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Summer 2012 HCDAJFU Thread - Premier League Special Edition


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Will we be allowed to refer to Oliver Bierhoff, deMarcus Beasley or Michael Owen once your ban on references to Messrs Skacel amd Messi is introduced.

If you have a problem reading stuff on internet message boards then find yourself something else to do, its not meant to be taken seriously (although some people clearly think it should) and when there is no football actually being played it becomes a joke in itself. Anyway why would we want Messi, can't even get his team into the CL final, clearly washed up, we can do better.


I don't have a problem with jokes. It's reading the same 'joke' every time I log on for the last 6 years that kind of isn't funny any more.

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There is no smoke without fire, it's 'building' like the Pardew rumours built.


As crazy as the rumour was when I read it this morning, there was certainly a nagging doubt in my head. "Pardew" certainly crossed my mind more than once.


The notion of us getting rid of Adkins is almost as crazy as Chelsea getting rid of Di Matteo.

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Getting rid of Adkins wouldn't be the worst decision in the world. I don't think it will, or should, happen, but if NC knows of a better manager with more experience then why not?


I would throw my toys out of the pram. Completely. Like... Call for NC's head on a plate toys out of pram style.


So yes, it f*****g would be the worst decision.

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I take it that someone has mentioned Danny Guthrie and AJ-(Andy Johnson!) who are also avaliable for a Free which is Good so I for one wouldn't mind bringing Guthrie back and bringing in Johnson who would also do Well alongside Lambert But we'l see!!!

COYR!!! :D

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Why's everyone going on about Adkins leaving?


Edit: Oh I've seen dat article now. Don't like the sound of dat! When NC gave old pardew the push didn't he say "we are aware keep changing managers is bad ideas" or something?

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I was told today by a mate that NA has been given a £25 million transfer budget to spend this summer. Would stack up to some of the players and transfer fees that we have been linked to. I would not be surprised if we spend this sort of sum this summer but it would probably shock some of our bottom half of the table rivals!! Will be a very interesting summer imo

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Hmmm I'm thinking bout this too and the only way it makes any sense is if like the article suggests we is trying to attract Big Name players like the pienaars and adam johnsons.


I'd be surprised tho! I remember last year when i advised NC not to pay more than £3m for anyone to play in the Championships he listened to my advices and we was on the same page. I haven't advised him yet on what to spend in the prem, but i'd probably sooner we was a bit softly-softly-catchy-monkey than going out spunking big vulgar monies all over the place!

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All this talk of big names goes exactly against the concept that Cortese has said with regards to "building something". There is a big difference between building something and buying something and I for one don't buy this nonsense for a second. Paper talk. We are the new whipping boys. And for them reasons...


I'm out.

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Hmmm I'm thinking bout this too and the only way it makes any sense is if like the article suggests we is trying to attract Big Name players like the pienaars and adam johnsons.


I'd be surprised tho! I remember last year when i advised NC not to pay more than £3m for anyone to play in the Championships he listened to my advices and we was on the same page. I haven't advised him yet on what to spend in the prem, but i'd probably sooner we was a bit softly-softly-catchy-monkey than going out spunking big vulgar monies all over the place!


All this talk of big names goes exactly against the concept that Cortese has said with regards to "building something". There is a big difference between building something and buying something and I for one don't buy this nonsense for a second. Paper talk. We are the new whipping boys. And for them reasons...


I'm out.


I just don't know what to believe any more, Ted, I really don't.



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All this talk of big names goes exactly against the concept that Cortese has said with regards to "building something". There is a big difference between building something and buying something and I for one don't buy this nonsense for a second. Paper talk. We are the new whipping boys. And for them reasons...


I'm out.

However well the team has done over the last two seasons, it is not good enough for the EPL and therefore we are going to need (IMO) 5 or 6 players to compliment/replace what we have. This is replacing them with better players, players most likely with EPL experience and they are going to cost big money. Now whether that goes against Adkins' ethos, only time will tell but it is a fact of where we are and where we want to go.

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The media decided what they wanted Cortese to be long ago, that won't change now. From what we've actually seen, everything has been about long term. Training facilities, youth building, promotions and consistency with management. I believe he wanted Pardew there and despite a poor first season, he left because he wasn't committed long term. The most believable version I've heard is that he had talks about Newcastle that summer. Makes perfect sense. Our pre-season that year was just plain weird in its deficiencies, when we should have been hitting the ground running as clear title favourites. Cortese then chose a manager he believed would stick around, be committed to the long term and get us up.


So I don't believe for a second he's even considering getting rid of him. I think it's typical media bullsh1t that some will eat up. BUT, if it did happen, whether now or after a few games, Cortese can indeed fck off. Yeah some will say see how the replacement gets on, but it's not much of a club that treats people that way. I wouldn't want to support it.


Either way, Nigel is a legend here always.


So are you saying if Cortese gets rid of Nige, you'll stop supporting Saints?

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I just can not see Adkins being sacked. He achieved the clubs goals well ahead of what NC wanted and showed what team spirit, not to mention a united club spirit can achieve. On top of that Adkins has just returned from Holland with the recruitment guy we got from Millwall.......would Adkins really be out in Holland looking at players if NC had intention of keeping him on?

I would be very surprised, not to mention gutted if NC did not give Adkins the opportunity to take us to the next level

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IMO a high percentage of what Alan Nixon writes comes from Agents.


In January he informed us that Collins was a certain to come here. Then a few days later it was held up by a "minor issue". Some time later I was told that the "minor issue" turned out to be that Nicola refused to pay 200k to the Agent (imo for doing nothing or very little). Then there was the issue of Ward from Coventry a few years ago that "hit a snag at the last moment".


