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Somebody must like her? Her mum? Her son? Her milkman? Anybody?


She does have a cracking pair of jubblies. I reckon even Portillo might have been tempted.

So people honestly think Diane Abbot thinks she is superior to white people?


she has a huge dislike / hatred of white people and needs pickfords to help her carry that chip on her shoulder around with her

What are white people? Do you mean other human beings?


I don't understand your point.


She's an idiot anyways, by tweeting what she has tweeted and divisions between races everyone is dividing themselves up. I don't believe she is a racist person, and nor is she stupid. Makes me laugh how some people on here who defend groups such as the EDL and the BNP, are up arms about this. If this were reversed and a white person had said something comparable, some on here would be saying how everyone is all too PC. Hypocrisy at its highest.


And yes, she is an idiot, but if you look at the context of the tweet she is talking about 19th century colonialism.

she has a huge dislike / hatred of white people and needs pickfords to help her carry that chip on her shoulder around with her


She seems comfortable enough with them when you see her in public appearances. Look at her and Portillo!

I don't understand your point.


She's an idiot anyways, by tweeting what she has tweeted and divisions between races everyone is dividing themselves up. I don't believe she is a racist person, and nor is she stupid. Makes me laugh how some people on here who defend groups such as the EDL and the BNP, are up arms about this. If this were reversed and a white person had said something comparable, some on here would be saying how everyone is all too PC. Hypocrisy at its highest.


And yes, she is an idiot, but if you look at the context of the tweet she is talking about 19th century colonialism.


You are seeing skin colour Andy, not people. We are all the same, not a colour.

Posted (edited)

So people honestly think Diane Abbot thinks she is superior to white people?


She clearly thinks it's acceptable to suggest black mums are better mums and that white people love dividing and ruling. Can you imagine what she would have said if a white MP had said white mums are the best mums and black people love playing the victim card?


She is a hypocrite. Don't do as I do, do as I say - that sums her up.

Edited by dune
You are seeing skin colour Andy, not people. We are all the same, not a colour.


And if you read my points on the 'coloured people' thread, you'd realise that's my opinion too. Don't misrepresent my views.

And if you read my points on the 'coloured people' thread, you'd realise that's my opinion too. Don't misrepresent my views.


You described "them" as white people, there is no such thing, only humans beings. Racist.

She clearly thinks it's acceptable to suggest black mums are better mums and that white people love dividing and ruling. Can you imagine what she would have said if a white MP had said white mums are the best mums and black people love playing the victim card?


What can I say, she says absolutely retarded things sometimes. She doesn't think before she opens her mouth, and it is often said as academic intelligence increases common sense decreases, it's probably a case of that. I like her, and I don't believe she is at all racist, just stupid in some of her comments sometimes.

I like her, and I don't believe she is at all racist, just stupid in some of her comments sometimes.


Why is not racist for a black woman to say things that you would consider racist if a white woman had said them?

Why is not racist for a black woman to say things that you would consider racist if a white woman had said them?


I don't think Diane Abbott is racist. The comments were stupid, but within the context of the conversation she was having about 19th century colonialism, it's not as bad as people are making out(the same people who as I said if it was the other way round would be saying it's PC gone mad).

I don't think Diane Abbott is racist. The comments were stupid, but within the context of the conversation she was having about 19th century colonialism, it's not as bad as people are making out(the same people who as I said if it was the other way round would be saying it's PC gone mad).


Flip it round. If a white politician had said the same things about black people there would be uproar. We'd all be told how racism was alive and well in Britain, how disgraceful it is, Radio 5 would have an all day phone in with Black Community Leaders* phoning in about how this puts all their work back 40 years, this forum would be in melt down and so on.


* why they need to be called Black Community Leaders and not just Community Leaders is beyond me.


While walking down the street one day a 'Member of Parliament' is

tragically hit by a truck and dies.


His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.


'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. 'Before you settle in, it seems there

is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so

we're not sure what to do with you.'


'No problem, just let me in,' says the man.


'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have

you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to

spend eternity.'


'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says the MP.


'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.'


And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,

down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a

green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of

it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.


Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake

his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at

the expense of the people.


They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and



Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has

a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that

before he realizes it, it is time to go.


Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...


The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter

is waiting for him.


'Now it's time to visit heaven.'


