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We have some utter tvvats among our away following, many of whom I am embarrassed to be associated with. This happens on a fairly regular basis, and on pretty much every train ride to a match I've been on some bellend goes OTT, either being overly aggressive in a public place when there are loads of the general public trying to mind their own business, or generally just acting like mouthy yobs far away from any football-related environment in which it might be tolerated.


I have to agree with this. A couple of years ago I was at Waterloo East going to the Charlton match and a group of about 20 saints fans (late teens, early twenties none wearing Saints kits) arrived. They were very noisy and distressed some family groups. I know that these lads (didn't notice any females in the group) are harmless but we need to remember that other people do not know this. Mass groups of animated football fans can, and do, intimidate!

I also seen similar problems with Saints fans at Palace & Reading games.

I have to agree with this. A couple of years ago I was at Waterloo East going to the Charlton match and a group of about 20 saints fans (late teens, early twenties none wearing Saints kits) arrived. They were very noisy and distressed some family groups. I know that these lads (didn't notice any females in the group) are harmless but we need to remember that other people do not know this. Mass groups of animated football fans can, and do, intimidate!

I also seen similar problems with Saints fans at Palace & Reading games.


It is usually the London games, probably able to get more of their mates along for laddish c()ck-waving antics with the closer matches. Also, the only problem I've ever had at an away game is with our own fans - actually the last time was at Cardiff, some scrote turned around and yelled in the face of a disabled ex-services mate of mine for no apparent reason other than the scrote being young, stupid and drunk and deciding he wasn't singing enough. You can't tell he's disabled from looking at him, but that's not really the point, I wouldn't expect anyone to have to put up with that.


I can get as drunk as anyone, always sing and support my team, and stand in the Northam for home games for the atmosphere - but for some reason I manage not to antagonise massive bunches of other away supporters by acting like an utter bell. It may have something to do with respect and consideration, and actually knowing (or caring) what the parameters are and where the line is.

It sounded like reasonable opinion to me. Why do you have to be so insulting?


Living in Canada, I presume you don't attend many away games. If you did, you would know that Yorkie is talking rubbish.


When asked to back up one of his ridiculous statements about attacking scarfers, he wasn't able to. I've never seen that happen at a Saints game and I attend virtually every away game.

I have to agree with this. A couple of years ago I was at Waterloo East going to the Charlton match and a group of about 20 saints fans (late teens, early twenties none wearing Saints kits) arrived. They were very noisy and distressed some family groups. I know that these lads (didn't notice any females in the group) are harmless but we need to remember that other people do not know this. Mass groups of animated football fans can, and do, intimidate!

I also seen similar problems with Saints fans at Palace & Reading games.


How did you know the families were distressed? Did you ask them, or were they seen running away frantically from the 'yobs'? How do you know they were going to the football if they weren't decked out in the full Saints kit?


It's moments like this that remind me just how much I despair of our supporters at times. We really do have some proper lemons following us.

I do agree with Yorkie. I take my 9 year old boy and his mate and some of the vitriolic abuse of the home fans their players and the songs they sing are quite embarrassing. They rile these fans on trains etc and my boy gets very frightened. It puts me off taking him. On the other hand some of the songs and chants are brill and some are very funny. The lambert song and the "is there a fire drill?" etc are worth the journey on their own. Gettiing behind the team vocally and having humorous banter with the away fans is a must. Moronic personal abuse and foul and abusive language are unnecessary have no place IMO




I made the same point recently and that 'nice' lad/lass, Dune, renamed me Victor Meldrew. Stand by for renaming from Mr/Miss Dune!

Johnstone's Paint Trophy final, I was sat behind someone who was a few years older than me, behind me was a couple who were probably pensioners. The guy in front wouldn't sit down, so I had to stand to see what was going on.


I was fine with standing, but the couple behind me couldn't see, so of course I sat down. I asked the guy in front if he could do the same as people couldn't see, he turned, looked at me, sneered, and began chanting so he couldn't hear me. The couple then decided to shout to him, asking if he could sit down, he still refused.


