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When was it? People often quote that all the good posters don't bother coming on here anymore so there must have been a time when this forum was overrun with magnificent posters all constantly posting interesting, informative and hilarious posts. As someone that has been on here since the original saints forever days and pre and post Amygate, it was like that in the very early network24 days, posters like Essruu, Keith, 3lions, Patrick Bateman were all good, we even had people like Scarfer, an older fella who was a good guy. With the move the SMS it became more mainstream with all the dinlow and their tedious seating plans and "what name are you getting on the back of your shirt?" threads. then there was the era of the ITKers, alluding to stuff without ever letting on to the masses, fan on the board types who loved making out they knew more than they did. So which one of theses was the golden era or was there one I've missed and who were the good posters from the past that don't bother anymore?


The golden days were when you were actually allowed to have a bit of banter on here and before the funny posters were banned. The months building up to the formation of the breakaway forum B-anter were great. Some threads on here had me in tears, then the mod's took a zero policy to virtually everything you could think of. Not a single thread was left untouched from them deleting posts and it all got rather tedious with some of them seemingly on a power trip. That then signalled the death of this forum and it's never really recovered.


They lost loads of posters during that spell and most never came back. S4E was easily twice as busy as this forum is these days.

  Red and White Army said:
Golden days back on the solstate.chem.ac.uk server, before the webforums. Wonder what happened to Dave Currie?


Golden Days were before we had Turkish and mongs like him here.


  Turkish said:
When was it? People often quote that all the good posters don't bother coming on here anymore so there must have been a time when this forum was overrun with magnificent posters all constantly posting interesting, informative and hilarious posts. As someone that has been on here since the original saints forever days and pre and post Amygate, it was like that in the very early network24 days, posters like Essruu, Keith, 3lions, Patrick Bateman were all good, we even had people like Scarfer, an older fella who was a good guy. With the move the SMS it became more mainstream with all the dinlow and their tedious seating plans and "what name are you getting on the back of your shirt?" threads. then there was the era of the ITKers, alluding to stuff without ever letting on to the masses, fan on the board types who loved making out they knew more than they did. So which one of theses was the golden era or was there one I've missed and who were the good posters from the past that don't bother anymore?


I take it you cant read.

  Turkish said:
When was it? People often quote that all the good posters don't bother coming on here anymore so there must have been a time when this forum was overrun with magnificent posters all constantly posting interesting, informative and hilarious posts. As someone that has been on here since the original saints forever days and pre and post Amygate, it was like that in the very early network24 days, posters like Essruu, Keith, 3lions, Patrick Bateman were all good, we even had people like Scarfer, an older fella who was a good guy. With the move the SMS it became more mainstream with all the dinlow and their tedious seating plans and "what name are you getting on the back of your shirt?" threads. then there was the era of the ITKers, alluding to stuff without ever letting on to the masses, fan on the board types who loved making out they knew more than they did. So which one of theses was the golden era or was there one I've missed and who were the good posters from the past that don't bother anymore?


Amygate was easily one of the funniest things the internet has ever seen.

  This Charming Man said:
The golden days were when you were actually allowed to have a bit of banter on here and before the funny posters were banned. The months building up to the formation of the breakaway forum B-anter were great. Some threads on here had me in tears, then the mod's took a zero policy to virtually everything you could think of. Not a single thread was left untouched from them deleting posts and it all got rather tedious with some of them seemingly on a power trip. That then signalled the death of this forum and it's never really recovered.


They lost loads of posters during that spell and most never came back. S4E was easily twice as busy as this forum is these days.


Did you know that whole forum came about because someone posted that they wondered what Steve Grants head would like like on a stick?, Essruu put a mock up of it on S4E and the rest is history.

  This Charming Man said:
Amygate was easily one of the funniest things the internet has ever seen.


I can still feel the "swelling in my pants"

  Turkish said:
Did you know that whole forum came about because someone posted that they wondered what Steve Grants head would like like on a stick?, Essruu put a mock up of it on S4E and the rest is history.


