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Very easy to make inspired substitutions when you've got world class players on the bench, as quite a few managers do. NA looks to the bench and has very little that can change a game


And who's fault is that Nigel for signing those players or Cortese for signing those players ?


I've not been very positive about Adkins this season but the thought just occurred... He got relegated with S****horpe but rebuilt stronger, replacing players that moved on like Sharp with Paterson and Hooper.


It's looking more and more like survival is getting away from us, but if we are doomed this season I see no reason to ditch the man who has been in this position before and come back stronger.


in context this appears to be the wrong thread for that, but I saw his name in the title and couldn't be arsed to look for a more appropriate one. third post, peace out :A

Posted (edited)

The Adkins way for me is looking at every game through rose colored glasses and his near blind optimism Being optimistic is okay most of the time but we've reached the point he has to see players and his tactics for what they are....greatly lacking!!!

Edited by ART
I've not been very positive about Adkins this season but the thought just occurred... He got relegated with S****horpe but rebuilt stronger, replacing players that moved on like Sharp with Paterson and Hooper.


It's looking more and more like survival is getting away from us, but if we are doomed this season I see no reason to ditch the man who has been in this position before and come back stronger.


These players were sold because S****horpe could no longer afford them. What's sad is he immediately bought them or tried to buy them for Saints having previously got relegated with them in his Championship team.

Previously I have pointed out the S****horpe promotion.relegation at a team the majority were saying Adkins could do no wrong. I still have faith in his long term success but we badly need to bring in an older/experienced Premier League to work along side him. Reed is definitely not the answer. Interesting to see on TV Reed moving on to Cortese at the final whistle and muttering into his ear.

Adkins way? My theory is our defence needs more of the Adkin's Diet - more meat and less potatoes.


I wouldn't say that the problem is weight or healthiness of the players. None of them seem to be carrying too much extra, and when they do, Adkins normally sorts them out quickly. I certainly don't think we should be encouraging the players to go on fad diets.

Well for me if Weston Saints says there was no meeting then I for one believe him. Weston never

posts unless he is really sure that what he says is correct - unlike some others on here.


There were other things that came up as well, debunking some of the rumours. No interference from Reed and Cortese. Targets already identified for January, centre back, left back, midfielder, defender. From a player, don't get told anything by the management, Lambert was in the squad for WHU, the taxi story was rubbish.

Where has all this come from? I demand names and sources otherwise we can park them in th bullsh*t file as well, yes?


I know the names and one of them is Reed. You can either believe or disbelieve, won't change a thing.

Where has all this come from? I demand names and sources otherwise we can park them in th bullsh*t file as well, yes?


Such mendacious bullsh*t, isn't it.

I know the names and one of them is Reed. You can either believe or disbelieve, won't change a thing.


Reed would distance himself from first team matters though wouldn't he. He wasnt doing that when everything was going well was he. Oh no, he was responsible for coaching and recruitment then.

Reed would distance himself from first team matters though wouldn't he. He wasnt doing that when everything was going well was he. Oh no, he was responsible for coaching and recruitment then.


Lol, has answer for everything!!

There were other things that came up as well, debunking some of the rumours. No interference from Reed and Cortese. Targets already identified for January, centre back, left back, midfielder, defender. From a player, don't get told anything by the management, Lambert was in the squad for WHU, the taxi story was rubbish.


Well he would say that wouldn't he. Also if true it makes the fact we failed to strengthen the defence in the summer even worse.

Well he would say that wouldn't he. Also if true it makes the fact we failed to strengthen the defence in the summer even worse.


If I hear anything in future, I won't put it on here. It's knobs like you that have stopped most of those that sometimes get information putting it on here. I suspect Weston will do the same.

If I hear anything in future, I won't put it on here. It's knobs like you that have stopped most of those that sometimes get information putting it on here. I suspect Weston will do the same.


Why have you resorted to name calling? It's standard practise on this forum for names and sources to be demanded when people post information, otherwise it's given no credibility. Why should your stuff be any different?

If I hear anything in future, I won't put it on here. It's knobs like you that have stopped most of those that sometimes get information putting it on here. I suspect Weston will do the same.


Thanks for sharing what you have -always hard to see through the fog and see part of the picture let alone all of it. Caution is the watchword.


