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Is this still the most popular forum?

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IMO,the main issue being discussed for a considerable amount of last year and up until fairly recently was a takeover.


During this period traffic on here was at a very high amount,this was due to the interest in this subject matter obviously.


Not only was it informative in many aspects but dare i say it very,very entertaining,we all know some of the characters that posted during that time created heated discussion and entertainment.


During this time people would also contribute in some form or another to the other elements of the forum,the Lounge and TMS,therfore the whole place seemed "busy"


The takeover talk has almost died a death hence the amount of traffic has decreased throughout the forum.

It is a great shame that at on occasions when you log on there can be very little activity for a considerable amount of time.

I still however find this forum informative and entertaining and would kinda miss it,and some of the contributions made by some of the characters, if i could not access it.

All IMO.


I cannot give an informed opinion ref s4e as i did not frequent that site,i only stumbled onto this place during the height of the takeover talk,hence since that subject matter started to faulter so did the amount of traffic on here.

Unless it is down mainly to the subscription fee imposed.


Someone earlier commented that many people like to read as much as post and I agree to that. I used to read Keith Legg's Forum, but never "joined" as such and really enjoyed the threads and articles. The campaign to remove Lowe and co: certainly raised interest. Our present lowly situation and the realisation that there is no white Knight riding to our rescue induces apathy. (Note attendences at SMS).

Should the young lads come good and get a few wins in a row we might- Might- all get enthused again.


I am greatly saddened by the demise of the main Saints supporters website. Having been duped twice already in the past into donating and membership for life I am not going to contribute to what is basically been a takeover of the site by the former Saints Trust team (and we know well how popular their efforts were!!)


The solution is simple. The vast majority who posted regularly previously no longer do so. Why? Because the limit of 3 posts per 36 hours isn't streamlined for one to reply, get involved. Increase the number of posts allowed to 10 posts per 36 hours and you'll see a dramatic change. Plus a big improvement in quality of posts and more interesting topics. Definitely over the weekend 3 posts take away any interest in posting. I personally am sick of reading the same posters saying the same thing over and over again with the same dumb replies. It's also played right into the Boards hands but limiting the comments to the lunatic fringe and quashed any major reaction from the majority of supporters.

Having been duped twice already in the past into donating and membership for life I am not going to contribute...


Damn, I'd completely forgotten about all that at S4E, good point !.


Nothing will ever replicate S4E.


Forums / message boards were still relatively new & good fun - I think people have become bored with them now


Saints were in the Premier League - I think many posters have disappeared because they have fallen out of love with Saints


S4E was edgy and funny because Keith rarely banned posters or deleted threads - I think this site is too heavily moderated, meaning we end up with numerous threads which are just too boring to comment on


Whilst I could see why the £5 charge was introduced, and I willingly paid up, I do feel it has backfired a bit.


When I paid, it thought I was joining a busy message board, as it had been in prior months.


Having now seen how quiet it has become, I will think a lot harder about whether to pay next year. I hope the site owners have got a big drop in membership built into next year's business plan.


This should in no way be seen as a dig at the owners by the way. As I said, I joined as soon as subscription was brought in. I just want what is best for supporters of Saints, and unfortunately what I'm seeing at the minute isn't it.


the crowds have dropped at SMS by half, there have been a lot of sites pop up, the time between S4E and the web starting up meant some drifted to other sites etc etc.Add to that the poor results and fans cant be faffed to read all the depressing stuff. We need GB back that will get the site rolling or a good takeover rumour. If there is an event the first place people will look will be this site.

also add the fact some resent paying £5 and so it is a lot of contributory factors IMO


Keith and I believe Baz may recall if was my idea on awarding golden balls to those donating to start with and that scheme and making folk live members gave one a sense of pride and good about being a FULL MEMBER. Things have really changed and not for the good of the supporters community.


How's about the Admins polling FULL MEMBERS over some suggestions on improving the forum? Things like:


Would the Full Members approve increasing non members posts to 10 per day for a months trial to see if interest picks up.


Or perhaps from 6am to 6pm or at weekends or just evenings non members being allowed more posts.


Or increasing the number of posts but restricting private messaging to Full Members.


Things like that or other ideas. I am certain you'd see an immediate improvement all round. Sadly I think that some Admins prefer it being dead and not having to deal with the hassle. When I recall what the likes of Keith, Minty and Pav ( and even Baz and Steve, put up with and still kept things decent I feel very sad at how things have turned out.

Keith and I believe Baz may recall if was my idea on awarding golden balls to those donating to start with and that scheme and making folk live members gave one a sense of pride and good about being a FULL MEMBER. Things have really changed and not for the good of the supporters community.


How's about the Admins polling FULL MEMBERS over some suggestions on improving the forum? Things like:


Would the Full Members approve increasing non members posts to 10 per day for a months trial to see if interest picks up.


