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I don't get the concept of cinemas.


Well they play films that haven't yet been released on DVD and what not on a great big screen. There are loads of chairs which people sit on to watch the film. Many people choose to purchase popcorn, sweets and high sugar content drinks prior to watching the film. Quite often people go with other people to the cinema.

Well they play films that haven't yet been released on DVD and what not on a great big screen. ( why not wait a month, it will still be the same )


There are loads of chairs which people sit on to watch the film. (got those in my house, more comfy too)


Many people choose to purchase popcorn, sweets and high sugar content drinks prior to watching the film. (why? does it make film better?)


Quite often people go with other people to the cinema. (whats the point if you don't speak to them anyway)


Not even got on to the costs involved.


The price to go to the cinema now is ridiculous. I'd much rather wait.....pay double the price, and be able to watch the film when I like, where I want, and with people I want to be with.


I hate the f**king places.


Whenever I go to the cinema I always find myself wondering why I don't do it more often, as generally it's a pretty good experience. Then I realise it's because there's hardly a film out there that really intrigues me enough to go to the bother. :(

But then you need a slash, What cinemas should have is a bar and urinals on the wall so you dont miss any of the film.


They sell those huge freakin' soft drinks, so one beer is bound to have less an effect. Besides, its a risk you take. Just so long you have an aisle seat you won't disrupt anyone.





I buy DVD's from knock off Nigel ;) £1.22 a pop, all DVD screeners and a lot of the time, they come from Yankeedoodle so I get them before or actually when they are in the cinny over here.


I still go for the 'bigger' films which require the experience of the cinema, like Cloverfield for example.


By the time you have paid for two cinny tickets, parking (if chargable) and a drink each and some food, you would be lucky to see change from £25!



I buy DVD's from knock off Nigel ;) £1.22 a pop, all DVD screeners and a lot of the time, they come from Yankeedoodle so I get them before or actually when they are in the cinny over here.


I still go for the 'bigger' films which require the experience of the cinema, like Cloverfield for example.


By the time you have paid for two cinny tickets, parking (if chargable) and a drink each and some food, you would be lucky to see change from £25!


It made it worse when those b*****ds at the cinema in ocean village stopped you from taking your own food and drink in with you, even going to the lengths of checking people's bags etc.


I haven't been to the cinema here since somebody let a Python loose in one.


It wrapped itself around the leg of some poor unsuspecting ex pat woman who is still apparently in therapy.


And the movie wasn't even Snakes on a Plane

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