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You are being a bit dramatic with this changing culture nonsence, Pardew was hired to get a team that had not played in the third division for 50 odd years out of said division, simple as that. He did a good job and I was sad to see him go, but as someone else said there is only one winner when the manager and chairman dont get on. He has gone on to do ok and we have been ok with out him. No beef


Dramatic? FACTUALLY we were the worst team in England for winning football matches. No drama. Just the facts.

In any organisation, turning that around would be hard. Look how many business have failed because it has proven impossible to turn around a 'failing' company.

Where are Oxford United now? Luton Town? Wimbledon?


Pardew turned our form around 100%. He did it with the Chairman's money, admittedly. But he changed us from losing to winning. What would you call it?

Dramatic? FACTUALLY we were the worst team in England for winning football matches. No drama. Just the facts.

In any organisation, turning that around would be hard. Look how many business have failed because it has proven impossible to turn around a 'failing' company.

Where are Oxford United now? Luton Town? Wimbledon?


Pardew turned our form around 100%. He did it with the Chairman's money, admittedly. But he changed us from losing to winning. What would you call it?


He did a decent enough job at turning us around, but it also needs to be remembered that we had more money available for our manager than any other club in those divisions to achieve it. Adkins managed to get a small, unfashionable club like Sc*nthorpe promoted from that position with a shoestring budget, not once, but twice.


Thanks to Pardew for his contribution towards our phoenix like rise, but that is all water under the bridge now. Mention is made in the media of the poll where fans voted 80% in favour of Pardew staying, but if there was a poll now, Pardew or Adkins, I have no doubt that Pardew wouldn't register a very high percentage.


I was another who was sad initially to see Pardew go but if the alledged reason was because he was negotiating behind NC back, for the Newcastle Job. If this was the case he obviously did not buy into the chairman's dream, which he confirmed he had at interview.

I must say the linked article was funny.




What a coincidence that all those clueless muck ringing journos and dark forces with hidden agendas were talking about Pardew getting sacked, then a few months later he did!


Sacking was nothing to do with results, Pardew admits he and Cortese just didn't see eye to eye. There is an interesting bit in the Northern Echo today:



By the way it was Rovers we beat 4-0 not City.


So everyone that insists on hearing both sides of the story before making a judgement. We have Pardews side of the story that he couldn't get on with the chairman, that he was glad to be sacked and that the chairman didn't want him as manager.



We have Corteses version of events In the BBC article that he and the manager have a good relationship, the press were lying that his position was under pressure, those commenting on it were ill informed, that they have plans in the place for the coming season after a full review and he was happy with the progress of the club.


3 games into the season Pardew was sacked. Who is/was lying? Pardew, the media and the ill informed outsiders or the chairman?


3 games into the season Pardew was sacked. Who is/was lying? Pardew, the media and the ill informed outsiders or the chairman?


A fairly obvious answer, of course. The question is why though. Was it out of spite, selfishness, evil determination for world dominance? Or to protect the reputation of the club, to ensure we don't put potential managers off, to keep us out of the headlines and keep disruption to a minimum?


Who knows? But Prehaps this is a sign that everything Cortese says shouldn't be lauded as amazing news and everything said against him shouldn't be dismissed as bullsh*t and lies from people and media with agendas. As clearly they were right about this.


That northern echo article isn't the best researched.


He gave talented midfielder Adam Lallana his first opportunity in the first team


I know the Jan Poortvliet and Mark Wotte times are best forgotten, but still. There is obviously a bit of 'protecting their man' going on there but still. There appears to be agenda on all sides and as always the truth is inevitably somewhere in the middle.

Who knows? But Prehaps this is a sign that everything Cortese says shouldn't be lauded as amazing news and everything said against him shouldn't be dismissed as bullsh*t and lies from people and media with agendas. As clearly they were right about this.


I think the people you're trying to convince and the very people you'll never convince. You are of course right - Cortese, like many Chairmen or CEO, rarely speaks to the press so when he does, it should be considered PR rather than a radical insight into SFC.


Some get that, others don't.

That northern echo article isn't the best researched.




I know the Jan Poortvliet and Mark Wotte times are best forgotten, but still. There is obviously a bit of 'protecting their man' going on there but still. There appears to be agenda on all sides and as always the truth is inevitably somewhere in the middle.


