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Bacon Eaters Warned Of Deadly Cancer Risk


Eating two rashers of bacon or one sausage a day can increase the risk of a deadly form of cancer by almost a fifth, according to a new study.

New research by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has found that eating 50g of processed meat a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 19%.


For people consuming 100g of processed meat, the risk jumps to 38% and to 57% for those eating 150g a day.




Could we please have a list of what we can eat? preserved and smoked meats cause cancer, red meat heart attacks and rampant cholesterol, raw food is likely to be contaminated with ecoli and other bacteria, dairy products are full of animal fats and these together with sugar cause obesity, Genetically modified grains and hormone injected poultry cause all sorts of things, and fish stocks are rapidly declining. We can't even return to being hunter gatherers as wild life is becoming extinct and the lands where the berries grew have been turned into housing estates.



To be fair to the scientists


All they have found is a 19% relationship between men eating red meat and pancreatic cancer. THEY HAVE NOT FOUND LET ALONE PROVED that red meat causes pancreatic cancer. As

Bacon Eaters Warned Of Deadly Cancer Risk


Eating two rashers of bacon or one sausage a day can increase the risk of a deadly form of cancer by almost a fifth, according to a new study.

New research by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has found that eating 50g of processed meat a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 19%.


For people consuming 100g of processed meat, the risk jumps to 38% and to 57% for those eating 150g a day.




Could we please have a list of what we can eat? preserved and smoked meats cause cancer, red meat heart attacks and rampant cholesterol, raw food is likely to be contaminated with ecoli and other bacteria, dairy products are full of animal fats and these together with sugar cause obesity, Genetically modified grains and hormone injected poultry cause all sorts of things, and fish stocks are rapidly declining. We can't even return to being hunter gatherers as wild life is becoming extinct and the lands where the berries grew have been turned into housing estates.



To be fair to the scientists


All they have found is a 19% relationship between men eating red meat and pancreatic cancer. THEY HAVE NOT FOUND LET ALONE PROVED that red meat causes pancreatic cancer. As


Nothing new there. Similar study published in France a couple of years back told us to lay off the bacon,ham,smoked ham and saucisson (don't know the English word for that).Don't think it did much good though because everytime I go to the supermarket I still see trolleys full of all that crap.The old french like it because it's sort of an "up yours" gesture to the Islamics as far as some are concerned.

If you are eating bacon and sausages everyday (probably as a fry up) you will probably die of a heart attack before pancreatic cancer will get you.


My maternal grandparents used to eat fried breakfast nearly everyday, never saw them eat cereals or anything much else "healthy"for that matter.Grandad smoked 20 odd Woodbines a day and went to the Pub well into his 80s, Both made it into their 90s though.Bacon and Sausages in themselves probably won't do for you if you haven't got a susceptibility in some extent the first place.


Then again you could get run over by a bus crossing the road to avoid the butchers and go to the greengrocers.


I think we do need a list to what we can eat. Judging by all the food experts most of us should now be dead or close to it , given what we eat and Drink.


There banning White Cider up here. What is it exacly . is it cider that has been purified? What does it taste like. Must go and buy a couple of cans before it is outlawed

I think we do need a list to what we can eat. Judging by all the food experts most of us should now be dead or close to it , given what we eat and Drink.


There banning White Cider up here. What is it exacly . is it cider that has been purified? What does it taste like. Must go and buy a couple of cans before it is outlawed


That would be because it's extremely strong and easy to drink and has become a fallback for alcolohics because cider duty is about half of beer duty for the stronger forms (ie 7/8/9%).Old tramps used to drink meths now it's white cider.Ever tried to dried a quarter of a pint of whisky in 1 go, not easy is it,but a pint of 9% white cider cut with a dash of lemonade goes down real easy,in fact you can probably down another one a few minutes after so you can get completely A/H'd very quickly and for a relatively low cost.

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