Yeah, it used to just be a website with Pr1ck on a Stick, the meercats, St Steve's holiday snaps - now they were funny and Manji's music corner.


Then Essruu was forced into the forum world by the liberal loons that were left running this place.

  The Kraken said:
I don't think anything will ever top the episode of Crouchie and his lawyer on b-anter. Aboslutely gold.


Ah yes. Wish I'd kept that PM he sent me where he advised me he was going to commence legal proceedings against me for libel.


This place has had it moments though. The most recently post that has made me cry with laughter was from Colbury on the "Does this forum reflect our fanbase?" Thread. When he wrote "yes, most of our fans are helmets and so are most people on here". :lol:

  This Charming Man said:
Ah yes. Wish I'd kept that PM he sent me where he advised me he was going to commence legal proceedings against me for libel.


The poor lad tried to claim he'd just been having a laugh all along; he got absolutely rinsed. I also remember the photo of him put up there which defied his bullsh*t claims of what grand job he did (can't remember what that was now) and he turned out to be an Oxford-based security guard.

  The Kraken said:
The poor lad tried to claim he'd just been having a laugh all along; he got absolutely rinsed. I also remember the photo of him put up there which defied his bullsh*t claims of what grand job he did (can't remember what that was now) and he turned out to be an Oxford-based security guard.


I heard a story that he came running out of a certain pub in St Marys street when word went round another "firm" were about and started screaming and beating his chest like tarzan. Can anyone confirm?

  The Kraken said:
The poor lad tried to claim he'd just been having a laugh all along; he got absolutely rinsed. I also remember the photo of him put up there which defied his bullsh*t claims of what grand job he did (can't remember what that was now) and he turned out to be an Oxford-based security guard.


Wasn't he a bouncer but claimed to be some kind of security advisor or something?


There' s never really been a golden era, there has always been b*tching a pettiness. Things are however becoming a bit too much, the forum needs to have reasoned discussion if it is to thrive and threads are being ruined by pedants from both extremes.

  This Charming Man said:
Wasn't he a bouncer but claimed to be some kind of security advisor or something?


I'm sure someone posted a picture of him as a security guard in Asda.

  Colinjb said:
There' s never really been a golden era, there has always been b*tching a pettiness. Things are however becoming a bit too much, the forum needs to have reasoned discussion if it is to thrive and threads are being ruined by pedants from both extremes.


I have not seen anything posted that should not be allowed - its just that in the past the banter, p!sstake generally found itself in banter, p!sstake threads - now its on all threads, which can can on occasion be a good thing, but its just degenerated to the point where those wanting to discuss a issue cant even do that - and irony is lost on those individuals with 15,000+ posts accusing the 'mongs' of being so serious and obsessed with message boards....

  Frank said:
I have not seen anything posted that should not be allowed - its just that in the past the banter' date=' p!sstake generally found itself in banter, p!sstake threads - now its on all threads, which can can on occasion be a good thing, but its just degenerated to the point where those wanting to discuss a issue cant even do that -[b'] and irony is lost on those individuals with 15,000+ posts accusing the 'mongs' of being so serious and obsessed with message boards....[/b]


Things of essentially no significance becoming points of perceived moral principle.

  Crab Lungs said:
There was a golden era. It is a lot more mongy now.


Agreed. I'm always amazed at how seriously a lot of people take everything.


I've been on versions of this board since about 2000 and I've never known a time when there haven't been people regularly posting that the board's not as good as it used to be and that all the best posters don't bother any more. I actually think that it's pretty much the same as it always was. People see it differently because they've moved on in different ways, but the overall quality is almost exactly the same. When i first came, I didn't bother returning for ages because I thought it was too full of dull people posting **** and thinking they were hilarious. Now the people who were doing that look back on it as a great time and dislike the newer ones doing exactly the same thing.


