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Do you like the new kit?  

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  1. 1. Do you like the new kit?

    • Good lord yes!
    • Good heavens no!
    • Is this really all we have to talk about?

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Close up of the home shirt. It's not one pinstripe, its two.




The logo looks properly sh*t :lol::lol:


We know it's two, it's the same as Sweden's. For those saying "still red and white stripes", no actually it's red and grey and white stripes in that case.


it could be clever marketing of course, people are talking about it and so it gets exposure , also all those floating fans from Fareham etc might think it is indeed a Liverpool shirt and so buy one lol


One thing I will say is that the actual kit in that close up has the pinstripe colours the other way around to the "preview" pic I saw before launch, which had the grey stripe on the left (as you look at it) of the pair.


So, where is this model bird that tweeted about the kit?


We're not selling ladies' kits and she doesn't seem to be in the ladieswear section on the OS.



So, where is this model bird that tweeted about the kit?


We're not selling ladies' kits and she doesn't seem to be in the ladieswear section on the OS.




I was wondering that - she did mention promotional material rather than kit launch though. Or they could have just canned her shots.


I like it. I will not get the white one as I seem to this way of making it turn grey after a few washes! The red one is very smart, and we have had a couple of all red kits in the past, one of them was durning our centenary season. Ok it had white shoulders, but it was not red and white stripes!


Looking forward to seeing this kit on the pitch... COYR!

For those saying "still red and white stripes", no actually it's red and grey and white stripes in that case.




Oh dear. MLG's little world just caved in.


just wondering with the away kit would there not be a slight clash of colours when visiting stoke,sunderland etc as there is a lot of white in their strip. maybe we'll have a 3rd kit?

just wondering with the away kit would there not be a slight clash of colours when visiting stoke,sunderland etc as there is a lot of white in their strip. maybe we'll have a 3rd kit?


I've seen a number of people bring this up, I don't think it'll be an issue. Red is the dominate colour on the Stoke City and Sunderland home shirts, I don't think a pretty much all white Saints away kit will clash with either. With Stoke having white shorts and socks, Saints can use the red home shorts/socks with the away shirt for the game at the Britannia Stadium and the all white kit at the Stadium of Light.

I've seen a number of people bring this up, I don't think it'll be an issue. Red is the dominate colour on the Stoke City and Sunderland home shirts, I don't think a pretty much all white Saints away kit will clash with either. With Stoke having white shorts and socks, Saints can use the red home shorts/socks with the away shirt for the game at the Britannia Stadium and the all white kit at the Stadium of Light.

Our away kit isn't all white. It has red pinstripes, and red trim on the collar (and seemingly also the sleeves).


Why don't the people who like the red buy the red then sit next to someone who only likes the white one.


If we all did that then the whole stadium would be red n white. Simples

When I'm "being me", I'm normally correct. You weren't. ;)


As an aside, I actually disagree with you point about us wearing the white kit at Stoke and Sunderland. There is actually a bit more red on the kit than just the pinstripes; the collars and sleeves are red, and the Umbro badge and potentially also the sponsor is red (can't properly tell from the photoshopped-to-hell picture but it seems it might be). There may also be a red trim on the sides, again can't really tell from the pics. That all added up, I'd be surprised if refs would go with it. But with no plans intimated for a 3rd kit I guess we'll see. But I would have thought your idea of wearing red shorts/socks would just increase the problem.


Stoke's kit for this year:




With the white shorts and socks, its neither heavily red nor white, its an even balance. I really can't see us wearing white against them.


Also, their photoshopping department is apparently even worse than ours....

Stoke's kit for this year:




With the white shorts and socks, its neither heavily red nor white, its an even balance. I really can't see us wearing white against them.


Also, their photoshopping department is apparently even worse than ours....


I wonder if Stoke fans are currently bemoaning how unoriginal their new home shirt is, and how they could try to do something different instead of just red and white stripes with a slightly different collar.....


On an unrelated note, it looks like Crouchy has lost a bit of height this summer.


