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Met a real decent one today who said he wished they were liquidated and thought we had done a brilliant job. I couldn't hate him for long


My best man was a skate season ticket holder.


So shoot me


Says the best thing that could happen was liquidation and watch them rise thought the ashes ala Aldershot.



Go to a rave kids and see that it doesn't matter or better still speak to your grandad who uses to go down and watch them when the Saints were away.


Said it before and I'll say it again, all you haters both side of the fence are deluded


I went to school in Portsmouth, so most of my best mates are skates. I hate their club with a passion, but the majority of their fans are normal people. Hard for SWF members to comprehend I know!

You seem to be stalking me enough you creepy b*stard. Don't want you knowing any more. :p


Dumped then. She's a ***** and you won't tell the story. How embarassing Colin.

Dumped then. She's a ***** and you won't tell the story. How embarassing Colin.


Obsessions are very unhealthy Turkish. I've already told you, it's not going to happen. Get over it, there's a good lad.

Obsessions are very unhealthy Turkish. I've already told you, it's not going to happen. Get over it, there's a good lad.


Dumped by a skate

Dumped by a skaaaaattteee

Sad case Colin

He got dumped by a skate

Posted (edited)

It all depends on whether the epiphet 'skate' applies specifically to fans of PFC, or more generally to inhabitants of the PO postcode area. If the former the answer is an emphatic no, if the latter then yes I have.


Edit: Strike the above - apologies to the 2 decent PFC fans I have met, though both were 'exiles' up here in Lancs.

Edited by badgerx16

I met one once. Smashed her for a while but it was never going to work so I did the honourable thing and stopped calling with no explanation.

Met a real decent one today who said he wished they were liquidated and thought we had done a brilliant job. I couldn't hate him for long


Actually both PompeyScot and Meringovian are alright, used to work with them. And Big Dave who we also worked with is a lovely bloke, difficult to reconcile his general niceness with his football allegiances. I left, they're all still there afaik.


Over the easter holidays each year I spend a week at a random holiday camp on a kung fu holiday (which generally involves...yep, you've guessed it, copius amounts of training and the odd injury) well I was told I would be sharing a room with a young member of the Portsmouth club this easter past(the federation has 5 clubs, mostly south of London) and yep, he turned out to be an avid pompey fan....now, he was quite good company actually, due to us being the only ones with an interest in football (during the holiday I was given odd looks when I suggested certain teams have a large proportion of their fan base of a specific religion e.g. Celtic and catholics and this came as a huge shock to most....also, putting me with a skate wasn't even thought of...


I digress, he was quite a good boxer, as it turned out, and quite good company...we watched most of the league games in the club house and he was reasonably polite...so in all, I'd say he was a nice enough skate.

no they are all vile common people with awful accents


Get a life !! There is a huge difference between sporting rivalry and respecting your fellow human being.




This picture sums them up nicely. The lad on the right with the pink phone. The mong on the left trying to put a pair of glasses on which seems to be proving too challenging for him. The scruffy with the beard and red cap, a fair few gormless looking bulbs and of course the mong with the wig and facepaints. If ever a picture represented a fan base it's this one, the height of mong ness.

My best man was a skate season ticket holder.


So shoot me


Says the best thing that could happen was liquidation and watch them rise thought the ashes ala Aldershot.



Go to a rave kids and see that it doesn't matter or better still speak to your grandad who uses to go down and watch them when the Saints were away.


Said it before and I'll say it again, all you haters both side of the fence are deluded




Played cricket with a crew member for 15 or more years and still meet him & his mates for a beer whenever I get back.


Respects what we have done (doesn't LIKE it but respects it) thinks the mongs that go on about Marcus are as bad as our mongs, and just wants to be able to go back to Nottarf and watch football played by a club not an embarrassment


Been living with one for 13 years now and he's very OK. Decent, hardworking and intelligent. He's very, very embarrassed by all the goings-on down there and wishes they'd just fold and start again. He's so not interested now, he didn't even know who they were playing last Saturday.


But he still drew the line at watching us on TV on Sunday :D


And he's trying to persuade me we should 'adopt' a neutral nearby team to jointly support such as Wycombe Wanderers!


I met a bird from Portsmouth in Corfu once, She wasn't that interested in footy, but told me that her husband was a Skate season ticket holder. So I fuc&ed her.


Hope she told him.

I met a bird from Portsmouth in Corfu once, She wasn't that interested in footy, but told me that her husband was a Skate season ticket holder. So I fuc&ed her.


Hope she told him.


Disgraceful behaviour from a Saints fan, I can only hope you were plssed when you knobbed it. That said, going by your recent postings on the booze thread, you probably were ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

One of my best mates is one, same as a few posts above though - top bloke until it comes to any Saints / Pompey discussions, then he just talks absolute sh!t. Although the reverse of this, I know plenty of Saints fans who are f*cking bell ends.


My great grandad used to watch both Saints and Portsmouth depending on who was playing at home. But that was when it was all about the sport... I'd like to think he wasn't an arsehole!?


Went on holiday to Brittany and stayed in a group of gites owned and run by a skate.

He was a top chap.

Lived out there for 8 years.

Also ran a bar in the village and put the Man City on in his bar for me - even made the right noises when we scored and lost.

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