Secret Site Agent Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Just thought about this as I attended a big meeting today. Around the table just after the meeting we were ribbing my boss, who looks like Sam Allerdice, (because I put a picture of Big Sam on a poster instaed of my boss and no body noticed) and one of my collegues was harping on about how Reading were going to succeed this year, and for a joke I said, 'I've known Steve for a long time, since he last supported Reading, and through the Chelsea years'. One of the younger lads said that 'Saints just need a few player for us to stay up, don't we!' Refering to me. And talking around the table got me thinking. 2 years ago the company had: 1 Reading Fan 2 WHU Fans 1 Saints Fan, (Me) In monthly meeting. Now we have: 8 Reading Fans 12 WHU Fans 5 Saints Fans In th monthly meeting. Changes in personel? 1 in, (a Rugby Fan) 2 out, (An Arsenal fan and a Chelsea fan) Wow, what difference a Season makes. And don't get me started on the 'Saints have always been my second team' malarky. But as a footnote, as I told all my collegues, we must feel sorry for Steve. After the additional costs of a new Reading Shirt, the taking back of the Chelsea Shirt and changing it for a Man City shirt, only to have to change it back to the Chelsea Shirt, and having to buy two tickets for the Reading V Chelsea match and having to choose who he supports in which half, and if he has to change seats if One of them score, only to have to change back if the other equalises!!!. Apparently he thinks I'm a co ck. But as I told him, I may be, but I've always just been a Saints fan.
Turkish Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Readings tickets went on general sale today, there were queues round the stadium. I had no idea there were so many Chelsea fans living in the area who can't be arsed to go to Stamford Bridge. I work in Reading and up until about March I was aware of about 3 Reading fans, but the time they played us there were dozens of the f*ckers, people who had been talking about Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs were now suddenly Reading fans.
jawillwill Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Most of the ruturning fans are a bit ugly. So I haven't come across many.
70's Mike Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 My next door neighbour, not been near SMS for 6 years, then at Reading and Coventry games. Thinking of getting a season ticke now.
Secret Site Agent Posted 25 May, 2012 Author Posted 25 May, 2012 Turkish said: Readings tickets went on general sale today, there were queues round the stadium. I had no idea there were so many Chelsea fans living in the area who can't be arsed to go to Stamford Bridge. I work in Reading and up until about March I was aware of about 3 Reading fans, but the time they played us there were dozens of the f*ckers, people who had been talking about Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs were now suddenly Reading fans. Yes, the feller I'm talking about really ****ed me off, as we as a company have Reading Season Tickets and this feller had them when Saints Played them when we were on the decline, even though he was a Chelsea supporter, had a Chelsea season ticket and only wanted them for his daughters birthday as he couldn't take her to Stamford Bridge. The others were all chelsea/Manure/Arse, and the WHU were Arse supporters. It just annoys me really, especially on a personal level as I can't understand how you can change allegiences like that and get all excited about a team that you just choose because they are better than you local team.
The Cat Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Funny that people are mentioning Chelsea fans. I know one who lives in Southampton but never goes to see Chelsea (too expensive he says) yet he has been asking how he could go about getting a season ticket at St Mary's next season. Here's an idea. Why not use the £600 you are thinking of spending on a ticket for a team you don't support and put it towards supporting the one you do?
doddisalegend Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 I worked with a guy ( who has just left) who stopped going when we were out of the Prem, managed to blag a ticket to the JPT final (the only game he went to while we were out of the PL as far as I can tell), and started talking about getting an ST if we got back to the PL in the last few months. Personally I'm a bit of a glory seeker and started going more after we dropped out of the PL right up to getting a ST now I'm wrestling with the decision of whether to go less now we're in the PL...funny old world
Turkish Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Secret Site Agent said: Yes, the feller I'm talking about really ****ed me off, as we as a company have Reading Season Tickets and this feller had them when Saints Played them when we were on the decline, even though he was a Chelsea supporter, had a Chelsea season ticket and only wanted them for his daughters birthday as he couldn't take her to Stamford Bridge. The others were all chelsea/Manure/Arse, and the WHU were Arse supporters. It just annoys me really, especially on a personal level as I can't understand how you can change allegiences like that and get all excited about a team that you just choose because they are better than you local team. I met a bloke on holiday last year who supported Norwich AND Chelsea. When Norwich were relegated with us in 2005 he decided he needed a premier league team to support so chose Chelsea. I just find this sort of behaviour weird.