Not a fan at all. I liked the design for Sweden but it works much better with a lighter main colour and darker lines. I haven't seen any photos of the away shirt but I imagine I will like them a lot if they are white with thin red lines. I would have preferred that as our homeshirt with a totally different colour-scheme for our away shirt (Something similar to the Sweden kit for instance).

Not sure if this pic has been posted... from the online store...




Honestly the sponsor is the worst part about it, look tacky as hell and is positioned far to high, should have at last made the centre of the letters the same colour as the shirt, oh wait, that would have been to much effort and involved a complicated cheap stick on sponsor :/ FFS

Seriously ..... 42 pages of this!


I wrongly thought this was a site about football ... Obviously it is a site about fashion ?

God forbid football fans should talk about something not directly related to games but related to the club nonetheless during the close season when nothing else is happening.


ive looked at lots of bits of this thread since the release and am getting confused by some of the arguements, most obvious being we play in red and white stripes. we clearly havent played in red and white stripes for much of our history, and maybe have no need to (i for one loved the sash, that really did give us an individuality from any other club in england, would have been very happy to see it stay) but people still argue and to a point have every right to.


but as fans can we at least agree that we god damn play in red and white in its various forms and that this current aberration has no resemblance to any part of the history of our club, no link to the one thing that we do agree on which is the love of this club. it quite simply does not belong.


and for those that say it does have white, even without seeing it in person i challenge you to take someone who has no idea of this arguement to look at the kit from the same distance as looking from the itchen to the kingsland and ask them the colours in the kit, i bet the

ive looked at lots of bits of this thread since the release and am getting confused by some of the arguements, most obvious being we play in red and white stripes. we clearly havent played in red and white stripes for much of our history, and maybe have no need to (i for one loved the sash, that really did give us an individuality from any other club in england, would have been very happy to see it stay) but people still argue and to a point have every right to.


but as fans can we at least agree that we god damn play in red and white in its various forms and that this current aberration has no resemblance to any part of the history of our club, no link to the one thing that we do agree on which is the love of this club. it quite simply does not belong.


and for those that say it does have white, even without seeing it in person i challenge you to take someone who has no idea of this arguement to look at the kit from the same distance as looking from the itchen to the kingsland and ask them the colours in the kit, i bet the


i bet they only name one, just to finish it correctly


Walked past the West Quay ‪store earlier. Shutters are still down for 'refurb' but you could see the new kit through them. The red is definitely more vibrant than in photos I've seen so far. No doubt here'll be even more moans from the stands as from a distance the pinstripes don't particularly stand out. Thought it was a shame that they've still got the 'Kit revealed 6pm, 29/6' posters up. Missing out on a lot of free promotion as the footfall through there will have been huge today.


As for the kit itself, I like it. It's neither good enough to become 'us' permanently, nor bad enough to deserve such vitriol - apart from anything else there's definitely room for a bit of experimentation if keeping kits for just a year is the norm now. Umbro's material quality and tailoring has been top notch so far so hopefully this one matches up. Only thing I don't like is that the aap3 logo is printed on that crap plastic stuff again. No doubt it'll end up cracking and discolouring.


At the end of the day I envy anybody that's got so little to moan about that this has shaken their world. Buy it if you like it, send a message the club by keeping your money in your pocket if you find it that abhorrent.




On an unrelated note, it looks like Crouchy has lost a bit of height this summer.


You've got to be kidding. He's head, shoulders and knees taller than the crowd. The guy next to him must be on a box.


Going round in circles with every argument now.


No it is not stripes, Liverpool didn't play in stripes in 1981.

Yes we have worn non-striped kits before, for around 15% of our existence.

Yes the sash kit wasn't striped - it was also an appropriate commemorative one-off 125 Kit based in actual club history.

Yes we will need another kit at Stoke and possibly Sunderland (kit not released but far less white than Stoke usually).

Shirts at West Quay store from 11am tomorrow, numbers printed outside M&S, but probably cheaper in JJB or SportsDirect anyway.

