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Actually we got a bigger crowd than the last time we played Fulham in the Prem, when the crowd was 27000-something - admittedly that was an 8pm kick off, but presumably also on tv.


It wasnt televised. Ther was a full programme of premier league games that week. The crowd was small, because Saggychops hadnt started spreading his goldust over the team at that point, despite being here a month.

The Fulham fans were nasty though, Whitey G. They told us our ground was too big for us! :)

F**cking plebs! Don't they realise that we all like to have a choice of seat, and we always keep one spare in case the queen turns up?


Anyway, my motto has always been: 'if you're going to have one, have a big one'.

Swings and roundabouts. Yes, it's crap that we're not selling the ground out.


That said, I got my MOTD2 debut last night, precisely because of the empty seats.




Didn't realise Gazzaninga posts on here, well played yesterday.

Is that you.. turkish?


Really though you're embarressed becuase we don't sell out? Who gives a f uck we are a provincial football club we've never been massive. The PL is a plie off over priced turd you can watch on the telly I'm surprised anyone sells out at todays prices.


Totally & utterly agree.

Didn't realise Gazzaninga posts on here, well played yesterday.


Lol. Gazza was very good. That photo of us clapping like seals was just after his reflex flying stop.


Well I'd guess it's because it now costs more than some of those who want to watch Saints regularly can afford.


I'd suspect that hiking the OAP concession age from 60 to 65 has cost the club more than one regular attendee.


Well done to pap for ignoring the matchday forum dress code and wearing a football shirt, a pair of jeans he bought in 1995 and what clearly looks like a wig.

The couple 7 rows up look Japanese. Hasnt our self-appointed style guru's banning order worked?


Not only that, but there were a load of mental Italians kicking around by the advertising hoardings during training.


It's clear that the style police had some input ( said Italians were not wearing garments resembling an explosion in a kaleidoscope factory, for example ) but not enough. I don't recall seeing a single overpriced brand name on any of their clobber.

Well done to pap for ignoring the matchday forum dress code and wearing a football shirt, a pair of jeans he bought in 1995 and what clearly looks like a wig.


I thank you, sir. Your wig estimate is a little off the mark. Actually grew ye olde barnet to annoy two baldies who lived in my digs at the time.


Jeans estimate not much closer either. The stumps I jokingly refer to as legs mandate a semi-regular replacement of leg garments. I normally leave it until Adams have a sale on.


Pretty sure I've annoyed my best mate too, who claims that only kids and nonces wear replica shirts to home games.


I notice a lot of new posters making new threads, whether it be attendances or sacking the manager etc etc. I'd be a tad careful we dont have a few ghost fans on here

I thank you, sir. Your wig estimate is a little off the mark. Actually grew ye olde barnet to annoy two baldies who lived in my digs at the time.


Jeans estimate not much closer either. The stumps I jokingly refer to as legs mandate a semi-regular replacement of leg garments. I normally leave it until Adams have a sale on.


Pretty sure I've annoyed my best mate too, who claims that only kids and nonces wear replica shirts to home games.


Haha. I'm only jealous because I can't grow a mullet on my folically challenged head.


Back on topic - we can't sell out because despite all the media hype to the contrary the Premier League isn't exciting and is ridiculously overpriced in a recession. Even Man City, champions of our country had a bunch of empty seats clearly visible on MOTD.


Personally I was of the opinion that we would easily sell out most games this season. Looks like I was wrong.

Even Man City, champions of our country had a bunch of empty seats clearly visible on MOTD.

Their biggest game of the season so far, IMO - against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League - saw anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 empty seats (depending on how much segregation they had and that the front couple of rows don't get sold because the advertising hoardings are taller than the PL ones).


Sunday Premiership football is a pain, giving the couch potatoes their daily dosage at the expense of the attending supporter.

I have two season tickets but also run a team in the county youth league.Most youth leagues and many senior leagues play on a Sunday.

When in the lower leagues it didn't really affect Saints games as one off games, for example the Man U cup game when we were in Div 1, meant the occasional game could be rearranged. With many Saints games now on Sundays this will not happen.

One of the disadvantages of being back in the Premiership I suppose.


I think your find companys like thomas cook and 3rd partys are buying tickets in batch and trying to flog them off for more as packages, which is probs why were be down by a 200-400 another 100-200 is corporate and then the rest would be price, price to watch a struggling team is too expensive, im glad that we aren't selling out in a way shows our loyal ones are going when they can afford it, will help with atmosphere, if we beat WHUFC you watch a increase for the spurs game.

I notice a lot of new posters making new threads, whether it be attendances or sacking the manager etc etc. I'd be a tad careful we dont have a few ghost fans on here


Yep. I thought this earlier

Haha. I'm only jealous because I can't grow a mullet on my folically challenged head.


Back on topic - we can't sell out because despite all the media hype to the contrary the Premier League isn't exciting and is ridiculously overpriced in a recession. Even Man City, champions of our country had a bunch of empty seats clearly visible on MOTD.


