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Fri: Night in with teh Mrs, Chinese takeaway and caught up with the weeks telebox fun.

Sat: Nice long lay in, watched Soccer AM, then Utd Vs Arsenal, reheated chinese for brekky, lounged around during day, over mates in evening to play new pro evo, few smokes and pizza.

Sun: Nice long lie in, over parents in evening for roast, had to help my mum peel over 500 mini onions for her to make pickled onions. I now have stained yellow fingers which f*cking stink. Indoor footy in teh evening.


Friday - Up the Bedes, got smashed.

Saturday - Got even more smashed, can't remember the match, went back to pub after 50 minutes, can't remember much else. Got wet.

Sunday - Finally put shed up, family over for tea. Liver Damage.




Friday - stayed in drunk beer


Saturday - watched the Manu v Arse game down the pub...then went home...then went to the pub again and watched an altogether more irritating game of football. Then from there went to watch fireworks...but it turned out that there was no booze at the fireworks so we went to the pub instead...then went to watch the Calzaghe fight round a mates...rolled in home at about six in the morning absolutely sh:tfaced...


Sunday - rudely awoken by my doorbell...would appear that i'd forgotten my parents were coming round for lunch. Ate steak at Cafe Rouge then went home for an afernoon nap...woke up and couldn't feel myt hands as i'd been sleeping like a spacker...then decided to not go to bed until half twelve just so as to make sure i'm absolutely f::cking knackered this morning...


It passed the time...but i can think of better weekends...


Fri - major session in Winchester with an old mate


Sat - worked during the day, then unfortunately went to SMS


Sun - worked in morning, then went to see my mum who had a car accident yesterday:(


Friday - found out the house i was supposed to be moving into is going to be sold so i'm now back to square 1 looking for somewhere. Stayed at a mates, drank and fell asleep watching space cowboys

Saturday - nice train journey, shopping, then out for dinner, to the pub for drinks, then lots of fun

Sunday - did some uni work, spent some time worrying about needing to move out asap, looked at a house, went out for dinner, back to southampton, bed


6/10 - worried about finding somewhere to live but had a fantastic time saturday. probably should have done more uni work

Fri - major session in Winchester with an old mate


Sat - worked during the day, then unfortunately went to SMS


Sun - worked in morning, then went to see my mum who had a car accident yesterday:(


Sorry to hear that, is she ok?

i cannot hear out of my left ear






Do I have this to look forward to as a result of my cold or is this a seperate problem?


My nose is running faster than Usain Bolt at the moment, however, no amount of snot can block the smell of pickled onions from my fingers.


On the plus side, I can hold two fingers out and use that legendary old line 'smell my fingers'


Friday - Up at 3am for work. Bed at 8.

Saturday - Up at 3am for work. Bed at 8 after Saints buggered up.

Sunday - Up at 4am for work. (Lie in - Woo!) Went to Thorpe Park for fireworks which raised the rating.


It would have been a 2/10 but in lieu of a very smart Fred sponsorship, I give it 3/10.

Sorry to hear that, is she ok?


She's alright thanks Jill


The car is written off, and she was shocked / gutted, but no long-term damage


Fri- Went to Brig for a few beers. Went to a mate's house for more beer, then proceeded to another mate's house for beer, followed by yet another mate's house for beer. Was teh wasted.

Sat- Hang. Went to pub for beer. Went to sms and got p155ed off. Went into Eastleigh in t'evening and I actually had a good night. There were also many a fit fanneh out which is rare for Beastleigh.

Sun- Bed. All day. 'twas awesome.


Friday -- Work, Carnival, pulled fitty.

Saturday -- Hanging, work, fry-up, fish and chips.

Sunday -- Work.


Friday -- 10/10

Saturday -- 2/10

Sunday -- 1/10


Overall -- 7/10.


Fri - Managed to incorporate some Vodka with a long dog walk

Sat - Got soaked raking leaves for 2 hours only to watch as more fell in the areas just picked up, I think my trees are creating a similar affect as those in "The Happening", Football, pub, argued, home 2 hrs sleep, mates for boxing till 0600hrs...felt like I missed a nights sleep to watch 8 rounds of an exhibition fight.

Sun - after 3 hrs sleep woken by idiots phoning to inform me its raining !! walk dog, wine, asleep during afternoons dvds, bed, unable to sleep due to earlier nap




Friday - Out, pulled fat bird a la Stu.

Saturday - Pub lunch, sh*te football match, went round mates' and watched boxing.

