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My brother lives just up from amazingstoke and he's a skate. Rule him out though, he was with me at the time...when did you say it happened?


Wish someone would do my paint, needs a resparay.

Of course. A sticker in a car window makes vandalising a car ok. What a *****.


Where did I say it was ok to vandalise it? I said, you're giving some pikey c*nt an open goal, if you put something like that on your car. Have a think about it, or is common sense too tough for you?


Friday night, sitting on the drive in a village just outside Basingstoke. If it had been on Portsmouth seafront I could maybe understand it, but the fact somone has gone out of their way to do it rather than it being just an impulsive act of vandalism is just ridiculous. Just because it is a saints crest in a car window, doesn't mean that anyone should vandalise the car.

My dad in Basingstoke got "PFC" engraved in his Bonnet of his car on Friday. And It was sat on the driveway! Had a Saints car sticker in the back window. Scum of the earth.



What colour car is it?


Send a bill to the dirty skate c*nts. Surely as 'community club of the year' they would be appalled that one of their fanbase would act in such a way and would re-imburse your Father immediately. Its not like they can't afford it, oh, hang on...


As much as I hate being fair to Pompey fans, there are probably c*nts like this supporting every team. It's why I never bother with Saints stickers, air fresheners etc. They're just a really good way of getting a brick through your window.


ffs! you caaaaannnttts will make your minds up one day. We are ether pond life that never leave port sea island or we are tattooists for the bonnets of GB.:D

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