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im meeting with JP,wotte ,lee holmes and forecast in a few hours, anything realistic you want me to ask them?

obviously they have been told to dodge certain questions,but anything not to fruity will be answered.


I'm intrigued as to the reason for this meeting. What was it all about? Was it a board initiative as a substitute for the fans / Chairman meeting, but without the Chairman? I note that Perry MacMillan was there and possibly Richard Chorley, but who were the invites sent to? And unusual that the press were in attendance at that sort of meeting. Did the board feel that there was some need for dialogue with the fans, but were too scared to open that dialogue themselves?





We better get the leaving cards in then . :(


Or find 16,000 extra fans by January!


When they said 'fill the stadium' did they actually mean that? Or did they hint at some break even figure which would stave off both admin and having to sell?

Ask them to consider the following:


From saturday on wards do not change a winning team unless there is an injury or a ban, if Portaloo loses Wotte gets to pick the team for the next week and if he wins he picks the team for the next game as well untill he loses then it is Portaloo's "turn" again.


Is that an 'or else!' question?

I'm intrigued as to the reason for this meeting. What was it all about?


Finished 5-a-side last night and one of the guys there said about it, held at the Osborne in Shirley, I would of liked to have gone if aware, how many others were unaware ? pleased the guys came across well and believe we must take on board what said about how WE can prevent sales in January(as if we didn't know already)


obviously they have been told to dodge certain questions


Why? and by whom? (I know, rhetorical question)


I didn't think the club had anything to hide....?

lowe not interfering in the team selections,but a weekly meeting is held between JP,wotte,lowe and the coaching staff to discuss the team.lowe only came into the changing room to wish the team good luck..


When I previously asked my 'inside' source "does Lowe pick the team" he answered "probably" with a knowing look. I assume he was referring to these meetings and perhaps put a different slant on the influence. I have to add he is far from being anti Lowe.


A weekly meeting appears to be to discuss who is available bearing in mind appearance money. That is not good but we are a hairs breadth away from Administration. Every penny counts.

When I previously asked my 'inside' source "does Lowe pick the team" he answered "probably" with a knowing look. I assume he was referring to these meetings and perhaps put a different slant on the influence. I have to add he is far from being anti Lowe.


A weekly meeting appears to be to discuss who is available bearing in mind appearance money. That is not good but we are a hairs breadth away from Administration. Every penny counts.


Do we actually KNOW that the issue is always appearance money, though? Has someone confirmed that? It's just that it may not be the only explanation for certain experienced players not getting into the team. Some of them would have been brought here on fees that were staggered - x percent after 50 games, etc.


Wouldn't it make much more sense for the FOOTBALL chairman to hold these pre-match 'meetings' with the team rather than the PLC chairman?


Call me old fashioned.

lowe not interfering in the team selections,but a weekly meeting is held between JP,wotte,lowe and the coaching staff to discuss the team.


I still don't think this is right, it can only lead to problems.

Do we actually KNOW that the issue is always appearance money, though?


We'll never know as questions like this to JP and Co are censored, according to the first post on this thread....not that there is anything to hide of course

When I previously asked my 'inside' source "does Lowe pick the team" he answered "probably" with a knowing look. I assume he was referring to these meetings and perhaps put a different slant on the influence. I have to add he is far from being anti Lowe.


A weekly meeting appears to be to discuss who is available bearing in mind appearance money. That is not good but we are a hairs breadth away from Administration. Every penny counts.

I think Giveitto Rons explanation of it was closer to the mark.

Wouldn't it make much more sense for the FOOTBALL chairman to hold these pre-match 'meetings' with the team rather than the PLC chairman?


Call me old fashioned.


They'd have to fly JP and Wotte out to Jersey every week to do that!

Can you ask him if he is going to bring any dutch players to the club given all his contacts over there


And for a laugh ask hinm if he has signed up to the lowe out club yet


No only jokin on the last one


Give him time.

Originally Posted by lordswoodsaints viewpost.gif

lowe not interfering in the team selections,but a weekly meeting is held between JP,wotte,lowe and the coaching staff to discuss the team.

This is plainly wrong. Someone like WGS would not put up with this level of executive interference.
This is plainly wrong. Someone like WGS would not put up with this level of executive interference.[/i]


It is not plainly wrong - it is called 'being informed' / 'keeping your finger on the pulse', something that you would expect from the person with over all responsibility.

This is plainly wrong. Someone like WGS would not put up with this level of executive interference.[/i]


If WGS was here at this time when there is not enough money in the bank to avoid administration then WGS would have to put up with it or bugger off and that doesnt matter who is in our board room.


fact is we are skint and only investment or fans turning up to support the club will go some way to bailing us out.


Weekly meetings I imagine are something that is done at pretty much every business round the country with boss's asking and telling there employee's what and what not to do in there jobs. We are governed by cash flow at the mo so the Boss at SFC has to relay the information down to the emloyee's and they in turn work within the budgets that are imposed on them.