Oh and also, yes people can get annoyed about the kit.


Agree: looks like a Sunday League kit; should have the black shorts and white socks; is a marketing ploy (see the big pic of T Lee? who is much more prominent than Rodriguez, among other things); is psychological. There was a study once (fwiw, probably not a lot) that said that teams that play in red are more successful than teams which play in other colours.


On that basis, switch the red and white tops to improve our away form.


Otherwise, don't care. Wouldn't buy it anyway.




...some time later. NC has been playing Football Manager on his PC... he is a little agitated as Saints have just sacked him for the 3rd time in 3 seasons.


NC: FECK, FECK, FECK... Adkins gets promoted twice, it cant be that difficult, stupid fecking game...these algorthms are all wrong - its that MLTs fault...


Another sheepish Knock


NC: (Agitated) What the F*** is it now?

Underling: Boss, tis the forum again...meltdown, it looks bad I tell you. sir

NC: Jeez fecking mother Christos... please tell me its not the shirts again?

Underling: Yes Boss, sorry Boss... appears some are not Happy with the shorts being Red.....

NC: F**KING Shorts (Shouting) - Who the feck is interested in shorts, are these grown men going to fecking buy them anyway? We only stock them for the fricken wierdos, what is fricken wrong with zees people, fricken bed sit living, internet obsessed window lickers?

Underling: Sir, Sir, should we really be talking about our most loyal fans like ziss?

NC: Loyal fricken fans? feckin tight wad ****s the lot of them, complain about parking, complain about admin fees... Jeez anything else?

Underling:.... er yes boss... er the stripes sir

NC: What about the fricken stripes?

Underling: Er well...er thing is, theys say that there ...er.... aren't any?

NC (Explodes with rage) AREN'T ANY? are they all fricken blind? Can they not see the beautiful, classy pin stripes; Can they not see the we have finally given them something stylish to wear that might hide their fat fricken arses, Jeez have these f*ckers no style? (brushes a few crumbs from the lapel of his bespoke tailored Italian wool designer suit)

Underling: ...and they think it looks like a Liverpool shirt sir...from the 1980s

NC (silent for a moment, in contemplation): ... Liverpool? Who the feck are they? Won a few titles with some sad permed fricken hub cap steeling porn star lookie likies 30 years ago and they think there a big club?

Underling: well they have won the European cup a few times boss

NC: Shut the feck up about Liverpool, we are bigger than Liverpool, and more stylish... people know this and will just say they ripped US off not the other way round, especially when we win the Champions league for the 5th time

Underling: You really thing we can do this boss?


Underling: sorry boss, er... just that you know.. (he is interupted as there is another knock on the Door)


NC: Come in


The door opens and in walks a strange bespectabled figure, slighly grey hair with a massive grin on his face


NC: Ar... welcome it is good to have our 'enforcer' back again... good to see you... Nigel, how was your 'holiday'

Nigel: Great to be back, went well, not perfect, but definately 5 positives and one negative...

NC Cuts him off; Good , glad you enjoyed. Unfortunately we need you on the front line again?

Nigel: How can I be of service.

NC: Its the forum fans again:

Nigel: Great group of lads, hard working, very positive, always, well maybe not all teh time, but very positive...well Ok must admit, Ok...er yes ..er true, can be a bit negative sometimes... well some all the time, but still.. er great bunch of lads , really good spirit.

NC: Nigel please...

Nigel: Sorry Boss

NC: I need you to take care of some business for me

Nigel: anything sir

NC: It requires your unique 'talent' - (turns to speak to the underling) bring me the list

Underling: Here it is sir, over 200 names now - all though the shirt was bad

NC, Here that Nige? I give you teh Liverppol shirt to make you and Lamberto feel at home and saty with Saints, and 200 of these ***ts are not happy.

Nigel: I see, you want all of them to receive the 'treatment'

NC: Yes, no exceptions

Nigel: Very good boss, but not sure Mr TF has that kind of Stamina sir?

NC: What? He'sdone feck all all season!

