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So, in response to the recent Argentine pressure over the island's sovereignty the islanders are holding a referendum.


A sensible move by them and supported by the Prime Minister. The international pressure on Argentina to stand down after the Islander's confirm they wish to remain British must surely put this issue to bed (for at least another 30 years anyway...)


Even if the Argentines ignored the outcome and re-invaded, we'd be down there like a shot to reclaim the Islands again........ oooohhhhhh eerrrr, maybe not.....

From my experience the Falkland Islanders are more British than us, like most ex-pats.


Indeed. Which is why I so enjoy visiting these places. Unlike so many in the UK they are unstintingly loyal and patriotic. It's a delight to spend time amongst such fantastic people.

If your forgetful PM, "call me Dave". is so keen on a referendum how come he refuses point blank

to let you lot have one about staying in the E.U. or whatever it's called these days?


Because he's an untrustworthy lightweight prime minister. He's undoubtedly preferable to Millibean, but that's not difficult. In terms of Conservative PM's he'll go down in history as a poor one.


Well, seeing as the new Argentinian ambassador to the UK has already in recent times gone on record saying that the UN Declaration of Self-Determination doesnt apply to the Falkland Islanders because they are not indigenous, I would be very surprised if the tone of the rhetoric from Buenos Aries changes in the slightest. It may however have an impact on the public support of Argentinas cause from some of its more moderate neighbours such as Brazil and Uruguay.


I wonder how the Argies square the "indigenous peoples" argument with the fact that the Spanish/Italian descendants stole Patagonia from the natives???

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