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A clue about what Cortese is telling transfer targets this summer...

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  The Kraken said:
The sign of a good referee is if you don't notice them. Or something.


ye, and if u fo something right then nobody notices uve done anything at all.


I've found forums work better if moderators are well known posters, are more than just fanboys and are slightly itk. I'm not saying it always works but it never ends up as a b*tch fest like this.

  Matthew Le God said:
What makes you think that? I'm clearly not that bad on Twitter or I wouldn't have nearly 600 people following me. Yes, some people on this forum don't like me, but a number of people do. I have received a number of good will private messages from other members of this forum about the abuse a certain 5 or 6 posters constantly give me. That might sound like a "world is against me" post, but the actual number of those against me appears relatively small, they are just unrelenting in putting me down for being positive.


Firstly, it takes something away from your point if you quote me and then edit the quote. It no longer becomes a quote, to quote the Libertines "your like a journalist, you cut and paste and twist your (or my) words."


Secondly, I did not say you were universally unpopular, just that a large number of people using different forums, including twitter find you annoying. Therefore, as well as people trying to not jump down your throat, you should adjust your style and not jump down their throat. At the risk of being insulting, for a while I thought you may have asperger's syndrome as you display many of the characteristics (I honestly do not mean this in any negative way). I then found out you are a teacher so realised that correcting people and talking down to them, comes as second nature :).


I as I am sure many others do, find some of what you cut and paste to be interesting. You research places we can not be arsed to and then post it on a public forum.


I do however expect you are a lot more mouthy from behind your pc/smart phone than you are in 'real life', otherwise you would be in conflicts everyday of your life.


To answer your question, yes, If you give it out, you should 'roll with it' when you get it back.


Getting back to the thread,which some on here find impossible [due to their very,very low attention span and the childish nature of their immature personalities ] what is wrong with NC wanting to aim as high as possible,if we do not quite get there,it will certainly not be for the want of trying.

  Matthew Le God said:
The same could quite easily apply to you. Once again a positive thread has turned into an "attack thread". Others have already pointed this out.


It could have been a positive thread. A talented young player saying how much he wants to join us and how everything is perfect for him to come here. Unfortunately you chose, deliberately I am sure, to spin it about Cortese telling players we are going for the champions league and how this one brief comment suits your 'we're going to a massive club' crusade. Don't play the victim, you could have said how positive his comments were about SFC and how great it was to hear, which it is. You didn't, you chose to concentrate on what Cortese might have said, which was utterly pointless. Unfortunately a lot of the helmets on here can't see through that.



  Turkish said:
It could have been a positive thread. A talented young player saying how much he wants to join us and how everything is perfect for him to come here. Unfortunately you chose, deliberately I am sure, to spin it about Cortese telling players we are going for the champions league and how this one brief comment suits your 'we're going to a massive club' crusade. Don't play the victim, you could have said how positive his comments were about SFC and how great it was to hear, which it is. You didn't, you chose to concentrate on what Cortese might have said, which was utterly pointless. Unfortunately a lot of the helmets on here can't see through that.


Have to say I agree. It is very tiresome!

  ottery st mary said:
Did this chap join us after all this shiiiiite:rolleyes:


I'm guessing but I don't think he was shown around the message boards as part of the tour. If we did that, nobody would sign for us.


I don't see why everybody is getting their knickers in a twist over the OP - factually it is correct.


With our resources, there is little doubt that we will be chasing Man City this season, pretty obvious really.


That said - we'll probably by 16 - 18 places behind them at the finish, but we will be chasing.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
I'm guessing but I don't think he was shown around the message boards as part of the tour. If we did that, nobody would sign for us.

That is so true T-S! Still, MLG does post a lot of accurate stuff and I would be sorry myself if he was hounded out by abuse, since I enjoy most of what he writes up on here. After decades of being strugglers, we have had three years of relative success and if the owners and their executive chairman have major ambitions, Ill not object. I will still wait in hope rather than expectation.


I think some of the personal abuse MLG has got recently has been shocking, why knock a guy who is as passionate about this club as anyone?


Fair enough, he winds the heck out of me with his pedantic and correcting ways, but he's still a decent contributor to this forum.

  Turkish said:
It could have been a positive thread. A talented young player saying how much he wants to join us and how everything is perfect for him to come here. Unfortunately you chose, deliberately I am sure, to spin it about Cortese telling players we are going for the champions league and how this one brief comment suits your 'we're going to a massive club' crusade. Don't play the victim, you could have said how positive his comments were about SFC and how great it was to hear, which it is. You didn't, you chose to concentrate on what Cortese might have said, which was utterly pointless. Unfortunately a lot of the helmets on here can't see through that.


