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Hi All


I recently got a second hand Dell desktop. It has Vista and appeared to work ok. I did uninstall Morzilla and then went to use IE7. For some reason i can't use BBC iPlayer or any other on line video as the screen asks for Javascript to be enabled. I have looked in the tools section and Javascript box is ticked. Also for some reason maybe related, i can not install Flash player. I get to the download page but then no further. I don't even get a warnning on the top of the page asking if its OK to install an active x file.


Could it be that the Java installed was for Morzilla and thus i will need the right Java for IE7

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OK as strange as this sounds, I had the same issue.... I couldn't figure it out! I needed to install Adobe's latest flash player for another reason.... It was after that the the Javascript started working in IE7!!! I have no idea if this had any relation but it seems so!!!

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Thats it, i just can't get the pc to install Java. As soon as i click on the link to down load and install Java the page just goes blank. Its the same for flash player. I have zapped the security right down, disabled spyware etc.Can anyone recommend a PC engineer that i could drop the machine of to because this one has got me beat. I have managed to fix most things in my time but this is just stupid.

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