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Its perception as to whether the comments she made were racist. Total crass so say the least.


had it have been a white MP or Star who had made comments re Black people. They would have been hung quatered and drawn and sacked. It was rather stupid to make the comments she made especially in light of the Stephen Lawrence verdicts. It plays straight into the hands of the other racist thugs not convicted.


Looking at the original twitter question from Bim Adewunmi writing: "I do wish everyone would stop saying 'the black community.' WHICH ONE?


He /she is absolutely right. Abbott only refers to afro and carrobean and not the other black communities . we are a multi cultural society. But thanks to her and her cronies and PC Brigade racism is only about Whites being racist.


Sounds like she is playing the divide and rule game re the other non white communities by her comments


I am shocked at her comments re white folk . but she was specifically alluding to british white people, not other white nationalities in her 140 word missive.

kids threads....someone who is a major member of parliament making racist remarks..?

serious business.....


Oh dear this thread started by some one who thinks the lawrence case was not a racist killing and then thinks what ms abbot was racist. Still I suppose some tiny minds think its important.


Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

Oh dear this thread started by some one who thinks the lawrence case was not a racist killing and then thinks what ms abbot was racist. Still I suppose some tiny minds think its important.


Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

regardless of who started it...the point still stands

Oh dear this thread started by some one who thinks the lawrence case was not a racist killing and then thinks what ms abbot was racist. Still I suppose some tiny minds think its important.


Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk


Not sure if this post is in code or just exhibiting the limitation of reading/typing on a small screen/keyboard. So excuse me if I haven't quite understood the point you appear to be struggling to make.


Perhaps I can ask you to re-read the first post in this thread. Then can I ask you to re-read my thoughts on the Lawrence killing/verdict. Then can I ask you to post your thoughts afresh.


I've either got something very wrong, or you have.


Sent from my Ivory Tower using English


Abbot is a nasty, hypocritical, self-opinionated bigot and racist.


Have always hated her, since the first time I saw that pompous way she closes her eyes and lifts her nose when expressing her opinion.


Still would like to know if the born-again Leftie Portaloo gave her one after that Andrew Neil show they appeared on together. Always seemed so cosy.

Abbot is a nasty, hypocritical, self-opinionated bigot and racist.


Have always hated her, since the first time I saw that pompous way she closes her eyes and lifts her nose when expressing her opinion.


Still would like to know if the born-again Leftie Portaloo gave her one after that Andrew Neil show they appeared on together. Always seemed so cosy.


Agree !


That comfy sofa relationship reminds me of an episode of The New Statesman !


Abbott has form on this;


On sending her kid to a private school she said 'West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.'and said that white people would 'never understand' the Afro-Caribbean culture of parents wanting to do the best for their children.


She should be sacked from Millibands team, had John Redwood uttered the same comments about "black people" he would have gone by now.


It is racist. The The Macpherson report says the definition of a racist incident will now encompass" any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person". As plenty of people have taken offense over her comments it is clearly a racist incident. How can she remain in her job?


If a Tory MP had made a crass comment like that do you think she would let it go? No she'd have been all over it like a rabid dog seeking their resignation & branding them a racist. Its a sad way the world has gone with the PC brigade, but Diane Abbot has been "hoisted on her own petard" she has used the Racist card on many occasions some probably rightly, some that we'd probably think was just an off the cuff comment neither meant to offend or trying to offend. Never the less she in her position cannot play the card.then expect to make comments like she has done & expect no backlash.

Abbott has form on this;


On sending her kid to a private school she said 'West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.'and said that white people would 'never understand' the Afro-Caribbean culture of parents wanting to do the best for their children.


She should be sacked from Millibands team, had John Redwood uttered the same comments about "black people" he would have gone by now.


It is racist. The The Macpherson report says the definition of a racist incident will now encompass" any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person". As plenty of people have taken offense over her comments it is clearly a racist incident. How can she remain in her job?


well said . i remember that comment about west indian mothers, if its anything like the kids of west indian decent at my school the west indian mothers would have had their work cut out as many of the kids didn't know who their dads were.


She's always been racist against whites. Before this latest comment she spoke about black mothers going the extra mile for their kids.