So, 24 hours pass with the MP joining a group of contented souls moving

from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time

and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter



'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose

your eternity.'


The MP reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have

said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be

better off in hell.'


So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to



Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land

covered with waste and garbage.


He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting

it in black bags as more trash falls from above.


The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't

understand,' stammers the MP. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf

course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and

danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage

and my friends look miserable. What happened?'


The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning.. ..


Today you voted.'

Flip it round. If a white politician had said the same things about black people there would be uproar.


And Abbott would be shouting the loudest.

Posted (edited)
(the same people who as I said if it was the other way round would be saying it's PC gone mad).


Would Abbott say it's PC gone mad if a white Tory had said black people love playing the victim card, and some people had taken offence?


Or would Abbott be shouting from the roof top and demanding his resignation?

Edited by dune
Flip it round. If a white politician had said the same things about black people there would be uproar. We'd all be told how racism was alive and well in Britain, how disgraceful it is, Radio 5 would have an all day phone in with Black Community Leaders* phoning in about how this puts all their work back 40 years, this forum would be in melt down and so on.


* why they need to be called Black Community Leaders and not just Community Leaders is beyond me.


And you'd be saying it's PC gone mad most likely! And they are still called black community leaders because racism is still alive unfortunately. And I wish for the same as you, a world where skin is irrelevant, but some people make that hard.

Posted (edited)
No, but you would.


This is about her, not me. So what would she be saying?


The point i'm getting at is that it's one rule for one and one rule for another. If you're white it's unacceptable and a white mp would be finnished, if you're black it's just silly and an apology will do.

Edited by dune

"None as daft as them that want to be" is a well known saying that IMHO applies to a certain poster on here.


I expect I may get an infraction or even a lot but again IMHO the above quote perfectly describes Saintandy666.


He just cannot allow himself to accept the evidence that Ms Abbott is a racist - if the latest definition of a racist

is applied to her statements. Stop trying to defend the indefensible no normal even handed person believes you.

"None as daft as them that want to be" is a well known saying that IMHO applies to a certain poster on here.


I expect I may get an infraction or even a lot but again IMHO the above quote perfectly describes Saintandy666.


He just cannot allow himself to accept the evidence that Ms Abbott is a racist - if the latest definition of a racist

is applied to her statements. Stop trying to defend the indefensible no normal even handed person believes you.


Quote that also perfectly fits the other two trolls and wums involved...


The comment was wrong I admit that. But having followed Diane Abbott reasonably closely over the past few years, I do not believe she thinks black people are better than white people based on skin colour, I think she believes in equality of races.


The crux of the issue is that poltical correctness is the baby of the Liberal Elite, yet the rules they deemed for everyone else don't apply to them. It's just as I have consistenly said - the Liberal Elite believe in freedom of speech as long as they agree with what is being said and if one of their own breaks the rules the rules are relaxed.

The crux of the issue is that poltical correctness is the baby of the Liberal Elite, yet the rules they deemed for everyone else don't apply to them. It's just as I have consistenly said - the Liberal Elite believe in freedom of speech as long as they agree with what is being said.


Not at all, as a member of the liberal elite, I am quite happy for anyone to say whatever they want when they want to the max. Just, if they say something someone else deems to be wrong, they should expect retaliation of words as well. If there is one thing I do not like about this countries attitude, it is the culture of taking offence to everything, though that is off topic.

The comment was wrong I admit that. But having followed Diane Abbott reasonably closely over the past few years, I do not believe she thinks black people are better than white people based on skin colour, I think she believes in equality of races.


She also believed in equality when it came to education, but then sent her own son to a private school. She had the nerve to criticise harriet harman for sending her kid private, and then she did the same. She is a typical career champagne socialist.

She also believed in equality when it came to education, but then sent her own son to a private school. She had the nerve to criticise harriet harman for sending her kid private, and then she did the same.


People often compromise their principles when their children and family are involved though. For example, I don't believe in private healthcare, but if say my mum needed emergency treatment and I had the funds I'd be more than happy to line up to be a hypocrite.

She also believed in equality when it came to education, but then sent her own son to a private school. She had the nerve to criticise harriet harman for sending her kid private, and then she did the same. She is a typical career champagne socialist.


I see you added the champagne socialist comment, and she probably is. She does live the life, but she works hard in her constituency for her constituents to improve their lives and shouts their cause and defends them a lot more than other MPs.


