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I might be alone in noticing/caring about this, but in recent home games (more so than usually) there seem to have been an increasing amount of fans in and around the Northam/Kingsland corner heading down to the concourse well before half time. It starts at around the 37 minute mark and increases until around 42 minutes, by which time about a quarter of the fans seem to have left their seats and are on their way downstairs. The atmosphere drops off immediately and in the last two home games we have had dodgy spells just before half time; it was almost silent on 40 minutes against Burnley and I looked around me to see hundreds of previously occupied seats now empty.


Its not for me to criticise someone for going and grabbing a beer (how dare you!), but I just don't understand that mentality. Presumably these are the same people who miss the first few minutes of the second half, too. How much of the game do they actually see? 75 minutes? Does it really make such a massive difference to wait until the half time whistle? Or when the stoppage time board goes up? Just an observation and perhaps its always been like this, but I swear this tendency has increased this season.


Having used to sit there, I would guess it's the trade off of miss a few minutes at the end of the first half to join a queue, or miss the first part of the second half when you join the back of the queue at half time.


It can get pretty busy down there. The family end where I sit however is juuuuust right. ;)


I've noticed it a couple of times, and keep telling myself that it must be a coincidence that we play **** just before half time, when the crowd has gone silent because all the lairy drunk people have stopped starting songs.

If more people could squeeze in 2 pints at HT, the atmosphere in the 2nd half will be twice as good
You mean there would be twice as many people going out for a gypsies halfway through the second half as there would be normally.

This goes on in all areas of the ground! The exodus 5 mins before HT, the incoming 5 mins into the 2nd half, then the exodus again 5 mins from the end of the game, admittedly then to get away early and beat the crowds. Hard to see what's going on when you're up and down like a yoyo letting people out and then back in to their seats.

Should make it more like theatre. Can't go to or from your seats while the show is in progress. Order and pay for half time sherberts before the game and have them laid out on the bar. No cash changing hands should make it faster too. Just present your chitty to the innkeeper and go.

I might be alone in noticing/caring about this, but in recent home games (more so than usually) there seem to have been an increasing amount of fans in and around the Northam/Kingsland corner heading down to the concourse well before half time. It starts at around the 37 minute mark and increases until around 42 minutes, by which time about a quarter of the fans seem to have left their seats and are on their way downstairs. The atmosphere drops off immediately and in the last two home games we have had dodgy spells just before half time; it was almost silent on 40 minutes against Burnley and I looked around me to see hundreds of previously occupied seats now empty.


Its not for me to criticise someone for going and grabbing a beer (how dare you!), but I just don't understand that mentality. Presumably these are the same people who miss the first few minutes of the second half, too. How much of the game do they actually see? 75 minutes? Does it really make such a massive difference to wait until the half time whistle? Or when the stoppage time board goes up? Just an observation and perhaps its always been like this, but I swear this tendency has increased this season.

I know where you're coming from and the thing that p****s me off is how empty the ground is by the 90th minute during a good win, but the problem is the length of queues to get anything to eat or drink in the Northam is an absolute joke. Even worse now they often open bloke 43 to home fans as its another 1k of people squashed into the same concourse. If you got down on the half-time whistle you barely move, let alone grab a pie and pint. The club are missing out on money that I'd spend at half time if they could actually get a system that worked.


For all those people that say "well why can't you wait until you're back in the pub after a game", everyone knows that once you've had a few pints before the game and have got the taste, it's always too tempting to grab a quick one to keep the day going.


I go down at 35mins every game with the people I sit with (which is another 6). This is because we like beer and don't want to queue for it. We also support Saints so want to be at St Marys.


And yes, we usually miss a bit of the second half.


Love a half time beer and am not about to give it up. There is no way I could leave my seat in row BB in the Northam on the whistle, queue up, drink my beer, and get back to my seat for kickoff.


Even if the bar staff were quicker (they aren't the sharpest), there still wouldn't be enough time. They don't have the small beer stalls there any more either, which was a good idea IMO.


I am going to continue going down on 42 minutes, and coming back up a minute or 2 late. I don't think I've ever been confronted by any of those who have a problem with it.

I go down at 35mins every game with the people I sit with (which is another 6). This is because we like beer and don't want to queue for it. We also support Saints so want to be at St Marys.


And yes, we usually miss a bit of the second half.

So you are regularly missing 22% of the first half and some of the second half? Do you miss many goals?


