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She has obviously exhausted her local community, and no one will touch her with a barge pole now, so the best thing to do, is sell your story to the National Press, and judging by all the responses at the bottom of that article, she has just secured her next few thousand 'buddies'.


She could just move town and start all over again.


I fail to believe that she is 100% of the time 'careful' if her 'disease' is that bad, Im sure if she had a man with his wang out in front of her, she would not stop because he didnt have a rubber.


I bet she is disease riddled up!


She sleeps with an average of over 10 people a month. 1000 people in 8 years (since she lost her virginity as a surprisingly high age of 17 - for a Essex bird!)


Why would anyone go out with her? Her new boyfriend - Wayne, must have some serious self respective issues. It has failure written all over it.


On the plus side for him though, I bet she is a right dirter. SHe would spit on it and everything!


The News of the World is, after all, a highly respected journalistic work.


To the people who say "why would anyone go out with her", perhaps that's masking your own insecurities, not her boyfriends. Mayve she's a really nice person with great prospects. Maybe not, but who knows? Maybe people feel sorry for her and realise it's not her fault, or similar?


My dad worked on ships for a decade or so and he reaclls vividly that the wife of the first engineer was a nymphomaniac. He's recounted the tale a couple of times so it clearly sticks out in his mind (and no, he didn't sleep with her, my mum was on board on this occasion!). This woman had only been aboard an hour or so when my mum went to get something from the second engineers cabin, only to find her in there, with him, supposedly innocently but it was clear that the woman was frustrated at anyone elses presence. Apparently it was like this for a few weeks. In the end, my parents just felt really sorry for them - of course, the engineer, but also her. They seem to feel, at least, that she couldn't help it and that it is indeed genuine.


Knee Ligament condition?


I am a sex addict, have managed to be off it for a year or so, but fear i may cheat it each night with some self love, like a smoker inhaling other peoples smoke

The News of the World is, after all, a highly respected journalistic work.


To the people who say "why would anyone go out with her", perhaps that's masking your own insecurities, not her boyfriends. Mayve she's a really nice person with great prospects. Maybe not, but who knows? Maybe people feel sorry for her and realise it's not her fault, or similar?


My dad worked on ships for a decade or so and he reaclls vividly that the wife of the first engineer was a nymphomaniac. He's recounted the tale a couple of times so it clearly sticks out in his mind (and no, he didn't sleep with her, my mum was on board on this occasion!). This woman had only been aboard an hour or so when my mum went to get something from the second engineers cabin, only to find her in there, with him, supposedly innocently but it was clear that the woman was frustrated at anyone elses presence. Apparently it was like this for a few weeks. In the end, my parents just felt really sorry for them - of course, the engineer, but also her. They seem to feel, at least, that she couldn't help it and that it is indeed genuine.


Yet he still didnt have a go? Thats dedication that is. Permission granted and still remains faithful

I bet the interview process is quite interesting


I don't know but when I phoned her place for a job in her department they asked if I was prepared to go to Plymouth, I said "why is that where the job is ?" they replied "No thats the back of the queue !!"

I don't know but when I phoned her place for a job in her department they asked if I was prepared to go to Plymouth, I said "why is that where the job is ?" they replied "No thats the back of the queue !!"




Tell you what, if I were single and a little hard up on my luck and I came across her (pardon the pun), I probably would.


Although saying that, it would be like throwing a hotdog up the high street

Ooooooooo, aren't you the little brainiac

*sends home e.mail reminding me to do the same*


Lol. The great thing is she lives in Dagenham. Thats on my train journey home!

The News of the World is, after all, a highly respected journalistic work.


To the people who say "why would anyone go out with her", perhaps that's masking your own insecurities, not her boyfriends. Mayve she's a really nice person with great prospects. Maybe not, but who knows? Maybe people feel sorry for her and realise it's not her fault, or similar?


My dad worked on ships for a decade or so and he reaclls vividly that the wife of the first engineer was a nymphomaniac. He's recounted the tale a couple of times so it clearly sticks out in his mind (and no, he didn't sleep with her, my mum was on board on this occasion!). This woman had only been aboard an hour or so when my mum went to get something from the second engineers cabin, only to find her in there, with him, supposedly innocently but it was clear that the woman was frustrated at anyone elses presence. Apparently it was like this for a few weeks. In the end, my parents just felt really sorry for them - of course, the engineer, but also her. They seem to feel, at least, that she couldn't help it and that it is indeed genuine.


You are a bundle of laughs


She rejected my offer of 'friendship'. She also took her avatar off, and totally upped the privacy of her profile. Seems like a few hundred other people had my idea.


That'll learn her to make a few bob from a tabloid.

She rejected my offer of 'friendship'. She also took her avatar off, and totally upped the privacy of her profile. Seems like a few hundred other people had my idea.


That'll learn her to make a few bob from a tabloid.


And you have just proved that her 'illness' is infact that she is just a s|ut. If it were an illness, she would have accepted the lot of friend requests and diarised them accordingly.


All attention seeking IMO. I would be surprised if she has slept with more than 100 people.

And you have just proved that her 'illness' is infact that she is just a s|ut. If it were an illness, she would have accepted the lot of friend requests and diarised them accordingly.


All attention seeking IMO. I would be surprised if she has slept with more than 100 people.




OK what can we solve next?


What about this one?


Another one...




Right, if ever I become single, I now know the way forward. I am going to 'pretend' to be a sex addict and go to one of these Sex Annonomous meeting. Befriend the best looking girls and hey presto, instant sex on a tap!

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