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Can anyone recommend a seriously good instant coffee?


Laziness is getting the better of me and rather than go through the hassle of regularly flying out to Brazil, picking the beans, coming home, grinding them and all the usual stuff, it might be easier and less time consuming to simply add a spoonful or two to some boiling water.


Gold Label always used to be fairly reliable, but the choices available now are bewildering.


Many thanks in advance.


I've tried an instant coffee that Starbucks sell, it's the best I've tasted. As a rule I'm a cafetiere man, I'd rather drink my own pish than instant coffee.


Just sayin'


Dow Egberts is a fairly safe bet. A lot also depends on how you like it to taste. Supermarkets usually do a premium own brand range from different countries around the world. The African range is usually very strong straight tasting stuff, with the South American stuff having varying degrees of bitterness. My personal favourite to drink on a daily basis is Tesco's taste the difference Costa Rica. Nothing too special but a good way to start the working day.


Many thanks for these suggestions. I had a check at my local super and the only ones of the above I noticed were Douwe Egberts and Nestle Azera. The Azera was available in a pack of 5 'sticks' - convenient for a quick trial. Very tasty.


I dunno where to start with this. I ain't a happy bear! I dunno what's more disturbing, the idea that someone thinks they can come in Muppet Shows and start sensible discussions bout coffee or that people who should know better like Tokyos and Colins and Tims are bleeding well having joining in a sensible discussion bout it!


I feel like I go awol for like a couple of days and the whole world goes mad!


I mean, the whole thread is bent anyways. Everyone knows all coffee tastes exactly the same and it's only pretendtio- pritenscio- like toffs what is pretending otherwise like them big noses going round pretending they can tell like an expensive wine from a cheap wine without seeing the label which is all total ******** cos if i was blindfold i don't reckon i could even tell red wines from white wines. Oooh this one tastes nutty you can detect the delicate cheese of the unwashed peasant woman what was treading the grapes barefoot and the spanish horsefly that sexed up the grapes, on a thursday mid morning if i'm not mistaken. It's all balls!


This sh!t should be in the lounges! I jizz in your instant coffees!


Sorry Bear, I thought it was the lounge and before you know it, I had replied. I do like coffee though Bearsy, as you get older it replaces crack and pills and £1 shots of tequila and stuff. I once thought it was all the same and then one day my Mrs bought some from the £1 shop. It tasted like muddy water!

I dunno where to start with this. I ain't a happy bear! I dunno what's more disturbing, the idea that someone thinks they can come in Muppet Shows and start sensible discussions bout coffee or that people who should know better like Tokyos and Colins and Tims are bleeding well having joining in a sensible discussion bout it!


I feel like I go awol for like a couple of days and the whole world goes mad!


I mean, the whole thread is bent anyways. Everyone knows all coffee tastes exactly the same and it's only pretendtio- pritenscio- like toffs what is pretending otherwise like them big noses going round pretending they can tell like an expensive wine from a cheap wine without seeing the label which is all total ******** cos if i was blindfold i don't reckon i could even tell red wines from white wines. Oooh this one tastes nutty you can detect the delicate cheese of the unwashed peasant woman what was treading the grapes barefoot and the spanish horsefly that sexed up the grapes, on a thursday mid morning if i'm not mistaken. It's all balls!


This sh!t should be in the lounges! I jizz in your instant coffees!



Aaah, I always had you down as a soya decaf wet fair trade latte sorta guy.

one day my Mrs bought some from the £1 shop. It tasted like muddy water!


I only once ever went in the pound shop. It weren't my fault, you know what birds is like for bargains. Anyways as we we're queueing up (why is their queues! surely it don't take long to add up pounds?) this ugly, middle aged, squatish hairy lipped woman in front turns round and goes "Why don't they open more tills" and as she pronounced the T of Tills she spat a ball of spit in a delicate arch straight into the slightly open lips of my girlfriends mouth.