Of course their is. The Northern Echo would have everything to gain from making stuff up and having an anti Saints agenda,

Of course their is. The Northern Echo would have everything to gain from making stuff up and having an anti Saints agenda,


No, protecting their man I said. Anything detrimental to saints is just coincidental.

No, protecting their man I said. Anything detrimental to saints is just coincidental.


They aren't though are they, just interviewing him on his previous job where he quite clearly says that he was glad to be sacked, didn't get on with the chairman and want wanted as manager, which in contrary to what your hero said. And he signed arguably our best player and worked with over half the team that will play tomorrow. How much of that article is lies or protecting him?

They aren't though are they, just interviewing him on his previous job where he quite clearly says that he was glad to be sacked, didn't get on with the chairman and want wanted as manager, which in contrary to what your hero said.


Oh f**k me! You really are becoming laughable.

Oh f**k me! You really are becoming laughable.


Not really. Point out what bit of that article is untrue or protecting him,other than the slight error that he gave Lallana his chance.

Not really. Point out what bit of that article is untrue or protecting him,other than the slight error that he gave Lallana his chance.


I'm not talking about the article, i'm talking about you.


Attacking anything that the chairman has done which may be negative (he is not perfect and in that light these are things that do need to be discussed and debated) and then criticising/patronising those with perhaps a contrary opinion of the man with statements such as "what your hero said."


You attack Cortese as having an agenda when you clearly also have one of your own to denigrate others who do not share your opinion.


You are a parody, be it for the sake of keeping things interesting on here or for more deeper purpose I couldn't say. But you are clearly a parody, you are too intelligent on the face of things to lack that level of self awareness so it must be intentional.

I'm not talking about the article, i'm talking about you.


Attacking anything that the chairman has done which may be negative (he is not perfect and in that light these are things that do need to be discussed and debated) and then criticising/patronising those with perhaps a contrary opinion of the man with statements such as "what your hero said."


You attack Cortese as having an agenda when you clearly also have one of your own to denigrate others who do not share your opinion.


You are a parody, be it for the sake of keeping things interesting on here or for more deeper purpose I couldn't say. But you are clearly a parody, you are too intelligent on the face of things to lack that level of self awareness so it must be intentional.


Colin, you seem to be getting a little upset. I'm merely responding to those that demand both sides of the argument and I'm presenting both sides of the argument on this case and asked people to form an opinion based on this. I'm simply provoking discussion and debate on this subject, seeing as many said Pardew was fired for a number of reason, one of which was not buying into Cortese and Reeds plans, this clearly can't be true as Cortese in the BBC article said they had agreed a plan for the coming season.


Clearly either Pardew, the media and the illinformed comment makers were lying, or the chairman is. No where Did i say it was defintiely Cortese. I'm simply asking people to decide for themselves who this is.

Colin, you seem to be getting a little upset. I'm merely responding to those that demand both sides of the argument and I'm presenting both sides of the argument on this case and asked people to form an opinion based on this. I'm simply provoking discussion and debate on this subject, seeing as many said Pardew was fired for a number of reason, one of which was not buying into Cortese and Reeds plans, this clearly can't be true as Cortese said they had agreed a plan for the coming season.


Clearly either Pardew, the media and the illinformed comment makers were, or the chairman is. No where Did i say it was defintiely Cortese. I'm simply asking people to decide for themselves who this is.


I'm certainly not upset, but I do find your manner of twisting words and throwing patronising statements ("your hero," for pities sake.....) to be a little off.


My own opinion on this issue is that of course Cortese/Senior parties will have kept the illusion of a positive and unified front. The negatives of anyone coming out and saying "we are incapable of maintaining a professional relationship" would have been disastrous on many levels, but I understand why the candour would have been refreshing.


There was obviously an untenable situation, it needed resolving and there would have been negatives however it was handled. The best thing is that both parties have thrived after it was resolved so the parting of the ways was fundamentally the correct thing to do.


I'm sure Pardew got a handsome pay off and credit for starting a revival, as well as employment in what is now a stable top-flight club.

Cortese ended up employing a man who could maximise our squad to levels none of use could possibly have expected.



I'm certainly not upset, but I do find your manner of twisting words and throwing patronising statements ("your hero," for pities sake.....) to be a little off.

