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Alot would have done. Alot would have also voted him because he was black/young.


And most would have voted for him because he's not the Republican candidate.


The big deal is that the USA, a nation built on racism with racism at it's core, has finally got past that huge mental block. Well done that country!

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the banking crisis has had a major impact on both peoples perception there and here. Im happy that a mixed race man is now president.

Perhaps America is more understanding than us , we sit here as though we are tolerant but hand on heart how many would vote for a black / mixed race man who is muslim and middle name Hussain?





When people realise that Brown was the master of our position by deregulating the financial rules when he took away the power of the Bank of England to Police the finanacial services, then the opinion will swing here.

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No, you would probably find a sympathetic ear amongst these people from Randolph, Utah which voted the highest per capita vote for Republican party in 2004.......


"It ain't over yet," declared Max Wilson, a 66-year-old cattleman. "I don't know much about Obama but I don't like what I do hear. He hasn't got the experience and I really don't believe this country is ready for a black man as president. I think that when it comes to the crunch a lot of people will think again rather than elect him."


There were further nods and grunts of assent when Mr Wilson rolled out a litany of dire predictions for life under a Democrat administration. "If Obama pulls all our troops out from Iraq, those terrorists are all going to head over here pretty quickly," he said. "And another thing I hear is that a lot more of our tax money will be going to Africa if he gets in. His father's from there, you know."



"Most everyone around here has firearms and like to shoot and we don't trust the Democrats," lamented Mr Thomson. "They don't come right out and declare they are going to take our guns away, but we know they have their secret agenda."


Roger Telford, 75, who ranches 250 head of cattle and some horses on family land where he has worked since he was a child, added: "All Obama can do is talk. Well, talk is cheap around here, let me tell you.

"I was in the military so I've been around black people. It's not his colour that's a problem for me, it's the people he associated with."

Another added: "I guess they'll be stocking up on black paint for the White House."


On the two-hour drive from Salt Lake City last week, a religious radio station was earnestly discussing whether the current financial meltdown was a sign of the apocalypse and making comparisons between the US today and 5th century Rome before it was sacked by barbarian hordes.




So can't imagine they will be having much of a party in Randolph today then.....

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You do realise he isn't muslim, don't you?


There's no way on earth he'd have been elected if he was.

On tv it was stated this morning as a muslim background.So that is where i took that from, also Hussain being his middle name also points that he might be from that persuasion.
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Care to elaborate Cabbage?


If you like,


He seems to perfect IMO, i know McCain isnt the better option, but i think that he will just turn into a warmonger (like Bush) and has just decieved the world because of the fact he is making History.


he just said "To those who would tear the world down - we will defeat you."



Edited by CabbageFace
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If you like,


He seems to perfect IMO, i know McCain isnt the better option, but i think that he will just turn into a warmonger (like Bush) and has just decieved the world because of the fact he is making History.


he just said "To those who would tear the world down - we will defeat you."



Well that depends if you've only started listening to him today and started making your opinions, CF, he's said clearly before that he would increase troop numbers in Afg and conduct military operations in Pakistan if required, he's not exactly hiding his intentions.

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If you like,


He seems to perfect IMO, i know McCain isnt the better option, but i think that he will just turn into a warmonger (like Bush) and has just decieved the world because of the fact he is making History.


he just said "To those who would tear the world down - we will defeat you."




...because what he should have said was: 'To those who would tear the world down - go right ahead.'

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No, you would probably find a sympathetic ear amongst these people from Randolph, Utah which voted the highest per capita vote for Republican party in 2004.......


"It ain't over yet," declared Max Wilson, a 66-year-old cattleman. "I don't know much about Obama but I don't like what I do hear. He hasn't got the experience and I really don't believe this country is ready for a black man as president. I think that when it comes to the crunch a lot of people will think again rather than elect him."


