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First siteing of the year


Two caravans, one Transit and a Private No plate Pick Up at the back of Lordshill Church


Personally I have no real problems with the occasional Traveller incursion provided they behave themselves and move on after a short time leaving the area neat and tidy


It becomes problematic when they arrive mob handed and leave areas looking like a tip


Wonder how the Govt would react if all Caravan Club members claimed to be itinerants and started pitching up on public land?

First siteing of the year


Two caravans, one Transit and a Private No plate Pick Up at the back of Lordshill Church


Personally I have no real problems with the occasional Traveller incursion provided they behave themselves and move on after a short time leaving the area neat and tidy

It becomes problematic when they arrive mob handed and leave areas looking like a tip


Wonder how the Govt would react if all Caravan Club members claimed to be itinerants and started pitching up on public land?


That's where the problem lies.


I arrived at a carpark in Bounemouth early one morning a few weeks ago, having pre paid from home so I could get to the station quickly. When I got to the car park, it was half full of caravans & transits! I bet they hadn't paid & frickin displayed!


Not really going to say anything along the lines of napalm etc, but I do have a reason to think twice about travellers.


A few years ago a family of travellers decided to take residence in a field next door to my uncle's home. The field had just been sprayed with pesticide, so it wasn't a great idea in the first place as the chemicals can cause all kinds of problems if its breathed in. Then the family's kids broke into my uncle's garden and stole apples from his trees, which were cooking apples and when they ate them, they all got quite ill. Second stupid thing right there. Worse was to come as they managed to set fire to the whole field, endangering their own lives as well as the farmer, my uncle and his family, etc etc.


I also happen to know from experience the amount of trouble the kids can cause in schools and the education system. I'm afraid they're not much good to a large amount of people.

A few years ago a family of travellers decided to take residence in a field next door to my uncle's home. They managed to set fire to the whole field, endangering their own lives...


Sounds like the napalm may not be necessary then


I also happen to know from experience the amount of trouble the kids can cause in schools and the education system. I'm afraid they're not much good to a large amount of people.

i had the misfortune to go to school in a village that had a permanent camp on its outskirts. the gypo/traveller kids caused lots of trouble & disruption in school & i had a lot of fights with them. still remember wearing my first pair of Dr Martins boots & using them to kick the cr@p out of 1 pikey who bit me twice during a fight :x

i had the misfortune to go to school in a village that had a permanent camp on its outskirts. the gypo/traveller kids caused lots of trouble & disruption in school & i had a lot of fights with them. still remember wearing my first pair of Dr Martins boots & using them to kick the cr@p out of 1 pikey who bit me twice during a fight :x


Well, its at the taxpayer's expense that the kids are provided an education even if they refuse or get kicked out of school. They HAVE to have an education, and it's ridiculous the levels that the system will water down 'education' to, in order to provide for kids that don't want it, and families that couldn't care less. For example, I know of a kid that was given lessons in fly fishing, because he hated subjects at school that you or I simply had to do, whether we liked it or not. Fly fishing, as opposed to maths, science etc etc. It's farcical. I'm inclined to say **** em, why provide for them if they don't want it? Think of the thousands of kids up and down the country that are inconvenienced because they can't go to the schools that they want to go to, and the stress it causes their parents.


We had New Age Travellers complete with an old Coach and Benders in a field just over a bank at the bottom of our garden. They were supplementing their endless benefits selling drugs, which saw our parking spaces being used as the "Convenience store" car park. We had a very ballsy local Policewoman on our patch who would, on her own, go and raid them plus she wanted every number plate of the cars going shopping as she took great pleasure in knocking on the doors of parents to ask why their car was seen at place where drugs were sold. The land was owned by the original developers of the estate who had gone into liquidation and had bolted to Panama to avoid the creditors, so nothing could be done to get rid of them.

Then after 6 months on a Bank Holiday weekend a load of Caravans rocked up and pitched literally 40ft from our front door!! Before we knew it, as we had no fence, we had spawny kids in our garden playing then picking flowers and chucking them about, as soon as you confronted them the Girls were shouting I'm going to tell my Dad you have been fiddling about with me, then running back over the bank, fearing the onslaught to come, the relief when you heard a Father telling them not to go over the bank and if they are seen going over there they will get what for was immense.

What we did not know was New Age Travellers and Gypsies, Travellers, Tinkers, Pikeys, Knackers (whatever you want to call them) do not mix well, and first night it kicks off: as a handful of Stinkies wacked up on their stash invaded the Gypsies Caravans. Old Bill rock up but there is not much they could do because of the land issues.

Next Morning apart from opening our curtains to be greeted by one of the Women taking a dump round the back of her Caravan, the Police chief comes to pay a visit, when he left I followed him down the road and flagged him down. Everyone in our Close was getting really ****ed off with the Stinkies, and the Gypsies were close to being the straw that broke the Camels back. I asked him how long they were going to stay, he said a few days as they did not like the neighbours. I told him the mood in our Close was not the best, and not to be too surprised if Unigate report a load of empty milk bottles going missing and Tesco reporting petrol sales going up: he replied "Ah, that's what John Major means by the Citizens Charter". His tone was if you want to give them all a kicking we will have something else to do over the other side of town at the time.


The Gypsies were gone in a few days, as promised, leaving a massive pile of rubbish behind, which the Stinkies piled up and torched spectacularly. The New Age Travellers took another 6 months to get shot of, and that was spectacular viewing as there were at least 50 Coppers plus the Police Helicopter, and leading the charge was our Policewoman. The whole experience was not vey nice but the relief when they had all gone.


Basingstoke has always been a staging post for Travelling folks, less so now as whenever they got moved on a trench or unsightly bank of earth was put over any entry point. Just be thankful you do not live in France, the Gypsies there are the "scum of the earth" and live upto the billing.

Do you remember the scene in the Great Escape when the Germans machine gun all the recaptured POW's in a field? Just a thought.


Whereas in real life, Hitler thought a little bit bigger than a field. It is reckoned his regime put half a million of them to death.


I'm not saying that the Nazis had the right idea.


Bit sad to see similar sentiments drummed up here. Scum of the earth, machine-gunned, etc. Still, if it makes you feel better about yourself on an Internet forum...


I just wonder that if the Travelling community had a bit more sense and tried to deal with the issues surrounding their 'occupation' of land they would enjoy more sympathy and tolerance from the local community


However I recall listening to a 'Traveller' on the radio once who said that whenever their extended family group turned up anywhere ..'To provide services to the local community'... ne'er do wells within the local settled community would take the opportunity to get rid of their litter and increase their own illegal activities and then blame it on Travellers.


Unfortunately there does seem to be some campaigners around who may actually subscribe to this view

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