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Ah bless you all coming to little tokyo's aid.


I'm coming over all emotional.


Link to my use of spaz and mong please as that's the sole subject of this threat. Ta.

Ah bless you all coming to little tokyo's aid.


I'm coming over all emotional.


Link to my use of spaz and mong please as that's the sole subject of this threat. Ta.


I think the thread has morphed into a discussion on those who like to patronise and take the morale high ground when they are probably less than impeccable themselves, wouldn't you agree?

I think the thread has morphed into a discussion on those who like to patronise and take the morale high ground when they are probably less than impeccable themselves, wouldn't you agree?


No. This was a narrow thread on two words only. If one or two individuals have nothing better to do than copy and paste a comment about a Scottish football manager about 27 pages into my post history then god help them.

So you think it is acceptable to call Scottish people sweaties?


Seems like you'd have to start a new thread to get a response. Eggs gone into slippery politician answer mode.

So you think it is acceptable to call Scottish people sweaties?


Yes. It doesn't compare to calling mentally disabled people mong or spaz.

Yes. It doesn't compare to calling mentally disabled people mong or spaz.


Agree with this, but who exactly on here has called a disabled person a mong or a spaz?

Agree with this, but who exactly on here has called a disabled person a mong or a spaz?


That's the context in which the op referred to the words!

If you accept that something may cause offence then it's wise to err on the side of caution. Similarly, if you think that something will cause harm or damage you err on the side of caution rather than taking a risk. It's the same principle here.


Yes. It doesn't compare to calling mentally disabled people mong or spaz.


Doesn't add up mate. I am Scottish and find it highly offensive. Doesn't seem like erring on the side of caution to me.


Also, who has been called either of those insults on here? Turkish uses the word mongboard now and again and changed it to spazboard as there was a smiley called spaz. To my knowledge no one has ever used it to insult another. Unlike your insult.


Oh dear... I have found someone else that does use the one of the words...


Turns out stain isn't so squeaky clean.


Thread: Car Insurance Rant

by the stain Replies


Imagine getting all hot and bothered about something on a mongboard!


Thread: The pre apocalypse countdown thread

by the stain Replies


I'm going to find your dog and rape it to death, in front of you.


(very heartless to any rape victims using the forum)


Thread: Duchess of Cambridge hospital nurse found dead

by the stain Replies


Yeah, that Russell Grant is a right tw*t. The fat bastard.



Oh dear oh dear, Let he who is free of sin cast the first stone...


Thread: Statue of MiltonRoader07 at St Marys

by the stain Replies



That took an hour? Are you a computer spastic?



And the worst of all:


What are you wearing?

by the stain Replies


I have a dark blue tshirt from George and some dark blue jeans from Matalan.



Doesn't add up mate. I am Scottish and find it highly offensive. Doesn't seem like erring on the side of caution to me.


Also, who has been called either of those insults on here? Turkish uses the word mongboard now and again and changed it to spazboard as there was a smiley called spaz. To my knowledge no one has ever used it to insult another. Unlike your insult.


I haven't pointed the finger at anyone. The op objected to the use of the words. I, and others, agreed.


I find it hard to believe that your average Scotsman would feel upset by the term sweaty. A Welshman wouldn't lose sleep over the term taff, a new Zealander over kiwi, an American over yank etc.


Your average disabled person would, however, be offended by the term spaz or mong.

Posted (edited)

Trust me it is very offensive. If you don't believe me, go for a night out in Glasgow and use it.


Now this is what I mean, what is insulting and offensive is relative. Calling a Scottish person a sweaty is highly offensive, I am offended by it, ask another Scottish person and see how it goes down but you "find it hard to believe". Offence is in many ways in the eye of the beholder. If I asked you to never again use that word in your life, would you follow my instruction or would you question it?

Edited by Tokyo-Saint
Trust me it is very offensive. If you don't believe me, go for a night out in Glasgow and use it.


Now this is what I mean, what is insulting and offensive is relative. Calling a Scottish person a sweaty is highly offensive, I am offended by it, ask another Scottish person and see how it goes down but you "find it hard to believe". Offence is in many ways in the eye of the beholder. If I asked you to never again use that word in your life, would you follow my instruction or would you question it?


Your just being silly mate. Mong/Spaz and Sweaty are leagues apart. Even your minder dig dig agrees.


I'll put your reaction down to over sensitivity.

Don't take my word for it egg, please ask a fellow Scott, preferably a big one with a temper problem.


I asked my mate jock in the pub earlier, he asked if you were serious. Seriously.


I thought better of asking the disabled fella in the pub if it was ok to call him a spaz or mong. Common sense told me the answer.

