Lighthouse Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 I was searching for a new torch last night and in my boredom was trying to find the most poweful torch on the market. The two most powerful, but still practical, I could find were an 85W torch that can light stuff up 1km away and another that can cook marshmallows at short range. It struck me that only a man can appreciate stuff like that, like surround sound speakers and pen knives. Anyone own any other decent man toys and gadgets?
Raging Bull Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 The remote control obviously, chicks......know your place!
Seaford Saint Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 I have 3 in wall tannoy speakers £400 a pop to go into the wall either side and under a yet to be purchased 55" TV. I will buy more of these once I decide on in wall/in celing. I have a high end 70s trio amp its so heavy I cannot pick it up, 2 x Quad 405/44......a pair of EAR509s.....a telescope Thinking of buying BMW M3 but migt o instead for a 3 series diesel instead....then there is fishing gear, 2 x garden sheds.
Colinjb Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 I do like a good drill. Have been coveting a 110V, 670W Bosch number for a while. Something capable of taking it to any material requirement. I also nearly cried when I lost my 5mm rachet shocket feel into my friend's car door. Sourcing a replacement wasn't an issue, but that horror of not being able to complete the job until another could be obtained.
norwaysaint Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 an axe (for chopping wood, not killing people), have been considering getting a chainsaw 5 types of saw (doesn't count if you need them for your job) A spirit level longer than 3 feet petrol powered strimmer a fridge just for beer I used to have a concrete mixer, but gave it away
norwaysaint Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 Oh yeah and a motor boat mainly used for fishing
Window Cleaner Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 I forgot the chain saw......cracking saw a woman with a chain-saw today.
CB Saint Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 There are some really good hobbies out there for shiny kit syndrome, some of mine... Golf, Scuba, Skiing Biggest extravangance has got to be a pair of ski boots, with custom made orthotics and liner.
Truckasaurus Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 I've got a female ballarena? manikin,she is beautiful
SNSUN Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 A razor, built for the purposes of shaving beards, not legs. No love, my razor is not for doing your legs, you have lady products to do that. I'm thinking of getting myself a cutthroat razor, that'd stop her shaving her legs with my damn razor.
StDunko Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012 Bat, Cricket pads, batting gloves, box and spikes axle stands crowbar spark-plug spanner trickle charger for the classic car's battery Set of Poker chips
buctootim Posted 3 April, 2012 Posted 3 April, 2012
terrypward Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 I have 4 soldering irons. 3 of them have a special place in my heart. The other one is a *****.
Joe Kirkup Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Axe Chainsaw Electric Guitar - can't play Old London Cab
Ric Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Swarfega. I had a tub of it by the kitchen sink, as you do. The Mrs thought it was just ordinary hand wash... D'oh! Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
pap Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 As the only male in the house, I tend to get spoiled by the girls. For starters, I have a man cave, locally referred to as the Fortress of Solitude. I hide up here whenever they are watching reality shows and the like. It is equipped with numerous pieces of tech, 2 LED screens, 1 LCD screen and most importantly, a beer fridge. Most of my bloke stuff is geeky stuff.
CB Saint Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 As the only male in the house, I tend to get spoiled by the girls. For starters, I have a man cave, locally referred to as the Fortress of Solitude. I hide up here whenever they are watching reality shows and the like. It is equipped with numerous pieces of tech, 2 LED screens, 1 LCD screen and most importantly, a beer fridge. Most of my bloke stuff is geeky stuff. Every man must have a den / cave / shed to hide in. Mine is full of toys and odds and sods that I have at one time in my life thought that I couldn't live without. PS3s, flat screen tv, remote control everything, scalectrix, all my old star wars gear and lego from childhood. My nephews absolutely love it.
tony13579 Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Twin screens desktop PC,DSLR camera, router, curcular saw, combined office/workshop/cave. 2 TR4's. Angle Grinder. at least 5 different hammers. blow torch. The haynes manual for your first car.
pap Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Every man must have a den / cave / shed to hide in. Mine is full of toys and odds and sods that I have at one time in my life thought that I couldn't live without. PS3s, flat screen tv, remote control everything, scalectrix, all my old star wars gear and lego from childhood. My nephews absolutely love it. Yeah, they're a good job. Mine is literally our box room and also has assorted crap from around the house in it, so it's not ace for visitors - although the dog spends a lot of her time here. My least favourite time was when the dog did a "dirty protest". Laminate flooring, so no lasting mess. Still, an afternoon of bleaching and cleaning on my knees - while the dog looked on with an amused expression on her face.
wokingsaints Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 untold amounts of fishing tackle motorboat engine axe chainsaw 2 air rifles......bsa lightening carbine & weihrauch hw97k both in .177 all man'ly stuff
Petersfield Saint Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 As several other posters on here will attest - a motorcycle - preferably a large and stupidly powerful one Not the most Gucci piece of kit, but a 4-cell full size Maglite under the bed for caving intruders skulls in (reasonable force m'lud!)
Dibden Purlieu Saint Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 1 x Bosch Hammer Drill 1 x Bosch circular saw A massive tool box (I'm rubbish at DIY by the way) A big-ass DH Mountain Bike A 1980's Double Tape Deck JVC Boombox A BMW M3
Colinjb Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Along the same lines as the Maglite, a Cricket Bat, stored under the bed in case of intruder.
Lighthouse Posted 4 April, 2012 Author Posted 4 April, 2012 Along the same lines as the Maglite, a Cricket Bat, stored under the bed in case of intruder. I keep an ENORMOUS strap on dildo for such circumstances. If anyone breaks in I just stick it on, go down stairs and say, "good evening. I've been expecting you." The bloke would run a mile.