Presumably, someone has to sell the club to prospective players? I would assume that NC has something to do with this, he seems to be setting the agenda for the club in the immediate future so I wouldn't be a massive leap of faith to assume that he was the one selling the dream to anyone interested in joining would it? I'm certain that NC's involvement is far from utterly pointless, in fact I would consider it to be vital as this time.


What is pointless, and seems to be getting pointed out on all of the threads that head this way is your constant sniping and barracking of anyone who would suggest that we might be a tiny bit ambitious or that the club are doing good things and heading in the right direction. In fact, in a lot of threads you seem to acknowledge that the sentiment of what is being said is correct, so what is it about people getting excited about Saints that so irks you? You have become that annoying itch that wont go away.






My 2p worth.


I'm delighted by the progress of the club. But I worry a bit sometimes that some people are too optimistic.


At some point, being aspirational slips into being delusional.


Yes, sure I want Cortese to be ambitious for the club and to give a good impression to possible signings. But if he is really giving people the idea that we are close to being "competitive" with Man City, he's a nutjob. I just worry slightly that MLG (who I don't hold anything against) would have been - if he was a Darlington fan - cheering on George Reynolds when he built some lunatic 25,000 all seater stadium for the Quakers and talked about the club getting into the Premier League within 5 years. They are now in division 27.


For my money, staying up in the Premier League next season would be a fine achievement and gradually becoming a safe-ish top 14 club would be heroic (e.g. rough equivalent to Fulham, Villa, even Everton...that sort of "they won't set the world alight but won't get relegated" level).

  stug76 said:
Presumably, someone has to sell the club to prospective players? I would assume that NC has something to do with this, he seems to be setting the agenda for the club in the immediate future so I wouldn't be a massive leap of faith to assume that he was the one selling the dream to anyone interested in joining would it? I'm certain that NC's involvement is far from utterly pointless, in fact I would consider it to be vital as this time.


What is pointless, and seems to be getting pointed out on all of the threads that head this way is your constant sniping and barracking of anyone who would suggest that we might be a tiny bit ambitious or that the club are doing good things and heading in the right direction. In fact, in a lot of threads you seem to acknowledge that the sentiment of what is being said is correct, so what is it about people getting excited about Saints that so irks you? You have become that annoying itch that wont go away.






"a tiny bit of ambition" would be lower midtable this season. It would be with the ultimate aim of being a constant upper midtable club. As Saint bobby says above, let's not mix ambition with delusion.




Annoying itch

  SaintBobby said:
My 2p worth.


I'm delighted by the progress of the club. But I worry a bit sometimes that some people are too optimistic.


At some point, being aspirational slips into being delusional.


Yes, sure I want Cortese to be ambitious for the club and to give a good impression to possible signings. But if he is really giving people the idea that we are close to being "competitive" with Man City, he's a nutjob. I just worry slightly that MLG (who I don't hold anything against) would have been - if he was a Darlington fan - cheering on George Reynolds when he built some lunatic 25,000 all seater stadium for the Quakers and talked about the club getting into the Premier League within 5 years. They are now in division 27.


For my money, staying up in the Premier League next season would be a fine achievement and gradually becoming a safe-ish top 14 club would be heroic (e.g. rough equivalent to Fulham, Villa, even Everton...that sort of "they won't set the world alight but won't get relegated" level).


A realistic post.


I expect us to punch above our natural financial weight because of our owners, but to expect or hope for us to do a Chelsea or a Man City is IMO delusional. The Liebherrs are an old established business family that have created their own wealth, they're not arabs that have recently had money thrown at them purely because they were lucky enough to lord it over an area where oil was discovered and as such behave like the chav from norfolk who won the lottery. The whole pysche is completely different.

  SaintBobby said:
My 2p worth.


I'm delighted by the progress of the club. But I worry a bit sometimes that some people are too optimistic.


At some point, being aspirational slips into being delusional.


Yes, sure I want Cortese to be ambitious for the club and to give a good impression to possible signings. But if he is really giving people the idea that we are close to being "competitive" with Man City, he's a nutjob. I just worry slightly that MLG (who I don't hold anything against) would have been - if he was a Darlington fan - cheering on George Reynolds when he built some lunatic 25,000 all seater stadium for the Quakers and talked about the club getting into the Premier League within 5 years. They are now in division 27.