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 We definitely don't want any more people to support the Saints.
The9 Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Pretty sure my ex (who was an ST holder for years) stopped going altogether by League One and has been spotted plasticking it up in the last 3 months or so. But then she could have been living in China for 4 years for all I know... Plus of the group of around 20 people I used to meet in the Eagle back in 2004/5, all but about 6 of us had stopped going entirely by 2009, and in the last few months we've regained around 6 back who I'm expecting to get Prem STs, plus a few others who will certainly be going on an adhoc basis. Of course there are other factors, some have families, some have work commitments they didn't have before, some are ill, some have moved away. Not me, I've got absolutely no sense of perspective and going to football completes me. .
The9 Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Turkish said: I met a bloke on holiday last year who supported Norwich AND Chelsea. When Norwich were relegated with us in 2005 he decided he needed a premier league team to support so chose Chelsea. I just find this sort of behaviour weird. If Newport County ever get to the Prem I'm still a Saints fan, though I will be pleased for them. The piddling 11,000 mainly plastic Newportonians who went to Wembley for the FA Trophy Final (they lost, I wasn't bothered) don't bode well for their future, though of the 8 of my immediate family who went to Wembley, 2 actually go to Conference matches on a regular basis, which shows the Wembley Cup Final effect quite nicely. We'll be seeing plenty of that kind of thing next season with people who don't care about "rubbish opposition" in the Championship, but REALLY care about "seeing Saints" in the Prem.
JPTCount Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 being our the epl wud dire for any football fan, limited news and having to stay up till way past my bedtime to watch highlights drains me of passion for football. it's also not fun being surrounded by fans of top flight teams means they dont want to talk about league one. I have never switched allegiances but my other half and ny dad r both spurs, and my uncle supports Chelsea, so I have a soft spit for both teams, and I would say I've been supporting spurs in the last few years as I am surrounded by mire of them. this will be the first year saints and spurs will play competitively since I met my missus and she already doesnt like the new found rivalry. on the flip my brother is a Liverpool fan, and saints are his second team, but he's bought shirts and gone to games more in our wilderness years than he ever did before, mainly cuz he could just go to a game when he wanted to watch some football. i don't care about returning fans, even if they support an epl side it's not like they switched to poopey. so long as they support a local side as well as their top side, wot f*cks me off more is ppl in Kent who support man u and have never been to see the gills play. I say embrace them, everyone likes being on the winning bandwagon.
Prince Jazzbo Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 I work with a bloke who, since he has been here has supported Chelsea, Man U, Arsenal, Man City Saints since the Coventry game and Chelsea again since last weekend. Seriously, you honestly couldnt make it up. He has absolutely no concept of loyalty so to speak.
Legod Third Coming Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 I'm afraid this is all the evidence we need for stadium expansion... This is the modern way (and maybe always was). A huge swathe of fans are glory hunters and will go where the action is. And who can blame them???!!! When I was stood in the near-fog watching us scramble for a 0-0 draw with Wycombe fecking Wanderers - read it again WYCOMBE WANDERERS... and my mistress was sending me suggestive texts, I'm thinking to myself, what the feck is wrong with you LTC??!!!!!! Still, must be the masochist in me but I quite enjoyed that night... not as much as a hotel suite, bottle of bubbly and blonde in Agent Provocateur... but life is nothing if not for variety!