And yes, she is an idiot, but if you look at the context of the tweet she is talking about 19th century colonialism.

Please. Do you really think the tweet has been taken out of context, or have you taken her word at face value (not sensible as she is a politician)? It only makes sense if it's suggesting white people are still 'playing divide and conquer' - a tactic which is several hundred years old. The other tweets in the conversation were between Abbott, and a journalist getting fed up with people using the term 'black community'.


Unfortunately, as someone earlier on the thread said; she has been hoisted with her own petard.

Please. Do you really think the tweet has been taken out of context, or have you taken her word at face value (not sensible as she is a politician)? It only makes sense if it's suggesting white people are still 'playing divide and conquer' - a tactic which is several hundred years old. The other tweets in the conversation were between Abbott, and a journalist getting fed up with people using the term 'black community'.


Unfortunately, as someone earlier on the thread said; she has been hoisted with her own petard.


Oh, it was a very stupid comment and it is made worse by what her career has been defined by, but Diane Abbott isn't a racist. I do not believe that she thinks black people are superior to white people.

Posted (edited)
I see you added the champagne socialist comment, and she probably is. She does live the life, but she works hard in her constituency for her constituents to improve their lives and shouts their cause and defends them a lot more than other MPs.


And she wasn't shy when it came to putting her snout in the expenses trough:


The MP was investigated by the Committee on Standards and Privileges in 2004 when it emerged she had failed to declare earnings of £17,300 for appearances on The Week. The complaint was upheld and she was forced to apologise to the House.


She was also criticised during the MPs expenses scandal, after claiming £142,000 in 2009, including £1,100 on taxis.


Kate Hoey ( a brilliant Labour MP) didn't even claim for a paperclip!

Edited by dune
And she wasn't shy when it came to putting her snout in the expenses trough:


The MP was investigated by the Committee on Standards and Privileges in 2004 when it emerged she had failed to declare earnings of £17,300 for appearances on The Week. The complaint was upheld and she was forced to apologise to the House.


She was also criticised during the MPs expenses scandal, after claiming £142,000 in 2009, including £1,100 on taxis.


Well, I can't criticise that without knowing what the taxi journeys are for and what the £142,000 are for. If the taxi journeys are journeys she has to take because of the nature of her job, then fine, if they aren't then shame on her. in regards to the 142k, if it is to pay staff and for journey costs that is forced upon her by her job, then again fair enough, if not then shame on her.


All MPs were up to it though, and encouraged to do so almost as top up to their comparative low wages. They should just pay them all more. But that's a separate issue.


Like I said before, very intelligent, little common sense, but not racist.



Was just about to post a link to a blog written along similar lines when the Clarkson "shoot the strikers" 'furore' broke out.


We have indeed turned into a nation of people outraged and offenced at the drop of a hat - not genuine outrage or offence but a 'fall in line' mentality because we're all worried what people will think of us if we don't join in the faux outrage and/or offence.


Abbot is no more a racist or bigot than Clarkson but people clamour to find something offensive because they think that's the right thing to do.


Of course get angry when someone is murdered due to their skin colour but try putting things into perspective when someone simply utters some clumsy words.

Was just about to post a link to a blog written along similar lines when the Clarkson "shoot the strikers" 'furore' broke out.


We have indeed turned into a nation of people outraged and offenced at the drop of a hat - not genuine outrage or offence but a 'fall in line' mentality because we're all worried what people will think of us if we don't join in the faux outrage and/or offence.


Abbot is no more a racist or bigot than Clarkson but people clamour to find something offensive because they think that's the right thing to do.


Of course get angry when someone is murdered due to their skin colour but try putting things into perspective when someone simply utters some clumsy words.



Was just about to post a link to a blog written along similar lines when the Clarkson "shoot the strikers" 'furore' broke out.


We have indeed turned into a nation of people outraged and offenced at the drop of a hat - not genuine outrage or offence but a 'fall in line' mentality because we're all worried what people will think of us if we don't join in the faux outrage and/or offence.


Abbot is no more a racist or bigot than Clarkson but people clamour to find something offensive because they think that's the right thing to do.


Of course get angry when someone is murdered due to their skin colour but try putting things into perspective when someone simply utters some clumsy words.