In block 10 I am able to go down as soon as the whistle goes, get a beer, drink it, and return to my seat before the second half kicks off. Mind you, if we get to the PL that will probably become a thing of the past.

Love a half time beer and am not about to give it up. There is no way I could leave my seat in row BB in the Northam on the whistle, queue up, drink my beer, and get back to my seat for kickoff.


Even if the bar staff were quicker (they aren't the sharpest), there still wouldn't be enough time. They don't have the small beer stalls there any more either, which was a good idea IMO.


I am going to continue going down on 42 minutes, and coming back up a minute or 2 late. I don't think I've ever been confronted by any of those who have a problem with it.

They did have those stalls open for one game a few weeks ago and made a massive difference. Its never going to be easy serving beers and food to thousand odd people in such a short period, but they could do so much better and they do lose out on money as a result of being so inefficient.


Our own fans don't help much at times. Queued for a while a few weeks ago, bloke one in front of me gets to the front of the queue, then decides the right moment to look up and see what is on offer and to take his time deciding what he might fancy. Absolute cretin.


FIFA need to sort the problem out by increasing half time to 30 mins

More beer

More tv adverts


Or just let football fans have the same benefits as rugby & cricket ( take your pint to your seat ) then could have bottles sold pitch side at half time

Or just let football fans have the same benefits as rugby & cricket ( take your pint to your seat ) then could have bottles sold pitch side at half time
That would be rubbish. See what would happen if we got an important goal.
So you are regularly missing 22% of the first half and some of the second half? Do you miss many goals?


In block 10 I am able to go down as soon as the whistle goes, get a beer, drink it, and return to my seat before the second half kicks off. Mind you, if we get to the PL that will probably become a thing of the past.

That is correct, we miss a fair portion of the game, but we also don't mind. We do miss some goals, but aslong as we're at St Mary's we don't care. Infact, some of the best celebrations have been had by us whilst in the concourse. It's just part of the day.


Each to their own, but I've always been amazed at people's inability to go c.2 hours without food/drink! If wanted to eat at the football, I'd bring something with so I wouldn't have to miss any of the match. That said, these early leavers/late returners are contributing more £££/game to the club than I am!

Each to their own, but I've always been amazed at people's inability to go c.2 hours without food/drink! If wanted to eat at the football, I'd bring something with so I wouldn't have to miss any of the match. That said, these early leavers/late returners are contributing more £££/game to the club than I am!

I could easily go 2 hours without a beer, but I don't want to because the early half time pint (early=hassle free) is part of the day for us. We still watch the game down there and we have a beer in our hand.....so we're not really missing out on much.


In my group of four, each match one of us will be on beer duty and will head down at around 42 mins to get the round in. I hate it when it's my turn but once every four matches is not too bad, and as Scott Saints says, if you're down there and Saints score it's pretty good fun.


This is my number one gripe. There must be something they can do make it possible to buy a halftime pint without having to miss some of the match? They would make more money if they did, as no doubt more people would head down to buy if they knew they could get a promptly served drink, so everyone's a winner

I could easily go 2 hours without a beer, but I don't want to because the early half time pint (early=hassle free) is part of the day for us. We still watch the game down there and we have a beer in our hand.....so we're not really missing out on much.


Fair play, bet you're gutted about missing the superb half-time entertainment we have on offer though? ;)

FIFA need to sort the problem out by increasing half time to 30 mins

More beer

More tv adverts


Or just let football fans have the same benefits as rugby & cricket ( take your pint to your seat ) then could have bottles sold pitch side at half time


This - it's because of the idiot minority who are unable to drink without being utter a-holes/violent etc that we can't even enjoy a beer in our seat, it's the same idiots that mean the 'buble' was used for the pompy game - you know who you are. it's a shame that the few can spoil it for the rest of us and something should be done about it


Just me stirring the pot here: do those who go down on 35-40 minutes feel bad that our support is noticeably much worse during that time because so much of our fanbase is no longer concentrating on the game? I would, which is why I would never leave my seat while the game is in the balance. A comfortable 2-0 on 91 minutes? I might head off then, but not when its competitive and I feel the team needs my support/concentration. I swear the mood filters down to the players and we play with less intensity at those times.


I don't understand it either. I like beer but can wait until after the game and get a decent pint. Sitting in the Kingsland/Northern corner our view of the game is blocked out by those streaming down the aisles.

