alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 DD, Kraken this has just turned into good old fasioned alpine trolling. Having a go at people he's never met because they aren't grieving for people they've never met at an unrelated football game he wont even be attending. I'd leave now whilst you still have your sanity. "good old fashioned alpine trolling" = sticking by your guns, not shutting up, not being beaten into submission by abuse. I pity your intollerance.
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I think in certain instances the club definitely has a role to play. The two firefighters that died a few years back is a point in case; it affected many people in the city. As a consequence a minute's silence at the stadium was more than appropriate at the time; it allowed many people who felt quite emotive about it to pay their respects there and then. It was also very moving to see the reaction of the fire-fighters at St. Mary's station on the way to the game, and in a sense it galvanised the public. The Titanic; it was a complete disaster and tragedy, absolutely no denying that. And we should never forget what happened. But there is no emotional attachment to it for the vast majority of those attending St. Mary's; and a lot of people feel they or the club don't "need" to pay their respects in such a formal and public way. That may sound harsh and a bit cold, but I agree with you, grief shouldn't be compulsory in this case. And looking down on those who feel this way certainly doesn't make you a better person, that's for sure. I remember the first year Southampton City Council tried the German Xmas market. I read a letter in the Echo "If I wanted to look at a row of sheds, I would have gone to B & Q". There has always been a strong element of "I dont see any value in it, I am not interested, ergo its sh*t" in Southampton. It may be a behavour trait that runs throughout humanity, but to be honest I dont see it like that here in Austria. How does the club decide when to run a minutes silence ?
The Kraken Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I remember the first year Southampton City Council tried the German Xmas market. I read a letter in the Echo "If I wanted to look at a row of sheds, I would have gone to B & Q". There has always been a strong element of "I dont see any value in it, I am not interested, ergo its sh*t" in Southampton. It may be a behavour trait that runs throughout humanity, but to be honest I dont see it like that here in Austria. How does the club decide when to run a minutes silence ? Thankfully one letter in the Echo is not indicative of the opinions of the whole of the city. Anyone I know has embraced the idea of the German Market. If memory serves me right, it's not actually called the German Market any more, I'm pretty sure they bill it as a "World Market" or some such nonsense. Which kind of dilutes it a bit; its all about the gluhwein and wieners for me..... As for your question, it is indeed a difficult question how the club decide who to hold a minute's silence for. Our club has decided to have an all encompassing All Saints Day, to remember the passing of all those who have passed away in the year. But it is a fact that, the more "standing" a person has in the club, the greater the need will be for the fans to have a public service of its own.
Junction 9 Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Swings and roundabouts my friend. Maybe if there were a visible community spirit, I wouldnt have left or maybe I would come back. And thanks for supporting the theory that multiculturalism has essentially destroyed Britian's identity, something I have long felt strongly about. I take it from your "maybe" that you HAVE left this country because you thought you could have a better life abroad? rather than staying and trying to recreate the community spirit yourself. That gives you less of a voice than others in my opinion, shouting from afar how good the country "should" be. Also, are you implying that I have a theory that multiculturalism has destroyed Britains identity? It's made our identity stronger if anything. I'm not sure what you believe our identity to be anyway, but I can almost guarantee it's not the same view as mine. Anyway, we are detracting from the original topic and this is my third post of the day.
capitalsaint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Swings and roundabouts my friend. Maybe if there were a visible community spirit, I wouldnt have left or maybe I would come back. And thanks for supporting the theory that multiculturalism has essentially destroyed Britian's identity, something I have long felt strongly about. "good old fashioned alpine trolling" = sticking by your guns, not shutting up, not being beaten into submission by abuse. I pity your intollerance. Doesn't sound like you're being that tolerant.
iansums Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I can't believe people are making so much fuss over a film made 15 years ago.
aintforever Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 It would be nice to show some respect to those who died, despite what some of the emotionally stunted on here say.
