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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

If you read the article to which you have provided the link...


South Wales Police say a man, aged 21, has been arrested in connection with racially offensive comments made on the social network site Twitter.


Like you said, we dont know what the guy posted so we dont know whether he should arrested or not.


In general the right to free speech has been eroded in the last 20 years - you used to be able to say pretty much anything. The flip side is that 20 years ago you could say anything whilst stood on an orange box and almost no-one would hear you. Arguably now, with youtube, twitter etc the balance has shifted towards the rights of people to not have to listen to offensive ****e. Curates egg.

If you read the article to which you have provided the link...


South Wales Police say a man, aged 21, has been arrested in connection with racially offensive comments made on the social network site Twitter.


ah - ignore me.... was reading/posting on my phone and didnt see that.


I saw these comments. There were about 5 or 6, pretty shocking comments, 3 or so of which were aimed Muamba. He then went on to say that he was really sorry, they were not his views and that his account was hacked. That was only after he recieved a backlash from literally thousands. One way or another, somebody posted them comments, and it is sickening that fellow humans can be so vile.


I wonder how many people on here, for example, would be happy to have their anonymity lifted and their posts handed to their employers/friends/families/etc. I'd wager there were one or two who'd be uncomfortable about that.


It's a toughie for me. On the one hand I like the fact that folks can virtually say what they like online without recourse, freedom of speech etc. Then again when people spout horrid nonsense like this guy, what do you do? Is ignoring him or answering back telling him he's wrong enough?


Freedom of speech doesn't give you a blank cheque to say whatever you want - it comes with certain responsibilities, such as not to incite hatred or to libel people.


If someone writes or says racist or libelous comments, that's illegal - and you can't hide behind "freedom of speech". It's not censorship.


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I haven't seen the tweets in question, but they can't be worse than what this guy has to say about Muamba...




Someone I know just posted this up on FB. The hate-filled drivel he has spouted is absolutely sickening... Makes me feel ashamed to be a member of the same species as him.



WOW ...just WOW


Is that legal

Freedom of speech doesn't give you a blank cheque to say whatever you want...

I don't know what sort of restraint youtube has, but if you read some of the comments regards anything remotely controversial, it is subject to the sort of garbage which would be illegal if said publicly in many other mediums. Seems like a complete free for all sometimes.


I do hate the thought of restraining people saying stuff though, however idiotic.

I haven't seen the tweets in question, but they can't be worse than what this guy has to say about Muamba...




Someone I know just posted this up on FB. The hate-filled drivel he has spouted is absolutely sickening... Makes me feel ashamed to be a member of the same species as him.


There truly is some digusting filth in the human gene pool.

I haven't seen the tweets in question, but they can't be worse than what this guy has to say about Muamba...




Someone I know just posted this up on FB. The hate-filled drivel he has spouted is absolutely sickening... Makes me feel ashamed to be a member of the same species as him.


Bloody hell. I know he's just another pig**** ignorant redneck, but what an utter, utter ****.

I haven't seen the tweets in question, but they can't be worse than what this guy has to say about Muamba...




Someone I know just posted this up on FB. The hate-filled drivel he has spouted is absolutely sickening... Makes me feel ashamed to be a member of the same species as him.


If it's not illegal to speak like that in the us, it is here can't we have him extradited, that's what they do to our citizens should one of us break their laws. ****ing yanks


Saw these tweets and made a print screen of them as it was clear from the amount of abuse he was getting it wouldn't be long until he deleted them or said it wasn't him. And guess what, that's exactly what happened. I saw a lot of people pointing @swpolice in his direction and they clearly listened. Good. He's a waste of oxygen.

"I'm not racist and some of my friends are from different cultural backgrounds."


Now where have we heard that kind of excuse before, hmmm?


I love it when you take the moral high ground.

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