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When we marching?


Liaise will Jamie on that. Ive got the song ready


Cortese whoo whoo

He come from Italy

His commercial staff are not happy

The reasons behind their departure has not been made public so it's all just supposition.

With high salaries comes high expectation. Maybe they were given agreed targets which they failed to achieve? Maybe Cortese has someone with an even better profile already lined up. His decision making so far has led us from the edge of extinction in the 3rd tier of english football to the brink of promotion to the top tier.


I'll cut him some slack.


My man, don't be so silly!


What does from near extinction, to the brink of the premiership with major investment in all corners of the club mean if the advertising boards are empty??


I put this fine point to you sir??

Liaise will Jamie on that. Ive got the song ready


Cortese whoo whoo

He come from Italy

His commercial staff are not happy


I don't know how you do it!


What's the word...?



My man, don't be so silly!


What does from near extinction, to the brink of the premiership with major investment in all corners of the club mean if the advertising boards are empty??


I put this fine point to you sir??


Do you think the Libeherrs have got to be billionaires without ROI? Advertising boards and corporate areas are a major revenue stream. I can't believe when they visit to see how empty they are.

Do you think the Libeherrs have got to be billionaires without ROI? Advertising boards and corporate areas are a major revenue stream. I can't believe when they visit to see how empty they are.


Do everyone a favour and go back to sleep!

Do everyone a favour and go back to sleep!


Everyone seems to believe the it's a bottomless pit that they are investing. It isnt, the club has to be self funding, we are missing a trick. If you're not concerned by the lack of corporate and advertising sales you're doing an ostrich impression I'm afraid.


Perfection in any role will NEVER be achieved. All credit goes to human nature for that one!


HOWEVER as far as prospective football chairmen go, I would not trade Cortese for any other living soul out there.


Marks out of 10?



Together as one.


Viva Southampton

Viva Cortese

Viva Liebherr

Everyone seems to believe the it's a bottomless pit that they are investing. It isnt, the club has to be self funding, we are missing a trick. If you're not concerned by the lack of corporate and advertising sales you're doing an ostrich impression I'm afraid.


I think there is a very clear strategy here and that is that the club will not undersell to corporates. Hence the shirt sponsor deal was cancelled for a while because people were paying under the odds. If you discount and make deals there will always be those who hang back waiting for a deal whereas if you always sell at full price and only full price everyone knows where they stand. I think the club are quite happy to wait until next season when - hopefully after promotion - they will happily pay the going rate for advertising and boxes.

Turdish:10 years at Man City says Chell wasn't. Don't forget "it's not every club that can recruit the commercial manager a Man City"


(Somebody quoted him, I'm afraid, so I thought I might as well respond.)



I think that it's brilliant that we are now such a force in English football that we can attract the commercial manager from Man City......and then discard him shortly thereafter.


If indeed that is what happened.

And it's not just salsa people, the head of catering has gone as well.


Perhaps we would do better with rumba or tango people? :D


FWIW I think you have a point, we need to do whatever it takes to maximise revenue so as to avoid financial catastrophe. Hopefully the club realise this, hence giving short shrift to those who haven't made enough of an impact over 6 months.


I wonder what Chell's predecessors are doing now?

Everyone seems to believe the it's a bottomless pit that they are investing. It isnt, the club has to be self funding, we are missing a trick. If you're not concerned by the lack of corporate and advertising sales you're doing an ostrich impression I'm afraid.



So....we're not selling the club well enough and the corporate boxes are empty because the food is cr4p (well it can't be because the football isn't up to it!). Let me see....who should pay the price for that....hmmmm.....

Clearly no understanding of business. Commercial revenue streams are huge in football these days. What goes on upstairs has a massive impact on who pulls the shirt on on a Saturday. It worries me we seem to struggle to keep out senior commercial staff, this can only be detrimental to revenue streams.


