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You don't get it Badger do you. Nobody bows and scrapes they enjoy themselves, its about fun, community. Go on get out there and join in.


People like badger are quick to point out how community spirit is dead


I would like to know when badger has bowed to anyone?

Posted (edited)

Twenty twenty


They don't walk into positions in the armed forces. Simply not true


William is a qualified submariner. I can tell ŷou for a fact that he had to pass the exact same qualification I had to. I know people that sat on his board and he never got a free pass

Edited by Thedelldays
Posted (edited)
This thread is a great demonstration of why Britain has problems celebrating itself at all. Just look at the title of the thread for a perfect example. Instead of simply celebrating what he wants to, the poster is unable to feel good unless trying to have a go at somebody else. It's snide and unnecessary



Edited by buctootim
You don't get it Badger do you. Nobody bows and scrapes they enjoy themselves, its about fun, community. Go on get out there and join in.


Or take the van down and sell them some burgers.

Twenty twenty


They don't walk into positions in the armed forces. Simply not true


William is a qualified submariner. I can tell ŷou for a fact that he had to pass the exact same qualification I had to. I know people that sat on his board and he never got a free pass


I am not saying that William is not qualified, I am saying that he was bound to get into wherever he wanted to go.


Prince Edward managed it too. Was there ever some one so unsuited to the armed forces than Prince Edward?

Yep, lets continue living in the past and bathing in the glory of an Empire that has been consigned to ( a less than glorious ) history. Maybe things won't 'improve' as a republic, but it's easy to opt for 'no change' and to stagnate.


So if you don't believe things would change with an elected head of state, why such resentment and bitterness towards the monarchy?

I am not saying that William is not qualified, I am saying that he was bound to get into wherever he wanted to go.


Prince Edward managed it too. Was there ever some one so unsuited to the armed forces than Prince Edward?


If Delldays could pass the exam, it's hardly rocket science. You would expect someone with one of the best educations around would also be able to pass it.

People like badger are quick to point out how community spirit is dead


The days are gone when you need to speak to your neighbours thanks to mobile phones and the internet.

This thread is a great demonstration of why Britain has problems celebrating itself at all. Just look at the title of the thread for a perfect example. Instead of simply celebrating what he wants to, the poster is unable to feel good unless trying to have a go at somebody else. It's snide and unnecessary. Too many people have a problem with managing patriotism or royalism, without serving it with a generous side helping of hatred and disdain. There's plenty to celebrate about being British or English, there's plenty to enjoy about having a monarchy. Just do that without worrying so much about the people who don't want to join in.


Likewise, the people who don't want to join in don't need to try to make unpleasant comments about those who do (Yes we all know they're all Germans and Greeks). There are clearly enough people in the UK who want this to happen, so let the people have what they want. I'm not a royalist, but that's what there is and any movement to change that is not the current voice of the people. So stop whinging and let the royalists have their celebration, they'll even let you come to their party.

Good post. It is a shame that so many (on both sides) see fit to try and bring others down rather than respecting each others positions. Live and let live. Why even the need to start categorising or polarising people on such an occasion. If you enjoy it and want to be a part of it, then do so. If you don't, great. Each to their own. Why is it so hard for some people to understand this concept, be it about the Jubilee, wearing replica shirts, liking a particular band etc, etc?!


I spent last night at the Coldplay gig. It was awesome. I then got back to the Hotel and my wife and I spent awhile watching Prince Charles' documentary about his Mum and found it really interesting. I might catch up with the Jubilee proceedings at some point, I might not. I'm not overly fussed about watching it all, but I did find it interesting reading about it in the papers this morning and think it's great that so many people came together to celebrate such an occasion in different ways. It is a shame that it takes such an occasion to make people do this, but it is still good that it happened. Take the good from it.

Good post. It is a shame that so many (on both sides) see fit to try and bring others down rather than respecting each others positions. Live and let live. Why even the need to start categorising or polarising people on such an occasion. If you enjoy it and want to be a part of it, then do so. If you don't, great. Each to their own. Why is it so hard for some people to understand this concept, be it about the Jubilee, wearing replica shirts, liking a particular band etc, etc?!


I spent last night at the Coldplay gig. It was awesome. I then got back to the Hotel and my wife and I spent awhile watching Prince Charles' documentary about his Mum and found it really interesting. I might catch up with the Jubilee proceedings at some point, I might not. I'm not overly fussed about watching it all, but I did find it interesting reading about it in the papers this morning and think it's great that so many people came together to celebrate such an occasion in different ways. It is a shame that it takes such an occasion to make people do this, but it is still good that it happened. Take the good from it.


You are obviously easily pleased Mindy.

