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i cannot reveal my sources! We will just call them deep throat at this time, which coincidentally was tokyos nickname at school. But that is just coincidence. Tokyos is not Deep Throat. I mean, he is + so is his dad but that is Whole Other Story.


So Pap I will be in the pub from about 2105 tonight all good with that me old mucker? WIll not stay for long as I have to get back down to my local but rest assured you shall know its me there old buddy.

So Pap I will be in the pub from about 2105 tonight all good with that me old mucker? WIll not stay for long as I have to get back down to my local but rest assured you shall know its me there old buddy.


Yeah, it's cool. See you then. I reckon we should film a little interview given the build-up.

Yeah, it's cool. See you then. I reckon we should film a little interview given the build-up.


Err no Pap I shall be meeting you shaking your hand putting your taxi fare in your hand and if you require a beer I will happily get you one and then I shall be gone I will not be doing an interview ha ha!

Err no Pap I shall be meeting you shaking your hand putting your taxi fare in your hand and if you require a beer I will happily get you one and then I shall be gone I will not be doing an interview ha ha!


C'mon now; I'll give you a preview of the first three questions.


Besides, I think a bit of light grilling to confirm it's you is in order, if only to discount Tokes' ridiculous theory that you're going to hire a kissogram.


The forum deserves something from the 16 months of torture we've put them through.

C'mon now; I'll give you a preview of the first three questions.


Besides, I think a bit of light grilling to confirm it's you is in order, if only to discount Tokes' ridiculous theory that you're going to hire a kissogram.


The forum deserves something from the 16 months of torture we've put them through.


No Pap it does not matey boy, you shall be seeing my boat at about 2105-10, I shall be there no worries, there is nothing more to say.

No Pap it does not matey boy, you shall be seeing my boat at about 2105-10, I shall be there no worries, there is nothing more to say.


I think we should let the rest of the forum be the judge of that. We're both men of the people, after all. Besides, it'll be your opportunity to get that precious apology enshrined on video.


To anyone still reading; what would you like out of the big pap/Barry man-date?


Photos? Commemorative coins/mugs? A Paxman style interview?


Answers on a forum post please, although I won't entertain anything too filthy.


Barry; respect the people.

Posted (edited)
I think we should let the rest of the forum be the judge of that. We're both men of the people, after all. Besides, it'll be your opportunity to get that precious apology enshrined on video.


To anyone still reading; what would you like out of the big pap/Barry man-date?


Photos? Commemorative coins/mugs? A Paxman style interview?


Answers on a forum post please, although I won't entertain anything too filthy.


Barry; respect the people.


Pap you are as far removed from Paxman, I shall settle to meet you and believe that you actually live here, I am beginning to doubt it, seeing you will suffice for me as it should for you, you know how to get to Lark Lane from West Derby? Actually how are you getting there?

Edited by Barry Sanchez
you could be in for a big taxi bill if he don't.


I'm driving down. I won't be taking Bazza's cash.


I'm intrigued to see whether he has a scouse accent :) (props: Tokes' kissogram theory).

I think we should let the rest of the forum be the judge of that. We're both men of the people, after all. Besides, it'll be your opportunity to get that precious apology enshrined on video.


To anyone still reading; what would you like out of the big pap/Barry man-date?


Photos? Commemorative coins/mugs? A Paxman style interview?


Answers on a forum post please, although I won't entertain anything too filthy.


Barry; respect the people.


i would like to know how barry urinates if you could check on that pls. Does he use the fly? I don't use the fly at all, I fully unbuckle my belt + trousers and then I tug down my undershorts a bit and pop my balls up over the waistband while i pee. This is my process. I think it's the best one, other methods i find increase chances of drippage.

i would like to know how barry urinates if you could check on that pls. Does he use the fly? I don't use the fly at all, I fully unbuckle my belt + trousers and then I tug down my undershorts a bit and pop my balls up over the waistband while i pee. This is my process. I think it's the best one, other methods i find increase chances of drippage.