It was looools from my point of view! My bird nearly sh!t. I'd of paid more than a pound just to see the horrified expression on her face!


If it wasn't for women there would be very few shops in the world if any. The shops that there would be, would be simply functional. Maybe everyone would shop online or just pay some money for some insurance. You would put somewhere what you like and when that ran out, the company would pay out and supply a new one. I was in Cyprus recently and got dragged rounds shops and shops selling the same absolute tat. They were full of woman looking for a bargain and then blokes like me looking at their phones wishing Cyprus had 3G.


If anyone moans this has gone off topic - then it shouldnt be posted in the muppet show. That's what we do, take things off topic, talk crap and then turn it into some kind of word association game. Take it to the lounge, in there 2 people will argue for days and days about which coffee is best and if god had a say in making it.


That's exactly it Tokyos. It's like trousers. When I wear out a pair of trousers I want the exact same pair again. I don't want to have to spend hours traipsing round shops checking out different trousers to find a pair what is similar. I feel like i done that already, get me the same pair again! I've taken to buying a couple of pairs when I buy trousers but that ain't quite right cos at the time of purchase I don't know how committed I am to them trousers, and being a dude i ain't gonna take them back if I don't like them. When I've lived with them for a while, and grown to love them or whatever, it's a real ball ache when they lose their shape, or colour, or I dribble tomato sauce on the crotch. It's like a bereavement.

I only once ever went in the pound shop. It weren't my fault, you know what birds is like for bargains. Anyways as we we're queueing up (why is their queues! surely it don't take long to add up pounds?) this ugly, middle aged, squatish hairy lipped woman in front turns round and goes "Why don't they open more tills" and as she pronounced the T of Tills she spat a ball of spit in a delicate arch straight into the slightly open lips of my girlfriends mouth.


It was looools from my point of view! My bird nearly sh!t. I'd of paid more than a pound just to see the horrified expression on her face!


You're a queer bear Bearsy.


I think I speak for most men when I say that the thought of another person's ejaculate leaving its hairy muzzle and arcing towards our loved one's mouth would fill us with horror.


But not you. You queer bear.


P.S. People are still taking the p*** out of your (admittedly self-appointed) moderatorship of The Muppet Show. They're still talking about teas and coffees. Get this back to the Lounge or you'll have a leadership challenge on your hands. You're fast becoming the Nick Clegg of the moderator team.


You can say slag in Muppet Shows tokyos. I've turned swearfilter off in here.


knob balls pussy vagina masturbate cum ballsack bum bumhole tits anal

Posted (edited)

That's amazing bear! Any more?


There are some rule I struggle to understand therefore run the risk of fractions. Like Turkish got one for saying mong but saint clarke said retard and it was ok. Spaz is obviously ok as well and as you demonstrated bumhole tits and anal are all fine as well.


Very confusing. Like going to bed with a girl for the first time, you just don't know the rules.

Edited by Tokyo-Saint

What's that game where you're taking turns to point gun at your head but there's only one bullet? Let's play that but with swearing. First one to strike out is gay!




Is it safe to say that anything with 'job' in is safe? Here goes...




Lols at kingsland coming back on here and getting excited about 2 pages of replies. Thinking there must be some great instant coffee ideas on here, just to hear about your bird getting granny spunks in her mouth and my shopping complaints.

knob balls pussy vagina masturbate cum ballsack bum bumhole tits anal


All suitable suffixes for Tokyo. Tokyo-Saint as a pseudonym is a bit 2011.


Tokyo-Bumhole has a certain ring to it.

Posted (edited)
All suitable suffixes for Tokyo. Tokyo-Saint as a pseudonym is a bit 2011.


Tokyo-Bumhole has a certain ring to it.


Can't use that - copyright. It is already a successful straight to DVD series.

Edited by Tokyo-Saint

Who is this Wolfy character what is suddenly cropping up in conversations!




Following on from my rousing success with coon I'm gonna push a bit further into Dune territory and say what's up...


... ******

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