The only significant change I remember was when it started as a paying forum and only a few people had paid at first, so it was just the same twenty people or so starting threads and posting regularly.


One constant is that ******** (don't want to name names, I'll let you work it out based on his ludicrous post count) is and always has posted constantly and considered himself an expert on every subject for as long as I remember. Also, anybody with over 10,000 posts should avoid criticising the board for being **** as they are responsible for too much of its content and are a major part of how **** the forum might be.

  Turkish said:
Agreed. I'm always amazed at how seriously a lot of people take everything.


I would suggest ' lot of people (normal) do NOT take eveything seriously, but there are topics of interest and conversation that they do' - I'm more amazed that there are grown adults out there that cant take anything seriously, or accept that everyone is different and some do want to occasionally discuss something 'seriously' or a serious topic, without inane comment, or 'banter' deliberately designed to provoke... Why is it that certain posters conjure up an image of spotty teenagers giggling like school girls at their monitors congratulating themselves on winding up another old 'mong'? Beavis and Butthead seem to be role models for some on here.

  Frank said:
I would suggest ' lot of people (normal) do NOT take eveything seriously' date=' but there are topics of interest and conversation that they do' - I'm more amazed that there are grown adults out there that cant take anything seriously, or accept that everyone is different and some do want to occasionally discuss something 'seriously' or a serious topic, without inane comment, or 'banter' deliberately designed to provoke... Why is it that certain posters conjure up an image of spotty teenagers giggling like school girls at their monitors congratulating themselves on winding up another old 'mong'? Beavis and Butthead seem to be role models for some on here.[/quote']


* Puts on "Franks Cousin- Taking the internet seriously since 1995" t-shirt *


Last time I saw Bates he was haunting Bedford's Place on matchdays, that was years ago now though. I think Lee moved to Hull, claiming they don't have the internet there.


The Ted Bates statue and Big Sam's phone threads were the best freds on here.

  The Kraken said:
Keith Legg going on the pre-season tour and the sh*t-storm it created was something to behold.


Do you ever remember a picture that was posted of Michael Wilde walking a dog with Keith Leggs face on it? That remains in one of my top 5 mongboard LOL moments of all time.

  Turkish said:
Do you ever remember a picture that was posted of Michael Wilde walking a dog with Keith Leggs face on it? That remains in one of my top 5 mongboard LOL moments of all time.

It all went downhill went people were getting banned for saying wilde was a fake

  Turkish said:
Do you ever remember a picture that was posted of Michael Wilde walking a dog with Keith Leggs face on it? That remains in one of my top 5 mongboard LOL moments of all time.

Ha ha, I do remember that, quality! Keef's turnaround from club critic to complete lapdog following the pre-season tour was remarkable, he started banning people left right and centre who brought it up.


Some of Essruu's photoshops were funny, SRS was on the receiving end of 2 or 3 that I can remember. Including a mocked up student card, I seem to recall, after one too many predictable anti-student rants.


Been on various versions of this board since 2000ish. I think the main difference is that pettiness, baiting, 'banter' and p1ss taking were restricted to the threads they should be on, and serious threads were kept that way.


Ah for the good old days of Master Bates' bewbs, Wilde becoming a member and Rupert Lowe employing people to post positive stuff about him.


AmyGate was probably the peak of the Internet in general

  Thedelldays said:
I heard he was stu's lapdog on the boards....cant confirm it though


He used to mug Stu off all the time, especially about his Ben Sherman shirts.

  Golden Balls said:
Been on various versions of this board since 2000ish. I think the main difference is that pettiness, baiting, 'banter' and p1ss taking were restricted to the threads they should be on, and serious threads were kept that way.


Ah for the good old days of Master Bates' bewbs, Wilde becoming a member and Rupert Lowe employing people to post positive stuff about him.


AmyGate was probably the peak of the Internet in general


That's what fecked me off most.... some of us did not get a wedge, just the Lowe Luvvie sheidt for our sins :scared::D

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