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If they had been full time employees 40 hours + a week, I would agree, but 60 minutes a fortnight and a decent letter, well not sure where you are going with this - big difference, and you are employing the old journalist trick of selecting the best example and using words to make your point sound so much worse...


20 years loyal service.... er doubt many will have been doing it for 20 years +, and secondly that comment makes it sound like they were full time... rather than 60 mins a fortnight


Secondly, the word 'sack' is emotive suggesting poverty and hardship to follow - when for most it was a hobby and a way of getting a free ticket


Finally, why do folk assume its Cortese? Do they think he spends his time on these things?




Well I'm not sure why you brought Cortese into it. I didn't even mention him. And I doubt he takes that much of a direct input into HR issues such as this.


It was a simple question. Do you or don't you think these people deserved at least to be sat in a room together and told face to face that their services were no longer required? Personally, I think the least someone in the HR team could have done was spend 5 minutes of their precious time to tell them face to face. If you think otherwise, that it was too much effort and that those with over 20 years service didn't merit that as they're only support staff, then fine, we'll just disagree.


It's disappointing for those involved, will unlikely affect the majority of fans.


The club didn't give a huge amount of notice, so perhaps they could make the gesture of allowing these folk the opportunity to buy a season ticket at reduced or pro-rata rate?

Well I'm not sure why you brought Cortese into it. I didn't even mention him. And I doubt he takes that much of a direct input into HR issues such as this.


It was a simple question. Do you or don't you think these people deserved at least to be sat in a room together and told face to face that their services were no longer required? personally, I think the least someone in the HR team could have done was spend 5 minutes of their precious time to tell them face to face. If you think otherwise, that it was too much effort and that those with over 20 years service didn't merit that as their only support staff, then fine, we'll just disagree.


Thats the whole point though - you dont even need to mention Cortese in this context - its implied when folk say 'the club' - or those that seek to link the two do so automatically ... for what purpose? - read these pages and you can not deny you dont know exactly what I mean - you are smart enough for that. Saying its HRs fault is irrelevent, and will be lost under the the screeching sound of grinding axes...


Yes, everyone deserves courtesy - and they should have had 5 mins to be told face to face - but does it make any difference, really? I have been made redundent twice in my lifetime, and in both cases was sat down by nice HR folk - did it make me feel any better that they took that time? did it feck same outcome, same bull****... and that was froma fulltime job after 8 years 'loyal' service - so hardly think being relieved of a 60min casual role every fortnight is going to be such a big deal...


Does it make a difference? I guess it does to the 20 or so who've been let go, yes.


But being as it doesn't matter to you in any way, lets just move on. And for God's sake lets not talk about it on a message board, that would be awful.


Can't help thinking this is a stroke of genius on the part of Cortese designed to distract the mongs and give them something else to mong on about instead of the bloody great loan he's sneaked past us. Programmes ... boo hoo etc

Next step will be the guys who sell the rosettes, guess I'm showing my age!

Seriously, hope it is not true, it's all part of the day.

Pub, burger, programme, enter St Mary's.


Not if you get there after 2.55 (as I seem to do regularly). They are nearly always sold out.


This is an outrage.


Something must be done.


Hell, in fact I'll now force FMDP to read the programmes I've brought back on my last 7 trips to SMS that sit just below 50 shades of grey in her meh must read pile.


Hell, I'll go as far to ask her to tell me if there is something worth reading in any of them.



On the other side, I recognised one of the sellers at The Chapel end on my way to the Walsall game couple of years back.


Back in the early 80's she worked her backside off to sell the old lotto/bingo tickets in Salisbury. She must have given some 30 years of service to the club. To get a letter and no notice? Sorry new tech and new outlets be damned.


What was done to those people was out of order


First the Ted Bates trophy was dropped,then the red and white stripes were dropped now the programe sellers are for the chop.

Dont get me wrong,i am happy that our owners have taken us from league one to the premiership,but i wish they would remember our history and who we were before.

Treating loyal servants to the club like this is just wrong.



Yes, everyone deserves courtesy - and they should have had 5 mins to be told face to face - but does it make any difference, really? I have been made redundent twice in my lifetime, and in both cases was sat down by nice HR folk - did it make me feel any better that they took that time? did it feck same outcome, same bull****... and that was froma fulltime job after 8 years 'loyal' service - so hardly think being relieved of a 60min casual role every fortnight is going to be such a big deal...


The first rule of the Cult of Cortese is eye watering disengenuousness must be used to justify any decision.


So Frank you are actually saying that when you got laid off if you had just got a letter through the door with no warning you would have felt exactly the same as being sat down and spoken to as part of a formal consultation period?


