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Drivers fined for flashing headlights at oncoming cars to warn them of speed traps


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For years, drivers who pass a police speed trap have flashed their headlights at oncoming cars to warn them to slow down.

But this spirit of friendly co-operation could become a thing of the past after one police force caught almost as many drivers who flashed their lights as actual speeders.

In an anti-speeding campaign, Lancashire Police handed out 23 tickets for breaking the limit - and 20 for 'misuse of headlights'.



Proof if ever any more were needed that speed camersa have nothing whatsoever to do with road safety and everything to do with profit



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When I visited Australia in the 80s it was against the law to warn fellow drivers about upcoming speed traps and they were very hot at catching people who did. They seemed to accept it as par for the course out there. I guess, some 30 years later, we're simply catching up with the times.


Of course, if no one broke the law there wouldn't be any need to flash people in the first place....

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If you don't speed you don't get fined, and don't need to be warned - simples !


Must be very difficult being perfect like you then when you hear that 4.2% of British Motorists were caught Speeding

last year on either a fixed speed camera, mobile speed trap or stopped by the Police. Say approx 1,596,000 road users.



If we assume that on average the collection was £60 for each ticket -- then that works out to a grand total of:


£95,760,000 ...or nearly a hundred...million...pounds!


I can guess what that character in "The Royals" would say... "Road Safety my ar**"



Edited by Saint in Paradise
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Must be very difficult being perfect like you then


Never said I was perfect, but how anybody gets caught by GATSOs is beyond me; they are painted bright yellow and prominently positioned, warning signs are posted at least a mile before them, SatNavs know where they are - as do road atlases, and you can even check their location on Police websites. Additionally, local newpapers tend to carry advance notice of the planned location of the mobile units for the next week. Claiming they are a 'cash cow' being milked is just sour grapes, you know you are speeding, you know you will be fined if caught. If you don't want to subscribe to the Police Benevolent Fund, don't get caught.

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Never said I was perfect, but how anybody gets caught by GATSOs is beyond me; they are painted bright yellow and prominently positioned, warning signs are posted at least a mile before them, SatNavs know where they are - as do road atlases, and you can even check their location on Police websites. Additionally, local newpapers tend to carry advance notice of the planned location of the mobile units for the next week. Claiming they are a 'cash cow' being milked is just sour grapes, you know you are speeding, you know you will be fined if caught. If you don't want to subscribe to the Police Benevolent Fund, don't get caught.




(but don't forget that the great British public like nothing more than a good old moan at stuff and this satisfies that craving...)

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You would think the plod would be happy for other motorists to warn people and make them slow down. After all the whole point is to reduce accidents.... isn't it?


When I worked in traffic, I came across plenty of accidents that were caused by people flashing their headlights unexpectedly and distracting/dazzling other road users.


Rule 110 of the highway code is very clear.


'Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.'


And if people are having to slow down for speed cameras it usually means their breaking the speed limit in the first place.

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When I worked in traffic, I came across plenty of accidents that were caused by people flashing their headlights unexpectedly and distracting/dazzling other road users.


What utter nonsense. Having headlights flashed at you isn't like a deer running out in front of the car. It's er flashing headlights.


I know someone who was flashed out of a junction and pulled out in front of a car traveling at about 60, so there is a danger there if you rely on others much like following fog lights, but the act of flashing is hardly dangerous. On the contrary I sometimes flash a car to warm them of a horse rider or accident. On no occasion has the driver i've flashed pankiced and launched their car into a field.

Edited by dune
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What utter nonsense. Having headlights flashed at you isn't like a deer running out in front of the car. It's er flashing headlights.


I know someone who was flashed out of a junction and pulled out in front of a car traveling at about 60, so there is a danger there if you rely on others much like following fog lights, but the act of flashing is hardly dangerous. On the contrary I sometimes flash a car to warm them of a horse rider or accident. On no occasion has the driver i've flashed pankiced and launched their car into a field.


The vast majority of such accidents have been at night and I actually would agree with you that the danger is extremely low during the day time. However the danger is greater in the dark, especially in wet conditions. In one of such accidents where I was involved in the investigation the driver of the car was killed. I had to take the witness statement from the seriously injured passenger who said they'd approached a blind right-hand kink on a 60mph road, a car had come in the opposite direction, flashed them and had temporarily unsighted the driver due to the glare just at the wrong time. There may not have been speed checks on that road at the time but the principle remains the same.


Rule 110 of the highway code instructs you not to flash headlights except when you need to indicate your presence for a reason.

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Rule 110 of the highway code instructs you not to flash headlights except when you need to indicate your presence for a reason.


Right so when your driving through the forest in the dark and you plow into a stupid cow/horse/deer licking the tarmac in the middle of the road you wont be thinking remotely about the driver you went past just before who didn't warn you of the obstruction in the middle of the road. This is a silly line of the highway code and as usual being bent to fit what the authorities feel is an excuse to fine you!