My own opinion on this issue is that of course Cortese/Senior parties will have kept the illusion of a positive and unified front. The negatives of anyone coming out and saying "we are incapable of maintaining a professional relationship" would have been disastrous on many levels, but I understand why the candour would have been refreshing.


There was obviously an untenable situation, it needed resolving and there would have been negatives however it was handled. The best thing is that both parties have thrived after it was resolved so the parting of the ways was fundamentally the correct thing to do.


Yet when Akdins has said in the past he has a great relationship with the chairman this has been lauded as quashing all the rumours they don't get on, yet in this case above it was simply people showing a united front as saying anything else would send out the wrong signals. How odd.

Strange comments from Adkins and the opposite of his usual style of praise, recognition and humbleness.


That's what I thought, of we didn't know better you might think he'd been told to say it.

Yet when Akdins has said in the past he has a great relationship with the chairman this has been lauded as quashing all the rumours they don't get on, yet in this case above it was simply people showing a united front as saying anything else would send out the wrong signals. How odd.


Name me a club/incident where someone has said something negative as you obviously would hope and for it to have ended well?

That northern echo article isn't the best researched.




I know the Jan Poortvliet and Mark Wotte times are best forgotten, but still. There is obviously a bit of 'protecting their man' going on there but still. There appears to be agenda on all sides and as always the truth is inevitably somewhere in the middle.


Nigel Pearson gave Lallana his first team debut.

Name me a club/incident where someone has said something negative as you obviously would hope and for it to have ended well?


I made this very point About Adkins comments post West Ham about him having a great realtionship with the chairman contray to reports. I was told I was wrong and Adkins wouldn't lie. Thanks for proving my point.

Posted (edited)
I made this very point About Adkins comments post West Ham about him having a great realtionship with the chairman contray to reports. I was told I was wrong and Adkins wouldn't lie. Thanks for proving my point.


You havn't answered my question. (You have a habit of doing that...) You are also drawing a false conclusion that I believe there to be a rift between Cortese and Adkins, I couldn't possibly know and couldn't say either way.


So my question, answer it directly.


Name me one incident where a rift between chairman/manager has been declared publicly by either and where it has then directly benefited the club and therefore the supporters?


Frankly, in wanting full disclosure and clarity in the politics behind the scenes I think you are extremely naive. Maybe a little idealistic but certainly naive.

Edited by Colinjb

To be honest, I thought the sacking of Pardew was slightly the wrong side of 'Meh'. It wasn't like Hoddle leaving, or our downward slide after Strachan announced he would be going at the end of the season, but i wasn't jumping for joy either. I did feel we put too much into the JPT, i Was glad to be able to be there when we won the thing!


As for owing Pardew anything.... He did realise the potential of a few individuals and bring them in, and he deserves credit for that. But we did underperform, fitness was patchy, and many players never looked near their potential levels. Adkins took us to a new level, and made us play as a team. Plus, our second season form stank. I don't know why so many point to the Rovers 4-0 result like it means we were giants of the division. Maybe MLG will correct me, But Bristol Rovers had the worst goals conceded, finished 3rd from bottom, and lost 10 at home.

You havn't answered my question. (You have a habit of doing that...)


Name me one incident where a rift between chairman/manager has been declared publicly by either and where it has then directly benefited the club and therefore the supporters?


I'm not aware of any. So that entirely proves my point about Adkins constant praise of the chairman and trying to convince anyone who would listen that they have a great relationship, he wouldn't say anything else. As you rightly say, if he did, it wouldnt end well, again I thank you for proving my point.

I'm not aware of any. So that entirely proves my point about Adkins constant praise of the chairman and trying to convince anyone who would listen that they have a great relationship, he wouldn't say anything else. As you rightly say, if he did, it wouldnt end well, again I thank you for proving my point.




So. On the assumption not all is perfect. What would you want to be different?

So. On the assumption not all is perfect. What would you want to be different?


Its not a question of what id do differently, its what we can gather from this is that those comment makers that were described as Ill informed by our chairman, we're clearly anything but and its evident that this story wasnt media bullsh*t that was made up. They were in fact spot on and the chairman was lying. It may have been for a good reason, but he was lying.