Likewise I don't understand the mass exodus before the 90 minutes are up. (Unless the outcome is really beyond doubt but then surely we should applaud the team after the whistle).

Just me stirring the pot here: do those who go down on 35-40 minutes feel bad that our support is noticeably much worse during that time because so much of our fanbase is no longer concentrating on the game? I would, which is why I would never leave my seat while the game is in the balance. A comfortable 2-0 on 91 minutes? I might head off then, but not when its competitive and I feel the team needs my support/concentration. I swear the mood filters down to the players and we play with less intensity at those times.


Do i feel bad? What, for going down to enough a half time beer?? Haha! Have a word with yourself pal.


I too head down early, but i give it till 40. Missed loads of goals in the past, but it doesn't particularly bother me as you can still watch the game downstairs. Just for th record, i've missed loads of goals in the past few seasons and still celebrate them like i would do up in th stand. I don't understand why people have a problem with it. I work my ass off all week so i can enjoy my weekend and Saturday generally means Saints and beer. When you go down after the 43/44 minute, chances are you'll be waiting the whole HT to get served. And having a pint or two at HT with my mates is all part of my "matchday experience".


I dont really understand why Saints cant get organised for the half time rush. They would make more money - simple. Pull hundreds of pints from 30 mins into the game and have them standing ready to be served. Cricket manage to do this, to cope with the lunch time rush.


It never ceases to amaze me how people turn into gutty c*nts the moment they enter a football ground. People seem determined to eat and drink as much as possible in 90 minutes. On an evening games it's understandable if you've gone straight from work and not had time to have tea that you might need something to eat, but seriously on a normal day why do people feel the need to stuff their greedy fat faces at every opportuntiy? Do people get to 3.45 on a week day and have to nip out of work down to the burger van because they can't go a few hours without food? It's not even as if it's decent beer or tasty food.


Coz we're fat f**kiin pigs who can't help shoveling sh*t down our throats with our fat stubby fingers.


The itchen is only place I've seen someone physically out of breath after eating a hot dog. And I thought that was the stuff of legend that only happened over the pond.

I dont really understand why Saints cant get organised for the half time rush. They would make more money - simple. Pull hundreds of pints from 30 mins into the game and have them standing ready to be served. Cricket manage to do this, to cope with the lunch time rush.
SHould go to a German game, they really know how to do it.


It's small issues, but it's these kind of things that the club miss, not having any form of discussion with fans. There is plenty of scope to get more money out of us if they actually were a bit sharper on this sort of thing.


Early at the bar can mean the difference between one or two pints. if you don't want to sober up then its worth the head start and going a few minutes early. Those who get annoyed at people heading off for an early drink at half time need to find something more important to worry about. It wouldnt be a problem if we employed urchins to deliver beers to us in our seats as they do in Latin America.

In my group of four, each match one of us will be on beer duty and will head down at around 42 mins to get the round in. I hate it when it's my turn but once every four matches is not too bad, and as Scott Saints says, if you're down there and Saints score it's pretty good fun.


We have the same arrangement , it can take an age to get served ,if you could preorder drinks like at the theatre ,it

would be quicker : )


Also, I find if I've been on the beer from 10am (which is a fairly regular occurrence on match day), if I go from 2.40pm untill 5.30pm, I find myself with a headache/miniature hangover.


Even more reason to keep topped up with a bottle or 2 at half time.

Coz we're fat f**kiin pigs who can't help shoveling sh*t down our throats with our fat stubby fingers.


The itchen is only place I've seen someone physically out of breath after eating a hot dog. And I thought that was the stuff of legend that only happened over the pond.


Now I'd have lol'd seeing that! It also irritates me intensely seeing parents taking their precious, spoilt, pampered offspring down at half time to stuff their faces at half time. I expect a lot of them moan about how much it costs to take a kid to football when they have created their own monster by letting them expect that going to match stufffing your face with burgers and chocolate is as important as the game itself.

Now I'd have lol'd seeing that! It also irritates me intensely seeing parents taking their precious, spoilt, pampered offspring down at half time to stuff their faces at half time. I expect a lot of them moan about how much it costs to take a kid to football when they have created their own monster by letting them expect that going to match stufffing your face with burgers and chocolate is as important as the game itself.


Whether its adults or their spawn, it should be a simple matter of self-respect.