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We have a little residential road in our town that the police often set a speed trap up on, it is not an accident hotspot ( never been one in the 12 years I have lived here) or near a school etc but there is a slight hill so what happen is, aseople come around the corner at 30 mph by the time you hit the bottom you will be doing 35 unless you brake. The problem is everyone now drives around that corner looking solely at their speedometer

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We have a little residential road in our town that the police often set a speed trap up on, it is not an accident hotspot ( never been one in the 12 years I have lived here) or near a school etc but there is a slight hill so what happen is, aseople come around the corner at 30 mph by the time you hit the bottom you will be doing 35 unless you brake. The problem is everyone now drives around that corner looking solely at their speedometer


When learning to drive, I got taught how to use low gears when going down hills. It was 1986 though so perhaps they don't teach people complicated stuff like how gears work these days...? ;-)

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I am not disputing the don't speed , won't get nicked argument at all. My only sadness is in this world of increasing selfishness I tout it was nice that someone I didn't know felt compelled to warn me of an upcoming trap. They could have just thought 'feck em' but they didn't.

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When learning to drive, I got taught how to use low gears when going down hills. It was 1986 though so perhaps they don't teach people complicated stuff like how gears work these days...? ;-)


No trousers that was back when cars were made to last and using your gears to slow down didn't feel like the box was falling out the bottom of your car! Anyway 1986 thats why you dont speed, your eyesights so bad you drive like you want to kiss the steering wheel at 20mph under the limit, whilst trying to work out that hazy blob your seeing through the windscreen is in fact a marmalade finger print on your specs :-)

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I am not disputing the don't speed , won't get nicked argument at all. My only sadness is in this world of increasing selfishness I tout it was nice that someone I didn't know felt compelled to warn me of an upcoming trap. They could have just thought 'feck em' but they didn't.


Didn't you think it was patronising of someone to think that you weren't clever enough to stick to the speed limit in the first place...? ;-)

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Wonder when they'll start to fine drivers for inappropriate use of THE MIDDLE LANE of the motorway then.. They are the f uktards of the road, make no mistake. And the terwats that will sit in the outside lane of the a34 not overtaking anything cos the inside lane is clear , so when someone try's to make a move on the inside they give it the finger and close the gap!!!

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We have a little residential road in our town that the police often set a speed trap up on, it is not an accident hotspot ( never been one in the 12 years I have lived here) or near a school etc but there is a slight hill so what happen is, aseople come around the corner at 30 mph by the time you hit the bottom you will be doing 35 unless you brake. The problem is everyone now drives around that corner looking solely at their speedometer


They only do it to raise money, which is why so many decent motorists warn each other.

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Wonder when they'll start to fine drivers for inappropriate use of THE MIDDLE LANE of the motorway then.. They are the f uktards of the road, make no mistake. And the terwats that will sit in the outside lane of the a34 not overtaking anything cos the inside lane is clear , so when someone try's to make a move on the inside they give it the finger and close the gap!!!


A few things i've noticed. Women drivers are always the last to put their side lights/headlights on at dusk. They have the attitude that they can see and don't consider the fact the lights are also there to be seen. Lorry drivers really do my head in. I regularly sit behind a lorry on a dual carriageway that takes miles to overtake another lorry. And then there's my all time pet hate - idiots that leave their fog lights on when it's not really very foggy or once you are behind them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm shocked but I'm in agreement with every post that Dune has made on this thread! :scared:


FWIW, surely "Rule 110 of the highway code instructs you not to flash headlights except when you need to indicate your presence for a reason." covers a multitude of sins anyway?

Edited by Petersfield Saint
Triperoting errots
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Lots of things seem to annoy Dune on the road.. I wonder if he's one of those drivers who does something stupid and then blames someone else. It can be annoying here to sit behind some ol' guy wearing a hat and driving a 20 year old Panda, or worse a 3 wheeler Ape, but on the local roads you just shrug your shoulders, relax and wait for a decent spot to pass.


In traffic if I'm letting someone out across the other lane I don't gesture which might indicate the way is clear but just make it plain from my hands together on the steering wheel that _I'm_ waiting.. it's their decision to go.


The middle lane hoggers are frustrating though; sometimes obliviousness and others sheer ignorance. Once I went on holiday with a friend, her BF and brother and was passenger in the back. Hacking down the middle lane of an empty motorway we got flashed and our driver wondered why. I suggested gently and politely that it was because we were travelling in the middle lane. All three turned on me saying driving in the middle lane in the circumstances was fine. I mentioned the highway code but there really wasn't any point argueing..


Mind you, there were other points of friction on that holiday.. Clinically obese brother had a "problem" apparently: they didn't like it when I raised my eyebrows at yet another large portion of late-night chips.

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I don't have a problem with careless driving. Middle lane hawkers and tailgaters need talking to. Perhaps it would be better that drivers that do this are pulled over and given a right talking to, if they do it again then fine them. I find education works better than just fining people

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