Colinjb Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 I keep an ENORMOUS strap on dildo for such circumstances. Of course, I believe you. (Thousands wouldn't. )
Bearsy Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 I keep an ENORMOUS strap on dildo for such circumstances. If anyone breaks in I just stick it on, go down stairs and say, "good evening. I've been expecting you." The bloke would run a mile. It's weird that u need a strap on dildo tho. You have no penis?
mcjwills Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 A razor, built for the purposes of shaving beards, not legs. No love, my razor is not for doing your legs, you have lady products to do that. I'm thinking of getting myself a cutthroat razor, that'd stop her shaving her legs with my damn razor. Got an easier answer to that problem DIVORCE or grow a BEARD.
Lighthouse Posted 4 April, 2012 Author Posted 4 April, 2012 It's weird that u need a strap on dildo tho. You have no penis? Yes, but it's tiny. Nowhere near big enough to scare off a burgular, especially if it's dark.
Bearsy Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 I've got a screwdriver, somewhere. The dude what come to assemble my bedstead left it behind. Also when I moved in I found a box of cigars hidden on top of the kitchen cupboards. I ain't smoked 'em or nothing cos I don't want to get cancers, but it's pretty butch just to have 'em. Sometimes I put one in my mouth when I'm watching tv and pretend to be in A Team.
Bearsy Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Yes, but it's tiny. Nowhere near big enough to scare off a burgular, especially if it's dark. Rule 1 dude.
Colinjb Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 I ain't smoked 'em or nothing cos I don't want to get cancers, but it's pretty butch just to have 'em. Sometimes I put one in my mouth when I'm watching tv and pretend to be in A Team. That, right there, is the true definition of cool.
Lighthouse Posted 4 April, 2012 Author Posted 4 April, 2012 Rule 1 dude. In a bit of an inconventient place to take a photo right now, but if you can picture those little sausages you get in Heinze spaghetti, you're in the ball park.
Colinjb Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Can't believe no-one hasn't mentioned a Swiss Army Knife/Multi-tool yet!
scotty Posted 4 April, 2012 Posted 4 April, 2012 Axe Chainsaw Electric Guitar - can't play Old London Cab Surprised this hasn't been mentioned earlier. Every man should own an electric guitar, regardless of whether or not he can play it. End of.
SNSUN Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 Got an easier answer to that problem DIVORCE or grow a BEARD. Both good ideas. But it's more a case of me WANTING her to get the lady shaves, so I can do my bikini area.
Saint Luke Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 I've got 1 electric and 1 acoustic guitar that hang on the wall in the kitchen diner - look really cool. Shame I'm not. Shed Circular saw Swiss army pen knife Full surround sound separates hifi system Separate booze fridge
CB Saint Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 Considering that it's my birthday in the next few days I am hoping I came come back on here to boast about this.. Oi, wifey, if you happen to read this - I really, really, really need it
Raging Bull Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 Do STDs count? She'll never move out and you WILL marry her!
Bearsy Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 Take that back homie! What's the more blokish thing to own: A live-in sex slave, or the ability to crack one off in the front room whenever u feel like it?
radiorob Posted 5 April, 2012 Posted 5 April, 2012 Swiss Army Knives are geeky, not cool. I would say all my ice hockey gear is pretty manly, especially given the fact you can't wash it so it has a couple of years of accumulated sweaty smell... That and my Mackie SRM-450 PA speakers.
dronskisaint Posted 9 April, 2012 Posted 9 April, 2012 The newspapers...they're mine. If there's a girlie supplement I'll concede that but they're my domain. Tools obviously, the garage...
Jonnyboy Posted 9 April, 2012 Posted 9 April, 2012 As the only male in the house, I tend to get spoiled by the girls. For starters, I have a man cave, locally referred to as the Fortress of Solitude. I hide up here whenever they are watching reality shows and the like. It is equipped with numerous pieces of tech, 2 LED screens, 1 LCD screen and most importantly, a beer fridge. Most of my bloke stuff is geeky stuff. I too have a pap cave (minus a pap) which I try to dominate however it keeps getting invaded by laundry, other halfs work stuff, toddler toys, random friends on sleepovers etc etc. It has various old PCs, consoles, LCD TV and PS3 etc, electric guitar and amp, (+rockband ps3 gear), general geeky stuff stored away (some in the loft) An Atari Jaguar collection, not yet complete, games workshop stuff too. Also have a surfboard, bodyboard, loads of scuba gear, petrol lawnmower, circular saw, used to have chainsaw, Marin mountain bike (hardly used), got a big black Maglite but left the batteries in too long and its all corroded inside (anyone know how to fix this?), a Leatherman multitool (superior to Swiss army knife imo)... Would love to have a garage or massive shed to hide in and fill with more cr*p. Don't have a beer fridge, motorbike, boat or car.
badgerx16 Posted 10 April, 2012 Posted 10 April, 2012 It's my birthday soon, and I'm thinking of asking for a nail gun ;
Colinjb Posted 10 April, 2012 Posted 10 April, 2012 On Monday I purchased my first set of bolt cutters. I heart them.
Lighthouse Posted 10 April, 2012 Author Posted 10 April, 2012 It's my birthday soon, and I'm thinking of asking for a nail gun ; That cannot be real. If it is I will sell one of my balls to get hold of one. Want to find out how many lives my neighbours cat really has.
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