If you have been to the pub we are meeting in tonight you would hold it in.

i would like to know how barry urinates if you could check on that pls. Does he use the fly? I don't use the fly at all, I fully unbuckle my belt + trousers and then I tug down my undershorts a bit and pop my balls up over the waistband while i pee. This is my process. I think it's the best one, other methods i find increase chances of drippage.


Barry seems a bit reluctant to do anything more than shake my hand and scoot. I just hope he does that before he visits the toilet.

Barry seems a bit reluctant to do anything more than shake my hand and scoot. I just hope he does that before he visits the toilet.


Pap with the greatest of respect you hardly have warmed to me after calling me a liar for the last 16 months, I shall see you and I shall be gone, you should be more than satisfied with that surely? You have waited for this, this is your big moment where I fail to turn up and I have to change my name and in effect become your forum *****, but when I do what will you do?

is it gaybar?


Doesn't look like a great bar.






I'm a local to this bar, the glasses are disgustingly dirty and the manager ADAM [---] IS THE MOST ARROGANT ILL MANNERED YOUNGSTER I'VE EVER MET! How he got the job I will never know! I was drinking here with friends and our wives a couple of months ago, we ordered 5 double vodkas, the drinks came, I noticed a ring of blackish scum and after more examination lipstick too. I politely asked the young boy behind the bar if he could change the glasses as they were dirty, his reply to me without even checking was "No they are not" ..my friends looked in disbelief, I lifted up 2 of the glasses to the light and said "look they are disgusting" obviously I know what a dirty glass is. THE YOUNG BOY WHO LOOKED NO MORE THAN 18, WENT TO THE TILL BROUGHT OUT SOME MONEY CAME BACK, PUT THE MONEY ON THE BAR IN FRONT OF US AND TOLD US TO LEAVE!? My friends and I were all well dressed and we are all in our 40's could not believe the arrogance of this boy. We didn't know wether to laugh or leave,he then said he was the manager and if we didn't leave he would call the police as we are now BARRED!?? Cut a long story short we left the place after telling the smug little child that he needed a lesson in manners, not like he was interested in what we had to say! Im sure the boys mum is not much older than my friends and I. Who teaches these kids about customers services, manners, respect and how to run a successful establishment? HE IS A DISGRACE, MY FRIENDS AND I WILL NEVER STEP FOOT IN THIS PLACE AGAIN AS LONG AS THAT SMUG ARROGANT LITTLE BOY IS THE MANAGER AND UNTIL THE GLASSES ARE CLEAN AND FREE FROM SCUM AND LIPSTICK, THERE ARE MUCH MORE FRIENDLY PLACES TO HAVE A QUIET DRINK ON LARK LANE OTHER THAN THIS PLACE....STAY AWAY!


i had a premonition that we never hear from pap again. This time tomorrow we is all panic bout what become of him.


just be safe, pap.


Bazza theres got to be picture of you and Pap together. You cant deprive us of that.Also why 21.05 instead of 9pm? That isnt when the train from Euston gets in is it?

Bazza theres got to be picture of you and Pap together. You cant deprive us of that.Also why 21.05 instead of 9pm? That isnt when the train from Euston gets in is it?


Football finishes at 2100.

I'll be the bloke in the pub with a peg on his nose.


Pap you want to see me not lick my armpit, thinking about that though meet in the Fulwood Arms on Aigburth road as they may be arsey about me having football stuff on ie trainers etc.


I play dressed like that, I think I have been very polite and restrained concerning I have been called a liar on here by the man for the last 16 months, I do look forward to this apology though.

Also why 21.05 instead of 9pm? That isnt when the train from Euston gets in is it?


Hitman’s due in at 9pm, gives him 5 minutes to get this stuff together.


Pap, is there any noteworthy last words you wish to leave the forum before you go?


“I’m just popping out, I maybe gone for some time”, I’m afraid, has already been taken. :(

Define "quickly".


I'll walk in shake your hand if you have come by taxi I will belive you as thats what people do and I will give you the money for it, if you require a pint I will gladly buy it, I shall then leave the building, this should be enough for you surely?

Hitman’s due in at 9pm, gives him 5 minutes to get this stuff together.