For my money, staying up in the Premier League next season would be a fine achievement and gradually becoming a safe-ish top 14 club would be heroic (e.g. rough equivalent to Fulham, Villa, even Everton...that sort of "they won't set the world alight but won't get relegated" level).


Good post.


IMHO we should stop the bickering and simply accept the fact that just for now, in this moment of time, we have the Leadership of our club who are saying that they want us to continually improve and to aim to be the best.


How much farking better is that compared to "aspiring to improve the return on Investment to Shareholders"?


Or how much better is it to learn snippets potentially attributed to players who could sign for the club rather than having some Churchillian speech from an Exec/Non Exec pro/Con.


Turkish is right, the OP could have been a tad more selective in his choice of words. eg How amazing it is to hear that THE CLUB is saying these things to players. I understand what he intended, he just gave ammunition and got shot down, despite all his attempts to don a Kevlar vest after the initial "Hey guys come shoot at me statement"


Surely we will only know who was ambitious or delusional in retrospect? Do you know something that nobody else does?


Amused of Helmetshire.

  dune said:
A realistic post.


I expect us to punch above our natural financial weight because of our owners, but to expect or hope for us to do a Chelsea or a Man City is IMO delusional. The Liebherrs are an old established business family that have created their own wealth, they're not arabs that have recently had money thrown at them purely because they were lucky enough to lord it over an area where oil was discovered and as such behave like the chav from norfolk who won the lottery. The whole pysche is completely different.


Why not? Why not challenge Man City?


I think what we MISS here in this key argument is that the Swiss do things carefully and over time. Abu Dhabi do things NOW. Even professional commentators ask "Is this sustainable?" and historically we saw the Emirates in general catch an enormous dose of the Klap from the financial meltdown 4 years ago. Spend today is great BUT is it SUSTAINABLE? Could they keep going IF the world economy falters? Oil Price falls?


The key question to ask is not can we catch Citeh next year it should be "Is there a way to eventually catch them?"


Now the answer to that would interest any investor or businessman. I think there is a way, I think NC has seen that and so have the family or they would have bailed.


It took Citeh 3 years to win the PL, not 1 after the takeover. More importantly it is FIVE years since Thaksin took them over and started their real journey.


There MAY be another way, it MAY take 10 years it may fail but THANK GOD we are at least thinking about THAT instead of Dividends & Board Level bonuses

  stug76 said:
Surely we will only know who was ambitious or delusional in retrospect? Do you know something that nobody else does?


Amused of Helmetshire.


Hmmm, let's see. We've signed a player from Burnley and are apparently chasing a player that wasn't good enough for a poor dutch squad.


You are delusional if you think this is us throwing down the gauntlet to Man City.

  stug76 said:
Surely we will only know who was ambitious or delusional in retrospect? Do you know something that nobody else does?


Amused of Helmetshire.


Looking at history it's delusional to expect a club of saints size to challenge for the title the way football is these days. Should it ever happen I will accept all the mocking and abuse that will come my way.




Realistic of hampshire

  dubai_phil said:
Why not? Why not challenge Man City?


I think what we MISS here in this key argument is that the Swiss do things carefully and over time. Abu Dhabi do things NOW. Even professional commentators ask "Is this sustainable?" and historically we saw the Emirates in general catch an enormous dose of the Klap from the financial meltdown 4 years ago. Spend today is great BUT is it SUSTAINABLE? Could they keep going IF the world economy falters? Oil Price falls?


The key question to ask is not can we catch Citeh next year it should be "Is there a way to eventually catch them?"


Now the answer to that would interest any investor or businessman. I think there is a way, I think NC has seen that and so have the family or they would have bailed.


It took Citeh 3 years to win the PL, not 1 after the takeover. More importantly it is FIVE years since Thaksin took them over and started their real journey.


There MAY be another way, it MAY take 10 years it may fail but THANK GOD we are at least thinking about THAT instead of Dividends & Board Level bonuses


Please continue.

  dubai_phil said:
Why not? Why not challenge Man City?


I think what we MISS here in this key argument is that the Swiss do things carefully and over time. Abu Dhabi do things NOW. Even professional commentators ask "Is this sustainable?" and historically we saw the Emirates in general catch an enormous dose of the Klap from the financial meltdown 4 years ago. Spend today is great BUT is it SUSTAINABLE? Could they keep going IF the world economy falters? Oil Price falls?