Just one thing: in addition to Reed, you spoke to a current player? Is that correct? Are they privvy to transfer news?

Why have you resorted to name calling? It's standard practise on this forum for names and sources to be demanded when people post information, otherwise it's given no credibility. Why should your stuff be any different?


Why should I care what you think? Nobody is going to directly name anybody or that could jeopardise any chance of hearing anything.

Why should I care what you think? Nobody is going to directly name anybody or that could jeopardise any chance of hearing anything.


I didn't say you should did I? Just reminding you of mongboard protocol if you want your posts to be taken seriously.

Why have you resorted to name calling? It's standard practise on this forum for names and sources to be demanded when people post information, otherwise it's given no credibility. Why should your stuff be any different?


Are you really that thick? Seriously? You just dont get it do you. Derry, Weston and many others post things based on sources - they then leave it up to those reading to decide what they want to believe - they dont ram it down folks throats, they dont bring it up again at every opportunity to build some sort of personal agenda, they dont lace their posts with so much sarcasm in an attempt to ridicule those who are not convinced - and tehn bring it up again ... and again.... we get the fricken message Turks, you dont like NC, you dont believe he is any good at at his job, you believe he interferes - fine, believe all that as you are entitled to, but most think its a load of sheidt - live with it FFS.


If one day it all turna sour and you can lord it over everyone with some fantasy I told you so, fine. But until then unless Derry's and Westons Posts has the same amount of evidence as yours - although I happen to know who Westons source is, its irrelevent, still only one opinion - but I'll you one thing - Most are far more likely to belive Derry and Weston as they merely comment, accept its not gospel and let folk make up tehir own minds - rather than your standard ridicule and sarcasm techniqure, which quite frankly will never win you many arguments, friend and does feck all for your credibilty.

If I hear anything in future, I won't put it on here. It's knobs like you that have stopped most of those that sometimes get information putting it on here. I suspect Weston will do the same.


Great. So I don't actually mention you at all in the post yet you call me a knob for absolutely no reason at all. If that's the way you are going to behave then yes feel free not to share anything on here.

There were other things that came up as well, debunking some of the rumours. No interference from Reed and Cortese. Targets already identified for January, centre back, left back, midfielder, defender. From a player, don't get told anything by the management, Lambert was in the squad for WHU, the taxi story was rubbish.


Call me naive, but I for one think this is more credible than some of the other rumours doing the rounds recently.

Call me naive, but I for one think this is more credible than some of the other rumours doing the rounds recently.


Problkem is, some simply cant accept we aint that good at the moment - which ...just seems to happen now and then in sport.... so they they need scapegoats x personal issues/grievences = constant fricken drivel.....

Are you really that thick? Seriously? You just dont get it do you. Derry, Weston and many others post things based on sources - they then leave it up to those reading to decide what they want to believe - they dont ram it down folks throats, they dont bring it up again at every opportunity to build some sort of personal agenda, they dont lace their posts with so much sarcasm in an attempt to ridicule those who are not convinced - and tehn bring it up again ... and again.... we get the fricken message Turks, you dont like NC, you dont believe he is any good at at his job, you believe he interferes - fine, believe all that as you are entitled to, but most think its a load of sheidt - live with it FFS.


If one day it all turna sour and you can lord it over everyone with some fantasy I told you so, fine. But until then unless Derry's and Westons Posts has the same amount of evidence as yours - although I happen to know who Westons source is, its irrelevent, still only one opinion - but I'll you one thing - Most are far more likely to belive Derry and Weston as they merely comment, accept its not gospel and let folk make up tehir own minds - rather than your standard ridicule and sarcasm techniqure, which quite frankly will never win you many arguments, friend and does feck all for your credibilty.


Erm but derry does throw his toys out of his pram and call me a knob for absolutely no reason and then threaten not to say anything else when he wasn't even provoked!

The keepers clearly are not under orders to not boot it under any circumstances. I watched the extended match choice on sky last night and gazza cleared it long on quite a few occasions. Then the one time he didnt, we mess it up.


Quite right. Nothing to do with Adkins' coaching. It was an error of judgement which, as Adkins implied, is to be expected from a young player shouldering a lot of responsibility.