There were further nods and grunts of assent when Mr Wilson rolled out a litany of dire predictions for life under a Democrat administration. "If Obama pulls all our troops out from Iraq, those terrorists are all going to head over here pretty quickly," he said. "And another thing I hear is that a lot more of our tax money will be going to Africa if he gets in. His father's from there, you know."



"Most everyone around here has firearms and like to shoot and we don't trust the Democrats," lamented Mr Thomson. "They don't come right out and declare they are going to take our guns away, but we know they have their secret agenda."


Roger Telford, 75, who ranches 250 head of cattle and some horses on family land where he has worked since he was a child, added: "All Obama can do is talk. Well, talk is cheap around here, let me tell you.

"I was in the military so I've been around black people. It's not his colour that's a problem for me, it's the people he associated with."

Another added: "I guess they'll be stocking up on black paint for the White House."


On the two-hour drive from Salt Lake City last week, a religious radio station was earnestly discussing whether the current financial meltdown was a sign of the apocalypse and making comparisons between the US today and 5th century Rome before it was sacked by barbarian hordes.




So can't imagine they will be having much of a party in Randolph today then.....


I used to live in Utah, very nice area.

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I would prefer the truth.


Being what exactly?


History doesn't really bear your concerns out. The most left-leaning President in recent times before Obama was Jimmy Carter. This year is the 30th anniversary of the Camp David Peace Accords - the ONLY Middle East peace agreement that has endured over the years.


The Northern Ireland peace process, contrary to Blair's preening self-belief, was strong-armed by Bill Clinton, another Democrat.


These are two of the reasons terrorists hate Democrat presidents - and much prefer Republican blow-hards.

Edited by Roman
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Being what exactly?


History doesn't really bear your concerns out. The most left-leaning President in recent times before Obama was Jimmy Carter. This year is the 30th anniversary of the Camp David Peace Accords - the ONLY Middle East peace agreement that has endured over the years.


The Northern Ireland peace process, contrary to Blair's preening self-belief, was strong-armed by Bill Clinton, another Democrat.


These are two of the reasons terrorists hate Democrat presidents - and much prefer Republican blow-hards.


Indeed, there was a brilliant article in Svenska Dagbladet yesterday (don't worry you can get it in English here) talking about the value of negotiating with enemies. The briliant oneliner in the article is one by Yitzak Rabin: 'You don't make peace with your friends, you make peace with your worst enemies'. Lets hope that Obama manages to do that.

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the banking crisis has had a major impact on both peoples perception there and here. Im happy that a mixed race man is now president.

Perhaps America is more understanding than us , we sit here as though we are tolerant but hand on heart how many would vote for a black / mixed race man who is muslim and middle name Hussain?





When people realise that Brown was the master of our position by deregulating the financial rules when he took away the power of the Bank of England to Police the finanacial services, then the opinion will swing here.


While currently most, if not all, terrorists appear to be of the Muslim faith it does not necessarily mean that most, if not all, Muslims are terrorists. Likewise it is a very sad and xenophobic attempt to link the name Hussein to being

a. Muslim and

b. Therefore terrorist


Hand on heart, the majority of people in this country would vote for a man because of his policies and not his creed, ideology or colour. Because most of the people in this country are not racist or xenophobic.


While you, I and many more are happy to see Obama as the first black president of the USA we still need to observe the insidious ways that the racists will work to undermine society.


If Obama fails it will not be because he is black. It may be because his policies are flawed, it may be even because there are people who do not want him to succeed.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
While currently most, if not all, terrorists appear to be of the Muslim faith it does not necessarily mean that most, if not all, Muslims are terrorists. Likewise it is a very sad and xenophobic attempt to link the name Hussein to being

a. Muslim and

b. Therefore terrorist


Hand on heart, the majority of people in this country would vote for a man because of his policies and not his creed, ideology or colour. Because most of the people in this country are not racist or xenophobic.


While you, I and many more are happy to see Obama as the first black president of the USA we still need to observe the insidious ways that the racists will work to undermine society.