SNSUN Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Turkish said: Readings tickets went on general sale today, there were queues round the stadium. I had no idea there were so many Chelsea fans living in the area who can't be arsed to go to Stamford Bridge. I work in Reading and up until about March I was aware of about 3 Reading fans, but the time they played us there were dozens of the f*ckers, people who had been talking about Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs were now suddenly Reading fans. THIS. Not Saints fans, I get fed up with people calling me a johnny come lately when I've been supporting Saints since '89, but READING 'fans' are coming out the walls all around me. Granted I live in Berkshire, went to school near Reading, and am friends with Reading's new owner (I use 'friends' with Anton in the loosest way possible, although we have been conversing since our respective promotions), but so many of my friends that have shown no interest in FOOTBALL, let alone READING, female principally, have appeared around me this season. And then had a poke at my expense over 'their' team beating my team to the title. Annoys the hell out of me, not as much as West Ham fans have this season. I sincerely hope we **** both next season.
JPTCount Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Prince Jazzbo said: I work with a bloke who, since he has been here has supported Chelsea, Man U, Arsenal, Man City Saints since the Coventry game and Chelsea again since last weekend. Seriously, you honestly couldnt make it up. He has absolutely no concept of loyalty so to speak. the concept of loyalty dies not apply to some ppl in regards to alot if fans, some just like watching football and support whoever, and there will always be glory hunters I supported Chelsea last week, because id rather they won it than bayern. and when England get knocked out if the euros ill support another country.
DJ_TOAST Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 my mum god damnit. although she did have a half season ticket last season
Berkshire Saint Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 SNSUN said: THIS. Not Saints fans, I get fed up with people calling me a johnny come lately when I've been supporting Saints since '89, but READING 'fans' are coming out the walls all around me. Granted I live in Berkshire, went to school near Reading, and am friends with Reading's new owner (I use 'friends' with Anton in the loosest way possible, although we have been conversing since our respective promotions), but so many of my friends that have shown no interest in FOOTBALL, let alone READING, female principally, have appeared around me this season. And then had a poke at my expense over 'their' team beating my team to the title. Annoys the hell out of me, not as much as West Ham fans have this season. I sincerely hope we **** both next season. Lived in Maidenhead all my life and I honestly don't know any genuine Reading fans around here! Know a reasonable number who watch them but all of them also 'support' Chelsea, Liverpool etc. Was a little bit annoying to miss out on the title to them because of the Reading 'fans' suddenly reappearing out of the woodwork. Only proper Reading fan I know was a lad I met at Uni, who funnily enough lived near Winchester. Was at my cricket club dinner when we played them the other week and everyone seemed delighted at their win despite having shown no allegiance to them ever before! Suppose a lot of that was probably in part to wind me up...and it worked.
Ex Ringwood Saint Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Living in fleet but working in slough I have seen a few Reading shirts popping out the woodwork...guy I know is a Chelsea fan and. Goes to Reading to see them play regularly....deffo a few saints fans emerging again though...!
sammysaint Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Berkshire Saint said: Lived in Maidenhead all my life and I honestly don't know any genuine Reading fans around here! Know a reasonable number who watch them but all of them also 'support' Chelsea, Liverpool etc. Was a little bit annoying to miss out on the title to them because of the Reading 'fans' suddenly reappearing out of the woodwork. Only proper Reading fan I know was a lad I met at Uni, who funnily enough lived near Winchester. Was at my cricket club dinner when we played them the other week and everyone seemed delighted at their win despite having shown no allegiance to them ever before! Suppose a lot of that was probably in part to wind me up...and it worked. Lad at Uni in Winchester was his name Callum, if so also know him top guy worked with him for a bit and real Reading fan. I have a few mates clamming to be Saints fans and saying there my 2nd team crap, i am coming back as a ST holder just because i cant pick the games 3/4 days before now like i could last few seasons, giving up saturday football to support Saints more who i love but il rather play was hard but il have some glory on sunday football.
The9 Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Also worth noting, I haven't seen a Skate shirt in Eastleigh or Winchester since the 2010 FA Cup Final...
stanstubbs Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 one of my bosses at work, when we were in the sh!t and desperate for money i asked him to come to a game beacause he used to go when in prem,he said they had seen the last of his money,now the **** won't stop going on about how great we are and how he wants a season ticket ,he never went to one game in championship or league 1
1885 Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 You'll have those people at every club that goes up or is successfull. I wouldn't even bother getting upset about it. You'll always know who the true fans are, let the rest bring their money.