Or perhaps from 6am to 6pm or at weekends or just evenings non members being allowed more posts.


Or increasing the number of posts but restricting private messaging to Full Members.


Things like that or other ideas. I am certain you'd see an immediate improvement all round. Sadly I think that some Admins prefer it being dead and not having to deal with the hassle. When I recall what the likes of Keith, Minty and Pav ( and even Baz and Steve, put up with and still kept things decent I feel very sad at how things have turned out.

I would have thought to reduce the FREE posts to 1 would be a better idea.

If the owners cave in and give the non payers extra then the aid up memebers are less likely to rejoin next time. It is a case that the Saints are not arousing passion at present and so the interest has waned.

The best idea i would have thought was that the non members could start threads, and then that might add a bit more interest and get numberrs through again.

It is the threads that genmerate the input and so get all to be able to start up the threads.Once a non memeber starts a thread no doubt their interest is improved and in turn the 3 posts a day will not be enough and so will pay up.

Whilst I could see why the £5 charge was introduced, and I willingly paid up, I do feel it has backfired a bit.


When I paid, it thought I was joining a busy message board, as it had been in prior months.


Having now seen how quiet it has become, I will think a lot harder about whether to pay next year. I hope the site owners have got a big drop in membership built into next year's business plan.


This should in no way be seen as a dig at the owners by the way. As I said, I joined as soon as subscription was brought in. I just want what is best for supporters of Saints, and unfortunately what I'm seeing at the minute isn't it.


Of course it was was going to backfire. That is why it took me a while to decide whether on paying five quid or not was worthit.


The disadvantage of the board slow down is simple- The board has gone downhill in terms of posting quality.

No one can be bothered to post on this board, due to the extremely negative feelings surrounding Saints. It just builds negativity.


any one on this board can easily afford five quid but it's just not worth the price.

Five pound system should have been indroduced before the start of the Saints season.

Posted (edited)

It would be novel if the forum ran elections for a monthly scholar member. We could then nominate candidates for a free years membership and vote on the nominations.


This would generate interest and the cost of giving away a £5 a month membership would be ofset by the interest created.

Edited by Mole

its really boring. People who want to get rid of TMS and teh Lounge need to think long and hard, i paid my £5er to post in there, i would struggle to post 3 times on the main board. I have cancelled my subscription now anyway, gonna wait and see.


As a marketing genius, I have these suggestions for Bojer, no doubt he will take no notice of them, simply because they are from me.


Registered User -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

No Access to the 'Arcade'

Unable to comment on the stories on Saintsweb.

Small amount of adverts appear.

No Avatar


Cannot post in Buy/Sell or other support forums.


Full Member -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

Full Access to all areas of the site.

Can comment on stories.

Access to the 'Arcade'

No Adverts

Allowed in competitions and other features.

PM facility and all the other ghey stuff like 'freinds' and stuff.

Avatars etc


Limiting posts is not the way, I would guess that at least 80% of the current members would have donated regardless of the limiting posts.

As a marketing genius, I have these suggestions for Bojer, no doubt he will take no notice of them, simply because they are from me.


Registered User -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

No Access to the 'Arcade'

Unable to comment on the stories on Saintsweb.

Small amount of adverts appear.

No Avatar


Cannot post in Buy/Sell or other support forums.


Full Member -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

Full Access to all areas of the site.

Can comment on stories.

Access to the 'Arcade'

No Adverts

Allowed in competitions and other features.

PM facility and all the other ghey stuff like 'freinds' and stuff.

Avatars etc


Limiting posts is not the way, I would guess that at least 80% of the current members would have donated regardless of the limiting posts.


Too much coding i reckon............


Friends by the way.......


I've said this many times & I'll say it again.


There's too many categories.

It's either Saints related or not.


There's plenty of threads hidden in obscure sections that people would probably comment on if it was in a general chat area.


I think seperating 'The Lounge' and 'TMS' is an absolute joke, it doesn't work at all.


Yes it does work. You stand a reasonable chance of starting a thread in the Lounge without INS stating he "would" within 5 minutes.

As a marketing genius, I have these suggestions for Bojer, no doubt he will take no notice of them, simply because they are from me.


Registered User -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

No Access to the 'Arcade'

Unable to comment on the stories on Saintsweb.

Small amount of adverts appear.

No Avatar


Cannot post in Buy/Sell or other support forums.


Full Member -


Unlimited posts and able to start threads.

Full Access to all areas of the site.

Can comment on stories.

Access to the 'Arcade'

No Adverts

Allowed in competitions and other features.

PM facility and all the other ghey stuff like 'freinds' and stuff.

Avatars etc


Limiting posts is not the way, I would guess that at least 80% of the current members would have donated regardless of the limiting posts.

no SRS that would be great for you.