You are obviously easily pleased Mindy.


That's a matter of opinion I guess. I like their music, I think they put on a fantastic live show, and last night was a good example of this. Ergo, I am pleased.


I also have no doubt that you don't give a sh!t, and you'll no doubt be pleased to know that I don't give a sh!t about that.


Everyone's happy. :)


I'm not one of Coldplay's biggest fans but have seen them live before and they were amazing. A genuine stadium band and there's not too many of them around these days.


Also think the criticism of Chris Martin being dull certainly isn't fair going on his live performances. Incredibly energetic and incredibly talented.

That's a matter of opinion I guess. I like their music, I think they put on a fantastic live show, and last night was a good example of this. Ergo, I am pleased.


I also have no doubt that you don't give a sh!t, and you'll no doubt be pleased to know that I don't give a sh!t about that.


Everyone's happy. :)


Do you and mrs mindy put their CD's on when you have dinner parties?


Did no one notice how utterly DULL the whole affair was? The BBC has been getting it in the neck for their beyond-tedious coverage of the boating, but actually the real problem was with the event itself (I was involuntarily there because I live by the river) It was a one-trick pony that went on FOREVER.


And anyone getting their rocks off to Gary Barlow and Cliff Richard has clearly taken obeisance to Her Maj a step too far.


I'm actually pro-Royal, I think they add value to the UK brand. Face it there is next to no reason why people would visit the UK except for it's history and tradition.


Some of the celebrations did show England at it's worst though IMO. People standing out in the pouring rain insisting they were having fun when they clearly were not, as if they were compelled by some sort of misguided loyalty to stand they and enjoy themselves. Grow a pair FFS.


I enjoyed last nights show except when they wheeled out the usual old c*nts again. How long does Mcartney have to flog the Beatles dead horse FFS. And Elton John and Cliff Richard - they are just a ****ing embarrassment now.

Did no one notice how utterly DULL the whole affair was? The BBC has been getting it in the neck for their beyond-tedious coverage of the boating, but actually the real problem was with the event itself (I was involuntarily there because I live by the river) It was a one-trick pony that went on FOREVER.


And anyone getting their rocks off to Gary Barlow and Cliff Richard has clearly taken obeisance to Her Maj a step too far.


By the river eh Verbal you must be very rich.

By the river eh Verbal you must be very rich.


It may be expensive around here, but I choose to work in the most equal city in Britain.


So Sergei, can I sign you up to the bicycling royals campaign?


Just think: you can indulge all your fantasies of being a white-Russian royal personage by swanning around in Balmoral.

So Sergei, can I sign you up to the bicycling royals campaign?


Just think: you can indulge all your fantasies of being a white-Russian royal personage by swanning around in Balmoral.


The revolutionary by the River. Fight them on their own soil.


I don't think you would get the Queen on a bike so no thanks!

The revolutionary by the River. Fight them on their own soil.


I don't think you would get the Queen on a bike so no thanks!


The politics of envy, Sergei! I thought you were against that.


And 'Queen on a Bike' is a great slogan - thanks!


Fair enough, though don't think I'm really misrepresenting the position.


Rage is probably a bit strong, but most republicans I've met do seem quite angry.

There is not much which gets me that worked up so I find it an odd thing for people to waste such emotion on.


My guess (though admit could be wrong), is that many British people are fairly ambivalent about royalty and as such are happy with the status quo.

True republicans make up such a small minority view that they probably realise it’s a futile hope and get angry because of it.

Fair enough, though don't think I'm really misrepresenting the position.


Rage is probably a bit strong, but most republicans I've met do seem quite angry.

There is not much which gets me that worked up so I find it an odd thing for people to waste such emotion on.


My guess (though admit could be wrong), is that many British people are fairly ambivalent about royalty and as such are happy with the status quo.

True republicans make up such a small minority view that they probably realise it’s a futile hope and get angry because of it.


I'm a true replubican but didn't get angry at all. In fact I was happy for the kids to have some bunting and go to a jubilee party (on Friday) at their nursery school.


I am neither Monarchist or Republican, but I read somewhere that the Royal Family costs each one of us 68 pence a year. I really feel as if I`ve had my 68p`s worth over the last four days. Anything that brings the vast majority of the country together, and made us feel good about ourselves in the way that this Jubilee has done has got to be good. it is about far more than just the Queen.


i'm a republican and totally indifferent to the whole thing. I struggle to "hate" royalists in the way that they want to portray republicans as doing so, i just find the whole thing bafflingly odd, but each to their own and all that, and in the grand scheme of things they're fairly harmless.


