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1) Go home, kiss the wife and pat the dog and then proceed to get bladdered?

2) Go home pat the wife and kiss the dog and then proceed to the local to get hammered?

3) Go home kiss the wife, pat the dog then pat the wife and then kiss the dog then proceed to the local to get sloshed and then finish of getting steamed up at home?

Tell the truth Barry ur gonna have a vvank and watch Wild Britain with Ray Mears on ur own. Same as every evening.


This sort of reply would usually garner an instant reply from our Barry.


One can only assume he is at the shops buying "hand cream", a king size jizz tray and Ray Mears Blu Rays.


It's Friday. I don't blame him for pushing the boat out.


At first I thought "pat the dog" was a euphemism and Baz was talking about fingering his Mrs, but then I decided he may have actually been talking about patting a dog

And I thought by 'dog' he was referring to his missus.


Tsk. Still, I'll let you off. Grandads are allowed to say anything. It's the law.

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