Saint Without a Halo Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 (edited) The Cat said: Funny that people are mentioning Chelsea fans. I know one who lives in Southampton but never goes to see Chelsea (too expensive he says) yet he has been asking how he could go about getting a season ticket at St Mary's next season. Here's an idea. Why not use the £600 you are thinking of spending on a ticket for a team you don't support and put it towards supporting the one you do? As a Saints fan you should be encouraging him to spend the£600 on Saints and hope he converts to us once he is there. The more fans we get, the more people to buy our shirts et,c the more TV matches we will get, and the more income we get. All of which increases our chances of success So I would suggest you encourage him rather than put him off! We need to stop all this "I am a better fan than him nonsense" and encourage anyone who shows an interest in Saints. Surely we all started off with an interest and then got hooked! the more others we encourage to watch us the more are the number likely to be hooked. Edited 25 May, 2012 by Saint Without a Halo
Nidger Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 70 said: My next door neighbour' date=' not been near SMS for 6 years, then at Reading and Coventry games. Thinking of getting a season ticke now.[/quote'] It had fun playing the "Spot the current home shirt" game in the pub before our last 2 home games of the season against Reading & Coventry! Where were these people on that Tuesday night 3 seasons ago when we drew 0-0 at home to Oldham, which meant that we couldn't make the League 1 playoffs? Nowhere to be seen, THAT'S WHERE!!!
aintforever Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 (edited) Turkish said: Readings tickets went on general sale today, there were queues round the stadium. I had no idea there were so many Chelsea fans living in the area who can't be arsed to go to Stamford Bridge. I work in Reading and up until about March I was aware of about 3 Reading fans, but the time they played us there were dozens of the f*ckers, people who had been talking about Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs were now suddenly Reading fans. Last time I watched Saints at Reading I saw 2 fans going into the Reading end in their Chelsea shirts. Reading is just a small time League 1 club that has been bankrolled by Majeski. In the 1980's some seasons their average attendance was 3,500. Edited 25 May, 2012 by aintforever
Surman4no7shirt Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 I boycotted going to matches from relegation until Lowe went, so I did "return" in that sense. Started going again in League 1. Now I only get to go 5 or 6 times a season because I live abroad though, so will be really annoyed when I can't get a ticket on short notice because of the glory hunters.
Dig Dig Posted 25 May, 2012 Posted 25 May, 2012 Turkish said: Readings tickets went on general sale today, there were queues round the stadium. I had no idea there were so many Chelsea fans living in the area who can't be arsed to go to Stamford Bridge. I work in Reading and up until about March I was aware of about 3 Reading fans, but the time they played us there were dozens of the f*ckers, people who had been talking about Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs were now suddenly Reading fans. Same happened at my work only it was Brighton "fans" right after they moved into the Amex. People who I had never heard even mention football now suddenly buying season tickets and calling me a scummer. They are among the most clueless and deluded fans I've come across. Our champions league, mega stadium stuff doesn't even compare.
ericb Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Reading fans have to be the worst i've ever come across, i've met quite a few and nearly all had two clubs. Utterly plastic club and i rank them up there with MK Dons and Wigan in terms of the worst of modern football.
Joey-deacons-left-nut Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 What the flying fcknuts are you lot banging on about?!?!?!? Let me get this straight, some of you are complaining that NOW we are in the Premiership we are getting people saying they support us?!?!? SO WHAT!?!?!? Now others are complaining that when teams go up a level and/or the facilities improve, people decide they want to buy tickets?!?!? WHAT THE FCK?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT????? Some of you seem to have a massive fckign chip on your shoulder. Well done. You're better fans than everyone else. Congratulations. But it might be better if you kept your fcking traps shut and worried more about yourself than what other people are doing. Rant over.