I'll save my vitrol for the Tories who are asset stripping our country for their mates, the lib dem's who have gone back on any iota of social responsibility and the the labour politicians who took us to war and started charging for education. You know, the one's that actually affect our lives.


As for being grumpy and miserable? Fu.ck that i loved having the extra days off and spent them with a woman, down pubs and in southampton, mind you coming back up to london was a bit of a pain due to people but that's too be expected as plenty wanted to "celebrate"


Ahr... the great 'Royal' debate.... No probs with folk getting into the celebrations, but dont understand why they feel the need to wiat until someone born into a role has done it for 60 years before tehy suddenly get a rush of 'community' spirit... what about every other day? If community is 'alive and well', why is there such a fuss made about it on one day in how many?


Cant argue that the whole 'Royal thing' adds a few quid to the tourist coffers, not that its my bag, but seriously, how anyone can still fawn over royalty that is an accident of birth in a modern society, is beyond me.


Does make me laugh when some go on...and on... and on about how 'hard' they work though... yes the young lads have done some graft, but unlike the rest of us, its only a few years not a lifetime. They gain privilage and 'status' by an accident... built on an ancient system that divided land and wealth based on who had was most ruthless and simply took it... I am not suggesting its worth divving up and taking it back, but it is surprizing that so many still believe its merited and celebrate the royals to a point or worship.... odd

The politics of envy, Sergei! I thought you were against that.


And 'Queen on a Bike' is a great slogan - thanks!


You dont know where I live Verbal to make that judgement. You are clearly not a beer and sandwiches lefty.

Posted (edited)

I am not angry about the Monarch, just find it a bit strange.


All we keep reading about is Gideon Osborne and Dave Cameron being “out of touch”, posh boys running a cabinet of millionaires.Yet we fawn and bow to the poshest, most out of touch people in the world.


people’s view seems to be, lets get rid of the house of Lords, lets judge people on their merits, but lets leave the Queen to reign over us subjects.


It is inconsistent.


At least the Republican’s views are consistent.

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
I am not angry about the Monarch, just find it a bit strange.


All we keep reading about is Gideon Osborne and Dave Cameron being “out of touch”, posh boys running a cabinet of millionaires.Yet we fawn and bow to the poshest, most out of touch people in the world.


people’s view seems to be, lets get rid of the house of Lords, lets judge people on their merits, but lets leave the Queen to reign over us subjects.


It is inconsistent.


At least the Republican’s views are consistent.


I don't think hardly anyone gives a sh/t about the Lords, aside from a few middle class socialists. The same busy bodies that take it upon themselves to speak for everyone on every subject.

You dont know where I live Verbal to make that judgement. You are clearly not a beer and sandwiches lefty.


I'm sure you live in a fairytale castle, Sergei. You're right about beer - hate the stuff.


Here's the problem though. As grindingly tedious (even for QE2 evidently) as the whole boat thing was, it did have a rather unfortunate but entirely characteristic 'let them eat cake' moment. 30 long-term unemployed were bussed up from Bristol by one of those subcontracting 'security' firms of which governments are so fond these days. They were in London to act as stewards, but were paid nothing, discovered they had to buy their own food, were dumped under London Bridge as their first night's accommodation, and left in a waterlogged Essex field to pitch their own tents in the dark for the second night.


For all the wealth and pageantry on display, you'd have thought someone could have stretched to paying these people a wage for their work - something at least. But no - and that's pretty shameful, don't you think?

Go on get out there and join in.

Yesterday we were at an event in Fleetwood where my wife was supervising children from her class in a talent show - which they won. Today we were in Lancaster where my youngest was playing in the Catholic Cathedral.


Does this count ?

Yesterday we were at an event in Fleetwood where my wife was supervising children from her class in a talent show - which they won. Today we were in Lancaster where my youngest was playing in the Catholic Cathedral.


Does this count ?


Of course it does and congratulations on the win. Sadly I never won any talent contests.

So if you don't believe things would change with an elected head of state, why such resentment and bitterness towards the monarchy?


I don't have 'bitterness and resentment' towards the Monarchy, I couldn't care less about them - it's the sycophancy, hagiography, and fawning that surrounds them; 3 of the Queen's 4 children are divorced, the future 'Defender of the Faith' carried on with a married woman behind his wife's back, and the Duke of Edinburgh is 'good for a laugh', but if he was your or my Grandfather he would be shut away to avoid embarrassment, yet somehow they are all so 'wonderful' and an example to us all. ( Mind you, looking at that list, they probably are ! ).

It's the unaccountable facet of their influence, the idea that God gives them a validity that is above scrutiny, that I do not accept and feel that a republic would put right. What exactly does the Monarchy afford to GB that the French, Germans, or Americans lack due to their political structure ?


