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How true it is that they who have nothing give all.

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For the past 10 days, unable to go outside, I telephoned, emailed and tried to find help to fetch me some food, for my move to my new apartment. Not one person or organisation were able to assist me. I have been in desperation, and disgusted at the lack of care or understanding. Many times my calls fell on answer phones, people who'd take my number and promise to call back. But no one has and when I've called back, firstly no one recalls my conversation, or they tell me their organisation doesn't cover help to over 60's. Even the Mayors office operator must have transfered me to dead lines over 50 times, never allowing me to explain who I wish to talk too. Racism or our uncaring society.


This morning, I contacted the Restos du Coeur, ( a charity that provides food rations in winter. Immediately the person in charge that someone bring me some milk, butter, meat, fish . It is a 75 year old handicapped Polish lady who has offered to bring these rations to me. I am deeply moved at her kindness, yet disgusted at the general lack of concern or care.



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