He probably had some target that he didn't meet. What did he actually implement while he was here? We have had several posts on here bemoaning our lack of marketing activity to promote games and therefore revenue lost. If he wasn't performing then he's gone simple as that really. You would expect the same of the Manager if he was under performing.


I cannot believe that Turkish has a go at SaintAndy666 for spending his Thursday nights watching Question Time.


Because, y'know, arguing the toss over why a Commercial Manager and a Head of Catering might have left Southampton FC is how all the cool kids spend their Friday nights.



I cannot believe that Turkish has a go at SaintAndy666 for spending his Thursday nights watching Question Time.


Because, y'know, arguing the toss over why a Commercial Manager and a Head of Catering might have left Southampton FC is how all the cool kids spend their Friday nights.



I can't believe you're 36 have a missus and 3 kids yet spend all your time stalking me on internet mong boards




Without the full facts surrounding this guys departure I think it's somewhat daft to get 'worried' about the future of Saints FFS! I've met plenty of Sales or overly commercial orientated people and to my mind they are driven by one thing - short-term, fast-buck, get-rich-quick motivation. Does that sit well with the strategy at Saints nowadays? Perhaps - perhaps not...however, what is abundantly clear is that Cortese is building an infrastructure for a future at the top of the Prem, so when all is said and done - as a supporter - why should we give a fig if a sales guy decides to make a bigger, quicker buck elsewhere? His loss.

(Somebody quoted him, I'm afraid, so I thought I might as well respond.)



I think that it's brilliant that we are now such a force in English football that we can attract the commercial manager from Man City......and then discard him shortly thereafter.


If indeed that is what happened.


Got me on ignore yet still reading my threads and quoting me. You just can't help it can you. Turdish :lol::lol:

I can't believe you're 36 have a missus and 3 kids yet spend all your time stalking me on internet mong boards




That's not entirely accurate. I've only got 2 kids, and to be honest, most of my time goes on work, family, Star Trek, Saints and buying One Direction tickets for my temporarily deluded daughter.


Making comparisons about the relative merits of watching Question Time on a Thursday night versus discussing the implications of a middle-manager leaving the club on a Friday night is just a side-gig.

Perhaps we would do better with rumba or tango people? :D


No, no, no!


I read through this whole thread to see if any had spotted this, and you took the opportunity but fluffed it! With the talk of the catering manager also being dismissed, there was acres of space to make a sales/burger/salsa based crack, but you screwed it up with irrelevant references to dances (now if the cheerleader manager had been given the boot, then it would've been ok). Try harder next time.




Kept catering managers and commercial managers for years, fired good FOOTBALL managers and recruited feckwit players and managers.


Result: Double relegation.





Fires staff all over the place (apparently). Recruits two high quality football manager and BACKS them BOTH to buy top quality players with REAL MONEY.


Result: Promotion - possibly double promotion.


I know which I'd rather have in this total non-story debate...



Kept catering managers and commercial managers for years, fired good FOOTBALL managers and recruited feckwit players and managers.


Result: Double relegation.





Fires staff all over the place (apparently). Recruits two high quality football manager and BACKS them BOTH to buy top quality players with REAL MONEY.


Result: Promotion - possibly double promotion.


I know which I'd rather have in this total non-story debate...


Spot on.

Can someone at St Marys please employ Turkish so he can sort this terrible mess out


Surely there is a massive conflict of interest here. Part of any Commercial Manager's remit will involve selling shirts and scarfs :D

Head of catering shouldn't be needed at football anyway. Who the hell actually needs food at 2:45 and 3:45? It's neither lunch or tea time. Simply Just using football as an excuse to fill their fat faces for the sheer sake of gluttony.


I'd have thought the head of catering would be more to do with the Halo Events stuff. e.g. 'high quality' 3/4 course meals/banqueting for hospitality and on match days and non match day events. Remember that Halo also cater events at the Ocean Terminal so its potentially a good revenue stream.

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