I usual take a bottle of coke/water to the game plus a bag of boiled sweets for me and the kids if I'm real pushing the boat out I'll buy a coffee before the game starts. Quite frankly I can't be bothered with the mass free for all crush at half time to pay for extra expensive snacks I'd rather watch the game. On the other hand what other people want to do on matchday is up to them.

It never ceases to amaze me how people turn into gutty c*nts the moment they enter a football ground. People seem determined to eat and drink as much as possible in 90 minutes. On an evening games it's understandable if you've gone straight from work and not had time to have tea that you might need something to eat, but seriously on a normal day why do people feel the need to stuff their greedy fat faces at every opportuntiy? Do people get to 3.45 on a week day and have to nip out of work down to the burger van because they can't go a few hours without food? It's not even as if it's decent beer or tasty food.


When you are with your mates on the beers at a weekend, having a good time, starting around lunchtime, do you usually drink up to 2.55pm and then abstain completely for two hours, before starting again?


Each to their own I say, everyone pays for their ticket, so its up to them how they use it. What does **** me off though is the cretins who go down early but instead of going downstairs they stand on the steps having a chat with thei mate, blocking everyone elses view. If you're going, do it quickly!

When you are with your mates on the beers at a weekend, having a good time, starting around lunchtime, do you usually drink up to 2.55pm and then abstain completely for two hours, before starting again?


Yep. I'm usually doing when at football.

Until they get quicker at serving beer this will always be the case.

this. And so easily sorted it really ****es me off the club have failed to rectify it in over 10 years!


The thing that amazed me was 10 minutes before the final whistle V Derby, the stairs were literally packed. I understand the traffic gets bad, but seriously...what the f*ck?

The thing that amazed me was 10 minutes before the final whistle V Derby, the stairs were literally packed. I understand the traffic gets bad, but seriously...what the f*ck?


Good wins are always like that. It's like people figure the game is well won so they can afford to slope off home early and beat the traffic. If it's an edgy 1-0 they stay to see it out but 4-0 up is like a "lets go home early" signal. I wanted to stay and show my apprecation but then I don't drive and had a hour until my train.....


Saturday afternoons are purely about the beer for me, I'm not overly fussed about the football so I usually turn up about 15:10, and head back down to the concourse around 15:30.

It would be much easier to stay in the pub, but I find it can be very difficult to post on this forum unless you actually go to the game. Therefore I renew my ST year in year out to prevent my self being bullied on here. Never again do I want to be confused with a "plastic fan".


I don't often go downstairs at half time (unless its an away game) but when I do I normally go at around 43 mins. I sit in the kingsland block 30 and they seem to have this inane habit of never having enough pies. I love the chicken balti (mission to have one at every ground this season still on track) but when the muppets run out 10 mins before even the start of the bloody game you realise you have to get a head start if you do fancy a snack. Also when there's a good crowd 20K plus then the queues tend to span the whole depth of the concourse and by the time you reach the counter to get a beer the second half is on the verge of starting. IMO if people want to leave early to get a head start on the munch then let em. I do however absolutely F*****G despise the bastards that come up late and make me get up and let them through to their seat after the second half has started (you know who you are long haired man.) I'm sure the players aren't going to worry too much about it after all id like to think they have slightly more important things on their mind whilst their supposed to be doing what they are paid for.

Posted (edited)

Having paid about £500 for a season ticket I'm pretty keen to watch every minute; missing a goal is a killer. If it's not a matchday then I'm normally pining for the next one, so why deprive myself of any of the game?! Scarily I agree with Turkish on something - it seems strange to choose to eat the dirge they serve at the ground if it's not an evening match?


If you're that desperate for a beer then so be it - your money and your choice. The end of the Derby game was a bit sad though - you've got Derby fans still singing and supporting their team (who rarely stretched beyond lacklustre and posed little threat) whereas half of ours had already sloped out of the stadium by the final whistle. Again, it's your day and we can't all be happy-clappy superfans but to my mind it seems a little strange to only watch 70-ish minutes of the football and show your appreciation for a comprehensive win with little more than a deathly silence.


Actually I tell a fib, I have left my seat early at half time the once. End of last season against Walsall, my girlfriend and I had been on the beers all day and wanted to carry on. Their lad scored that screamer from 20 yards and I vowed never to do it again :p Can it really be true that all of those rushing down on 35-40 mins are on a bender like that every week? Bit scary if so!

Edited by ant

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