For timing alone, Abbott committed a worse offence than flinging off a casual racist remark: she allowed her narcissism and hubris to get in the way of a far more important event - the conviction and sentencing of two of Stephen Lawrence's murderers. Just a day after sentencing, the fact that everyone is talking about Abbott is a travesty.

For timing alone, Abbott committed a worse offence than flinging off a casual racist remark: she allowed her narcissism and hubris to get in the way of a far more important event - the conviction and sentencing of two of Stephen Lawrence's murderers. Just a day after sentencing, the fact that everyone is talking about Abbott is a travesty.


But is that her fault? If the media and general public didn't whip themselves up into a frenzy everytime someone like Abbot, Clarkson, etc said something clumsy or provocative then it wouldn't become a distraction in the first place.


It's the people that get most "offended" by this stuff that actually end up raising the profile of it thus helping to create a situation that they claim to dislike. Try putting a wet blanket on the fire rather than lighter fuel perhaps?


Or perhaps that doesn't satisfy people's craving to be offended at least 7 times a day...

Was just about to post a link to a blog written along similar lines when the Clarkson "shoot the strikers" 'furore' broke out.


We have indeed turned into a nation of people outraged and offenced at the drop of a hat - not genuine outrage or offence but a 'fall in line' mentality because we're all worried what people will think of us if we don't join in the faux outrage and/or offence.


Abbot is no more a racist or bigot than Clarkson but people clamour to find something offensive because they think that's the right thing to do.


Of course get angry when someone is murdered due to their skin colour but try putting things into perspective when someone simply utters some clumsy words.


Totally agree Trousers, but my only caveat would be that the timing, given it is embroiled in the middle of one of the most sensitive and important race issues of a generation, meant such a crass comment at this time would have legs.


That said, as you say with the Clarkson incident(s), people seem to seek out a reason to be offended and a cause to rally around, whilst others start rubbing their hands with glee as they start use it in a manner to justify their own viewpoint (i.e. the BNP are more than happy to run with this in a perverse manner to justify their own rhetoric).


A crass statement, but to declare someone racist, you indeed have to look further thanone crass and clumsy comment and on this regard Abbott has a positive legacy of fighting racism of all counts.

Was just about to post a link to a blog written along similar lines when the Clarkson "shoot the strikers" 'furore' broke out.


We have indeed turned into a nation of people outraged and offenced at the drop of a hat - not genuine outrage or offence but a 'fall in line' mentality because we're all worried what people will think of us if we don't join in the faux outrage and/or offence.


Abbot is no more a racist or bigot than Clarkson but people clamour to find something offensive because they think that's the right thing to do.


Of course get angry when someone is murdered due to their skin colour but try putting things into perspective when someone simply utters some clumsy words.


So as an MP and knowing this natons pathetic and over sensitive attitude to a "few clumsy word" it makes it even more foolish to risk outrage and offence. I quite agree with you by the way but we are where we are. You cant have one rule for white people and another for black people. We are all humans, all equal and it is a fact if a white person had said similar things there would be outcry.

And you'd be saying it's PC gone mad most likely! And they are still called black community leaders because racism is still alive unfortunately. And I wish for the same as you, a world where skin is irrelevant, but some people make that hard.


No i wouldn't i full agree with trousers comments that this country is full of hysterical tarts looking for racism when there isn't any and wanting to be offended at the slightest little thing. Alan Hansen having to apologise for saying coloured FFS!! You cant have one rule for whites and another for blacks when everyone is equal.

The comment was wrong I admit that. But having followed Diane Abbott reasonably closely over the past few years, I do not believe she thinks black people are better than white people based on skin colour, I think she believes in equality of races.


I dont believe that Luis Suarez is racist, he said an idiotic thing and got banned for 8 games. I don't believe that Richard Keys and Andy Gray hate women, but they lost their jobs over a stupid comment. Diane Abbott is not racist, BUT she said something racist and should be punished in the same manner. Will she? Of course she won't. If the situation was reversed and a white person person had said that, they'd be out of a job round about now.

For timing alone, Abbott committed a worse offence than flinging off a casual racist remark: she allowed her narcissism and hubris to get in the way of a far more important event - the conviction and sentencing of two of Stephen Lawrence's murderers. Just a day after sentencing, the fact that everyone is talking about Abbott is a travesty.


Do you think she should be sacked or resign?

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