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I'm guessing nobody who has contributed to this thread is a recruitment agent?...


Does a recruitment agency deal with a buying and selling 'company' in one 'transaction' when processing each employee though?


I see 'high street' recruitment agencies as acting in more of a proactive 'pull' fashion, compared to football agents who operate more in reactive 'push' way...


Our refusal to pay Victor Wanyamas agent £1m has bought much support from fans all over the country.

But if it leads to us not being able sign the players we want whilst the rest of the PL conform to what has become the norm is it the right thing to do for our clubs ambitions?

Agents demands from the top league teams have esculated beyond belief.. they in their defence will say so has the PL clubs incomes over the same period.

Chelsea started this whole thing after Abramovich found it difficult to get players to come in preference to Utd, Barca, Real etc..

The floodgate opened when Man City tried to buy everyone and anyone.. they had money but no rep, so players in demand shunned them.

This is what is happening to us to lesser degree...although the players just want a PL stage to ply their trade, their agents want more, and not for their player, but for themselves. It's their one off chance in some cases to make a killing.

Cortese is morally right to refuse to pay the 'ransom' but can we hope to break into that next level with a Canute like attitude, fighting the tide on our own.

The answer unfortunatly is no, not without the help of the FA and all the other clubs/

And, will they help?

No, its a dog eat dog world in PL and within 10 minutes of us refusing to bow to the agents demands another PL were saying they would pay it..

so much for soliarity!



Does a recruitment agency deal with a buying and selling 'company' in one 'transaction' when processing each employee though?


I see 'high street' recruitment agencies as acting in more of a proactive 'pull' fashion, compared to football agents who operate more in reactive 'push' way...


They might do with a contractor? They certainly look to accumulate a pool of talent that they will look to push to some of their regular recruiters?

They might do with a contractor? They certainly look to accumulate a pool of talent that they will look to push to some of their regular recruiters?


Fair point. I've had dealings with IT contractor agents before and they definitely operate more like a football agent than a 'high street' recruitment agency.

I'm with Cortese on this one. Tell them to shove it.


Agreed! Especially as quite a few players seem to have multiple agents raining in on deals like this (Ba seems to spring to mind in a similar situation)


A lot of it is for show. Has anything really changed if we refuse to pay the agent upfront but instead agree to pay the player more, who then pays his agent?


It probably is cutting our nose off to spite our face, but it is about time someone took a stand against these parasites.

If has to be us setting an example then so be it.

If the reports are to be believed from Osvaldo & Naingglon saying that their decision is not just about money, it would appear on the face of it that were offering a decent financial package to the players.

Looks like its going to be more difficult than Cortese thinks to move us to the next level.

As 99% of us probably won't be doing that, your post isn't of much help.


It is an oblique referenceto the fact that all his team mates called him trigger because he was so dopey, and that if he didn't have an agent he would have had no chance negotiating a significant contrct with a business savvy chairman - helpful enough???


I would also say that agents are probably necessary when young [players (eg luke shaw) have to negotiate multi million pound contracts.


I can see why players want to have agents. What I can't see is why anyone other than the player has to pay them. Theatrical and movie agents negotiate deals for their clients and take a percentage of their clients' fees for their trouble. Why is football different?

I can see why players want to have agents. What I can't see is why anyone other than the player has to pay them. Theatrical and movie agents negotiate deals for their clients and take a percentage of their clients' fees for their trouble. Why is football different?


They had an agent on Talksport about half an hour ago and he said the tax situation for footballers is different to that of other people in the "entertainment" industry. I didn't catch the detail but that was his justification. In other words, agents have always sought to get their cut from the club rather than the player so that the avoids picking up a double whammy tax bill. Can anyone else who listened to it better articulate the difference between footballers and actors etc regards the tax situation?

