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To the small group of idiots that keep trying to get this song going. Shut up.


You saw the Palace fans yesterday.. They were embarrassing bouncing up and down singing their crap ultra songs and you're trying to copy one of the songs. Their culture has no place in English football and you mongs keep singing the same song at every away game now. Give up. 50 other football league clubs sing it now and it sounds pathetic. Sorry to start the thread but it really is getting on my tits now.


Didn't hear that in Block V. Heard this 'we love you' song a few times which is always good.


We love Southampton, we do

We love Southampton, we do

We love Southampton, we do

Oh Southampton we love you

To the small group of idiots that keep trying to get this song going. Shut up.


You saw the Palace fans yesterday.. They were embarrassing bouncing up and down singing their crap ultra songs and you're trying to copy one of the songs. Their culture has no place in English football and you mongs keep singing the same song at every away game now. Give up. 50 other football league clubs sing it now and it sounds pathetic. Sorry to start the thread but it really is getting on my tits now.


How about you stop telling fans how they should act and what they should and shouldn't sing.and just worry about yourself?


You seem to be paranoid as to how we come across to other fans and work to some unknown protcol of how to act and behave at football matches. Of course some fans are cringeworthy, but (by enlarge) I'd still rather have them there supporting the team.


Just let others be and let them enjoy it how they want too and if you want to make sure that you are dressed appropriately, singing the right songs at the right time and acting defly cool, then that's down to you, but for alot of us football is a release and 90 mins of the week, where we don't have to worry about stuff.


Chill the fook out

To the small group of idiots that keep trying to get this song going. Shut up.


You saw the Palace fans yesterday.. They were embarrassing bouncing up and down singing their crap ultra songs and you're trying to copy one of the songs. Their culture has no place in English football and you mongs keep singing the same song at every away game now. Give up. 50 other football league clubs sing it now and it sounds pathetic. Sorry to start the thread but it really is getting on my tits now.


I remember you thinking the gay sway was top class "very Man Utd/Ronaldo", so won't be taking tips off you anytime soon ;)

Agree tho the Ultras thing is utterly cringeworthy. At least, the c**ts seem to be dying off -their numbers seemed down from the Carling Cup.

I remember you thinking the gay sway was top class "very Man Utd/Ronaldo", so won't be taking tips off you anytime soon ;)

Agree tho the Ultras thing is utterly cringeworthy. At least, the c**ts seem to be dying off -their numbers seemed down from the Carling Cup.


It looked good when United did it at our place and then I thought it was sh*t when gay studenty-looking types and fat men in replica shirts started doing it.

It is an utterly s**t song. Thankfully it hasn't really caught on at all.


It will do eventually though, more and more people are joining in every time.

It looked good when United did it at our place and then I thought it was sh*t when gay studenty-looking types and fat men in replica shirts started doing it.


I thought you said you didn't do it?

I said that when I first heard the Cortese chant... :uhoh:


I first heard that at Peterborough away last season and honestly couldn't believe my ears. It came from a small group of bulbs who spent most of the game singing sh*t songs at the steward and congratulating each other on how funny they are.

tell you what is cringeworthy...the stupid Poznan huddle...


Yes, that is shocking. Leicester started doing it up there earlier this season. Why? It's sh*t.

Yes, that is shocking. Leicester started doing it up there earlier this season. Why? It's sh*t.

they jump up and down for about 30 seconds....then turn round all falling over each other laughing....



I can take man city doing it as they saw that team do it at theirs...but leicester...ffs

how does it go? I want to practice from Friday night.


Surprised you haven't heard it. Every other football league club sings it now.



Here are the 'ultras' themselves. Bunch of no-marks that have to copy foreign clubs because they are a nothing club.


IS taht you in the middle at the front? It's certainly your jacket. No wonder you're covering your face. :lol:

they jump up and down for about 30 seconds....then turn round all falling over each other laughing....



I can take man city doing it as they saw that team do it at theirs...but leicester...ffs


Only appropriate time for it all season was when Arsenal did it to City on Sunday.

How about we stop singing "Come on you reds" or "Red Army" like every other club that plays in red despite the fact we play in red and white.


Best hold onto that one, who knows what next season's kit plans are ? :rolleyes:

How about you stop telling fans how they should act and what they should and shouldn't sing.and just worry about yourself?


You seem to be paranoid as to how we come across to other fans and work to some unknown protcol of how to act and behave at football matches. Of course some fans are cringeworthy, but (by enlarge) I'd still rather have them there supporting the team.


Just let others be and let them enjoy it how they want too and if you want to make sure that you are dressed appropriately, singing the right songs at the right time and acting defly cool, then that's down to you, but for alot of us football is a release and 90 mins of the week, where we don't have to worry about stuff.


Chill the fook out



IS taht you in the middle at the front? It's certainly your jacket. No wonder you're covering your face. :lol:




As I'm sure you're all fully aware, I was at St Mary's for the Pompey game and therefore could not have been in Birmingham. B*stards.

Only appropriate time for it all season was when Arsenal did it to City on Sunday.


Rangers also did it at the last Old Firm, mocking the lack of atmosphere from Celtic (I didn't join in). I must admit though, it does look impressive when the entire ground is doing it. Celtic did it at Parkhead when I was there with Rangers and you could literally feel the entire ground shaking.

Griffo, I very much doubt they are on here. Next time, wonder up to them and let em know. At least you'll know your point is beginning to get across.


Every time I hear it sung I tell them to shut up.

You obviously need to be more scary. Speak to Turkish, he'll give you some advice.


No one would be scared of him had they seen him the morning after Blackpool away.


I don't see anything wrong with nicking and converting songs from other clubs, especially European ones that don't get a wide audience. Better to be imaginative about it though, once everyone's doing it, it's a bit pointless.


FWIW we nicked Crystal Palace's Andy Johnson song for Dexter Blackstock (and basically every other player we can't be bothered to give a proper song to since, currently Puncheon and Chaplow), so they're as good as any.

No one would be scared of him had they seen him the morning after Blackpool away.


I assume he used the wrong kind of facepaint and it wouldn't come off ?

How about you stop telling fans how they should act and what they should and shouldn't sing.and just worry about yourself?


You seem to be paranoid as to how we come across to other fans and work to some unknown protcol of how to act and behave at football matches. Of course some fans are cringeworthy, but (by enlarge) I'd still rather have them there supporting the team.


Just let others be and let them enjoy it how they want too and if you want to make sure that you are dressed appropriately, singing the right songs at the right time and acting defly cool, then that's down to you, but for alot of us football is a release and 90 mins of the week, where we don't have to worry about stuff.


Chill the fook out


I disagree. Fans reflect the area so it important that Southampton is not percieved to be a city full of bulbs otherwise the nation will think of us as being full of fat, scruffy middle aged men or gimpy studenty types. We need to make sure that we have as few embarassing messes in our fan base as possible and if this upsets a few people so be it. It's for the good of the club and the city in the long run.

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