Delboy Dave Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Yessss!! Someone who talks sense. Some of you lot are very wierd
ericb Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Quote You're better fans than everyone else To be fair if they went in the lower leagues they are, and if they go away as well as at home they are. Never understood why people think all fans are the same when patently they're not. As for the moaning i don't think people mind saints getting new fans, it's just the attitude of premiership only JCLs that ****es people off. Which really is understandable, since the time that fans are needed the most is when a club is doing badly.
View From The Top Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: What the flying fcknuts are you lot banging on about?!?!?!? Let me get this straight, some of you are complaining that NOW we are in the Premiership we are getting people saying they support us?!?!? SO WHAT!?!?!? Now others are complaining that when teams go up a level and/or the facilities improve, people decide they want to buy tickets?!?!? WHAT THE FCK?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT????? Some of you seem to have a massive fckign chip on your shoulder. Well done. You're better fans than everyone else. Congratulations. But it might be better if you kept your fcking traps shut and worried more about yourself than what other people are doing. Rant over. Someone seems very touchy on the subject of plastic wan.kers who walked away during the dark years.
Dig Dig Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: What the flying fcknuts are you lot banging on about?!?!?!? Let me get this straight, some of you are complaining that NOW we are in the Premiership we are getting people saying they support us?!?!? SO WHAT!?!?!? Now others are complaining that when teams go up a level and/or the facilities improve, people decide they want to buy tickets?!?!? WHAT THE FCK?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT????? Some of you seem to have a massive fckign chip on your shoulder. Well done. You're better fans than everyone else. Congratulations. But it might be better if you kept your fcking traps shut and worried more about yourself than what other people are doing. Rant over. LOL. Calm down love. Are you sure it's everyone else with the chip on their shoulder?
Georgie Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Any other club who had been in the top flight as long as we were and then got relegated would lose fans. Yes it's annoying that some couldnt be bothered to go when we were at our lowest and needed the fans the most but that's how it goes. There were genuine cases for some who couldn't afford it, had work or child issues and weren't able to go. I was 'lucky' ( not quite sure this is the right word for some seasons) enough to be able to get a season ticket for all the years we were out of the Prem but this doesn't make me any better than anyone else. I'm just glad I did though as after watching all that rubbish then seeing us rise back up I know I can appreciate next season more than I would if I had stopped going for 7 years.
aintforever Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 I admire the people that didn't bother watching some of the sh!t I've wasted money on over the years. The really sad f*ckers are the ones who go week in week out, home and away. Get some balance in your life for f*cks sake.
Joey-deacons-left-nut Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 View From The Top said: Someone seems very touchy on the subject of plastic wan.kers who walked away during the dark years. NO, I just can't be bothered with this "Better than you" attitude that seems to persist on this board.... Some of you go to all the home and away games, well done, 'aint you clever. Not everyone who does however, feels the need to bang on about it at every ****ing oppertunity. Some people chose to leave early, some people chose to only go to cetain away games, some people chose to only go to certain home games, some people don't go to any games but still support the Saints in their own way. Some people (shock horror) may have been to Pompey games when they were in the Premiership and are now going to come to our games.... It doesn't matter one jot. For those special games that have a limited supply of tickets, those that tend to go all the time normally get first dibs. I cannot understand what you lot are ****ing and moaning about. Seriously. Perhaps there should be a special Rossette for those of you with the inferiority complex, so we can spot you at games and bow down in grattitude and servitude in honour of your undying support for the club.
ChudSaint Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 My brother moved from Saints to Man City when Phil Boyer made the same move. He was about 8 at the time and Boyer his favourite player... He stuck with them, we've both had our ups and downs since so can't see him coming back now...