Eventually the couple started saying they couldn't see, could he please sit down, he was blocking their view and ruining it for them and others. He turns around and says "It's a ****ing cup final and you're sitting down? Why don't you ****ing support your team and sing some ****ing songs?". The reply from behind me was a bit forceful, for once, as their patience had run out, but still innocent as the bloke asked "Just sit down please, we can't see" and disgustingly, the reply from the gobby ****e in front of me was "Yeah I'll put my ****ing nose up your missus, shut up".


THAT kind of thing is unacceptable.


I don't care how old you are or what you think is just being a fan and having fun at away games, talking like that is disgusting. Being a fan away from home doesn't mean you've got free licence to act like a moron. It's not a case of 'it's not our turf, we do what we want'.




I have been to three away games this season but due to aggressive behaviour, I doubt I will go again. ie, at the game v Palace, I asked the young lads in front of me if they would sit as my grandson and I were unable to see the game. What I received was a mouthful of foul abuse and the 'offer' of a smack in the 'gob'. We moved into the cordened off section but the stewards asked us to move back to our seats, which I refused to do. They then allowed us to sit in the disabled section. On our way out, one of the nice lads who were sat in front of us, passed by and called me an 'old ****'.


Funny thing is, the group of lads were really only interested in the Palace fans rather than the game itself.


Standing is great if you are, young(ish) and without disability. Sadly, I'm neither. Not wanting to get into any arguement, but standing at football matches is unlawful (to my knowledge). What about those of us that want to support our team, want to go away but can't stand? Do we have no right to watch our team? Any request to those in front to sit (to enable us to view) is always met with abuse. "We fans STAND at away games, if you don't want to do that, don't ****ing come!"


My 9yo nipper attends most away games and has done for 4 years. He stands on his seat for 90mins and understands that's what he has to do. If there are bigger folk in front of us and he still can't see we just ask to swap seats. Never been a problem. Even popped him down the front with Corky's nippers and collected them at the end.


I appreciate it's hard for older folk to stand, I had the issue with my old man and as with my nipper, we just swapped seats with others.


Yes there are some proper tools that follow Saints but every club has that.

Standing is great if you are, young(ish) and without disability. Sadly, I'm neither. Not wanting to get into any arguement, but standing at football matches is unlawful (to my knowledge). What about those of us that want to support our team, want to go away but can't stand? Do we have no right to watch our team? Any request to those in front to sit (to enable us to view) is always met with abuse. "We fans STAND at away games, if you don't want to do that, don't ****ing come!"
Standing isn't unlawful. It's pretty much accepted as part of an away day that our support stands and is much better for it (anyone see Derby's support at SMS Saturday just gone to see what support all sat down looks and sounds like). Don't take this the wrong way, but if you're unable to stand, there are disabled tickets available for most games and a damn sight cheaper than the regular tickets!


Certainly no reason for anyone to be abusive towards fellow Saints fan though.

Standing isn't unlawful. It's pretty much accepted as part of an away day that our support stands and is much better for it (anyone see Derby's support at SMS Saturday just gone to see what support all sat down looks and sounds like). Don't take this the wrong way, but if you're unable to stand, there are disabled tickets available for most games and a damn sight cheaper than the regular tickets!


Certainly no reason for anyone to be abusive towards fellow Saints fan though.




I thought it was (Standing has been banned at English football grounds in the top two divisions following Lord Justice Taylor's recommendation after the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 Liverpool fans were killed in a crush on the Leppings Lane terrace.)


Thanks for the tip on cheaper seating.

How did you know the families were distressed? Did you ask them, or were they seen running away frantically from the 'yobs'? How do you know they were going to the football if they weren't decked out in the full Saints kit?


It's moments like this that remind me just how much I despair of our supporters at times. We really do have some proper lemons following us.


Unlike yourself I was standing there. If you're autistic or a sociopath you may not realise the problem but anyone with any degree of empathy for others would have been fully aware. I suppose the crowd of yobs could have been anyone but I had seen several of them before from around Block 41. I despair of people who choose to condone or justify loutish behavior.

Unlike yourself I was standing there. If you're autistic or a sociopath you may not realise the problem but anyone with any degree of empathy for others would have been fully aware. I suppose the crowd of yobs could have been anyone but I had seen several of them before from around Block 41. I despair of people who choose to condone or justify loutish behavior.
Can you just clarify what this group was doing that was particularly wrong?