The key question to ask is not can we catch Citeh next year it should be "Is there a way to eventually catch them?"


Now the answer to that would interest any investor or businessman. I think there is a way, I think NC has seen that and so have the family or they would have bailed.


It took Citeh 3 years to win the PL, not 1 after the takeover. More importantly it is FIVE years since Thaksin took them over and started their real journey.


There MAY be another way, it MAY take 10 years it may fail but THANK GOD we are at least thinking about THAT instead of Dividends & Board Level bonuses


It's not just about signing expensive players, it's also about retaining players. IMO it is delusional to think that we might at some stage pay the same wages as Man City. If we don't pay comparable wages our top players will simply leave.

  dubai_phil said:
Why not? Why not challenge Man City?


I think what we MISS here in this key argument is that the Swiss do things carefully and over time. Abu Dhabi do things NOW. Even professional commentators ask "Is this sustainable?" and historically we saw the Emirates in general catch an enormous dose of the Klap from the financial meltdown 4 years ago. Spend today is great BUT is it SUSTAINABLE? Could they keep going IF the world economy falters? Oil Price falls?


The key question to ask is not can we catch Citeh next year it should be "Is there a way to eventually catch them?"


Now the answer to that would interest any investor or businessman. I think there is a way, I think NC has seen that and so have the family or they would have bailed.


It took Citeh 3 years to win the PL, not 1 after the takeover. More importantly it is FIVE years since Thaksin took them over and started their real journey.


There MAY be another way, it MAY take 10 years it may fail but THANK GOD we are at least thinking about THAT instead of Dividends & Board Level bonuses


Sure, I'd love to see Saints challenging at the top.


But, this way madness may lie.


We don't have the cash or the kudos. Nowhere close.


I guess it hinges on whether you admire Del Trotter always saying "this time next year, we will be millionaires".


I reckon he and Rodney would have been better off making their first £50k-£100K and moving out of their crappy council flat in Peckham.

  Turkish said:
Looking at history it's delusional to expect a club of saints size to challenge for the title the way football is these days. Should it ever happen I will accept all the mocking and abuse that will come my way.




Realistic of hampshire


I don't think we'll be challenging with City for the title this year or next year but I think we'll be chasing them.. After that, who knows?




Sir Helmet of Delusion.

  stug76 said:
I don't think we'll be challenging with City for the title this year or next year but I think we'll be chasing them.. After that, who knows?




Sir Helmet of Delusion.

I agree.


I think for the forseeable future, as long as we're in this division we will be chasing Man City.

  CanadaSaint said:
WTF is wrong with people on here?


MLG posts a fairly positive story and it's instantly buried under an avalanche of sneering and snide comments. Damn near every topic on here ends up going down the same toilet, as some people choose to contaminate it with their sarcasm.


Give it a rest FFS or else there will be nobody left on here whose opinions are worth reading. Many already don't bother any more as it is.


I have highlighted the problem with it for most people who have criticised.

  stug76 said:
I don't think we'll be challenging with City for the title this year or next year but I think we'll be chasing them.. After that, who knows?




Sir Helmet of Delusion.


  The Kraken said:
I agree.


I think for the forseeable future, as long as we're in this division we will be chasing Man City.


Krackers speaks for me.

  SaintBobby said:
My 2p worth.


I'm delighted by the progress of the club. But I worry a bit sometimes that some people are too optimistic.


At some point, being aspirational slips into being delusional.


Yes, sure I want Cortese to be ambitious for the club and to give a good impression to possible signings. But if he is really giving people the idea that we are close to being "competitive" with Man City, he's a nutjob. I just worry slightly that MLG (who I don't hold anything against) would have been - if he was a Darlington fan - cheering on George Reynolds when he built some lunatic 25,000 all seater stadium for the Quakers and talked about the club getting into the Premier League within 5 years. They are now in division 27.


For my money, staying up in the Premier League next season would be a fine achievement and gradually becoming a safe-ish top 14 club would be heroic (e.g. rough equivalent to Fulham, Villa, even Everton...that sort of "they won't set the world alight but won't get relegated" level).


Cracking post. Best one on here for ages. I agree completely.


I have a mate who knows Turkish. His words: "He is a laugh and doesn't take himself to seriously. He takes the p*ss out saintsweb when he is bored." I trust my mate so he sounds alright to me.

  S-Clarke said:
I think some of the personal abuse MLG has got recently has been shocking, why knock a guy who is as passionate about this club as anyone?


