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Posted (edited)

It's really itchy, especially around bedtime. I've even got a face rash and I think that's because I'm itching my bumhole while asleep and wiping it on my face!


I need suggestions for stuff that I can put on/up my bumhole to relieve the itching. I don't want to show the doctor my bumhole, and I also don't want anything that's over the counter, because I don't want the person at the counter to know that I've got a problem with my bumhole.



EDIT: This is for a friend of mine.

Edited by Bearsy

It's knackered mate.


You'll need a replacement, either new or reconditioned, and they don't come cheap.


See this month's Anus Trader or the usual Ebay etc etc, but look out for cheap foreign imports...


Thanks for the suggestions I will pass these on to my friend.


Also when I get a wad of toilet paper and rub my bumhole aggresively to relieve the itching it feels soooo good! and one time I got an Erection. Does this mean that I am Gay???


It probably does. You may have to change career, drop plans for a family, start drinking pink gin and shower more often. But before you do that, best wash your hands.

Posted (edited)

In all seriousness I am really worried about my bumhole - I mean my friend's bumhole I'm worried it could be something serious! Is there such a thing as bum cancer??? As I said I really don't want to take my bumhole to the doctors but I thought maybe I could upload a picture of my bumhole on here and people could let me know what they think?


Will that be cool with the mods though? I don't want to get infracted, I will try to make the picture as unsexual as possible.

Edited by Bearsy

Worms mate, they are worse at night. Buy a tablet, get the whole family to take one. Change all the sheets, and towels. Then all will be fine!


Someone at work said worms! What I did was take off my trousers and pants and lay on my back and with a mirror I looked at my bumhole to see if there were any worms wriggling about, but there weren't any at all! The whole mouth of my bumhole looked clean and tidy just very red from all the scratching - it looked like my bumhole was wearing lipstick! (I waited till I got home from work before doing this btw.)


There is such a thing as Colon cancer, but personally I would be more concerned about 'Arse Rot,' it only effects a select through, but jesus it's a trauma.


I have seen all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the show, there are things called hellmouths from which demonic creatures, such as vampires emerge. Such locations attract the supernatural.


So, have you seen any additional vampires or werewolves lurking about? Or wood-wielding hot athletic women? If so, your ringpiece could be a hellmouth.

I have seen all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the show, there are things called hellmouths from which demonic creatures, such as vampires emerge. Such locations attract the supernatural.


So, have you seen any additional vampires or werewolves lurking about? Or wood-wielding hot athletic women? If so, your ringpiece could be a hellmouth.


But I like this idea better!

I thought maybe I could upload a picture of my bumhole on here and people could let me know what they think?


I will try to make the picture as unsexual as possible.


Don't. Please don't. I'll pay for you to go to BUPA. Anything. But not the picrture.


Probably this;




Go to the f*cking doctor anyway you big girls blouse, do you think thats the ugliest thing they'll have seen this week? He might have a laugh afterwards, thats the worst that could happen. ffs, if I managed to cope with a middle-aged lady doctor checking me out for chalfonts I'm sure you could survive the utter humiliation of telling your quack that your rings itching.


Seriously Bearsy you need your anus checked out asap. I work with a bloke who had itchy butt syndrom and he left it and left it, he ended up needing his plumbing diverted into a bag strapped to his stomach which farts and squelches at you at the most inopportune moments like when giving a presentation!!!


Get your fishers probed man!


Sounds like worms to me, more active at night & you probably wont see them yourself in the mirror, they are only about 2-3mm long, get your wife/lover/sex slave to take a look in the dark (with a torch). If you have them, every one in the family will need to be treated, the bed linnen will need to be changed daily, as will towels. Aaah, the joys of having kids - enjoy. :lol::lol:




If your face is red sounds like an allergy. Is your friend eating spicy food, curries etc? This can cause skin reactions and itchiness. No one has mentioned hemorrhoids caused by constipation, diarrhea etc, amongst other causes. If they become infected this can result in the rash on the face or other body parts. There are many creams or suppositories available. Best is that your friend sees a doctor as soon as possible.