Because when I got laid off I would be significantly more fu cked off if that had happened rather than what I did get which was explanation, thanks and empathy.


But then I am not bending over backwards making ludicrous points to justify my defence of an appaling piece of contempt for human resources by the club. Well done though.

Thats the whole point though - you dont even need to mention Cortese in this context - its implied when folk say 'the club' - or those that seek to link the two do so automatically ... for what purpose? - read these pages and you can not deny you dont know exactly what I mean - you are smart enough for that. Saying its HRs fault is irrelevent, and will be lost under the the screeching sound of grinding axes...


Yes, everyone deserves courtesy - and they should have had 5 mins to be told face to face - but does it make any difference, really? I have been made redundent twice in my lifetime, and in both cases was sat down by nice HR folk - did it make me feel any better that they took that time? did it feck same outcome, same bull****... and that was froma fulltime job after 8 years 'loyal' service - so hardly think being relieved of a 60min casual role every fortnight is going to be such a big deal...

This. Its just another excuse for some to bash the club/Cortese.

The first rule of the Cult of Cortese is eye watering disengenuousness must be used to justify any decision.


So Frank you are actually saying that when you got laid off if you had just got a letter through the door with no warning you would have felt exactly the same as being sat down and spoken to as part of a formal consultation period?


Because when I got laid off I would be significantly more fu cked off if that had happened rather than what I did get which was explanation, thanks and empathy.


But then I am not bending over backwards making ludicrous points to justify my defence of an appaling piece of contempt for human resources by the club. Well done though.


Nope...merely adding some perspective - Corteses biggest failing by far IS his lack of attention to those making these 'decisions' - because it gives ammunition to those who simply cant wait to point it out - those who seem to greet these things with some sort of relish - some might just argue that the reason we have progressed so rapidly the last few years is because his focus is on the bigger picture... equally as speculative as those who seem to believe he 'ignores our fans or history' and like to point that out every five minutes....


The 4 or 5 programme sellers I know aren't really worried about having to pay for a ticket etc.. an can accept in a way that this was inevitable due to other changes that had been happening at the club.


It is purely the manner in which it has been done: no notice, by letter and no option now to buy a season ticket and enjoy the benefits that all of us other season tickets have. Yes they can pay per game but that means that they have the inconvenience of having to buy a ticket every game which will cost time and money, plus they won't then have the option of buying a season ticket next year at the early rate either.


The programme sellers I know have worked for 20+ years, during the lowest points when they had to be stood around hours prior to a game when they weren't actually selling many at all.


Finally, I know the programme seller manager was at the club on Weds, the same day the letters were posted and nobody felt it was good and proper to speak to him face-to-face. Disgraceful.

This. Its just another excuse for some to bash the club/Cortese.


Manji accusing others of having an agenda; I think my ironyometer just exploded!




Well I'm looking forward to finding out what this 'unique customer experience' is going to be which has lead to loyal staff being treated with contempt as our customer service for the last couple of years has been truely awful.

This. Its just another excuse for some to bash the club/Cortese.


Exactly. Come on guys its not even like fans like this are making the club a lot of money. It's pathetic to keep going on about things like this. Move on.

It's about treating people right though mate


Yep. There will always be bad news. And you can always give it with respect for the recipient.

It does not change the outcome, but it does change how BOTH parties feel about the outcome.


There are two things that mark out a man: responsibility and respect for others.


And what this country (and the world) has seen in recent years, is a deplorable lack of both.

Rubbish. It's about sfc being premier league and making the most amount of money.


I support Southampton because they are my local club and most of my community support them. This is more than just a business. You treat people right.


Once again Hypercondriac, I'm not arguing against the change per se (although the reasons they gave on the site seem to intimate that the programme sellers have merely been redeployed which is NOT the case), I am merely saying there is a right and wrong way to treat people.


The club can get rid of staff to save a few thousand a year if they wish, but there's no need to do it in such a disrespectful way.


Legod Third coming summed it up brilliantly. I'd suggest you read his post mate. It's the way things are done which is important.

Once again Hypercondriac, I'm not arguing against the change per se (although the reasons they gave on the site seem to intimate that the programme sellers have merely been redeployed which is NOT the case), I am merely saying there is a right and wrong way to treat people.


The club can get rid of staff to save a few thousand a year if they wish, but there's no need to do it in such a disrespectful way.


Legod Third coming summed it up brilliantly. I'd suggest you read his post mate. It's the way things are done which is important.


He doesn't believe what he's writing, it's a poor attempt at trolling

They appear to have been replaced by women dressed as airline hostesses. Not exactly what I look for when you go to football.