View From The Top Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: NO, I just can't be bothered with this "Better than you" attitude that seems to persist on this board.... Some of you go to all the home and away games, well done, 'aint you clever. Not everyone who does however, feels the need to bang on about it at every ****ing oppertunity. Some people chose to leave early, some people chose to only go to cetain away games, some people chose to only go to certain home games, some people don't go to any games but still support the Saints in their own way. Some people (shock horror) may have been to Pompey games when they were in the Premiership and are now going to come to our games.... It doesn't matter one jot. For those special games that have a limited supply of tickets, those that tend to go all the time normally get first dibs. I cannot understand what you lot are ****ing and moaning about. Seriously. Perhaps there should be a special Rossette for those of you with the inferiority complex, so we can spot you at games and bow down in grattitude and servitude in honour of your undying support for the club. Yep, as close to a confession as you're likely to get. If you cannot fathom why those of us who stuck by our club through all the times feel utter contempt for those so called "fans" who are only interested now we are back in the EPL then you clearly don't have a clue about what being a fan is supposed to be about. Does going through the relegation's, administration & L1 make us better fans than those who deserted Saints? Fu.cking right it does.
rocknrollman no2 Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 ericb said: To be fair if they went in the lower leagues they are, and if they go away as well as at home they are. Never understood why people think all fans are the same when patently they're not. As for the moaning i don't think people mind saints getting new fans, it's just the attitude of premiership only JCLs that ****es people off. Which really is understandable, since the time that fans are needed the most is when a club is doing badly. This is a good post. As above,the more fans the better,but if you only want to watch Saints because they are back in the Prem,then i dont care about your views.Saints are my local team and i will support them whatever league they are in.This doesnt make me a better fan,but it does give me moral high ground on any JCLs Prem fans. I hate those who wave their STs at other fans,but those returning fans should ask themselfs who they are at St Marys to watch,Saints or the opposition?
doddisalegend Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: What the flying fcknuts are you lot banging on about?!?!?!? Let me get this straight, some of you are complaining that NOW we are in the Premiership we are getting people saying they support us?!?!? SO WHAT!?!?!? Now others are complaining that when teams go up a level and/or the facilities improve, people decide they want to buy tickets?!?!? WHAT THE FCK?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT????? Some of you seem to have a massive fckign chip on your shoulder. Well done. You're better fans than everyone else. Congratulations. But it might be better if you kept your fcking traps shut and worried more about yourself than what other people are doing. Rant over. Always a good idea to follow ones own advice....
dubai_phil Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 5 years of televised games it's been Me, Eric & goodfellas jay in the pub. They'd bring some mates along who were "sympathetic to our cause". FMDP joined our band 3 years ago. Then things changed. Leeds game we had 12 fans in the pub (more than the mighty Leeds). Poopey game 24. Now we meet them every time we go down the pub. Where the hell were they all the past 7 years?
dune Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 I've not missed a game on Saintsplayer since 2005. I'm the bestest.
teamsaint Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 I actually would ban anyone who hasn't been since the last time we played in the PL, unless they provide really excellent written proof of good reasons. Useless sods.
dune Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 dubai_phil said: Where the hell were they all the past 7 years? Did you once tell them a golf story?
RedSquirrel Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 rocknrollman no2 said: This is a good post. As above,the more fans the better,but if you only want to watch Saints because they are back in the Prem,then i dont care about your views.Saints are my local team and i will support them whatever league they are in.This doesnt make me a better fan,but it does give me moral high ground on any JCLs Prem fans. I hate those who wave their STs at other fans,but those returning fans should ask themselfs who they are at St Marys to watch,Saints or the opposition? And does that matter one iota - there are two teams in a football match. I assume you spend your whole life watching every film that is on every screen at your local cinema - surely you do as that is your local cinema. Of course you don't, if you go at all, you pick and choose what you you go to see. For some people football is exactly the same, it is a game and you can pick and choose who you want to watch. I was toying with getting a season ticket again this year, first time since we left the premiership - but you know what I'm not going to, too blooming expensive. I have better things to spend £1000 on - not least Saints will be on the TV more this year so might as well watch it there.
RedSquirrel Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 teamsaint said: I actually would ban anyone who hasn't been since the last time we played in the PL, unless they provide really excellent written proof of good reasons. Useless sods. I consider myself banned. Means I am the best part of a grand better off than I would have been. It's a pity though that the people running football teams are basically only interested in your money and you have cost them a grand.
Graffito Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 It's a broad church. All are welcome. As long as the fu*ckers don't push me down the queue for tickets.
