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with the success of the relay firmly gathered, the question is "where do we go from here?". I was thinking we should have take-down bulldog with Sammy saint but has anyone else got any ideas?


The Albion Band and a couple of blokes carrying a large canvas pocket that the crowd throw coins into.


Older Dell attenders will know what I'm on about.

The Albion Band and a couple of blokes carrying a large canvas pocket that the crowd throw coins into.


Older Dell attenders will know what I'm on about.


I was always too busy watching the old codgers hanging up the scores on the scoreboard to pay too much attention to the Albion Band at half time.But they are preferable to the bald mincer conducting the entertainment nowadays, what an embarassment.


Roman gladiators and lions, maybe we can pay pompey fans to fight each other to the death and for each killing we put a tenner into their club


6 random supporters chosen to do the crossbar challenge, If you hit then you get a thousand pounds & a chance to win a car if they do it a 2nd time.


I remember when a generous local car dealership allowed fans to attempt to win a (cheap VW if i remember) car by chipping directly in to the boot. To reduce the risk of paying out the ball had to be kicked from the centre spot, without bouncing, and the car was near the corner flag. The boot might as well have been closed. I remember le tiss had a pop and even he got nowhere near.

with the success of the relay firmly gathered, the question is "where do we go from here?". I was thinking we should have take-down bulldog with Sammy saint but has anyone else got any ideas?
Be able to buy a decent pint without a 15 minute wait would be great.
Will there be a prize if you catch one of the ping pong balls?


Yes you get to have a go your self in the centre circle. Only its a bit different if a bloke wins.


Good old fashioned sing song competition between the stands. A 15 minute composition sesh for coming up with new chants.


Big screens showing porno.


A "blast the Flybe plane out the sky" competition using rocket powered tennis ball launchers.


I think a Hunger Games style tournament would be great using tributes from the various suburbs of portsmouth. It may take a bit of time to complete but would probasbly stop being disappearing down to the concourse for beer etc.... :)

Lingerie Football is an absolute must


5 mins each way with 5 mins left for a quick tug,....perfect




Lets have this 45 mins each half with the football at half time!

not sure if Blackburn would be happy


They won't have to witness it now, perhaps we can arrange flat cap black pudding fighting as well at halftime.*


*Goodies c1970's.


Start a mascot League so those of the home and away team can have half time competitions. A penalty shoot out, a race down the touchline etc. Could be pretty funny. Get a sponsor, winning mascot of the league gets 10k for chosen charity.


Alternatively just bung the zip wire up. Then we can laugh at some fat blokes having a go, their shoulders straining as they struggle desperately to hold the weight because the heaviest thing they've lifted in the past 15 years is a tray of lagers.


I have always wondered what relevance Sammy Saint and his mate has to the Saints. West Hams mascot is a some bloke dressed as a hammer,Sheffield Wednesday have someone dressed as an owl. Why do we have two blokes dressed as dogs? Ive been scratching my head for years on this one. Maybe Ive missed something!

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