Weird way of doing it if I'm honest. The whole walk up to a football ground is sound tracked by ''Come and get your programmes...only £3". Shame, that's the end of an era. I thought they'd have kept some of the fellas on - but they'd be more mobile, obviously not.

Weird way of doing it if I'm honest. The whole walk up to a football ground is sound tracked by ''Come and get your programmes...only £3". Shame, that's the end of an era. I thought they'd have kept some of the fellas on - but they'd be more mobile, obviously not.


Yeah exactly. I don't even see why they'd have to be mobile, you walk past them at every turnstile anyway.


Disgraceful. This is the 'unique' saints way of selling programmes is it? Sack loyal workers of 26 years and replace them with air hostesses. I'm ashamed to be fair. They did this to older ladies in the shop apparently. Sacked then replaced with younger women.

Disgraceful. This is the 'unique' saints way of selling programmes is it? Sack loyal workers of 26 years and replace them with air hostesses. I'm ashamed to be fair. They did this to older ladies in the shop apparently. Sacked then replaced with younger women.


Ashamed.... I bet you hardly ever bought a programme....


I will say it... I could not care less... I doubt Doris the programme seller cares about me


Thedelldays, you have no idea whether I did or didn't so don't make rubbish up. I did actually. I have friends and family members who have been treated with contempt by this club which is why I've seen the letter first hand and seen the shabby way they have been treated. Even if I never bought a programme doesn't mean I shouldn't be appalled at this turn of events.


I am pleased Cortese and co saved the club. I have defended him in the past. This is just an example of how much we've gone from a football club to a business.


Like I keep stating, it's about treating people right.


If I heard they sacked loyal cleaners who were of an older age and replaced them with young women I'd be equally disgusted, despite it not actually affecting me. I have morals and would prefer my club to have some too.

Crowd = majority lads aged 16 - 45.


Old men replaced with glamorous leggy girls.


It's genius. Expect sales to go up.


Estimate on the number of people who would spend £3 on a programme purely because the person selling is more attractive: 1%


Estimate on the number of people who won't buy one on the principle of how the previous sellers were treated: >1%


Expect sales to go down.

Estimate on the number of people who would spend £3 on a programme purely because the person selling is more attractive: 1%


Estimate on the number of people who won't buy one on the principle of how the previous sellers were treated: >1%


Expect sales to go down.


Estimate the number of people who even know about the way the previous sellers were treated....

Estimate the number of people who even know about the way the previous sellers were treated....


Estimate on the number of people who see it as yet another move away from traditional football: >0.6%


Well the only programme sellers at the ground today were of the female variety wearing skirts and high heels, a far cry from who used to sell them!


Are they trying to add a bit of glamour.....?


what a joke the programme sellers today was at the match, firstly they were difficult to find not obvious, the one round by the saints cafe was on her mobile, then when you asked her for a programme she had run out!!!! Round by the chapel end you could find them hiding behind the burger vans - hardlyan obvious place to find a programme sellers unless you were looking for the ketchup, again more interested in chatting to each other and again on their mobiles!!!!


Shame it was the last day for the programme shop today as well. I thought it was very sexist getting the young ladies with short skirts and high heels in to sell programmes but then saw by Northam/Kingsland corner a couple of young lads selling them as well. Missed my chat with the usual programme sellers today football is changing for the worse for me.


Very, very weird indeed.


I'm just trying to work out what possessed anyone at the club to think changing our programme sellers was any sort of priority at all.


It's stuff like this that inclines me to feel that there is a certain deep steak of "mentalness" in the Cortese administration, despite the many triumphs and upsides.

what a joke the programme sellers today was at the match, firstly they were difficult to find not obvious, the one round by the saints cafe was on her mobile, then when you asked her for a programme she had run out!!!! Round by the chapel end you could find them hiding behind the burger vans - hardlyan obvious place to find a programme sellers unless you were looking for the ketchup, again more interested in chatting to each other and again on their mobiles!!!!
agree and alot of people did not bother because they were not visible or being sold with catering areas with big ques in front.
agree and alot of people did not bother because they were not visible or being sold with catering areas with big ques in front.

Walked around, passed the Northam and to the far end of the Kingsland and saw three programme sellers and one straight in front of me when I went through the turnstile. If I wanted to buy a programme (which I haven`t for a few years) I had plenty of opportunity. Whilst I do not like the way that the club have dealt with the "traditional" sellers, I can`t help thinking that some people are always looking for a stick to beat the club with. If you want a programme, it is not difficult to buy one.

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