Personally I was of the opinion that we would easily sell out most games this season. Looks like I was wrong.


I happened to be in town at the time and don't get the opportunity to see the team at St. Marys that much, but I knew that empty seats were going to be an issue for the reasons you list. I was originally planning on taking the clan down to that game - would have cost well over a ton if I'd gone, and because it's a rare thing, that's a price I would have paid. That said, its a chunk of change; enough to buy a few pairs of shoes or pay off a bit of the holiday.


I remember my dad moaning his tits off because he had to pay the full £4.50 adult charge for my brother and I at an away game in the late 80s. Can't blame him; ground was a sh!thole. Ticket inflation has been mental - a big part of that is by design. Roy Keane has alluded to the gentrification of football with his infamous prawn sandwich brigade quote. He's not wrong and that hasn't come about by accident.


Sky propelled the Premier League into a global brand. The Sky Sports team is justifiably credited with revolutionising football coverage, sending the profile of the EPL into the stratosphere and boosting the appeal of the game. Total windfall for the owners and a total win for the Old Bill. A ton of new customers; more into the football, less concerned with the kicking sh!te out of each other and most importantly, prepared to pay the Premier League premium in a time when there was plenty of cash about.


From a budgetary perspective, a football match stands out as an financial extravagance, particularly if you're taking family along. £120+ for a family of four to go to the footy or £40 for pizza, beers and the footy on the big screen. No brainer for many people at the minute.


Prices have got to come down ultimately. We've got 22K STHs so we've got 10K seats to play with week-to-week. We sold 6K of those on Saturday. If the issue is price sensitive, the club needs to sort it out. With the ridiculous margins the club commands on anything sold within a 100 metre radius of the ground, they're fools to turn away 4K potential mugs over a few up-front shekels.

From a budgetary perspective, a football match stands out as an financial extravagance, particularly if you're taking family along. £120+ for a family of four to go to the footy or £40 for pizza, beers and the footy on the big screen. No brainer for many people at the minute.


Prices have got to come down ultimately.


Absolutely, as is your comment about football inflation. You're no doubt familiar with the economists' use of Mars Bar pricing as a judge of relative inflation: how much something has gone up compared with other products. I use the "beer" pricing model, which although it uses a product that has gone up faster than many other products is a useful comparison with football tickets, given that they have an almost symbiotic relationship. Thus many years ago when I was a student at Soton Uni a ticket to The Dell cost about 3 to 4 times the cost of a pint, and I drank in some right dodgy boozers, I can tell you, as long as the beer was OK. [if I find who introduced me to decent beer I shall probably kill them;-)] How much is it now? 10 pints worth or more per game, or earlier in the season at Man City around 17 times! (If I'd found a Joseph Holt's pub it would have been more like 20...) Now that _is_ inflation!


Too many of the so called fans/supports are to busy writing twaddle on this forum. Expect many sat at home with there pots of Vaseline waiting for a reply...........

Shouldn't be hard, Bear! Unlike many of our fellow posters, I've gone public with my identity on here.


Well my user name is my real name. A few people on her know me.


I am as much of a **** as I seem to be too.

Absolutely, as is your comment about football inflation. You're no doubt familiar with the economists' use of Mars Bar pricing as a judge of relative inflation: how much something has gone up compared with other products. I use the "beer" pricing model, which although it uses a product that has gone up faster than many other products is a useful comparison with football tickets, given that they have an almost symbiotic relationship. Thus many years ago when I was a student at Soton Uni a ticket to The Dell cost about 3 to 4 times the cost of a pint, and I drank in some right dodgy boozers, I can tell you, as long as the beer was OK. [if I find who introduced me to decent beer I shall probably kill them;-)] How much is it now? 10 pints worth or more per game, or earlier in the season at Man City around 17 times! (If I'd found a Joseph Holt's pub it would have been more like 20...) Now that _is_ inflation!


There are few things more vulgar than a woman drinking a pint of beer.

Well my user name is my real name. A few people on her know me.


I am as much of a **** as I seem to be too.


It's a skill.


Our situation isn't unique.


Teaching some Baggies "fans" tonight, none of whom went Saturday. Chris said that £25 was a lot of money so he watched a live stream instead.


Considering it was "only" £25 and the Baggies are having their best start since God was a boy you'd think they be clamouring for tickets but cost and internet appear to the stopping that.

The couple 7 rows up look Japanese. Hasnt our self-appointed style guru's banning order worked?


Some will slip through the net every now and then. Soon they'll catch on they're not wanted in these parts and leave us alone.

You make some very valid points. The only point I would disagree is that we do need a bigger stadium.


People seem to think that unless every single game is a sell out the ground is too big. Odd theory really if you stop to think about it.


There would be at least 6 or 8 games where we could get many more than 32,000.


Would it not be better to get say 40,000 for 6 games or so a season and perhaps still only 28,000 for certain other games?


Would it not be better to have the ability to meet the demand when needed rather than restrict ourselves with such a small minded attitude?


He's showing the classic Dell sized mentality.


