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Has the new official website been designed by a 10 year-old? Two words for whoever is in charge of web development at Saints: usability testing! I hate the pop-up roll-over text all over the place and poor menu design. The old site was pretty rubbish but the new one is such a bad design that it just makes me angry!! Maybe I should sit down!?!

  derry said:
I must admit it appears to be very micky mouse and is often not up and running properly, so I rarely use it.


To be honest, I am the same (IMO the best Saints news website is Facebook!) but a swish design makes the club look so much better.


It really is bad. Also the ticket booking on there is poor too, I honestly could not figure out how to book two tickets side by side. Both times now I have had to phone the TO and pay the £2.50 tax.

  Red Alert said:
It really is bad. Also the ticket booking on there is poor too, I honestly could not figure out how to book two tickets side by side. Both times now I have had to phone the TO and pay the £2.50 tax.




Nearly half the PL teams have the same awful design. I thought it was just some contract we had got into that we couldn't get out of, which explains why besides us Reading, Norwich, Swansea and QPR have the same design (though Wet Spam seem to have avoided it, presumably because they did not sign up for the contract when they were relegated). But how do you explain that Stoke, WBA and Wigan also have the same "design".


I like many don't use it. This could cost the club in lost revenue streams and if they know anything about marketing they should do something about it. It is shocking and if someone from my company either produced it or signed up to it heads would roll.

  aintforever said:
Shocking design, made my brain hurt trying to use it.


Yes! It is an awful visual and mental shock to look at that site. I preferred the previous one, at least it was possible to find the info you wanted.

  FarehamRed said:
I'm not normally one to criticise, but I've given up with it. It's a pain in the arse, especially on a smart phone.


Ive all but given up too. Very poor experience, I thought we were finally able to exit the contract.


We used to have the best catering in the premier league FFS, now look at us!

  bangkoksaint said:
I like many don't use it. This could cost the club in lost revenue streams and if they know anything about marketing they should do something about it. It is shocking and if someone from my company either produced it or signed up to it heads would roll.


Agree - and surely this is grounds for getting out of the contract we're tied into!?

  Miffy said:
I have just gone there to add a complaint about how bad it is. Hardly ever use it now.


It's that bad that I couldn't even be bothered to try and find my way around enough to get to the page where I could add a complaint! Premier League?? - You're having a laugh!

  Barry the Badger said:
I hate that click to read more button. Why? Why do I have to click to read more, and then all you do is take me back to the top of the page but with all the text there this time!


Shockingly bad.


So true - designed by a three-year-old with crayons.


I find it frustrating too. Navigation takes me on a tour of what I don't want to read. And the white type against the black background hurts the eyes.

Now, I no longer bother to 'enter' the site. I just check the opening page headline, then come straight here for details.


I don't really go on it now. Before you could have a quick look at work/home, read a headline and if its any good or interesting read it. If not close it down. Now you have to wait half hour for it to load, then 'enter southampton fc website'. Its soooooo bad.


Not looking forward to buying tickets online again when I get around to going to a game by what people are saying!!


I have already vented my spleen on the other thread but hate the OS so much I decided to do so again there is nothing good about it difficult to navigate looks rubbish I can never find what I want if there was a blue print for how not to have your website this should be it utter dog sh1te


It's the 30 second wait every time you go to the site and it creaks around trying to load the pop-up splash that's stopping me bothering with it. And how does it take every item soooooooooooooooooo long to load in this day and age ?


No amount of complaining to SFC will achieve anything here, the club are tied into a contract with Football League Interactive which I'm led to believe is prohibitively expensive to get out of. It is they - and in particular, SapientNitro, who won the website contract last year - who your complaints should be directed to.

  manina-pub said:
Here is some blurb from Sapient about footie websites....




And here is a link to Sapient where you can explicitly give "website feedback"..





thanks. I have given them my "website feedback". Polite of course, but made it clear what I think....

  Barry the Badger said:
I hate that click to read more button. Why? Why do I have to click to read more, and then all you do is take me back to the top of the page but with all the text there this time!


Shockingly bad.


i agree, it is so bloody annoying plus the accept cookies notice everytime I enter the site is equally as annoying.

  Barry the Badger said:
I hate that click to read more button. Why? Why do I have to click to read more, and then all you do is take me back to the top of the page but with all the text there this time!


Shockingly bad.


Oh and that as well. If you're going to entice the reader in, don't put 90% of the bladdy text in the original page !


Awful redesign. If the aim was to make a one-click process into a convoluted and frustrating 3-4 click one, then they've succeeded. Even harder to use on a tablet of smartphone.


I've pretty much given up on it (hope the club has someone reading this thread).


The only reason I go on the OS is to attempt to book away tickets and that is enough effort as it is ! The articles generally get copied onto here anyway. It has been mentioned that they are bringing out a smartphone design shortly, lets hope it is easier to use than the PC version!

  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is not directly the design but I am sure the following has only just changed.


Normally Player items are shown with Player ahead of the heading. It seems that new items do not initially show it, so you are taken to a Subscription page!


I am using the OS less and less!

  Barry the Badger said:
I hate that click to read more button. Why? Why do I have to click to read more, and then all you do is take me back to the top of the page but with all the text there this time!


Shockingly bad.


This is the new site's biggest sin in my opinion, beyond retarded...

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