Nigel: I know boss, but 200?

NC: Anyone else in the 'reserves' we can utilise - afterall we are paying the feckers

Nigel: Maybe I can find someone boss

NC: Good, now get on with it, Report back when its done..


Nigel and the Underrling leave the room.... NC retreats to his desk, swivels on the chair and looks across the Itchen once again.... he thinks of the screams, hes knows that with such power comes great responsibilty, but he cant help but smile when he thinks of what those fans have coming to them.




Just a quick thought....seeing as we have those 'orrible iron on sponsor logos what will it look like after a few washes? a lovely shade of pink?


If i get one it will be the away strip.......


Based on this season's it'll soon look pink, but as pink on the 2011/12 shirt is visible through the logo in stripes, it's actually the thickness of the sponsor logo being eroded, not the colour running.

ive looked at lots of bits of this thread since the release and am getting confused by some of the arguements, most obvious being we play in red and white stripes. we clearly havent played in red and white stripes for much of our history,


Is 15% "much" then ?



...some time later. NC has been playing Football Manager on his PC... he is a little agitated as Saints have just sacked him for the 3rd time in 3 seasons.


NC: FECK, FECK, FECK... Adkins gets promoted twice, it cant be that difficult, stupid fecking game...these algorthms are all wrong - its that MLTs fault...


Another sheepish Knock


NC: (Agitated) What the F*** is it now?

Underling: Boss, tis the forum again...meltdown, it looks bad I tell you. sir

NC: Jeez fecking mother Christos... please tell me its not the shirts again?

Underling: Yes Boss, sorry Boss... appears some are not Happy with the shorts being Red.....

NC: F**KING Shorts (Shouting) - Who the feck is interested in shorts, are these grown men going to fecking buy them anyway? We only stock them for the fricken wierdos, what is fricken wrong with zees people, fricken bed sit living, internet obsessed window lickers?

Underling: Sir, Sir, should we really be talking about our most loyal fans like ziss?

NC: Loyal fricken fans? feckin tight wad ****s the lot of them, complain about parking, complain about admin fees... Jeez anything else?

Underling:.... er yes boss... er the stripes sir

NC: What about the fricken stripes?

Underling: Er well...er thing is, theys say that there ...er.... aren't any?

NC (Explodes with rage) AREN'T ANY? are they all fricken blind? Can they not see the beautiful, classy pin stripes; Can they not see the we have finally given them something stylish to wear that might hide their fat fricken arses, Jeez have these f*ckers no style? (brushes a few crumbs from the lapel of his bespoke tailored Italian wool designer suit)

Underling: ...and they think it looks like a Liverpool shirt sir...from the 1980s

NC (silent for a moment, in contemplation): ... Liverpool? Who the feck are they? Won a few titles with some sad permed fricken hub cap steeling porn star lookie likies 30 years ago and they think there a big club?

Underling: well they have won the European cup a few times boss

NC: Shut the feck up about Liverpool, we are bigger than Liverpool, and more stylish... people know this and will just say they ripped US off not the other way round, especially when we win the Champions league for the 5th time

Underling: You really thing we can do this boss?


Underling: sorry boss, er... just that you know.. (he is interupted as there is another knock on the Door)


NC: Come in


The door opens and in walks a strange bespectabled figure, slighly grey hair with a massive grin on his face


NC: Ar... welcome it is good to have our 'enforcer' back again... good to see you... Nigel, how was your 'holiday'

Nigel: Great to be back, went well, not perfect, but definately 5 positives and one negative...

NC Cuts him off; Good , glad you enjoyed. Unfortunately we need you on the front line again?

Nigel: How can I be of service.

NC: Its the forum fans again:

Nigel: Great group of lads, hard working, very positive, always, well maybe not all teh time, but very positive...well Ok must admit, Ok...er yes ..er true, can be a bit negative sometimes... well some all the time, but still.. er great bunch of lads , really good spirit.

NC: Nigel please...