The9 Posted 26 May, 2012 Posted 26 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: What the flying fcknuts are you lot banging on about?!?!?!? Let me get this straight, some of you are complaining that NOW we are in the Premiership we are getting people saying they support us?!?!? SO WHAT!?!?!? Now others are complaining that when teams go up a level and/or the facilities improve, people decide they want to buy tickets?!?!? WHAT THE FCK?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT????? Some of you seem to have a massive fckign chip on your shoulder. Well done. You're better fans than everyone else. Congratulations. But it might be better if you kept your fcking traps shut and worried more about yourself than what other people are doing. Rant over. It would be nice if you knew which League we're being promoted to.
Secret Site Agent Posted 27 May, 2012 Author Posted 27 May, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: NO, I just can't be bothered with this "Better than you" attitude that seems to persist on this board.... Some of you go to all the home and away games, well done, 'aint you clever. Not everyone who does however, feels the need to bang on about it at every ****ing oppertunity. Some people chose to leave early, some people chose to only go to cetain away games, some people chose to only go to certain home games, some people don't go to any games but still support the Saints in their own way. Some people (shock horror) may have been to Pompey games when they were in the Premiership and are now going to come to our games.... It doesn't matter one jot. For those special games that have a limited supply of tickets, those that tend to go all the time normally get first dibs. I cannot understand what you lot are ****ing and moaning about. Seriously. Perhaps there should be a special Rossette for those of you with the inferiority complex, so we can spot you at games and bow down in grattitude and servitude in honour of your undying support for the club. Right, listen here friend, you're just one of these people who don't even bother to really read what it's all about, just jump in at the bottom post and read from there. Who the fu{k is going on about people being great saints fans? The point I'm trying to make is that WHY when your team is not in the top flight SUPPORT SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS? isn't part of football about enjoying the team you've got a personal attachment to succeeding, and feeling low when they fail, but having a hope in your heart that things will get better? It's about loyalty, it's about making a choice and sticking to it, it's about being proud to stand tall and say I support team 'X' no matter what league they are in? If you want to start following Saints, fine, but not because they are a premiership team, but because you follow saints. And don't take that loyalty away to someone else if we get relegated, just so you can support a team in the premiership? What next, 'I support England, but if they get knocked out, i've always been a spain/brazil/germany fan.' These people have no loyalty and that annoys me. They change allegiences at the drop of a hat. I personnaly don't like that. And it's not just them starting to support again, it's the re-writing of history when they tell you they were always a saints fan. If she ever gets her ugly Millbrook face on TV again, I'll bet Fiona Phillips is a Saints fan again. She became a Chelsea fan when we got relegated, and always was a Chelsea fan, as it was 'unfashionable' in TV Land to support a second division team, and it's this that pees me off. I don't mind people becoming involved again, I don't mind people choosing to support again, I don't mind if people never went to games and are going to them now. I don't even mind people who have become enamoured with Saints and feel the urge to change allegiences , ( hypocritical I know) because we are a plucky little club, but are happy to let people know they have changed. One of the actual Saints fans I work with used to be a Liverpool fan, but changed due to enjoying watching Matty Le Tiss and the constant 'will we wont we be relegated', the genuine fans and being local to the Dell/SMS. It's the 'I've Always been a Reading/Saints/WHU fan I have since I were a kid........(Oh wait a Minute they've been relegated)..........Yes, I ve supported Chelsea for over twenty years man and boy why I remeber when I went to see Chel.........oh been promoted....... Yes went to see Reading/Saints/WHU when they played Man Utd ............oh relegated again..........Yes Arsenal beat them that day, I'll tell you.........Wait I'm a Chelsea fan............Yes great team Chelsea, the greatest............Man City are better............Man City, the greatest team in the land, better than the rest............Chelsea beat B-Munich.........Chelsea, Chelsea,Che;lase, Chelding, REading, Aresnal Ham, Southampton Utd... err, Let me look at the paper and come back to you'. There, that's my rant over. Like they say in Exams, please read the Post before Answering.
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