Posted (edited)

You should have a look on the mad spaz website, interesting read. They have a forum. One of the threads is 'what really gets on your nerves' one reply:




Silver Member


Posts: 224

Joined: 06 Jul 2003

Location: Planet Earth


Political Correctness. I hate it when able bodied people are politically correct on my behalf.



You could probably do with watching this as well. Maybe email ch4 and get them to change the name as it offends you.





I expect you'll be emailing the mad spaz site owners to get them to rename their website?

Edited by Tokyo-Saint

Tokyo, ok you win. Fill your boots mate and get out there and call anyone with a gammy leg, wheelchair, learning disability or mental health issue a spaz or a mong and I'm sure they'll all laugh along with you and toast your good health.


Tell you what pop round and say it my sister, or kraken's. Perhaps the club could arrange a special spaz or mong calling session for you in the disabled area on sat as a special treat for you and the disabled punters?


You've tried to make this personal so I'll do the same. When you're attempting humour you're a funny guy. On this thread you're the opposite. If you want to continue this debate, but would rather keep your ignorance out of the public arena, pm me and I'll keep going. Otherwise I fail to see what value we can bring to this forum by you continuing to argue night is day and me taking the opposite view.

Posted (edited)

I have never called anyone that (if anyone has its the stain). You could have mentioned my cousin with downs or my brother with AS in your rant as well but then you didn't know did you...


My argument was for the right to question a decree, then it developed when dig pointed out if you anylysed any of us, we are all insensitive. I was serious with with the sweaty/ Scottish thing. I also still hold that it's how words are used, the context and the meaning behind them that really counts. I am sure when you called whoever mental, you did not mean to compare them to people with mental Heath problems. The same with Turkish, if he gets drunk and the next day says he is too monged to go out. He is not using that word to reflect anyone other than himself.


There is no defending the stain calling Milton a 'computer spastic', his meaning there is pretty clear. However I am sure we are all insensitive beyond reproach at times.


There seems to be no discussing things with you as you ignore what you want and change things to suit you. Let's end it here, do say hello to your "jock mate in the pub", he appeared conveniently quickly last night after 11pm. What a guy.

Edited by Tokyo-Saint
There is no defending the stain calling Milton a 'computer spastic', his meaning there is pretty clear. However I am sure we are all insensitive beyond reproach at times.


Point of order tokyos I think you'll find it was me that stain called a computer spastic cos it took me a whole hour to make a statue of milton naked.


For the record I weren't offended, it seemed fair comment! I dunno if there was any spastics reading the muppet shows forum at that point, it seems likely there was, but if they was offended at getting caught in the cross fire they never said nothing.

Posted (edited)

Oh you've caught me out! That's it then, now you've caught me out, you're right about everything and we must do what you say.


One final request, as you have been giving me loads to do, " do this, do that, find me a disabled person who has a sense of humour and doesn't mind the word spaz as long as its not being used as an insult (thank god for google eh?) I want you to do something.


Firstly go on to a Celtic or rangers forum, call them sweaties and see the reaction.


Next, go to the mad spaz message board and say,


"hi guys, I am a short, bald, fat, middle class devorce lawyer making money out of others misery and I am offended about the use of the word spaz in any instance. I have noticed that you have used it in a jokey ironic sense on your website and many of you seem to have a sense of humour and even a light hearted joke about your own abilities/disabilities. I however am offended by this. As an up tight suit, I think everything must be serious and people should do as I command, this means you! Yes, you in the chair, stop having a laugh and joking around. Some of your jokey pictures are in really bad taste. Life is a dry serious business you know!"



Edited by Tokyo-Saint
Posted (edited)
Oh you've caught me out! That's it then, now you've caught me out, you're right about everything and we must do what you say.


One final request, as you have been giving me loads to do, " do this, do that, find me a disabled person who has a sense of humour and doesn't mind the word spaz as long as its not being used as an insult (thank god for google eh?) I want you to do something.


Firstly go on to a Celtic or rangers forum, call them sweaties and see the reaction.


Next, go to the mad spaz message board and say,


"hi guys, I am a short, bald, fat, middle class devorce lawyer making money out of others misery and I am offended about the use of the word spaz in any instance. I have noticed that you have used it in a jokey ironic sense on your website and many of you seem to have a sense of humour and even a light hearted joke about your own abilities/disabilities. I however am offended by this. As an up tight suit, I think everything must be serious and people should do as I command, this means you! Yes, you in the chair, stop having a laugh and joking around. Some of your jokey pictures are in really bad taste. Life is a dry serious business you know!"