We need big thinkers and an even bigger ground. It's irrelevant we haven't sold out a single game this season, build it and they will come.

Is it really embarrassing though? I can think of many more embarrassing things, and not filling up a stadium isn't high on the list.


To be honest, as long as I'm there and the people around me, I couldn't give a **** if there are a few empty seats elsewhere.



An aging chubby trying to get into young mans clothes is one of them.


Middle aged fathers fantasising about more attractive men getting dressed is another.

Some will slip through the net every now and then. Soon they'll catch on they're not wanted in these parts and leave us alone.


Where you born a racist ***t or do you reckon it could be beaten out of you?



They are as much welcome as you are if not more.


Just to put the cost into perspective:


Cheapest League cost (Adult): £30 (Wings\Goal area)

Day out at Alton Towers (Adult): £34


So, for 90 minutes of entertainment you have to pay at least £30, whereas a day out at Alton Towers is only £4 cheaper. For me, that is the whole crux of the problem. I rarely make a home game nowadays due to my location and the cost of going to a game. I was looking at going to a game in March\April time however after totalling it all up, it came out at over £300. Much preferred going to see Saints at Barnsley and paying £10 on the gate. That is more like it!

He's showing the classic Dell sized mentality.


We need big thinkers and an even bigger ground. It's irrelevant we haven't sold out a single game this season, build it and they will come.





The fact is that there are at least 6 or 8 games that would attract more than 32,000 this season and any other we remain in the premier league if the ground was bigger. Attendances for other games could also be increased with better pricing structures and incentives etc.


I just don't understand why people seem to think that the ground isn't worth expanding simply because every single game will not sell out.


Man utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs etc are more attractive fixtures to many fans who dont want to attend every game. Surely it is better to have a stadium that can accomodte the fans when the demand is there even if it doesnt sell out every single game.

Where you born a racist ***t or do you reckon it could be beaten out of you?



They are as much welcome as you are if not more.


Haha. Calm down, petal.


I'm off to Japan for 2 weeks in July. I'll be sure to mention to them then that despite spending thousands of pounds to travel across the world and visit their country, I'm actually a racist and hate them.

Some will slip through the net every now and then. Soon they'll catch on they're not wanted in these parts and leave us alone.


You should mention this type of thing in more of your posts. It's quite insightful.


This from a poster >


Default Spurs a sell out


Just went online to get my family some tickets, appeared to be all sold out, phoned up and the ticket office confirmed it. Sold out with two weeks to spare! I'm alright but my family are disappointed. Ah well, screw them!

Man utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs etc are more attractive fixtures to many fans who dont want to attend every game. Surely it is better to have a stadium that can accomodte the fans when the demand is there even if it doesnt sell out every single game.


One in the bag now

This from a poster >


Default Spurs a sell out


Just went online to get my family some tickets, appeared to be all sold out, phoned up and the ticket office confirmed it. Sold out with two weeks to spare! I'm alright but my family are disappointed. Ah well, screw them!


Tell them to turn that frown upside. A bigger stadium is on the way and there will be cheap tickets for all.

Tell them to turn that frown upside. A bigger stadium is on the way and there will be cheap tickets for all.


Not for all remember, just for new fans or ones that can't afford it at the moment. The plan of how to stop existing fans simply buying the cheaper tickets and leaving their still too expensive seats empty is still in development stage.


It's a valid thread and its raised good discussion despite people like you.

I'm a Saints fan but don't feel the need to post on here. What does number of posts have to do with anything ?


I started a positive thread on Adkins which got ignored. I started this more controversial one which I felt was justified and everyone piles in, attack the outsider !


The abuse new posters get justifies my non posting.



It's a valid thread and its raised good discussion despite people like you.

I'm a Saints fan but don't feel the need to post on here. What does number of posts have to do with anything ?


I started a positive thread on Adkins which got ignored. I started this more controversial one which I felt was justified and everyone piles in, attack the outsider !


The abuse new posters get justifies my non posting.



Its not just new posters, unless you are one of a small elite band you may as well not bother. The forum is hardly worth bothering with these days, every thread gets hijacked by the same small bunch of bores who end up just arguing with each other. If I could work out how I would cancel my subscription renewal (although I think it was only recently renewed).


The thing you need to remember is mate that anything that hits at negativity is not welcome by some on here. If you want to fit in around here you need to follow a few things so just to remind you so you don't fall foul of the forum boo boys here they are


Cortese is the greatest person who ever lived everything he does is amazing and even of you think it slightly wierd overcome these thought by remembering where we were 3 years ago and repeat 15 times 'in cortese we trust'


Anything written in the media are lies and bullsh*t unless they are positive in which case it's amazing journalism which proves the progres we are making


We are a mega club. The new Man u and on an unstoppable march to the champions league. If we win and play brilliantly it's thanks to the five year plan. If we are sh*t and lose that's also part of the 5 year plan and it doesn't really matter because we are two years ahead of it.


Welcome to Saintsweb son. Enjoy posting.

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