Sounds like worms to me, more active at night & you probably wont see them yourself in the mirror, they are only about 2-3mm long, get your wife/lover/sex slave to take a look in the dark (with a torch). If you have them, every one in the family will need to be treated, the bed linnen will need to be changed daily, as will towels. Aaah, the joys of having kids - enjoy. :lol::lol:




Yep the whole family had to take a tablet, and change all the towels and bed sheets, and cut all our finger nails!!!



Did you check out your bum at night?


Isn't this a Patrick Moore TV show, The arse at Night ?


If your face is red sounds like an allergy. Is your friend eating spicy food, curries etc? This can cause skin reactions and itchiness. No one has mentioned hemorrhoids caused by constipation, diarrhea etc, amongst other causes. If they become infected this can result in the rash on the face or other body parts. There are many creams or suppositories available. Best is that your friend sees a doctor as soon as possible.


Suppositories ? For what good they did, I might as well have shoved them up my arse.


Sorry - old joke, could not resist.


Hi Guys! Sorry to go dark on this subject I know you're all very interested! Probably you were worried that I'd since died of bum cancer but I'm still here and still itching unfortunately.


I felt I'd gone as far as I could on my own and did need someone to have a proper look. I decided against the doctor because (a) I'm not registered with a doctor (b) I don't want to go to the doctors in case I catch something and © most doctors are perverts who take the job just so they can feel up peoples bumholes and I don't really want to give them the satisfaction. So anyway last Friday night I tried to bring it up casually with my mates, just subtly into the converstion trying to get on the subject of bumholes but to be honest they went a bit weird and kept trying to change the subject. It's almost as if they don't want to see my bumhole! I took the hint after a while though, and they I got thinking it'd be better if a girl did it - they probably see more male bumholes than men do anyway and also girls are more sympathetic and nursey.


I've been seeing this one girl but it's only been a few weeks and I'm still trying to keep things romantic so I thought asking her to root around in my bumhole might not be the best idea, so Saturday night I went out to see if I could hook up with some other sort. I wasn't having much luck at first but I think I was setting my sights to high - I was really looking for someone who happened to be a proctologist but to be honest they seemed pretty scarce in the club for some reason. I would have also accepted a dental nurse as that's basically the other end of the same thing but I couldn't get one of those either. Then we saw this one girl who has a bit of a filthy reputation so I bought her a drink and that and ended up taking her home.


Possibly I should have told her in advance what she was there for, she seemed to want to make out or something! It was a bit awkward to be honest. Anyways I got her sat down in front of the TV. I couldn't really bring myself to ask her outright to look at my bumhole - I am a gentleman! - so I thought the best plan was if she could just casually see it and then I could see if she makes some sort of comment. So I went into my room and removed my trousers and underpants. Then I went back in and pretended their was something wrong with the sky box so I had to bend over in front of her to sort it out. This I did and waited anxiously for her appraisal - would it be bum cancer? would it be worms? Anyway I let a few minutes go by so she could consider her diagnosis but then she said in a small voice "What are you doing?"


I'd of thought it was ****ing obvious I was working on the Sky Box! Anyway I said oh sorry you didn't see my bumhole did you? But she just sort of went weird and quiet and when I went back into my room to put my trousers and underpants back on I heard the door go and she'd gone!


I'm really worried now - she must have seen something terrible up there!

Hd nursey.


Then we saw this one girl who has a bit of a filthy reputation so I bought her a drink and that and ended up taking her home.



I'd of thought it was ****ing obvious I was working on the Sky Box! Anyway I said oh sorry you didn't see my bumhole did you? But she just sort of went weird and quiet and when I went back into my room to put my trousers and underpants back on I heard the door go and she'd gone!



well at least you won't have an itchy **** as well.........


I think we need to go back to the original plan of finding household products I can put up my bumhole to alleviate the itching.


Things I've tried so far:


Sudocrem (as suggested by someone on here) - This felt quite nice when I was putting it on but I was pretty soon itching again.