The only rumour I have heard is that certain Agents are suggesting certain imo "Old Has-been" type players to us (and a percentage to them of course) and that Nigel is not interested in that type of player.

Perhaps the Agents feel another manager might get us to change our mind ??

However, if Nicola refused to pay 200k in January to an Agent I cannot see him paying some of the Agent demands for certain players even if we had a different manager.

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I just can not see Adkins being sacked. He achieved the clubs goals well ahead of what NC wanted and showed what team spirit, not to mention a united club spirit can achieve. On top of that Adkins has just returned from Holland with the recruitment guy we got from Millwall.......would Adkins really be out in Holland looking at players if NC had intention of keeping him on?

I would be very surprised, not to mention gutted if NC did not give Adkins the opportunity to take us to the next level


Do you he's told NA he's thinking of sacking him? " don't go looking for new players just yet Nigel, I might sack you, I'll let you know in a few weeks"

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No Turkish, i doubt NC would tell NA if he thought about sacking him....anymore than i think he would tell ANYBODY of his plans, which make these rumours just plain stupid


Unfortunately the number of sources the rumours Are coming from that all is not well between NA and NC seem to suggest there is a problem. I didn't want to say on here as I'll just be accused of being a WUM or being negative but I was told back in February that their relationship was strained. People buried their heads in the sand about Pardew and dismissed it as media mischief making, it'd be very naive to do the same thing again.

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Unfortunately the number of sources the rumours Are coming from that all is not well between NA and NC seem to suggest there is a problem. I didn't want to say on here as I'll just be accused of being a WUM or being negative but I was told back in February that their relationship was strained. People buried their heads in the sand about Pardew and dismissed it as media mischief making, it'd be very naive to do the same thing again.


"Strained" over what issue(s)?

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It's like bloody Ground Hog day on here! How many times do you need to be told something, before you believe it! NC has said the future of the club is safe, and on the up, the doom sayers won't believe him. NA said he is here for the long haul, backed up by NC, yet a 'rumour' starts, and you all start wetting your pants over it. I can't believe it on here at times!!!!

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I don't know the specifics, just that they had a strained relationship.


and that sums you up, when was the last time you posted a fact! Above you had a dig about being accused of being a WUM, yet here you are posting 'I heard from a friend' sh1te again. WUM fits the bill I'd say.

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and that sums you up, when was the last time you posted a fact! Above you had a dig about being accused of being a WUM, yet here you are posting 'I heard from a friend' sh1te again. WUM fits the bill I'd say.


Exactly the response I said I'd get, which is why I never said anything in February when I was told. I don't know why their relationship is strained, just that it is. It wasng a friend that told me either. Bury your heads in the sand if you like, but don't say you weren't told.

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I don't know the specifics, just that they had a strained relationship.


I can't think of what work based issue there could be "strained" relationships about. Adkins has just delivered back to back promotions. So what do you think could potentially be the issue(s) that have caused a problem? Yes, I know you said you "don't know the specifics", but take a guess.

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Unfortunately the number of sources the rumours Are coming from that all is not well between NA and NC seem to suggest there is a problem. I didn't want to say on here as I'll just be accused of being a WUM or being negative but I was told back in February that their relationship was strained. People buried their heads in the sand about Pardew and dismissed it as media mischief making, it'd be very naive to do the same thing again.


Although numerous media outlets will use the same limited sources

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Maybe he's more ****ed off at not winning the league (in the last 2 years) than we realise? He probably thinks that the investment he's put into the club should equal a league win, even more so when we sat top of the league for 28 of the weeks.


I know that's not really a reason to be fed up or sack anyone, as we still got promoted, but Cortese is quite a funny character.

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I can't think of what work based issue there could be "strained" relationships about. Adkins has just delivered back to back promotions. So what do you think could potentially be the issue(s) that have caused a problem? Yes, I know you said you "don't know the specifics", but take a guess.


As I said I have no idea and I was very surprised when I was told but I trust the person that told me and they've told me other things about SFC which have always turned out to be 100% accurate. Most of which I haven't put on here for the reasons stated above. Anyway, I'll leave you to speculate as to why.

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maybe it was strained after the dodgy spell and it seemed we could have thrown it away...


feck knows


That was my first reaction - end of January/early Feb saw us only take 2 points out of 9 plus draw & then lose to Millwall in the FA Cup - so no wins in 5 games. Quite likely that would cause some difficult conversations to take place - which may then be viewed as strained.


Absolutely confident that NA will be here next season.

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Maybe he's more ****ed off at not winning the league (in the last 2 years) than we realise? He probably thinks that the investment he's put into the club should equal a league win, even more so when we sat top of the league for 28 of the weeks.


I know that's not really a reason to be fed up or sack anyone, as we still got promoted, but Cortese is quite a funny character.

TBF NA has said on record that HE is ****ed off not winning the league so it's not like he settled for second best.

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Maybe he's more ****ed off at not winning the league (in the last 2 years) than we realise? He probably thinks that the investment he's put into the club should equal a league win, even more so when we sat top of the league for 28 of the weeks.


I know that's not really a reason to be fed up or sack anyone, as we still got promoted, but Cortese is quite a funny character.


Sorry, but that's all nonesense.


Cortese may be a 'funny character' (although he seems straight as an arrow to me) but he is certainly not a completely lunatic. Only a nutcase of Rupert proportions would 'expect' to win a League. Nigel took over when we were the bottom of League 1 and took us to 2nd and automatic promotion then repeated the feat a year later, both times coming within 2 points of the champions. No chairman in the football League would be anything less than delighted with that, even someone like Mike Ashley or the Venkeys.


This is just pure media arse gravy in the off season. There is nothing left to talk about in the gap until the Euros, so they're rolling out the old ****** from days gone by, based on sketchy rumours and agents with an axe to grind.

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