The Kraken Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 It would be nice to show some respect to those who died, despite what some of the emotionally stunted on here say. Are the football club stopping you from being able to do that then?
CB Fry Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I remember the first year Southampton City Council tried the German Xmas market. I read a letter in the Echo "If I wanted to look at a row of sheds, I would have gone to B & Q". There has always been a strong element of "I dont see any value in it, I am not interested, ergo its sh*t" in Southampton. It may be a behavour trait that runs throughout humanity, but to be honest I dont see it like that here in Austria. How does the club decide when to run a minutes silence ? Didn't you say automatic promotion hangs in the balance on saturday night. You suck the life and hope out of everything you touch on here so please spare us all the dressing down. You did fu ck all for the 99th anniversary, or the one before that. Or the eightieth. Or any, ever before. You don't even look like you are actually doing anything yourself this time. Self righteous empty rhetoric from one of the most negative people on here.
aintforever Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Are the football club stopping you from being able to do that then? Yeah. I could do a minutes silence on my own but my mates would just think I had nothing to say.
The Kraken Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Yeah. I could do a minutes silence on my own but my mates would just think I had nothing to say. You never know, they might appreciate the peace.
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Didn't you say automatic promotion hangs in the balance on saturday night. You suck the life and hope out of everything you touch on here so please spare us all the dressing down. You did fu ck all for the 99th anniversary, or the one before that. Or the eightieth. Or any, ever before. You don't even look like you are actually doing anything yourself this time. Self righteous empty rhetoric from one of the most negative people on here. Whats the connection between my "negativity" and remembering the Titanic sinking ? You are one of the sharpest posters on here, but sometimes you dont half love the sound of your own voice (or typing...)
cdvdtz Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Maybe a short write-up in the matchday programme would be more appropriate?
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 This is bizarre. Most of the nay-sayers on here have said that they dont care if the club does something (lets assume a minutes silence for purposes of discussion) or not. So, the club should do something for those that think it is a good idea. What will the fans who vehemently think the club should not do something do during a minutes silence ? Shout, whilstle and disrupt it ?
RedAndWhite91 Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 There is nothing to celebrate, so silence is apt. Southampton is a Maritime city with a very long history with the sea, this is the most notable maritime disaster that taught people so much, with a famous ship who's home city was Southampton. Although many folks were from elsewhere 4 out of 5 crew members were from Southampton. Of those who perished A Third were from Southampton. Everyone got their knickers in a knot over Muamba, but 100 years ago this event devastated the city: My late Grandad was a nipper when she left Southampton he always recalled it like it was yesterday, also being under 10 at the time he always said about the numb devastation in the city after the event because everyone knew someone who died. Southampton is famous throughout the world because of its maritime history, Titanic will never let people forget that throughout the world.......................A minutes silence will not cost anyone any inconvenience to remember those ordinary folks from our fine city. Best post I've read on here in a long time.
Dig Dig Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 This is bizarre. Most of the nay-sayers on here have said that they dont care if the club does something (lets assume a minutes silence for purposes of discussion) or not. So, the club should do something for those that think it is a good idea. What will the fans who vehemently think the club should not do something do during a minutes silence ? Shout, whilstle and disrupt it ? No, they would stand in ambivelent silence thinking about what they are having for dinner that evening....... So the minutes silence would be upheld but the purpose and meaning of it would be lost. Not sure why you are beating this drum so vehemently? All because you watched Titanic a couple of months ago and then realised the 100th Anniversary is approaching? As you won't be at St Marys, how are you going to be paying respect?