JP and Wotte might not know the ins and outs of players contracts or appearence fee's to the player or previous clubs so in the meeting they could be telling Lowe that they need to play Skacel for the sake of the team and Lowe has to look at the cost of such decission bearing in mind the pressure from the bank the low gates and the conditions in players contracts and no offers on some of the other high earners. so its possible that Lowe has had to ba certain players playing as doing so might have tipped us over the egde.


To keep the banks support the Board have to show that they are making sensible decissions based on the finacial climate rather than hit and hope tactics.


all emplyee answer to their boss, longer they have been there and more confidence the boss has in them it maybe a lighter touch. I would not be surprised if Lowe was not a lot more involved when WGS was here than now -he certainly was a lot more visible.


Remember player recently stated that many of the team had not met Lowe.

It is not plainly wrong - it is called 'being informed' / 'keeping your finger on the pulse', something that you would expect from the person with over all responsibility.


The chairman of my company doesn't come to our department meetings, should I be worried about this lack of governance.

It is not plainly wrong - it is called 'being informed' / 'keeping your finger on the pulse', something that you would expect from the person with over all responsibility.
Heard of the term empowerment? Lowe ' The Ego has Landed' follows a very dictatorial path which is a form of management that is outdated nowadays (1970s British Leyland). He should be setting the framework but not be involved in crucial team selection meetings. JP and the other coaching staff must feel like he does not trust them!
The chairman of my company doesn't come to our department meetings, should I be worried about this lack of governance.


It depends on how important your department meetings are - I assume that he has some procedure for being kept informed of decisions though.

The chairman of my company doesn't come to our department meetings, should I be worried about this lack of governance.


you are obviously too low down in your company!;)



This is Lowe having a meeting with people he directly manages.


If your chairman doesn't come to your meetings I guess there are meeting your managers go to with him/her (or their managers', or their manager's managers etc depending how many rungs there are on the ladder.


I bet if you ask, there are regular meetings in your organisation all the way up, unusual if not

Heard of the term empowerment? Lowe ' The Ego has Landed' follows a very dictatorial path which is a form of management that is outdated nowadays (1970s British Leyland). He should be setting the framework but not be involved in crucial team selection meetings. JP and the other coaching staff must feel like he does not trust them!


Your having a laugh mate, where does it say anywhere that he is involved in crucial team selection meeings?


In the business that is football the Chairman is heavily involved in the running of the club and is also often the link between the managment and the rest of the board so a weekly meeting to discuss team matters seems like a reasonable thing to do. Dicissions to restrict what players are available are purly down to the restrictions imposed on us by the bank and frankly who ever the chairman is we would not be happy about it. Lowe Having the balls to do it where others have failed may have something to do with his ego but TBH if he doesnt do it the others will watch us go into administration.


If money was readily available I would still expect there to be weekly meetings but rather than restrictions the chairman would be offering more support in talking about what players are needed to be brought in. Swings and round abouts. In good times the chairman will offer support but in bad times he will tighten your noose.

you are obviously too low down in your company!;)



This is Lowe having a meeting with people he directly manages.


If your chairman doesn't come to your meetings I guess there are meeting your managers go to with him/her (or their managers', or their manager's managers etc depending how many rung there are on the ladder.


I bet if you ask, there are regular meetings in your organisation all the way up

I'm happy for Lowe to be involved in meetings to discuss transfers, loans, contract etc but team selection meetings, no way. As the boss, if he expresses the view that James should play at right back that puts unnecessary pressure on JP to put Jame at rightback. Next we'll be arguing about whether Lowe should be Director of Football;)
I'm happy for Lowe to be involved in meetings to discuss transfers, loans, contract etc but team selection meetings, no way. As the boss, if he expresses the view that James should play at right back that puts unnecessary pressure on JP to put Jame at rightback. Next we'll be arguing about whether Lowe should be Director of Football;)


But where does it say that Lowe picks the team? Other than rumour that hasnt had anything to back it up?


If Lowe goes in and says there is not enough money in the bank account to pay Skacel his appearance money this week then JP will drop him. Deue to our financial sittuation its not the nicest things to accept but what else can we do?


IF he is going in picking team and tactics in a managers capacity then I am right behind you as he is no more a football manager than i am a ballerrena. But IMO your talkin gumf as this just aint happening.

Im sure the Anti Lowe brigade will claime that JP was told to say that and him being a yes man he obviously obliged. :rolleyes:
Please stop using this anti/pro card it's rather boring and unnecessary. I'm pro SFC, don't care who runs the club as long as they are representing the best interests of the club, community and fans. What about you?

Well done to Lee Holmes. Of course we are entitled to boo.

Can't say I believe the Blackstock bit to be honest. It wasn't like he hid his delight when he scored against us.


Can't say I believe the Blackstock bit to be honest. It wasn't like he hid his delight when he scored against us.


Why shouldn't he? He had just done what he was supposed to do.