This one just wont go away will it...and I talk rubbish!

Honestly you just have to look and learn at away games - I think there are basically 3-categories of fans:

The first go to most games and know the routine - meet up for a couple of beers, get to the ground, find a place you like to sit (or stand at the back if that way inclined) and enjoy the game/singing/atmosphere etc.

The second group are not too sure what to do...they probably not done many away games, and find the allocated seat on the ticket and try to sit and watch the game, and join in the singing (after all the words aren't that difficult...red army - even when we play in yellow!)

Then there's the third group - the teeny-bopper laddish group who have three things on their mind. Firstly to get p*ssed, secondly wind up the stewards and police and then antagonise the home fans by taking a position as close as the away fans can get. Having achieved those three objectives they usually have to go for more beer before half time (or a slash!) and really take no interest in the game until "we" score and then it's out with the "Who are you?" chant.

These people are not shy about their antics - infact I expect the police have them (and many other decent fans) on video, just waiting for the day they step out of line. The last away game I did was Forest and it was a decent enough day out away from this element as I was was in the lower stand. Still stood for all the game, sang a few songs and generally enjoyed the day. There was no beer involved - infact I think a latte was the order of the day from MacDonalds!

Whatever one says - there are some right Charlie's that follow Saints away. They may or might not come from Southampton - hard to tell as they tend not to wear replica shirts identify themselves in any other way apart from the gormless expression on their faces after one sniff of the barmaids apron!

I guess it's an age thing - and the "Oh they only young lads - let them get it out of their systems" is lost on me! Unfortunately I do not believe you could have a reasoned conversation with their kind, without someone piping up "Do you want some then Grandad?"

What category to you fit into Charming Man?

Norm is a very nice gentleman, and whilst his grandson is very energetic and enthusiastic about everything he does still have manners and a sense of what is socially accepted as "good behaviour" - and he is considerably younger than those being discussed in this thread!

This one just wont go away will it...and I talk rubbish!

Honestly you just have to look and learn at away games - I think there are basically 3-categories of fans:

The first go to most games and know the routine - meet up for a couple of beers, get to the ground, find a place you like to sit (or stand at the back if that way inclined) and enjoy the game/singing/atmosphere etc.

The second group are not too sure what to do...they probably not done many away games, and find the allocated seat on the ticket and try to sit and watch the game, and join in the singing (after all the words aren't that difficult...red army - even when we play in yellow!)

Then there's the third group - the teeny-bopper laddish group who have three things on their mind. Firstly to get p*ssed, secondly wind up the stewards and police and then antagonise the home fans by taking a position as close as the away fans can get. Having achieved those three objectives they usually have to go for more beer before half time (or a slash!) and really take no interest in the game until "we" score and then it's out with the "Who are you?" chant.

These people are not shy about their antics - infact I expect the police have them (and many other decent fans) on video, just waiting for the day they step out of line. The last away game I did was Forest and it was a decent enough day out away from this element as I was was in the lower stand. Still stood for all the game, sang a few songs and generally enjoyed the day. There was no beer involved - infact I think a latte was the order of the day from MacDonalds!

Whatever one says - there are some right Charlie's that follow Saints away. They may or might not come from Southampton - hard to tell as they tend not to wear replica shirts identify themselves in any other way apart from the gormless expression on their faces after one sniff of the barmaids apron!

I guess it's an age thing - and the "Oh they only young lads - let them get it out of their systems" is lost on me! Unfortunately I do not believe you could have a reasoned conversation with their kind, without someone piping up "Do you want some then Grandad?"

What category to you fit into Charming Man?

Norm is a very nice gentleman, and whilst his grandson is very energetic and enthusiastic about everything he does still have manners and a sense of what is socially accepted as "good behaviour" - and he is considerably younger than those being discussed in this thread!

To be fair, you do genuinely make me laugh fella.

i think this is the sort of behaviour that Cortese is refering to and i agree, this is disgusting behaviour and it needs to be stamped out. Drunken yobs singing and chanting and gernally being anti social. It's shaming our club and embarassing our great name



Can i just add that i've read many newspaper reports about outside football stadiums resembling a scene from Braveheart and heavily pregenant women and 85 year old men running for their lives. So it must happen.