Let non members start threads, and see if that was popular and go from there.

Problem is, the powers that be dont think there is anything wrong


You are assuming that Baj knows that every time that he gets his head stuck in the door it is because of his ego. :o

Problem is, the powers that be dont think there is anything wrong


they aren't catering for the masses IMO

that's another good reason to have a subscription

Yes it does work. You stand a reasonable chance of starting a thread in the Lounge without INS stating he "would" within 5 minutes.


Meh, still probably 'would'


Yes i find this annoying


I would accept that from anyone other than you Stevo. You 'would' more often than me!

no SRS that would be great for you.

Let non members start threads, and see if that was popular and go from there.


I suggested this already in the forum suggestion forum but it was rather arrogantly rejected by his Bajesty. Seems a shame because it appears that the majority of users would like this option. I miss a lot of helpful advice from the lounge and the main forum when it allowed everyone to post and I think most people would feel the same. Limiting the content of the forum is not the way to go but the powers that be will not listen to their "customers" and plow on regardless.

I suggested this already in the forum suggestion forum but it was rather arrogantly rejected by his Bajesty. Seems a shame because it appears that the majority of users would like this option. I miss a lot of helpful advice from the lounge and the main forum when it allowed everyone to post and I think most people would feel the same. Limiting the content of the forum is not the way to go but the powers that be will not listen to their "customers" and plow on regardless.
Hypo then we need to perhaps to get a groundswell of members to ask for this. The members would enjoy some of the bizarre and thoughtful threads that the non members put up and perhaps that would stimulate the site.There are many registered members who would start threads and we all benifit .


Im going to pm one of the main lads and ask if it can be done, others might like to do so as well

I have spoken to two mods who agree with me. Ill try and pm the others to get their views. If its something the majority want then it should be implemented imo


Can't say I agree. May be a vote is the answer.


What's the fookin' point of being able to start threads if you can't reply or join in the discussion. For 5 or more years I regularly posted commentary and TV streams and helped others out with software and repairs. Now I can't even post the links or pass on important information or warnings. Can't even PM the Admins to get them to post either.


Reading what the chosen few have posted on this thread just reinforces my opinion that things have sunk so low and what's the point of registering for more. It's the same old opinions, same old arguments and one or two who think they're the Lawd's gift to the supporter base.


I might add that some have the cheek of niggling Baj after all he's contributed to the boards and forums. Without Baj we'd still be struggling on Keith Legg's old forum and having to read his match reports and club history and articles.


In Minty we trust. Pitbull the lot of them and let's be "Marchin'In" like in the old days.


PS Surely a better option of being limited to 3 posts would be to limit the amount of words a non member could post.


Four letters without censorship would more than enable me to answer most posts on the main board!!!


I've never read this thread before.


The death of this forum is not much to do with the performances on/off the pitch - in the old days defeats brought the forum into meltdown more than victories did. There is plenty to moan about, and the default position for football forums is moaning.


It's the five pound charge, and the three post rule.


My experience was I decided to hang back when it was brought in, see how it panned out.


Then, I realised the three post rule was brilliant in controlling the amount of time I spent on here.


So I stuck with it, with the three posts serving as daily addiction prevention.


And now I spend less time arguing about the same old sh it.


And so does the vast majority of other users, leaving a tiny hardcore of regular posters creating an incredibly dull forum of the same old, same old.


Can't see too many £5s next year, because the current full members are fed up and the potential members really aren't missing anything.


Oh well.

I've never read this thread before.


The death of this forum is not much to do with the performances on/off the pitch - in the old days defeats brought the forum into meltdown more than victories did. There is plenty to moan about, and the default position for football forums is moaning.


It's the five pound charge, and the three post rule.


My experience was I decided to hang back when it was brought in, see how it panned out.


Then, I realised the three post rule was brilliant in controlling the amount of time I spent on here.


So I stuck with it, with the three posts serving as daily addiction prevention.


And now I spend less time arguing about the same old sh it.


And so does the vast majority of other users, leaving a tiny hardcore of regular posters creating an incredibly dull forum of the same old, same old.


Can't see too many £5s next year, because the current full members are fed up and the potential members really aren't missing anything.


Oh well.


Totally agree. I paid up, but hardly use this site anymore. I post a lot less than 3 times a day on average and find what's on here of little interest in terms of posting. No way am I re-paying if it remains the status quo.


Would rather appear we have a problem...


Personally i chose to pay the fiver more as a thank you for the years of good service as opposed to the promise of anything else. And would probably have paid more given the option...


Am finding it rather difficult to read the same old sh:t from people that have nothing but negativity in mind time and time again though...seems like any poster that dares have an objective and realistic view of our current plight gets shouted down by the goons and their relentless negativity...

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