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I came on to this post to see what a good little team like southampton thought about one of our players. I couldn`t believe the abuse some of your posts were giving to celtic fc and the scottish game in general,when i made a post about hooper it was to defend my club like most fans would do. The replys that then received were shocking with remarks such as big jock knew, reffering to a celtic great and a lie, and also digs about scottish folk in general.This is my last post and wont reply so feel free to call me what you want but just remember that celtic are a great club and always will be no matter what league we play in


Thanks to the more intelligent Celtic fans that have come onto here, I know I don't need to be dissapointed in them based purely on your poor example.


Read this:-" what planet are you english fans on ,to think you are so arrogant and disrespectful of the scottish game and a world class club like celtic is laughable.Just remember that we have actually won things and competed in champions leagues.Star players like larsson etc have graced our club yet the best you have produced is walcott.The sad fact is you know deep down that you dont want a scottish club coming down and ****ing all over 80 percent of your clubs."


Did you expect to be welomed with open arms?

Hooper88 don't take it personally ! I get lambasted most times and i'm a saints supporter ! If you say radical things you'll get radical replies !


haha take a WUM to know a WUM heheheh


who cares, big club in a noddy league, the scottish game will be in decline untill they spread the monies throughout the scots leagues

I came on to this post to see what a good little team like southampton thought about one of our players. I couldn`t believe the abuse some of your posts were giving to celtic fc and the scottish game in general,when i made a post about hooper it was to defend my club like most fans would do. The replys that then received were shocking with remarks such as big jock knew, reffering to a celtic great and a lie, and also digs about scottish folk in general.This is my last post and wont reply so feel free to call me what you want but just remember that celtic are a great club and always will be no matter what league we play in
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