They had an agent on Talksport about half an hour ago and he said the tax situation for footballers is different to that of other people in the "entertainment" industry. I didn't catch the detail but that was his justification. In other words, agents have always sought to get their cut from the club rather than the player so that the avoids picking up a double whammy tax bill. Can anyone else who listened to it better articulate the difference between footballers and actors etc regards the tax situation?



Then again there are agents and agents. Unfortunately some are greedier than others. An agent who's used to arranging big moves all of the time probably asks for (relatively) less than one who just has a couple of bit part players on his books.

Check it all for yourself. Wanyama uses an agency called Extratime, based in South Africa I believe.

I can see why players want to have agents. What I can't see is why anyone other than the player has to pay them. Theatrical and movie agents negotiate deals for their clients and take a percentage of their clients' fees for their trouble. Why is football different?


When a player hooks up with an agent they obviously end up signing a contract. It seems that, increasingly, player/agent contracts include a clause entitling the agent to a percentage of any future transfer fees - paid by someone other than the player. So, much as everyone hates them, these are not so much greedy demands by the agents as legal entitlements. And the player is bound to them, too - even if it's not in his best interests.


The irony is that the agents inject themselves into the situation to protect the players from the clubs, but take advantage of the fact that nobody is protecting the players from the agents.


I admire Cortese's stands on this but it's going to cost us some good players until all the other PL clubs form a more unified front.

When a player hooks up with an agent they obviously end up signing a contract. It seems that, increasingly, player/agent contracts include a clause entitling the agent to a percentage of any future transfer fees - paid by someone other than the player. So, much as everyone hates them, these are not so much greedy demands by the agents as legal entitlements. And the player is bound to them, too - even if it's not in his best interests.


The irony is that the agents inject themselves into the situation to protect the players from the clubs, but take advantage of the fact that nobody is protecting the players from the agents.


I admire Cortese's stands on this but it's going to cost us some good players until all the other PL clubs form a more unified front.

I don't think legally a contract between a player and an agent can bind a club to pay the agent anything. It would be very interesting to see how they manage the wording for that.

I don't think legally a contract between a player and an agent can bind a club to pay the agent anything. It would be very interesting to see how they manage the wording for that.


I'm not sure about the legal technicalities but I'm sure there are ways to frame it so that it's enforceable. It just becomes a cost of doing the deal, whether it's paid by the selling club or the buying club. After all, so many "big player" deals these days seem to incorporate a cut for the agent. That's where this thread started.

I'm not sure about the legal technicalities but I'm sure there are ways to frame it so that it's enforceable. It just becomes a cost of doing the deal, whether it's paid by the selling club or the buying club. After all, so many "big player" deals these days seem to incorporate a cut for the agent. That's where this thread started.


If you are not a party to the contract, then it cannot be enforced against you.

If you are not a party to the contract, then it cannot be enforced against you.


True, but if the player makes the payment of a commission to his agent a condition of agreeing to the move, it has the same affect. The agent's enforceability is not against the selling or buying clubs but against his own player, so the agent effectively has his own player by the nuts. The player knows that because he agreed to it when he established a legal relationship with the agent. How else could this situation of huge agent commissions - and deals scuppered if they're not paid - have developed?


If clubs are willing to pay the big agent commissions, everything works out in the end and we see numbers like those at the top of the chart on the first page of this thread.


If they're not willing to pay those commissions, as Cortese isn't, we see deals fall apart.


There has to be some enforceability somewhere or else this wouldn't be happening.

Why do footballers even need agents?


This is a question, asked by many fans, that derives directly from the continual persecution of agents in the media, the constant need for a "hero and villain narrative" in football coverage.


While some of the criticism is warranted there are a lot of agents out there who play an invaluable role in the development of a player's career as explained in detail in the chapter on agents in the book "The Secret Footballer".


As it points out in the chapter, all players and clubs use agents and there are some very good reasons why.


As said in a other thread. Sadly, if we want to move on to the European level, we are going to have to rise up the agent paying table

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