Ken Tone Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 No, they would stand in ambivelent silence thinking about what they are having for dinner that evening....... So the minutes silence would be upheld but the purpose and meaning of it would be lost. Not sure why you are beating this drum so vehemently? All because you watched Titanic a couple of months ago and then realised the 100th Anniversary is approaching? As you won't be at St Marys, how are you going to be paying respect? If anybody would like to spoil a good argument by looking at some facts, I recommend Which interestingly says that although 661 of those on board were living inSouthampton , only 19 were born there This seems to give some evidence to support the claims from Liverpool in particular that many of those crew members registered as living here , may have had addresses of convenience near to the port, but really came from elsewhere. The ship was built in Belfast and registered in Liverpool but sailed from Southampton, calling at other ports on the way before the disaster. Does this make it a Southampton community event? My personal view is that this indeed a tragedy ,but just one of very many in our country's history , and since it happened before just about anyone alive now was born, is not a suitable event for a minute's silence at a football game
Chez Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I feel no connection with the Titanic tragedy whatsoever. If the club have a minutes silence then I will of course respect it, but I'm not sure I would understand why I am doing it. If I want to learn about the event further or offer a period of reflection I'll do it when I visit the museum.
Dig Dig Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I feel no connection with the Titanic tragedy whatsoever. If the club have a minutes silence then I will of course respect it, but I'm not sure I would understand why I am doing it. If I want to learn about the event further or offer a period of reflection I'll do it when I visit the museum. Exactly, what are you even supposed to think about during the minutes silence? Also, using football in general to mark these types of events is a little grotesque in my opinion. One minute people are stood there supposedly being silent and respectful, the next they are screaming "w/\nker" at the ref.
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 If anybody would like to spoil a good argument by looking at some facts, I recommend Which interestingly says that although 661 of those on board were living inSouthampton , only 19 were born there This seems to give some evidence to support the claims from Liverpool in particular that many of those crew members registered as living here , may have had addresses of convenience near to the port, but really came from elsewhere. The ship was built in Belfast and registered in Liverpool but sailed from Southampton, calling at other ports on the way before the disaster. Does this make it a Southampton community event? My personal view is that this indeed a tragedy ,but just one of very many in our country's history , and since it happened before just about anyone alive now was born, is not a suitable event for a minute's silence at a football game So all those families destroyed by their father, sons or brothers death just p*ssed off back to Liverpool or Belfast and there was no grief or hardship whatsoever experienced in the city, was there ? Really, this point about "birthplace" is at best a red herring, at worst a crock of sh*t. Its classical NIMBY b*ll*cks. And I would like to know from enlightened sages like you what exactly is deserving of a minutes silence at a football match then. 'Cos it aint Gary f**king Speed, I know that much. If you are suffering from "one-minute silence overload", fine. Recognise it for what it is - being fed-up with mawkishness for its own sake.
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 I feel no connection with the Titanic tragedy whatsoever. If the club have a minutes silence then I will of course respect it, but I'm not sure I would understand why I am doing it. If I want to learn about the event further or offer a period of reflection I'll do it when I visit the museum. f**k me, where have you been for the last 100 years ? 1500 people died (including 550 from Southampton, almost all crew members) died when a ship hit a f**king iceberg and sank.
Ken Tone Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 So all those families destroyed by their father, sons or brothers death just p*ssed off back to Liverpool or Belfast and there was no grief or hardship whatsoever experienced in the city, was there ? Really, this point about "birthplace" is at best a red herring, at worst a crock of sh*t. Its classical NIMBY b*ll*cks. And I would like to know from enlightened sages like you what exactly is deserving of a minutes silence at a football match then. 'Cos it aint Gary f**king Speed, I know that much. If you are suffering from "one-minute silence overload", fine. Recognise it for what it is - being fed-up with mawkishness for its own sake. Alpine I've never had a problem with you. There is simply no need to be so ill-tempered and intemperate in a response to what I thought was a civil was certainly intended to be. You really do seem to have anger management issues. Oh and btw I too think it was inappropriate to have a minute's silence for Gary Speed.
alpine_saint Posted 2 April, 2012 Posted 2 April, 2012 Alpine I've never had a problem with you. There is simply no need to be so ill-tempered and intemperate in a response to what I thought was a civil was certainly intended to be. You really do seem to have anger management issues. Oh and btw I too think it was inappropriate to have a minute's silence for Gary Speed. OK, my apologies.
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