Are you really that thick? Seriously? You just dont get it do you. Derry, Weston and many others post things based on sources - they then leave it up to those reading to decide what they want to believe - they dont ram it down folks throats, they dont bring it up again at every opportunity to build some sort of personal agenda, they dont lace their posts with so much sarcasm in an attempt to ridicule those who are not convinced - and tehn bring it up again ... and again.... we get the fricken message Turks, you dont like NC, you dont believe he is any good at at his job, you believe he interferes - fine, believe all that as you are entitled to, but most think its a load of sheidt - live with it FFS.


If one day it all turna sour and you can lord it over everyone with some fantasy I told you so, fine. But until then unless Derry's and Westons Posts has the same amount of evidence as yours - although I happen to know who Westons source is, its irrelevent, still only one opinion - but I'll you one thing - Most are far more likely to belive Derry and Weston as they merely comment, accept its not gospel and let folk make up tehir own minds - rather than your standard ridicule and sarcasm techniqure, which quite frankly will never win you many arguments, friend and does feck all for your credibilty.


Oh dear Francis cousin, you're a little aggressive today arent you? Maybe i'm confused but isn't it standard practice on here to DEMAND names and souces for rumours. Yes, in fact only the other day when there was talk of club employees not being happy we were told in no uncertain terms to name them and what their grivencances were. In fact, in virtually every rumour or story people dont want to believe this is always the case. However, when it's a rumour people want to believe, generally the poster is thanked for th informaiton with a round of applause and back slapping as to how this is much more believable that all that other horse sh*t that was made up. The same seems to apply to media articles doesn't it? Positive stories are lauded as brilliant pieces of journalism and great news, anything other than that, well, not so much. Maybe i'm being thick, but i'm wondering why there is a difference. Perhaps you could explain?


LOL at the self appointed forum truth police lapping up unsubstantiated rumour purely because they want to believe it. Lapping it up, no questions asked. Probably coming from someone that lives next door to a friend of a steward.


Lets see how forensic and trusting they are when its a rumour they don't like.

LOL at the self appointed forum truth police lapping up unsubstantiated rumour purely because they want to believe it. Lapping it up, no questions asked. Probably coming from someone that lives next door to a friend of a steward.


Lets see how forensic and trusting they are when its a rumour they don't like.


Are the self appointed forum truth police the same as the self appointed intelligent posters and the CoC?

Thanks for sharing what you have -always hard to see through the fog and see part of the picture let alone all of it. Caution is the watchword.


Just one thing: in addition to Reed, you spoke to a current player? Is that correct? Are they privvy to transfer news?


The only thing that came from the player is that the management keep everything tight and confidential as one would expect and that Lambert was in the squad for WHU.


I have to laugh.... where have 'the truth police' lapped up anything? I place equal emphasis on positive and negative rumours - its simply rumour, gossip. FFS - The only exception is actually Weston as I know who he speaks to , but as he says even that is one opinin, not gospel - and thats positive, yet we are expected to accept Turkish's every word without fricken question? and when we dont, the **** goes into his typical 'comedy' as he tries and makes folk belive him through his playground bully routine... with his trusty 'Sancho Panza' CB at his side, fearlessly trying to remove any vestage of rational thought - Turks do you seriously not get irony? You have stated several 1000 times how important it is that we question NC, the club etc, lest we end up in pompey land - yet the moment anyone questions you and your sources you expect some sort of blind faith in your 'stories' - ****ing Jesus complex that you need to get sorted...

I have to laugh.... where have 'the truth police' lapped up anything? I place equal emphasis on positive and negative rumours - its simply rumour' date=' gossip. FFS - The only exception is actually Weston as I know who he speaks to , but as he says even that is one opinin, not gospel - and thats positive, yet we are expected to accept Turkish's every word without fricken question? and when we dont, the **** goes into his typical 'comedy' as he tries and makes folk belive him through his playground bully routine... with his trusty 'Sancho Panza' CB at his side, fearlessly trying to remove any vestage of rational thought - Turks do you seriously not get irony? You have stated several 1000 times how important it is that we question NC, the club etc, lest we end up in pompey land - yet the moment anyone questions you and your sources you expect some sort of blind faith in your 'stories' - ****ing Jesus complex that you need to get sorted...[/quote']


Maybe so FC, but I think it's fair to say that that is certainly not the case for every poster on here.