This one just wont go away will it...and I talk rubbish!

Honestly you just have to look and learn at away games - I think there are basically 3-categories of fans:

The first go to most games and know the routine - meet up for a couple of beers, get to the ground, find a place you like to sit (or stand at the back if that way inclined) and enjoy the game/singing/atmosphere etc.

The second group are not too sure what to do...they probably not done many away games, and find the allocated seat on the ticket and try to sit and watch the game, and join in the singing (after all the words aren't that difficult...red army - even when we play in yellow!)

Then there's the third group - the teeny-bopper laddish group who have three things on their mind. Firstly to get p*ssed, secondly wind up the stewards and police and then antagonise the home fans by taking a position as close as the away fans can get. Having achieved those three objectives they usually have to go for more beer before half time (or a slash!) and really take no interest in the game until "we" score and then it's out with the "Who are you?" chant.

These people are not shy about their antics - infact I expect the police have them (and many other decent fans) on video, just waiting for the day they step out of line. The last away game I did was Forest and it was a decent enough day out away from this element as I was was in the lower stand. Still stood for all the game, sang a few songs and generally enjoyed the day. There was no beer involved - infact I think a latte was the order of the day from MacDonalds!

Whatever one says - there are some right Charlie's that follow Saints away. They may or might not come from Southampton - hard to tell as they tend not to wear replica shirts identify themselves in any other way apart from the gormless expression on their faces after one sniff of the barmaids apron!

I guess it's an age thing - and the "Oh they only young lads - let them get it out of their systems" is lost on me! Unfortunately I do not believe you could have a reasoned conversation with their kind, without someone piping up "Do you want some then Grandad?"

What category to you fit into Charming Man?

Norm is a very nice gentleman, and whilst his grandson is very energetic and enthusiastic about everything he does still have manners and a sense of what is socially accepted as "good behaviour" - and he is considerably younger than those being discussed in this thread!


I'm the one that goes around threatening to punch anyone who is sat down.

It's quite fashionable, especially for our older fans, to accuse us of this type of thing. Our away support is the best it's been for years and they don't seem to like it for some reason.


Our away following is full of morons... I was stood at the front of the group waiting to get out of the Millwall game the other week and people were throwing coins at their own FANS. nobs.... I find it embarrassing how many little chavs we have following us, go find a street corner to hang around on….

and there's more. FFS. These so called fans are a disgrace to our club.



Disgracefuil behaviour but excellent choreography.


You see the building in the background to the left. I did the roof, window and gutter repairs to that. Fact.

Can i just add that i've read many newspaper reports about outside football stadiums resembling a scene from Braveheart and heavily pregenant women and 85 year old men running for their lives. So it must happen.


Is there a particular reason for you taking the **** when really all I wanted to know was why the club put that statement in the programme?

The sarcasm is intended for the people trying to make out we're worse than Millwall.



Carry on like that and I'll iron you out at Watford (after I've finished causing distress to as many people as possible at Waterloo).


You couldn't iron out a t-shirt sunshine. You stick to attacking families and barmies and leave the real action to us proper lads.

Stupid Dancing in Yeovil Video


Just as long as none of them gets involved in something important like, say, the Ted Bates Statue, or sorting me out with a venue for my wedding... :o

Disgracefuil behaviour but excellent choreography.


You see the building in the background to the left. I did the roof, window and gutter repairs to that. Fact.




Ron, I had a real close look at the video and I'm sure I spotted the guttering running the 'wrong' way!


What were moaning at here is a few lads on the beer, having a good time. Some of you old farts need to get a grip and join the real world were hardly Milwall ffs.


Were on the pish, the pish, the pish, for Matt Le Tiss, Le Tiss, Le Tiss....

What were moaning at here is a few lads on the beer, having a good time. Some of you old farts need to get a grip and join the real world were hardly Milwall ffs.


Were on the pish, the pish, the pish, for Matt Le Tiss, Le Tiss, Le Tiss....


