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Sainticons™ Ltd have been officially rejected by the Saintsweb moderation hierachy! I mean not officially rejected, the moderation supremos have not been in direct contact with the Sainticons™ Ltd development team but they have gone to the trouble of eradicating all reference to Sainticons™ Ltd from the Site Suggestions forum.


I don't know if to be more sadface.jpg or all chaplow-2.png


At the moment the development team of Sainticons™ Ltd are in a state of utter confused2.jpg


It's a sad day obviously, but the Sainticons™ Ltd development team are thinking of taking the Sainticons™ Ltd movement underground. Obviously we've got to keep it on the Q.T. cos the Saintsweb Moderation Hierachy will be on strict lookout for unsanctioned usage of Sainticons™ Ltd, I believe although this has not been confirmed that they have a pre-existing licensing agreement with the developers of :)


If anyone wishes to join the Sainticons™ Ltd movement please post here, but be sure to use a small font so as not to attract the attention of Moderation Supremos.


Thankyou for your time.






on behalf of Sainticons™ Ltd


All rights reserved.


I see what ur thinking Verbal, ur worried about the licensing costs for using Sainticons™ Ltd!


You will be pleased to learn that, unlike other organisations such as Saintsweb and Southampton Football Club we do offer attractive payment schemes for the hard of funds!


PM me ur bank details and I will make the necessary arrangements!


Thanks and congratulations on ur new subscription to Sainticons™ Ltd!


I note you have above recommended your two friends, Charmin' (he's a toilet bear!) and Turkish to the service. On their successful registration you will be entitled to Additional Rebates!







on behalf of Sainticons™ Ltd


All rights reserved.

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