If Obama fails it will not be because he is black. It may be because his policies are flawed, it may be even because there are people who do not want him to succeed.


And there you have it.



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where's St George? I need to gloat!! :D


Jeez my first ever vote in America and I got the black guy in! :D


You also got 'Bill Ayers' in

The domestic terrorist that wanted to "eliminate" at least 25 million Americans (and as of 2001, still does)now has full and unfettered access to the Whitehouse and all that goes with it .....Hope you can live with that.

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While currently most, if not all, terrorists appear to be of the Muslim faith it does not necessarily mean that most, if not all, Muslims are terrorists. Likewise it is a very sad and xenophobic attempt to link the name Hussein to being

a. Muslim and

b. Therefore terrorist


Hand on heart, the majority of people in this country would vote for a man because of his policies and not his creed, ideology or colour. Because most of the people in this country are not racist or xenophobic.


While you, I and many more are happy to see Obama as the first black president of the USA we still need to observe the insidious ways that the racists will work to undermine society.


If Obama fails it will not be because he is black. It may be because his policies are flawed, it may be even because there are people who do not want him to succeed.


Nope...The Dems control the House and the Senate (have done for a while) as well as the Presidency...All the traditional American checks and balances are no longer there.....The first Bill to cut freedom of speech is already on the table (the Fairness Doctrine) He now has a free run with no obstacles ....No one else to blame when he screws up

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You also got 'Bill Ayers' in

The domestic terrorist that wanted to "eliminate" at least 25 million Americans (and as of 2001, still does)now has full and unfettered access to the Whitehouse and all that goes with it .....Hope you can live with that.


Yes, a guy Obama met once in the last 2 years or so has full and unfettered access to the White House.....


The guy is a respected public figure in Chicago with bith Republicans and Democrats. If you want to convince people that Obama was a bad choice you need to get some new material...

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While currently most, if not all, terrorists appear to be of the Muslim faith it does not necessarily mean that most, if not all, Muslims are terrorists. Likewise it is a very sad and xenophobic attempt to link the name Hussein to being

a. Muslim and

b. Therefore terrorist


Hand on heart, the majority of people in this country would vote for a man because of his policies and not his creed, ideology or colour. Because most of the people in this country are not racist or xenophobic.


While you, I and many more are happy to see Obama as the first black president of the USA we still need to observe the insidious ways that the racists will work to undermine society.


If Obama fails it will not be because he is black. It may be because his policies are flawed, it may be even because there are people who do not want him to succeed.


And there you have it.




The racists, white supremacists, red necks, KKK. 'The establishment' even.


You got it!

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Nope...The Dems control the House and the Senate (have done for a while) as well as the Presidency...All the traditional American checks and balances are no longer there.....The first Bill to cut freedom of speech is already on the table (the Fairness Doctrine) He now has a free run with no obstacles ....No one else to blame when he screws up


Only one more whine left today Georgie boy!


Bitter pill to swallow? Come on! Pay that fiver then you can spew out even more right wing bile and rhetoric.

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Anyone that comes close to running their country is going to have a huge ego that, probably, makes them think they are great. Obama is not great...yet or he may never be.


He has an incredibly difficult job ahead of him and needs to work with everyone to pull the economy around and get America out of two wars in a way that is safe for everyone.


Saint George is right in one thing. He has the Senate and the House with Democratic majorities - just like the Republicans have had on many occasions. In fact, I think, the whole of Bush's first term. He needs to use that wisely.


There are radicals on both sides. As has been reported on here, there are extreme right-wingers that would love to stop Obama, there are left-wingers that say crazy things too. I have high hopes that Obama will lead this country on a good path - that he will restore relations with the world but not be weak in the face of terrorism. It may cost me in higher taxes but, if it does, hopefully not too much. He earnt my vote this time but I voted Republican for Senator in Georgia. Obama has 4 years to prove he is worthy of my vote next time - just as if McCain had won.