Fair enough, he winds the heck out of me with his pedantic and correcting ways, but he's still a decent contributor to this forum.


I'm amazed you see passion (or any sort of human emotion) in his posts. Whenever I read them I largely see large amounts of OCD.

  hypochondriac said:
I'm amazed you see passion (or any sort of human emotion) in his posts. Whenever I read them I largely see large amounts of OCD.


Let's assume for a moment that your amateur psychological assessment of MLG is correct, are you saying he's fair game for personal abuse because he has a mental disorder?

  S-Clarke said:
I think some of the personal abuse MLG has got recently has been shocking, why knock a guy who is as passionate about this club as anyone?


Fair enough, he winds the heck out of me with his pedantic and correcting ways, but he's still a decent contributor to this forum.


Totally agree, never had a problem with him and I never will as I will knock the **** outta him If I did :)

  capitalsaint said:
Let's assume for a moment that your amateur psychological assessment of MLG is correct, are you saying he's fair game for personal abuse because he has a mental disorder?


If he did have a mental disorder then I would strongly advise that he reduced his post amount or at least asked someone before posting. I have nothing wrong with his informative posts, it's the obsessive need to correct every single tiny error no matter how small and even if it is perfectly obvious what a poster means that grates somewhat. That and the very tedious belief that everything emanating from the club is to be believed as gospel without even a seconds thought that sometimes there are ulterior motives behind statements from players, agents or PR firms.

Posted (edited)
  Turkish said:
Please continue.


OK just for you.


Google Maps. Enter your postcode. Then go to get directions (Driving) to somewhere exotic or obscure such as Mumbai.


It is a ridiculous and long journey and will calculate to take bleedin' ages.


However Google Maps will divide it down into a zillion pieces. Each road junction/turning etc. If you get to one junction successfully you have to then get to the next. All sorts of weird sh1t can happen on the road, car wrecks, breakdowns, credit card running out.


Thing is if you just read the 2,000 pages of directions once on your home computer you'd get hopelessly lost before you got to Dover AND you would look INCREDIBLY stupid stopping at theM25 services and asking for directions to Mumbai.


But NC was "clever", (or IMHO believes he was clever)he bought a GPS.


All it is about now is whether he has enough spare batteries and whether he actually managed to download all the maps he will need.


Being daft enough to think you could do the drive and buying the GPS still doesn't mean you would actually complete the journey.


Also, understanding that he has a GPS and wants to make the journey doesn't stop me from thinking why bother?


Thing is HE thinks it can be done and so his decisions (eg flog Luke Shaw for a quick 4mil or not) will be based on what he thinks he needs to make the journey.


HOPEFULLY it means we WILL start to retain our best players ass we get to each junction.


Time for a lie down

Edited by dubai_phil
  dubai_phil said:
OK just for you.


Google Maps. Enter your postcode. Then go to get directions (Driving) to somewhere exotic or obscure such as Mumbai.


It is a ridiculous and long journey and will calculate to take bleedin' ages.


However Google Maps will divide it down into a zillion pieces. Each road junction/turning etc. If you get to one junction successfully you have to then get to the next. All sorts of weird sh1t can happen on the road, car wrecks, breakdowns, credit card running out.


Thing is if you just read the 2,000 pages of directions once on your home computer you'd get hopelessly lost before you got to Dover AND you would look INCREDIBLY stupid stopping at theM25 services and asking for directions to Mumbai.


But NC was "clever", (or IMHO believes he was clever)he bought a GPS.


All it is about now is whether he has enough spare batteries and whether he actually managed to download all the maps he will need.


Being daft enough to think you could do the drive and buying the GPS still doesn't mean you would actually complete the journey.


Also, understanding that he has a GPS and wants to make the journey doesn't stop me from thinking why bother?


Thing is HE thinks it can be done and so his decisions (eg flog Luke Shaw for a quick 4mil or not) will be based on what he thinks he needs to make the journey.


HOPEFULLY it means we WILL start to retain our best players ass we get to each junction.


Time for a lie down


I hope the Lie down doesn't include the player who's ass you so covet :)


NB who do we have on holiday down there?

  PhilippineSaint said:
I hope the Lie down doesn't include the player who's ass you so covet :)


NB who do we have on holiday down there?


Holiday stalking was Eric's job. Pretty sure we had Chappers & Sharp according to the FB reports.


And yeah very disappointed today. The players ass I covet so much will no longer be on display on telly.





Sharapova got knocked out

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