So using this example as 'evidence' and 'proof' then maybe people shouldn't be so quick to dismiss other articles and opinions as liars with agendas and every word our chairman says as great news and gospel, as he now has a bit of form for not telling the whole truth doesn't he.

Its not a question of what id do differently, its what we can gather from this is that those comment makers that were described as Ill informed by our chairman, we're clearly anything but and its evident that this story wasnt media bullsh*t that was made up. They were in fact spot on and the chairman was lying. It may have been for a good reason, but he was lying.


So using this example as 'evidence' and 'proof' then maybe people shouldn't be so quick to dismiss other articles and opinions as liars with agendas and every word our chairman says as great news and gospel, as he now has a bit of form for not telling the whole truth doesn't he.


Don't like liars me personally, reckon we should noose him up!

Dramatic? FACTUALLY we were the worst team in England for winning football matches. No drama. Just the facts.

In any organisation, turning that around would be hard. Look how many business have failed because it has proven impossible to turn around a 'failing' company.

Where are Oxford United now? Luton Town? Wimbledon?


Pardew turned our form around 100%. He did it with the Chairman's money, admittedly. But he changed us from losing to winning. What would you call it?


Of course you are being dramatic, this isnt a disney story where a goofy guy turns around a mini league baseball team full of girls, fat foreign kids an agrafobic boy who manages to get over the death of his dad and turns up in the last minute to hit the winning home run. This is a team that was weaken due to financial reasons that fell to a division where they were a big side, coupled with the feel good factor of a take over and a slice of cash. Also footballers are winners by nature, they had to be to rise to the ranks of professionals. Pardew did a good job a winning football matches, he in no way had to change the culture, to say so is acting like a drama queen.

Dramatic? FACTUALLY we were the worst team in England for winning football matches. No drama. Just the facts.

In any organisation, turning that around would be hard. Look how many business have failed because it has proven impossible to turn around a 'failing' company.

Where are Oxford United now? Luton Town? Wimbledon?


Pardew turned our form around 100%. He did it with the Chairman's money, admittedly. But he changed us from losing to winning. What would you call it?


I'd call it Saints are absolutely nothing like Oxford United, Luton Town or Wimbledon, never have been, never will be.


We were the worst team for winning because of decades and decades in the top flight, a situation mosts fans would kill for.

Posted (edited)
Nigel Pearson gave Lallana his first team debut.


No he didn't. Burley did. Remember seeing come on away in the league at Barnsley in 2007. Think he featured earlier in the cup as well.

Edited by shurlock
I'd call it Saints are absolutely nothing like Oxford United, Luton Town or Wimbledon, never have been, never will be.


We were the worst team for winning because of decades and decades in the top flight, a situation mosts fans would kill for.


No, we won fewer games than any team in England in the ten years before Pardew took over, as a result of which we were at the bottom of League One on minus ten.


But facts seem irrelevant on this forum...

No, we won fewer games than any team in England in the ten years before Pardew took over, as a result of which we were at the bottom of League One on minus ten.


But facts seem irrelevant on this forum...

true..but when you blow the whole division out of the water with money.....then that is bound to happen

Of course you are being dramatic, this isnt a disney story where a goofy guy turns around a mini league baseball team full of girls, fat foreign kids an agrafobic boy who manages to get over the death of his dad and turns up in the last minute to hit the winning home run. This is a team that was weaken due to financial reasons that fell to a division where they were a big side, coupled with the feel good factor of a take over and a slice of cash. Also footballers are winners by nature, they had to be to rise to the ranks of professionals. Pardew did a good job a winning football matches, he in no way had to change the culture, to say so is acting like a drama queen.


But he still had to pull the club up off it's arse. Because the takeover was so late we were behind from day 1 even without taking the -10 into consideration. We had money but money doesn't buy you time. Adkins inherited a settled side of Championship/Prem quality players, his job in League 1 was way easier than Pardew's.


I'm not taking anything away from Adkins, what he has done has been exceptional, but looking at the players Pardew brought in he did a good job and his sacking was harsh.

But he still had to pull the club up off it's arse. Because the takeover was so late we were behind from day 1 even without taking the -10 into consideration. We had money but money doesn't buy you time. Adkins inherited a settled side of Championship/Prem quality players, his job in League 1 was way easier than Pardew's.


