffit


Lol. Dark days them.


Sweaty ****** then , sweaty ****** now.

Yep , better in the good old days. Maybe? Less *****ing. Spelling mistakes were not a hanging offence then.


Remember meeting up with loads of SF's on the pre-season tours every summer in Sweden. Great times.


Think I was the same over there as I am now, although can't remember. Didn't really post that much to be fair just used to read more....but now with the use of smartphones its all too easy to post. When did it close down? Wasn't there another forum in between this one and S4E as well? Was it http://www.thesaintsforum.co.uk or something ?! or am I imagining that.

Think I was the same over there as I am now, although can't remember. Didn't really post that much to be fair just used to read more....but now with the use of smartphones its all too easy to post. When did it close down? Wasn't there another forum in between this one and S4E as well? Was it http://www.thesaintsforum.co.uk or something ?! or am I imagining that.




Didn't Javi allegedly end up going round Keith's house and super-gluing his front door handle?


Some of the stuff back then was truly worthy of the best soap storylines.


Always fascinated with the lifestyle of St Steve (?), a man who used to seemingly spend his days going round America making college girls wear Saints shirts whilst he took photos of them. Very odd.

Also joined Dune/Stanley's short lived foreverSaints project at the time of the Wilde takeover, mainly to get away from the hate of sceptical Wilde people on Saintsforever. BTW have you seen the ForeverSaints holding page, Dune needs to get his act together.


Originally set up for anti-Lowe sentiment after Keith started banning anyone who questioned Lowe's morals.


Some nostalgia for you:


Ted Bates memorial 2003


Rupert Lowe caption competition 2003



SF Forum rules



South coast derbies (2004)



Best player so far (Oct 2003)



Golden posts index



One for Dalek... (2006)



Transfer window 2005


Didn't Javi allegedly end up going round Keith's house and super-gluing his front door handle?


Some of the stuff back then was truly worthy of the best soap storylines.


Always fascinated with the lifestyle of St Steve (?), a man who used to seemingly spend his days going round America making college girls wear Saints shirts whilst he took photos of them. Very odd.


Did we ever find out who cut Keith's phone line? . . . .

Originally set up for anti-Lowe sentiment after Keith started banning anyone who questioned Lowe's morals.


Didnt you get the site forceably removed from you after you developed an internet gaming addiction?


Was "doubleonothing" on S4E as well.


Seem to recall St Steve posting porn, the breakaway Lungs Forever following a banning, random Caption Competitions, running games in the B-anter forum, someone (think it was Um Pahars) getting birds to wear a training shirt around the world, Javi, the shutting down on it and the emergence of this place.


What happened to Saints Fun? Wasn't it Essru who ran that place?


Missed Amy-gate as I was on a ship. Tend to just skim read the main forum these days as I'm away at sea most of the time.

Cos you got banned for spamming the board with posts with just emoticons I seem to remember!

lol :blush: to be fair I was a bit of a noob.


Although I know I was banned eventually I actually don't recall the reason why but I'll take your word for it mate! :D


So are you still into modern day emo and american pop-punk? That along with the spiffing classic stuff (Dead Kennedys, Buzzcocks, Black Flag, SLF etc.)? You were the only person there on my wavelength. I recall you had quite the taste in music back in the day. Best amongst all forum members IIRC.


I have Minty to thank with Marchin'In for my introduction to online forums and that CrabbieBalls or whatever he calls himself :) Minty is as then a true Saints legend for his input and all the hard work he did from way back then. Ended up giving him the nickname Pitbull for the way he can be quick on the update and the nip he gives you on the ankles hahaha


I was there on Network 54 and many will recall keithwj, the legend who vanished. Fantastic to see the likes of another legend Tyler Duran is still around and none other than Turkish


What happened to keithwj resulted in a ,major inquest and even websites I loved keithwj and I hate keithj turning up on the web




Then there was THE PLANET SAINTS MESSAGE BOARD still there to read today.




I joined Keith's Saintsforever as ART on the early days and was top poster after Keith by the time it closed after the Amy affair which I didn't pay much attention too as I took up abode on the Farmer and Dune Foreversaints in the light of Wilde and Co.


It was a sad day when Keith threw in the towel. People may have their opinions but I've never come across anyone who ran and put in the dedication as Keith Legg and Saintsforever. Shame that the site got pulled as today it would stand as an epitaph to his hard work and what being a Saints supporter really means. Still a number of mysteries left to be resolved, and to name and shame some of the cowards who drove Keith to giving up the best ever fans forum and website.


I may add I was privilege to early IP changing technology back at the time Delgado wreaked havoc with our destiny. I forget names I created to post under but did string everyone along for weeks with postings from South America posing as a close confident of Delgado. I would spend the night hours scanning early editions of South American papers, translating and posting exclusive disclosures that often didn't appear in the European papers till 48 hours later.


As ART my insider postings and banter with NORM., ( that renegade Mick imported from across the waters :) :) ) one of the best posters and Saints supporters ever


If you're reading Keith, sincerest thanks for everything. You never deserved all the harassment you encountered and are sorely missed on the big wide web ♥

You can follow a lot of links on those pages too, so you can get the main entry page up, plus lots of the menu bits are still clickable, including latest news, links, saintsbabes .





The messageboard



One of the 1st threads I see - 'Yahia, any good?'




Can't believe it is 12 years I have been posting on the various sites. Always Dalek.


I was a fairly passive poster and then 2004 Glenn Hoddle happened. Never been the same since.

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