Pap, is there any noteworthy last words you wish to leave the forum before you go?


“I’m just popping out, I maybe gone for some time”, I’m afraid, has already been taken. :(


:lol:No I dont think so, I am a pleasant person.

I'll walk in shake your hand if you have come by taxi I will belive you as thats what people do and I will give you the money for it, if you require a pint I will gladly buy it, I shall then leave the building, this should be enough for you surely?


So you're not even going to sit down and have a pint and a discussion?


You seem to be "wriggling" a lot here, Barry. What's the prob?

I'll walk in shake your hand if you have come by taxi I will belive you as thats what people do and I will give you the money for it, if you require a pint I will gladly buy it, I shall then leave the building, this should be enough for you surely?


Surely, it's not gentlemanly to leave pap drinking alone in that sort of place, Barry?

So you're not even going to sit down and have a pint and a discussion?


You seem to be "wriggling" a lot here, Barry. What's the prob?


Pap you dont deserve a pint with me, you have spent the last 16 months calling me a liar, would you like that? I owe you nothing, I have been restrained and very polite, would you be so?


Why should I do what you want and have a pint all friendly like when it would be false, I would be talling a lie, I would be sat there stewing thinking this lad opposite me has been calling me all names on a forum for over a year completely unfounded and unfairly and I have to sit down like a mug and take it? No Pap it wont be happening like that lad, not at all.

Pap you dont desereve a pint with me, you have spent the last 16 months calling me a liar, would you like that? I owe you nothing, I have been restrained and very polite, would you be so?


Why should I do what you want and have a pint all friendly like when it would be false, I would be talling a lie, I would be sat there stewing thinking this lad opposite me has been calling me all names on a forum for over a year completely unfounded and unfairly and I have to sit down like a mug and take it? No Pap it wont be happening like that lad, not at all.


Well, that's a shame, and rather suspicious.


I'd have thought that with the sixteen months we'd spent sparring with each other, a pint would be mandated. If some f**king random turns up and immediately turns tail, you're getting nowt out of me apart from 10 minutes of my time.


You should stay for a pint Bazza. I dont want another year of "Okay he was in Liverpool that night but I don't believe the stuff about the dog poop, / baby / wife / Dune / getting genital herpes cured"

Pap you dont deserve a pint with me, you have spent the last 16 months calling me a liar, would you like that? I owe you nothing, I have been restrained and very polite, would you be so?


Why should I do what you want and have a pint all friendly like when it would be false, I would be talling a lie, I would be sat there stewing thinking this lad opposite me has been calling me all names on a forum for over a year completely unfounded and unfairly and I have to sit down like a mug and take it? No Pap it wont be happening like that lad, not at all.


Bazza. You might well be right - but in that case there is no point just meeting and leaving. Either go and chat for a bit and get Pap off or back - or dont bother. Theres no point leaving it half done.

Well, that's a shame, and rather suspicious.


I'd have thought that with the sixteen months we'd spent sparring with each other, a pint would be mandated. If some f**king random turns up and immediately turns tail, you're getting nowt out of me apart from 10 minutes of my time.


Pap you wanted to see me as you dont believe I live in Liverpool, why I am entertaining this fantasy of yours is beyond me but I feel sorry for you so I will do it, where do you want to meet Pap and how are you getting there?

You should stay for a pint Bazza. I dont want another year of "Okay he was in Liverpool that night but I don't believe the stuff about the dog poop, / baby / wife / Dune / getting genital herpes cured"


Precisely. I'm not going out just to enjoy Barry's charming company. I want the situation resolved. There is sixteen months of material to draw on; should be a piece of p!ss to get confirmation.

wait, barry is not even gonna have a drink himself? This strikes me as bad form, barry. Very bad form.


Bear you pay these kissagrams per minute, he can't just sit there drinking in the mud while wearing an old Ian Rush Liverpool shirt.


This situation calls for a neutral third party in addendance. Is there no-one nearby who could fulfil such a role?


There's better nights out, I know - but there must be someone prepared to take one for the team

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