Well to be quite honest, that wasn't the intention of the thread at all. All I wanted to know was if anyone knew what might have prompted the club to issue a statement like the one in the Derby programme.


It appears no one knows, so I'd actually like to request the thread be locked, if a mod is listening.

Well to be quite honest, that wasn't the intention of the thread at all. All I wanted to know was if anyone knew what might have prompted the club to issue a statement like the one in the Derby programme.


It appears no one knows, so I'd actually like to request the thread be locked, if a mod is listening.

I say keep it open. I've found it informative and amusing.


Will never forget this away trip against the Germans.




I'm all for having a few beers, standing, singing etc etc but that is just so lame. In fact I feel embarrassed for them. Nice to see Ravanelli pop up in that video too.


I go to quite a few Away Games - as I did last Season and there's been a whole lot of Rubbish posted. ;)


The Home Programme has had that page -filling article for a long time now - whoever started this thread needs to keep up !!!


Our Away Fans are absolutely brilliant. A lot of the Home Fans should take note of our passionate away fans and and get


behind the team at home - instead of sitting in silence.


See you at Watford - in one of the pubs before the game !!!


Watford 0 Saints 2 xxxx

I go to quite a few Away Games - as I did last Season and there's been a whole lot of Rubbish posted. ;)


The Home Programme has had that page -filling article for a long time now - whoever started this thread needs to keep up !!!


Our Away Fans are absolutely brilliant. A lot of the Home Fans should take note of our passionate away fans and and get


behind the team at home - instead of sitting in silence.


See you at Watford - in one of the pubs before the game !!!


Watford 0 Saints 2 xxxx


How's Barnie's court case going?

I go to quite a few Away Games - as I did last Season and there's been a whole lot of Rubbish posted. ;)


The Home Programme has had that page -filling article for a long time now - whoever started this thread needs to keep up !!!


Our Away Fans are absolutely brilliant. A lot of the Home Fans should take note of our passionate away fans and and get


behind the team at home - instead of sitting in silence.


See you at Watford - in one of the pubs before the game !!!


Watford 0 Saints 2 xxxx





edited it for you depps.

The Home Programme has had that page -filling article for a long time now - whoever started this thread needs to keep up !!!


Yes, I know the article has, thank you very much, but it has not always said that recent behaviour at away games has been of concern.


I suggest you read the original post with a bit more care next time. Do keep up.


QUOTE=SaintNeil90;1282903]Christ some of you are depressing.


Every club has fans like this!


But to moan about fans in a group having a laugh and singing is pathetic.


This is a very good post !!! - By the way Barney is up before the beak soon - no point really WE KNOW HE IS INNOCENT - OK !!!


Yeah ****ing hell why are people having fun at football games ffs, i mean can't they learn from yorkie and just drink coffee. Or if they really have to drink maybe they should have a nice quiet glass of merlot in a wine bar or restaurant. And we should all be wearing saints shirts and make sure we wait outside the home ends to shake the hands of the home fans and wish them well on the way out.


Because all the best away supports are like that, i mean just think of the wonderful reputation Arsenal or Fulham have, if only we could be more like them.

Posted (edited)
this is a very good post !!! - by the way barney is up before the beak soon - no point really we know he is innocent - ok !!!


get behind barney ffs !!!


how do you get to keep your capitals? Damnit!

Edited by Jonnyboy

I find the whole awayday thing a great experience - even though we do have oiks in our midst, it can be rather amusing watching them make absolute ***ts of themselves and thinking they look/are cool!

Honestly there is a bigger issue here and it isn't about football fans going to away games it's about standards of behaviour generally. The moral decline in the behaviour of all ages (and I'm ashamed to say even people of my age too!) is disgraceful - but I'm not going to get on my high horse and preach to those who couldn't give a ****!

Anyway chaps (and chapesses) this has been fun. If I see anyone who fits the description afore mentioned I will be obliged to take photos and post them on here to embarass the culprits; then Crimewatch will get a copy followed by a quick e-mail to Nicola Cotertese (who apparently "doesn't hate Pompey")!

Oh and by the way the happy clappy bingo bus (with the tartan blanket, thermosflask, sit down & don't sing fans on) will be open for business next season when we play with the big boys in The Premiership.......

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