Are the self appointed forum truth police the same as the self appointed intelligent posters and the CoC?


Have to admit, those with real intelligence decided to feck off along time ago - as the board becomes the play thing/toy of Tick Turk and his Nick Nack CB Whack giving hypo the bone.....

I have to laugh.... where have 'the truth police' lapped up anything? I place equal emphasis on positive and negative rumours - its simply rumour' date=' gossip. FFS - The only exception is actually Weston as I know who he speaks to , but as he says even that is one opinin, not gospel - and thats positive, yet we are expected to accept Turkish's every word without fricken question? and when we dont, the **** goes into his typical 'comedy' as he tries and makes folk belive him through his playground bully routine... with his trusty 'Sancho Panza' CB at his side, fearlessly trying to remove any vestage of rational thought - Turks do you seriously not get irony? You have stated several 1000 times how important it is that we question NC, the club etc, lest we end up in pompey land - yet the moment anyone questions you and your sources you expect some sort of blind faith in your 'stories' - ****ing Jesus complex that you need to get sorted...[/quote']


Sorry Francis. Please point to the posts where i've saif that peple should trust my stories without question?

Maybe so FC, but I think it's fair to say that that is certainly not the case for every poster on here.


Hypo, I would say most that dismiss negativity whether rumour based or simply engrained in teh pshche of certian posters do so simply becaise they are fed up with it... yoiu can ahve too much of a bad thing....

Are you really that thick? Seriously? You just dont get it do you. Derry, Weston and many others post things based on sources - they then leave it up to those reading to decide what they want to believe - they dont ram it down folks throats, they dont bring it up again at every opportunity to build some sort of personal agenda, they dont lace their posts with so much sarcasm in an attempt to ridicule those who are not convinced - and tehn bring it up again ... and again.... we get the fricken message Turks, you dont like NC, you dont believe he is any good at at his job, you believe he interferes - fine, believe all that as you are entitled to, but most think its a load of sheidt - live with it FFS.


If one day it all turna sour and you can lord it over everyone with some fantasy I told you so, fine. But until then unless Derry's and Westons Posts has the same amount of evidence as yours - although I happen to know who Westons source is, its irrelevent, still only one opinion - but I'll you one thing - Most are far more likely to belive Derry and Weston as they merely comment, accept its not gospel and let folk make up tehir own minds - rather than your standard ridicule and sarcasm techniqure, which quite frankly will never win you many arguments, friend and does feck all for your credibilty.


Top post.

Hypo' date=' I would say most that dismiss negativity whether rumour based or simply engrained in teh pshche of certian posters do so simply becaise they are fed up with it... yoiu can ahve too much of a bad thing....[/quote']


Maybe so. You can see why it is annoying for some though that a fair proportion of posters on here dismiss any negative 'rumour' and swallow the positive ones.


Well if there is no interference to Adkins my estimation of him is going down perhaps after all he is not up to the job.


Poor transfer policy strange team selection poor tactics and substitutions but I think he should be given at least another six games to see if results improve.

Sorry Francis. Please point to the posts where i've saif that peple should trust my stories without question?


How nice you use my actual name - does it excite you?


You imply it with every single sarcy put down of anyone who has the audacity to disagree... two things equally fricken sad: eitrher you do it to WUM, or you believe your own sheidt - either way, even under this Government there is help available.

Have to admit' date=' those with real intelligence decided to feck off along time ago ....[/quote']



No wonder all the great posters don't come here any more.

How nice you use my actual name - does it excite you?


You imply it with every single sarcy put down of anyone who has the audacity to disagree... two things equally fricken sad: eitrher you do it to WUM, or you believe your own sheidt - either way, even under this Government there is help available.




Franks Cousin is on a mission!

Maybe so. You can see why it is annoying for some though that a fair proportion of posters on here dismiss any negative 'rumour' and swallow the positive ones.