Sunday - Slept until late, went round parents' for roast dindins, work



Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

Friday got wrecked on Gouden Carolus Ambre (8%) at £1.79 a pint in Wetherspoons. Unable to remember my name or address for a pittance. Excellent.

Saturday Tesco flooded so all the hoi polloi turned up at Sainsburys like a pack of rabid locusts and cleared the shelves of veg. Drove to Totton instead in the rain. Babysat 6 week old grandson who screamed the house down until mum got home.

Sunday had nice lunch cooked by daughter and then went swimming.


Pretty crap really especially as the house is freezing cold and there is no hot water.



Are you looking for a place to live in Pompey or Soton then?


Portsmouth. I can't really afford rent and travel and i also find it a pain when the trains are being annoying - I've been left stranded a couple of times. There's no reason for me to be in Southampton anymore. I work and go to uni in Portsmouth. Although i'll still come over for games when I can. Must move my seat though... any suggestions? In block 3 atm - was thinking of staying in the same block but moving down a fair way.

The whole set? You're going to have to stop using a Stanley knife as a plectrum.


:D Just broke the high e; but also somehow ****ed up when trimming the d, causing it to unravel and its now to short to use again.

:D Just broke the high e; but also somehow ****ed up when trimming the d, causing it to unravel and its now to short to use again.


Maybe you should take it to a music shop and ask someone to do it for you next time?


Scarily I did exactly what I planned to do in the weekend fred. That's never happened before and I am extremely concerned because the planned weekend involved enormous amounts of alcohol and I remembered what I was supposed to be doing.




6/10 (would have been an 8 but for having to watch the game on Saturday which was ....)

Portsmouth. I can't really afford rent and travel and i also find it a pain when the trains are being annoying - I've been left stranded a couple of times. There's no reason for me to be in Southampton anymore. I work and go to uni in Portsmouth. Although i'll still come over for games when I can. Must move my seat though... any suggestions? In block 3 atm - was thinking of staying in the same block but moving down a fair way.


How many of you are looking for a place then? Trains normally run fine dont they?

Maybe you should take it to a music shop and ask someone to do it for you next time?


No, Im pretty sure my ratio of about 2591* "stringings" to 10 or so losses isnt that much cause for alarm.


(* 18years x 6strings x 4guitars x 6restringsperyear)

How many of you are looking for a place then? Trains normally run fine dont they?


Just me. Normally but by no means always. Last week I ended up totally stranded at fratton station because all the signals turned to red. Everyone was just told 'to wait for further announcements' I've also missed lectures because they turn up late or take longer to get there. Or I get home late for the same reason. It's just annoying.

No, Im pretty sure my ratio of about 2591* "stringings" to 10 or so losses isnt that much cause for alarm.


(* 18years x 6strings x 4guitars x 6restringsperyear)


Fair enough :)


Interesting calculation


Friday - Moved house. Got home from work late and watched tv

Saturday - went to Soton game. Got home at 11. Couldn't get setanta freeview channel to work at new address, so went to bed at 1.

Sunday - Played football. Went to pub(s). Fell asleep watching MOTD2.

Today - Enjoying first day of week off.


Rating: 6/10


Friday - Travelled up to York for my mates 21st birthday. Long but relatively simple drive. Went out in the evening


Saturday - Pub for the United and Saints games, wich I hadn't have bothered for the Saints one. Went out in evening


Sunday - Drove home, watched MOTD2

BBC real player.


No need to thank me. Just discount my annual membership.




tis repeated wednesday too and at some point in the week it's repeated on bbc 3.

Posted (edited)

FRIDAY- took me puppy round to my mates for the evening.

Saturday- nice lay-in,went to work at SMS, kept composure during the minutes silence for Paula,had some good news about a colleague.after the game i went out with a friend and his mate (our way of honouring Paula).... went to the Brook and saw a Bowie tribute act (not really into Bowie, but he was very good none-the-less),got a bit drunk then walked up to The Talking Heads for some more live music.got in at 2am.........best night i've had in ages!!!!! :D


Sunday- woke up strangely early,considering the previous night .

walked up to the oldies to pick up the kids and the dog....wasn't gonna risk driving due to last night's alcohol consumption (good,int i!!)

had a quiet day in with the kids....


really nice weekend.....apart from the wind yesterday ripped a sheet of roofing felt off my shed, and now the rain is pouring in............would've fixed it today but the weather was just sh1t!!!! :(



Edited by saint boggy
Has Kajagoogoo reformed ??


as a matter of fact , yes, I read it in yesterdays papers.



and big LOL at Rorys picture of the downs syndrome kids.

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