I have no problem with monarchists, but the triumphalist crowing and bleating, and claiming that republicans are somehow not allowed to describe themselves as British, is sheer b0ll0x.

I don't have 'bitterness and resentment' towards the Monarchy, I couldn't care less about them - it's the sycophancy, hagiography, and fawning that surrounds them; 3 of the Queen's 4 children are divorced, the future 'Defender of the Faith' carried on with a married woman behind his wife's back, and the Duke of Edinburgh is 'good for a laugh', but if he was your or my Grandfather he would be shut away to avoid embarrassment, yet somehow they are all so 'wonderful' and an example to us all. ( Mind you, looking at that list, they probably are ! ).

It's the unaccountable facet of their influence, the idea that God gives them a validity that is above scrutiny, that I do not accept and feel that a republic would put right. What exactly does the Monarchy afford to GB that the French, Germans, or Americans lack due to their political structure ?


I have no problem with monarchists, but the triumphalist crowing and bleating, and claiming that republicans are somehow not allowed to describe themselves as British, is sheer b0ll0x.


I know you're not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but surely even you must have noticed the thousands of FOREIGN tourists (many of whom are Americans) that flock to Buckingham Palace because of our great institution. These Anglophiles, many of whom come from Republics, love what we have.

I know you're not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but surely even you must have noticed the thousands of FOREIGN tourists (many of whom are Americans) that flock to Buckingham Palace because of our great institution. These Anglophiles, many of whom come from Republics, love what we have.


Yeah no one goes on holiday to America, the losers.

I know you're not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but surely even you must have noticed the thousands of FOREIGN tourists (many of whom are Americans) that flock to Buckingham Palace because of our great institution. These Anglophiles, many of whom come from Republics, love what we have.


And, of course, Paris, with it's palaces and long monarchist history, is a tourist free zone. Do you think the tourists would stop coming if Buck House was fully opened to the public as a national museum ?

Yeah no one goes on holiday to America, the losers.


And those who do visit Vegas, Florida, California, New York etc. Hardly any visit to see the White House, wheras Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are top of the list for those coming to the UK.

And, of course, Paris, with it's palaces and long monarchist history, is a tourist free zone. Do you think the tourists would stop coming if Buck House was fully opened to the public as a national museum ?


I think the numbers would most certainly decrease. As i've told you, many Americans that visit are Anglophiles that love our Royal family.

And, of course, Paris, with it's palaces and long monarchist history, is a tourist free zone. Do you think the tourists would stop coming if Buck House was fully opened to the public as a national museum ?



I think the numbers would most certainly decrease. As i've told you, many Americans that visit are Anglophiles that love our Royal family.

Either that or it's 'Let's go over to quaint old England'. After all, they fought a war to rid themselves of the House of Hannover.

I think the numbers would most certainly decrease. As i've told you, many Americans that visit are Anglophiles that love our Royal family.


I don't think it would make that much difference, though the Queen is the most famous thing about us for many Americans and other foreigners(probably more than the monarchy in general, will be interesting to see what happens after the Queen, though I suspect that won't be for a long time... that family has long legs). I think what this weekend has shown is that most people are apathetic to the Monarchy. Yes, millions made the journey out, but the silent majority who are quite apathetic about it all stayed in.


However, back to the tourism point, I don't think we should pick our political system based on monetary gain.

Either that or it's 'Let's go over to quaint old England'. After all, they fought a war to rid themselves of the House of Hannover.


No, there are many Anglophiles in America Badger. You're not very educated on this subject are you?

I'm actually pro-Royal, I think they add value to the UK brand. Face it there is next to no reason why people would visit the UK except for it's history and tradition.


Some of the celebrations did show England at it's worst though IMO. People standing out in the pouring rain insisting they were having fun when they clearly were not, as if they were compelled by some sort of misguided loyalty to stand they and enjoy themselves. Grow a pair FFS.


I enjoyed last nights show except when they wheeled out the usual old c*nts again. How long does Mcartney have to flog the Beatles dead horse FFS. And Elton John and Cliff Richard - they are just a ****ing embarrassment now.


Harsh....the inclusion of Macca and Cliff due to longevity.....Elton's voice is shot.

I think what this weekend has shown is that most people are apathetic to the Monarchy. Yes, millions made the journey out, but the silent majority who are quite apathetic about it all stayed in.


Well that's nonsense. Just because some people stayed in doesn't mean they are apathetic, they just stayed in and enjoyed watching the event on the TV. Of course you've got a bitter minority - marxist types like badger and Peter Tatchell, but they are more isolated than ever.

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