Jeez Tokyo. You throw the towel in and then throw more punches! You should re-brand as Rocky-Saint.


This is a simple issue that you've taken off at a tangent.


Simply, the op opposes the use of two specific words. You don't.


You (aided by Dig Dig) refer to my using the term sweaty to support yuour position. That's pathetic. The world doesn't work on "you said x so it's ok to say y" basis.


You highlight a particular group who seemingly aren't offended by the term spaz. That's great for them but it's out of kilter with my experiences, and I suspect the group was unknown to you when you made your initial vews.


You continue in your belief that it's ok to use the terrms spaz and mong, and that the average disabled person will find it hilarious. I'll continue in my belief that the term sweaty doesn't compare and won't cause offence in the average scotsmen.


I'm done with this subject but if you want to discuss it some more PM me where we can have a much franker discussion than we can on here.

Edited by egg
I'm done with this subject but if you want to discuss it some more PM me where we can have a much franker discussion than we can on here.


Erm I don't think so I'm invested in these disputes now, I want to know who "wins".


If it's gonna get too fruity tho you could take it to muppet shows where we is more tolerant of abuses and lols.

Posted (edited)

Egg, you twist the subject and my words to suit you, therefore there is not point in discussing it.


Where have I ever said it was ok to use those words to insult disabled people? Yet you write:


Fill your boots mate and get out there and call anyone with a gammy leg, wheelchair, learning disability or mental health issue a spaz or a mong and I'm sure they'll all laugh along with you and toast your good health.


You say I threw in the towel but you put:


Tokyo, ok you win.


I simply agreed to knock it on the head if you were.


You say:


Please post a link to something saying that disabled people find mong and spaz humerous.


But then say I have gone off subject when I do.


You talk about always erring on the side of caution if there is a danger of offending someone, however called Scottish people sweaties, mock those on council estates with 'their fat birds and grey skin', you talk about mental people, the list goes on.


I have never advocated using or not using these words, just the right to question if these are still offensive when used in a completely different context and are they any more offensive then many other words commonly used on this forum i.e. mental, dumb, gay, bearsy etc


You say you are not pointing the finger but then tell me to fill my boots. The only person that has been shown to use any of these words and an insult is stain but you choose to ignore his comment and enjoy his support.


Also, speaking more frankly sounds threatening to me, was it meant that way?


If so, fine. Come and speak as frankly as you want to me on Saturday, I'll be here:




Southampton v Sunderland


Northam Stand





Edited by Tokyo-Saint
  • 4 weeks later...
In all seriousness, I can see the ops point, however this in not America (thankfully) and we are not super sensative. The reason I would be against banning any word, is that they are just words and the meaning of words change in the modern venacular than in cleopatra times (tm Bearsy 2012) and if you ban one word, where do you draw the line?


Let's say to start with you can no longer say:











Because they all have origins in mental health problems. Then what next?

No sexuality based names? No bastards as it doubts people parentage? Soon bed setters will be banned as it brings back bad memories for Turkish.


Before you know It, you'll be saying follically challenged instead of bald, someone will say Clyne is short and be infracted for not saying vertically challenged. That is not a world I want to live in, let's leave that to the yanks.


Just get the words changed to something different, like an autocorrect, I remember (Might have been SF which was before TSF and SWF) c**t used to turn into budgie and something else turned into green salad, could we not change thise things to reflect on the posted typing it, i.e, "you're a f**king mong" goes to "you're a f**king *insert detrimental word towards the poster themself here*" to stop them using the terminology?



Just get the words changed to something different, like an autocorrect, I remember (Might have been SF which was before TSF and SWF) c**t used to turn into budgie and something else turned into green salad, could we not change thise things to reflect on the posted typing it, i.e, "you're a f**king mong" goes to "you're a f**king *insert detrimental word towards the poster themself here*" to stop them using the terminology?




I like this! We could fix it so that if someone says something terrible like "Has Skacel signed yet?" it could autocorrect to "Hi Guys I'm feeling randy is anyone up 4 a bum tonight?"


Almost overnight people would stop asking if Skacel is signing yet!

Just get the words changed to something different, like an autocorrect, I remember (Might have been SF which was before TSF and SWF) c**t used to turn into budgie and something else turned into green salad, could we not change thise things to reflect on the posted typing it, i.e, "you're a f**king mong" goes to "you're a f**king *insert detrimental word towards the poster themself here*" to stop them using the terminology?




That would be good. I would suggest using the same process to turn f**king into something more harmless too.

What do you suggest? Heavy petting? Fingering perhaps?




Maybe flower?


Oh flower you, you flowering budgie, I hope you get rained by a rabid wolf you son of a brie
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