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Did anyone watch this last week on ch5? I didn't but saw it instead on catch up. Pretty good fly on the wall doc about Liverpool FC. It is pretty good as the focus was on the players, the manager and not on the 'fantastic fans' with their jester hats and funny voices.


The stuff on Brendan Rogers was a bit strange as it was a bit like watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding but without the wedding bit or the funny dresses. He is a strange guy, I mean who has a massive portrait of themselves in the hallway? Also, why does he have to grab everyone he talks to by the back of the neck, like they have just missed the deciding pen in the world cup final and he is saying "don't worry about it" or he is moving in for a kiss and is trying to ensure they don't move their head? He even did it to the coach of the Boston Red Sox, even though he had only just met him.


Worth a watch though, next one is this Friday at 9pm on Ch5.


Thanks for your input Jamie. When posting on a sub forum like the arts one, there is always a danger nobody will see it or you'll get no replies.


Although it was nice to get your input, I possibly should have pointed out I wasn't just doing a survey of who watched it and who didn't (I admit this is the question I asked), I was looking for opinion, observation and maybe even debate.


My fault entirely.


Fwiw I didnt see it Tokyo


I feel this restricts my input to this particular thread and that saddens me slightly, sorry I cant join in with this rather enlightening and vibrant conversation.


Im telling you this as its important to be open with your feelings...


No problem smirker it's on this Friday if you fancy giving some input next week. So far the scores for SWF are 1 person didn't watch it and 2 people did.


Maybe the mods can do a poll. Who needs this opinion and discussion stuff anyway? If people wanted that we would talk about plebs in the lounge.


I see a bit of it. The voice over sounded like Clive Owens. The bits I saw was a bit embarrassing, it was like a puff piece going on bout how an amazing decision it is to appoint a visionary manager like Brendan Rogers, which was a bit looools when I'm looking at the league table.


It was Clive Owens Bearsy! The best bit is I think they will be crap for a while and I think this will be on every week. I'm looking forward to seeing the angry gypsy getting madder and madder as he finds his players can't pass the ball like Barca.


Really? Christ, you'd think Clive Owens would have better things to do.


Brendan Rogers was coming across as a bit of a d!ck. Also, he looks a proper bender in that dress he wears to take training.


Brendan Rogers will get it right if given time.


Sounds like what he is doing with the players in a psychological thing with the neck-grabbing and making statements. Reaffirm something and make the same gesture over and over again and it eventually it'll become habitual... or somefink like that


Nah, Clive Owen is sh!t. There are only so many parts you can play being the moody English guy, so he has to fill his time somehow.


I like Brendan Rogers in it. I the family bit he comes across like that paddy guy with his 17 brothers and 42 god children. However, when he is at work or even talking about work, he is a much more David Brent style character. Leaning back on his chair, spinning a pen, desperately trying to think of something profound to say.


I'm gripped and I am not ashamed to admit it.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
No problem smirker it's on this Friday if you fancy giving some input next week. So far the scores for SWF are 1 person didn't watch it and 2 people did.


Maybe the mods can do a poll. Who needs this opinion and discussion stuff anyway? If people wanted that we would talk about plebs in the lounge.


Excellent, Ill give it ago


Personally Im looking forward to seeing Rodgers looking like a real life brent spanner and really hoping to hear from some of the bestest fans in the world supporting the biggest sporting side there has EVER been ever because the past matters more than now

  Tokyo-Saint said:
I'm gripped and I am not ashamed to admit it.


  Thedelldays said:
i hope to add to this thread further....when I know what tokyo thinks of it, so I will form the opposite opinion


You don't play much Cluedo while at sea do you?


Don't be in a bad mood about it though DD, I was only joking about double breasted suits with shiny buttons, I am sure you look great.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
Nah, Clive Owen is sh!t. There are only so many parts you can play being the moody English guy, so he has to fill his time somehow.

He's just a poor man's Clive Warren IMHO. Needs Rebecca De Mornay to get the best out of him.


I didn't see it btw. That is all.

  stu0x said:
He's just a poor man's Clive Warren IMHO. Needs Rebecca De Mornay to get the best out of him.


I didn't see it btw. That is all.


Is that the one about the love of two brains?

  Bwanamakubwa said:
Is that the one about the love of two brains?

Bravo sir.


Ted Danson as Bryan as Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible 8.

  stu0x said:
Bravo sir.


Ted Danson as Bryan as Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible 8.


Great idea for a movie. You need to sell that to Hollywood.



Watched a bit of it on Fox Soccer but couldn't take too much of it....as soon as they started showing glimpses of Gerrard's and Rogers' family life. Something very off putting about both of them.


Love to see a Saints version though.

  Barry the Badger said:
Rodgers comes across a bit odd doesn't he?


Yes. He doesn't come across as inspiring or positive at all, quite the opposite imo. The man's a freak.

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