I'm not taking anything away from Adkins, what he has done has been exceptional, but looking at the players Pardew brought in he did a good job and his sacking was harsh.

as you can see with pompey...to get a few wins in league 1 with a half decent team is easy...it took us 10 games...laughable really..

he did well in the end but lets not make out he performed miracles at saints..


he did well and I thank him but most decent managers would have done what he done with the rescources available..


Colinjb, you're wasting your time trying to out argue Turkish. He isn't capable of being pursuaded to change his point of view once he has made up his mind that a situation is how he wants it to be, or how he wants to see it.


You might as well go and position yourself in front of the nearest wall and bang your head against it. As you rightly say, any counter arguments you might put forward are only twisted, ignored, or thrown back at you sprinkled with petty insults. Better to give up trying, as it really is a futile exercise against the master-debator.

Colinjb, you're wasting your time trying to out argue Turkish. He isn't capable of being pursuaded to change his point of view once he has made up his mind that a situation is how he wants it to be, or how he wants to see it.


You might as well go and position yourself in front of the nearest wall and bang your head against it. As you rightly say, any counter arguments you might put forward are only twisted, ignored, or thrown back at you sprinkled with petty insults. Better to give up trying, as it really is a futile exercise against the master-debator.


You are funny Les. Got me on ignore but can't help but post about me all the time. Even telling others what they should do. Personally I'm looking forward to Pardews post match interview more than the game after youd told us this morning the sole purpose of his interview today was to set up his one tomorow praising himself for getting is where we are!!


I wonder who spread all the rumours about Pardew to try and make it look like it was more than just not seeing eye to eye? Funny they have all vanished now!

Good luck to the bloke (apart from tomorrow). He did an excellent job for us and certainly laid the foundations for what followed. As much as I like Adkins, Pardew's signings were better and you wonder what he would have done with £30 odd million for us this season.

Posted (edited)
No, we won fewer games than any team in England in the ten years before Pardew took over, as a result of which we were at the bottom of League One on minus ten.


But facts seem irrelevant on this forum...


When we were mainly in the premier league? Yes?


And the idea our decline to League One started at a jolly convenient ten years before Pardew started is not, lets be clear, a FACT in any way whatsoever, it's what is known as your OPINION.


So attributing your own opinion as fact is what this forum is famous for and, jees, you are very good at it. FACT.

Edited by CB Fry
The CoC are very quiet about the BBC and Northern Echo articles.




They'll be waiting to hear "all the facts".


"All the facts", of course, are on the official website. And nowhere else.

The CoC are very quiet about the BBC and Northern Echo articles.


The missing piece in the jigsaw, the evidential straw that broke the camel's back - you're right- this must mean that cortese picks the team.

Nigel Pearson gave Lallana his first team debut.


I'm sure we'll hear Saggy chops claiming that he discovered Lallana and nurtured him through and always new that he was going to be a future England player :rolleyes:

How is it a nothing story? It's a manager coming back to a club where he had been sacked from in strange circumstances and his giving his view on it, it's a perfectly normal story to run.


anything we didn't already know or hasn't already been covered?? It might be a "normal" story but it's still nothing - the point i was trying to make was that it's a good example of the press making something out of nothing. That's all - didn't realise it would be such an emotive subject for you.

anything we didn't already know or hasn't already been covered?? It might be a "normal" story but it's still nothing - the point i was trying to make was that it's a good example of the press making something out of nothing. That's all - didn't realise it would be such an emotive subject for you.


I have been told why he was sacked - I don't know if it is true but it was family member who is not prone to hyperbole or big claims normally - and it has not been mentioned in this thread.


If that particular rumour is true then if I was Cortese I would have sacked him too.

The missing piece in the jigsaw, the evidential straw that broke the camel's back - you're right- this must mean that cortese picks the team.


You've heard both sides of the story above, what's you're take on the Pardew sacking? Who is lying? The former manager, the press, the ill Informed opinioners, or the chairman that said all was fine?

I have been told why he was sacked - I don't know if it is true but it was family member who is not prone to hyperbole or big claims normally - and it has not been mentioned in this thread.


If that particular rumour is true then if I was Cortese I would have sacked him too.


So have I. Through a player that was present. Cortese had no choice.

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