Nigel: Sorry Boss

NC: I need you to take care of some business for me

Nigel: anything sir

NC: It requires your unique 'talent' - (turns to speak to the underling) bring me the list

Underling: Here it is sir, over 200 names now - all though the shirt was bad

NC, Here that Nige? I give you teh Liverppol shirt to make you and Lamberto feel at home and saty with Saints, and 200 of these ***ts are not happy.

Nigel: I see, you want all of them to receive the 'treatment'

NC: Yes, no exceptions

Nigel: Very good boss, but not sure Mr TF has that kind of Stamina sir?

NC: What? He'sdone feck all all season!

Nigel: I know boss, but 200?

NC: Anyone else in the 'reserves' we can utilise - afterall we are paying the feckers

Nigel: Maybe I can find someone boss

NC: Good, now get on with it, Report back when its done..


Nigel and the Underrling leave the room.... NC retreats to his desk, swivels on the chair and looks across the Itchen once again.... he thinks of the screams, hes knows that with such power comes great responsibilty, but he cant help but smile when he thinks of what those fans have coming to them.





Boring now.

For those that think Saints can't wear a white away kit against Sunderland and Stoke...




Is that really the best example you can come up with?!

Posted (edited)
For those that think Saints can't wear a white away kit against Sunderland and Stoke...




That was last year's kit though, why would you assume they weren't going to completely change the colour of their kit, I mean we have ?


They've also changed manufacturer to adidas, so you can pretty much guarantee what their kit will look like now if they do stick to red/white with black shorts and red socks. The important bit will be the colour of the back of the shirts, because if it's predominantly white, we couldn't wear white, and we won't be able to wear red there anyway.


We will either wear last season's yellow or a new (I'm guessing black) third kit, which knowing how crap they are at this stuff, they probably won't even sell. Will be interesting to see if we follow the Prem's rules and if the Prem website lists a third kit for us, as they'll have to announce it pre-season to meet their rules (see earlier in this thread).

Edited by The9
Is that really the best example you can come up with?!


Why is it not a good example? There is clearly no clash there even if you remove the blue on the Bolton kit. The red is very prominent on Stoke and Sunderland kits.

Blame the club, they won't let anyone else sell them.


JJB and SportsDirect in West Quay, probably £10 for number and name.


Also, Prem sleeved patches are £5 there, and you've ALWAYS had to pay extra.


wow, u love correcting people, no need for the shouting, i heard the first person.


and i thought it was an issue of us having our own kit supplier, and then not being premiership. Even so, it must be one of Lowe's business ideas, can't see NC sticking with it if he wants us to be a top side, or sell shirts in asia. I can't think of another club with high shirt sales that also have this policy. The online store feels old as **** too, and even opens in a pop up window, with that & only 2 physical places, both in soton, i can't see us getting the shirt sales up to the heights that NC wants the whole club.

Why is it not a good example? There is clearly no clash there even if you remove the blue on the Bolton kit. The red is very prominent on Stoke and Sunderland kits.


Because its nothing like our kit. Ours has red over it; in various places.

Why is it not a good example? There is clearly no clash there even if you remove the blue on the Bolton kit. The red is very prominent on Stoke and Sunderland kits.


The blue is significant in that Bolton kit, whilst our options are red or white shorts.


The Stoke kit is all white with some red stripes and using red shorts and socks with a white shirt clearly would not sort the problem. If we need a third shirt for ONE match, which we definitely do, then we may as well use it for another/others.


There is CLEARLY a clash with Stoke which will necessitate some faffery, the wearing of away kits at home or a third kit. And I'm not even sure Stoke's blue/red is THAT much different from our red shirt either, though the blue shorts/socks help.


You're also pretty confident we won't clash with a team that hasn't released their kit yet.

Because its nothing like our kit. Ours has red over it; in various places.


There really isn't that much red on the kit at all, certainly not enough to clash with the examples I posted.


Games have gone ahead in the past with teams in slightly different shades of blue. Saints aren't releasing a 3rd kit, so what do you think is going to happen when we play Stoke and Sunderland?

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