Bonjela - I thought this was a genius idea! because it has numbing and minty cooling properties. It stung a bit when I put it on my bumhole but after a couple of minutes I couldn't feel anything down there! Brilliant I thought problem solved! But then after like an hour it went all sticky and gross and aggravated my bumhole so bad that I was forced to sandpaper it off with wads of kitchen roll until I was drawing blood. Not doing that again!


My Girlfriends Face Moisturiser - This didn't help the itching at all, but it does smell nice. I didn't tell her but I think maybe she found out and that must be why she dumped me!


Things I'm thinking of trying but haven't yet:




Deep Heat


Has anyone got any other suggestions???

I think we need to go back to the original plan of finding household products I can put up my bumhole to alleviate the itching.


Things I've tried so far:


Sudocrem (as suggested by someone on here) - This felt quite nice when I was putting it on but I was pretty soon itching again.


Bonjela - I thought this was a genius idea! because it has numbing and minty cooling properties. It stung a bit when I put it on my bumhole but after a couple of minutes I couldn't feel anything down there! Brilliant I thought problem solved! But then after like an hour it went all sticky and gross and aggravated my bumhole so bad that I was forced to sandpaper it off with wads of kitchen roll until I was drawing blood. Not doing that again!


My Girlfriends Face Moisturiser - This didn't help the itching at all, but it does smell nice. I didn't tell her but I think maybe she found out and that must be why she dumped me!


Things I'm thinking of trying but haven't yet:




Deep Heat


Has anyone got any other suggestions???



You need to find a registered Bumhole Plumber,they'll know what to do


Buy a tube of ANUSOL HC in Boots but you're asking for trouble with Deep Heat. Cortisone cream is another suggestion.

You could train a cat to lick it clean.


That's a good suggestion Pap! I used to have a cat that was addicted to earwax. Sometimes I'd be having really erotic dreams and wake up with a massive erection to find Toby rooting around in my earhole. He's dead though now unfortunately.


You could see how it could work, cat's lick their own bumholes anyway so they're obviously not that adverse and if I were to stuff a couple of bits of chicken up there and got hold of a really hungry cat probably I could just lie back and let nature take it's course. What could be more natural?


Can anyone lend me a cat?

That's a good suggestion Pap! I used to have a cat that was addicted to earwax. Sometimes I'd be having really erotic dreams and wake up with a massive erection to find Toby rooting around in my earhole. He's dead though now unfortunately.


You could see how it could work, cat's lick their own bumholes anyway so they're obviously not that adverse and if I were to stuff a couple of bits of chicken up there and got hold of a really hungry cat probably I could just lie back and let nature take it's course. What could be more natural?


Can anyone lend me a cat?


You're missing the point here. The cat licks its own arse, doesnt it? Obviously works for them. What you need is surgery, remove a couple of vertebrae and you too will be able to lick your own arse!!! And as a bonus, what with your bird having ditched you, you can suck your own c*ck as well!!!!!!!!



Problem solved, I think. Chalk one up for scotty........ (breathes on fingernails and polishes them on teeshirt..)

That's a good suggestion Pap! I used to have a cat that was addicted to earwax. Sometimes I'd be having really erotic dreams and wake up with a massive erection to find Toby rooting around in my earhole. He's dead though now unfortunately.


You could see how it could work, cat's lick their own bumholes anyway so they're obviously not that adverse and if I were to stuff a couple of bits of chicken up there and got hold of a really hungry cat probably I could just lie back and let nature take it's course. What could be more natural?


Can anyone lend me a cat?


Most cats are greedy bastards and will eat as long as there is food in front of them. I don't think you need the Kate Moss of pussy cats to scratch this particular itch. Besides, cats are good for catching mice. The only downside I can see is that the cat might become confused with the dual pursuit of mouse-catching and nibbling the morsels you wedge in your bum beak. You could end up with a live mouse in your bum, although for some people, that is not necessarily a problem.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The simple solution is peroxide. My granny swore by it , although she never mentioned putting it up her bum hole. God rest her ® soul, and bearsy 's for that matter

Edited by CB Saint

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