Finished 5-a-side last night and one of the guys there said about it, held at the Osborne in Shirley, I would of liked to have gone if aware, how many others were unaware ? pleased the guys came across well and believe we must take on board what said about how WE can prevent sales in January(as if we didn't know already)


You're the only person who responded to my question at all and are as much in the dark as me.


So can somebody who knows, presumably Lordswood Saint, perhaps others, please answer what I thought were perfectly reasonable questions?


What was this meeting for?


Who called it and who was invited?


Thank you all in anticipation of an informative reply.


I remember a few seasons ago, Rupert gave an attendance figure of just under 16,000, per home game as being the number needed for the club to be able to furnish all of it's debts in this division.


However since ths was before the crunch and the increased debt of the last two seasons, balanced against the cost cutting which has taken place, that figure is likely to have increased by a few thousand.


So if we could get back to a 22,000+ per game attendance, we should see the clubs worries eased slightly.

Please stop using this anti/pro card it's rather boring and unnecessary. I'm pro SFC, don't care who runs the club as long as they are representing the best interests of the club, community and fans. What about you?


So the rest of your posts that cant mention Lowe without some kind of tag that makes him out to be all that is evil in the world is dropping the pro/anti lowe card?


Double standards mate

I remember a few seasons ago, Rupert gave an attendance figure of just under 16,000, per home game as being the number needed for the club to be able to furnish all of it's debts in this division.


However since ths was before the crunch and the increased debt of the last two seasons, balanced against the cost cutting which has taken place, that figure is likely to have increased by a few thousand.


So if we could get back to a 22,000+ per game attendance, we should see the clubs worries eased slightly.


No way will we get back to 22,000 average gates this season. I think 16,000 average is a realistic target though.

I remember a few seasons ago, Rupert gave an attendance figure of just under 16,000, per home game as being the number needed for the club to be able to furnish all of it's debts in this division.


However since ths was before the crunch and the increased debt of the last two seasons, balanced against the cost cutting which has taken place, that figure is likely to have increased by a few thousand.


So if we could get back to a 22,000+ per game attendance, we should see the clubs worries eased slightly.


Its difficult to know how many would be needed now as many players have gone which will reduce the outgoings a fair bit and interest rates have gone down so payments could be less but we dont know how much has been borrowed since we went down which will obviously counter ballence any savings. I would probably stick at the 16,000 being enough to service our outgoings but more like 18,000 and above to try to make an attempt to get out of the whole we are in.

So the rest of your posts that cant mention Lowe without some kind of tag that makes him out to be all that is evil in the world is dropping the pro/anti lowe card?


Double standards mate

But what's your answer? Who's more important SFC or who runs the shop?


Back to your question. If an executive is involved in meetings to discuss team selection then IMHO it is wrong whether that be the England team, Chelsea or Saints. But there have been enough hints from some well respected forum members indicating his involvement;)

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

The break-even figure has been given by the club as 18,000 currently.

So the rest of your posts that cant mention Lowe without some kind of tag that makes him out to be all that is evil in the world is dropping the pro/anti lowe card?


Double standards mate

Dictatorial management does not equal evil:rolleyes: It's just a style of management which some like and some don't.

Mentioned back page of the Echo about 50 odd people in The Osbourne asking questions etc, and about some fan who never bought a season ticket for the first time ever has now decided to come back to St Marys, big news. Well done that man for having the guts to come back whilst most had the guts to renew.



Or find 16,000 extra fans by January!


When they said 'fill the stadium' did they actually mean that? Or did they hint at some break even figure which would stave off both admin and having to sell?



I have heard the 17,000 break even figure mentioned on a number of occasions by Hampshire Radio. How close that is to the truth I don't know.

But what's your answer? Who's more important SFC or who runs the shop?


Back to your question. If an executive is involved in meetings to discuss team selection then IMHO it is wrong whether that be the England team, Chelsea or Saints. But there have been enough hints from some well respected forum members indicating his involvement;)


I dont remember you askin that question but for what its worth I think the club is far more important to me than who is running it but whats your point? have you thought about posting on the facts rather than gossip that some choose to listen too?


Dont remember asking you a question befor this either, you stated something that I agreed on based on that really big If[/b].


If the board are picking the team then its wrong blah blah blah. but it aint happening so get over it. I dont like Lowe either but making sttff upjust to have a moan and whine about is just as bad as scooby coming on and saying how bloody wonderful Lowe is.

Mentioned back page of the Echo about 50 odd people in The Osbourne asking questions etc, and about some fan who never bought a season ticket for the first time ever has now decided to come back to St Marys, big news. Well done that man for having the guts to come back whilst most had the guts to renew.


I'm expecting a double page spread next week.

Mentioned back page of the Echo about 50 odd people in The Osbourne asking questions etc, and about some fan who never bought a season ticket for the first time ever has now decided to come back to St Marys, big news. Well done that man for having the guts to come back whilst most had the guts to renew.


Did the Echo kindly furnish the reasons for the meeting, who was invited, etc that I asked for information about.


Getting an answer to these simple questions is like getting blood out of a stone; was it a meeting that only the funny handshake brigade got invites to? ;)

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