Yes but this is linked to your own outlook on life - its why most ARE far more accepting of positive stories than negative ones, because its far more POSITIVE to live life like that - especially when at the end of the fricken day we can do feck all about how NC decides to run the club - and when we have 2 promotions in 3 seaosns, do what everyone demanded when Lowe was here and 'spend some ****ing money', show ambition, shows how fricken ****ed off he is with defeat/draw, yet for some its never enough... simply because they wont be happy until they have a few chummy fan friendly types running the club... well they should remember we had two of those a years ago and look what that led to - the ****ing orange bloke spunking 7mil on a **** or bust approach that ultimately led to admin... ITS ONLY A ****ING GAME... so why ont be positive, see good in people until you see evidence to the contrary?



Franks Cousin is on a mission!


To ****ing right, decent bottle of New Zealands finest consumed and some things need to be said - Most on here are sick and tired of fricken political agenda ****** spouted by the self appointed miserable ****s club - fricken obsessed with every negative story that they wnat to ram down our throats, poorly disguised in their psedo 'passion' as 'football is in their soul' - well they can all **** off. If they really wish football was still the working mans game it was for 80 years until the arsehole 'lads' ruined it for most in the mid 70s, they shoudl remmember WHY it was so popular with the working man - you grafted your nuts off for 50 hours + a week and used your saturday to unwind with the old man and your nippers - you won some, you lost some, and when playing away you went and watched your neighbours - even with a loss its still made you more relaxed afte the graft of the week - you let off steam. Above all it was about being positive, as life in general was hard, and football was an escape for 90 mins - that's what most want now - not some constant drivel misery, agendas, and negativity.


They should look at the fricken definition of 'supporter'...


Some posters just keep harping the same old story in the hope that the more they repeat it the more likely other people will become

to believe it. The old saying "Empty vessels make the most noise" springs to mind.


CB Fry said "No wonder all the great posters don't come here any more." well I would like to amend that a little as some still do drop

in now and then, post an interesting view and suffer by being moaned at by the empty vessel types.



No wonder all the great posters don't come here any more.


Can you blame them when all we seem to get is trolls trolling with what is obvious bullsh.it and a few trying to defend the obvious bullsh.it even though they know really it is bullsh.it?


For too long the mods have let Turkish and co say whatever they want without habing to back up a single thing with any evidence at all. And as each has been debunked a new one appears. Even the level of bullsh.it has reached an all time low. Like the thing about the spoon. Embarasingly I asked someone who works there (Emily Webb) if it was true and shock horror she laughed at me for even thinking i had to ask if it was true... So I dont think the forum has declined because people question certain posters sources as you try and imply. I think it is dying because people are ****ing bored of reading the same negative **** by the same negative people and then getting abused or shot down for trying to suggest they might be wrong. Look at the threads and your see the same users dominating everyone of them.


Its the same **** just a different thread title. You could start a thread with any title and eventually it will turn into a anti Cortese thread.


But yep everyone left because people dared to question certain posters info....

You should drink-post more often. I agree with everything you've said, by the way.


Nah, Mrs C already giving me the evil eye - saying I should have saved the rest of the wine for tomorrow... yeah right :o


Seriously, yeah this place should be a laugh, we should be able to wind up a few in a mate way, none of us should take ourselves too seriously, and most do and dont respectively... but Jeez, sometimes you have to question whether its worth it any more. We had all the same shiedt for years, rumours speculation and made up crap motivated by those with agendas - and it was simply ****... some seem determined to bring that shiedt back... fricken sad ****s the lot of them.

Can you blame them when all we seem to get is trolls trolling with what is obvious bullsh.it and a few trying to defend the obvious bullsh.it even though they know really it is bullsh.it?


For too long the mods have let Turkish and co say whatever they want without habing to back up a single thing with any evidence at all. And as each has been debunked a new one appears. Even the level of bullsh.it has reached an all time low. Like the thing about the spoon. Embarasingly I asked someone who works there (Emily Webb) if it was true and shock horror she laughed at me for even thinking i had to ask if it was true... So I dont think the forum has declined because people question certain posters sources as you try and imply. I think it is dying because people are ****ing bored of reading the same negative **** by the same negative people and then getting abused or shot down for trying to suggest they might be wrong. Look at the threads and your see the same users dominating everyone of them.


Its the same **** just a different thread title. You could start a thread with any title and eventually it will turn into a anti Cortese thread.


But yep everyone left because people dared to question certain posters info....


Well said, wish I could be so eloquent.

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