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Yes, a guy Obama met once in the last 2 years or so has full and unfettered access to the White House.....


The guy is a respected public figure in Chicago with bith Republicans and Democrats. If you want to convince people that Obama was a bad choice you need to get some new material...



You don't think there was a reason for them only meeting once in public during the last 2 years? the same 2 years that just happened to coincide with Obama's election campaign?


But no matter ... The talk is over, no "material" required. Obama is President and a lot Americans along with the rest of the world will soon get to see his true colors. Not even the left wing Main Stream Media will be able to dress up what's around the corner.....Anything any of us say now is irelivent, What will happen, will happen ....The people who voted him in, will have to live with their conscience

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You don't think there was a reason for them only meeting once in public during the last 2 years? the same 2 years that just happened to coincide with Obama's election campaign?


But no matter ... The talk is over, no "material" required. Obama is President and a lot Americans along with the rest of the world will soon get to see his true colors. Not even the left wing Main Stream Media will be able to dress up what's around the corner.....Anything any of us say now is irelivent, What will happen, will happen ....The people who voted him in, will have to live with their conscience


OK, I can handle that and I am sure OhioSaint can too.

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You also got 'Bill Ayers' in

The domestic terrorist that wanted to "eliminate" at least 25 million Americans (and as of 2001, still does)now has full and unfettered access to the Whitehouse and all that goes with it .....Hope you can live with that.


Or full and unfettered access by right wing christian fundamentalists who supported Bush, which leads to an uneducated population......



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Can someone pay St.Georges fiver please?


I don't necessarily agree with what he writes, but like others on here, I do like to have my thinking challenged and I think he raises valid discussion points.


I don't understand American politics that well and am just trying to gain a better understanding of the Republicans and Democrats. There has been some interesting posts for both sides but it's a little one sided at times and if you disagree with Obama being elected then it would appear to be frowned upon, and I'd like to understand why that is as i'm sure both parties have their good and bad traits and policies, regardless of your political leanings.

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Can someone pay St.Georges fiver please?


I don't necessarily agree with what he writes, but like others on here, I do like to have my thinking challenged and I think he raises valid discussion points.


I don't understand American politics that well and am just trying to gain a better understanding of the Republicans and Democrats. There has been some interesting posts for both sides but it's a little one sided at times and if you disagree with Obama being elected then it would appear to be frowned upon, and I'd like to understand why that is as i'm sure both parties have their good and bad traits and policies, regardless of your political leanings.


Only frowned upon when people use crazy arguments like Saint George. There is legitimate concern that Obama is inexperienced but so was Bush. Hopefully Obama surrounds himself with decent, experienced people that will listen to different opinions. So far, he has.

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what i dont get is all the happyness being shown when none of us really know what he is all about..?


talk about over reaction


At least the over reaction is about something other than bloody Russell Brand/Jonathan Ross and Jeremy Clarkson and is over something that actually matters to the world.

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On tv it was stated this morning as a muslim background.So that is where i took that from, also Hussain being his middle name also points that he might be from that persuasion.


Well his late father is from Kenya, if that automatically makes him 'of that persuasion' then so be it.


Honestly, who cares what religion the man is? Religion is one of the greatest evils humanity has ever conjured up and all it has EVER done is cause wars, conflict and death.


The man will finally make America 'step up': I have no doubts that the US will be out of Iraq by 2010, they will finally take responsibility for their part in global warming and Obama will introduce free health care for American citizens - Something with EVERY citizen of the globe should be entitled too!

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i liken all this to when michael wilde came sweeping into saints with his football first policies...



we all know what happened there...:rolleyes:


Right so in reality you have no idea what he is going to be like. I think people are excited because of the race thing but also because so far he sounds very good. Of course we have nothing to base things on other than what he has promised and his policies which sound immeasurably better than Bush and McCain.

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