If a white MP had said what she said he or she would have been sacked.


I think it was a totally crass statement, regardless of whatever medium it came out on.


Generalisations of this kind are just so wrong. Given the timing and her own background she really should have known better.


Unsure how it can be seen to have been taken out of context which leads me on to her faux apology. As others have said I despise the apology of "sorry if you've taken it the wrong way". It doesn't mean anything and attempts to pass the blame on to others.


The fact she won't be sacked stirs up racial hatred. It makes white people feel that it's one rule for us, and another for coloured people. If she really was an anti racist she would see this and she would have the honour to resign.


If what this big fat b*tch has said isn't racist, then neither is John Terry saying 'Black c*nt'.


She has previous in making ridiculous comments to do with race. The West Indian mothers comment was a joke, as was the 'two white boys' comment. If a white person had said the same thing about blacks then there would be outrage. Double standards everywhere in society. One rule for us and another for the ethnic minorities.

Since Portillo is probably gay and she doesnt seem that enamoured of white people you can probably assume virtue is intact all round.


No, I reckon alpines onto something there.

One rule for us and another for the ethnic minorities.


How many times have I heard this, and what she's done (and got away with) will only strengthen this argument.


What's the betting BTF doesn't comment?


I have told her in the past that Abbott is thick as sh/t and a racist, and she tried to tell me that Abbott was intelligent.


Dune proved right yet again.

What's the betting BTF doesn't comment?


I have told her in the past that Abbott is thick as sh/t and a racist, and she tried to tell me that Abbott was intelligent.


Dune proved right yet again.


Abbott may or may not be racist (which is what this threads about) but she certainly isnt thick as shlt.

The fact she won't be sacked stirs up racial hatred. It makes white people feel that it's one rule for us, and another for coloured people. If she really was an anti racist she would see this and she would have the honour to resign.


Any point you make here is rendered invalid by your insistance of using the word 'coloured'.


Back to the OP, what she said is racist and (it would have been anyway regardless of the Stephen Lawrence case, Terry and Suarez) in the current climate very stupid.

Any point you make here is rendered invalid by your insistance of using the word 'coloured'.


Back to the OP, what she said is racist and (it would have been anyway regardless of the Stephen Lawrence case, Terry and Suarez) in the current climate very stupid.


Big lol at your location. I am consistently proved right, and here we are again with me being proved right about Abbott.





She's an elected mp as well as a regular and articulate telly and radio pundit, people dont usually end up as either of those things sporting a low iq. The two things arent related. Theres always the boris johnson argument I suppose, but even he isnt the moron he likes to affect to be.

She's an elected mp as well as a regular and articulate telly and radio pundit, people dont usually end up as either of those things sporting a low iq. The two things arent related. Theres always the boris johnson argument I suppose, but even he isnt the moron he likes to affect to be.


Scotty give it up. You are wrong.


I see it's going to be on the front page of tomorrows Express. I expect it'll be on the front page of the Mail too.



Big lol at your location. I am consistently proved right, and here we are again with me being proved right about Abbott.


Nice deflection - although I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, merely highlighting that you continue to use racist terminology.

Nice deflection - although I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, merely highlighting that you continue to use racist terminology.


Bore off.

Scotty give it up. You are wrong.


I see it's going to be on the front page of tomorrows Express. I expect it'll be on the front page of the Mail too.



I hope not, as we all know the Mail is a racist paper full of lies and bigotry. We dont want the paper running this story otherwise it will mean it isn't true.

I hope not, as we all know the Mail is a racist paper full of lies and bigotry. We dont want the paper running this story otherwise it will mean it isn't true.


The time you must waste logging in as dune, then logging in as 'Turkish' ad infinitum.

I hope not, as we all know the Mail is a racist paper full of lies and bigotry. We dont want the paper running this story otherwise it will mean it isn't true.


Ah but this is different. The Express and Mail will be gleefully running this story to stir up racial hatred amongst their rabid racist readers.

What's the betting BTF doesn't comment?


I have told her in the past that Abbott is thick as sh/t and a racist, and she tried to tell me that Abbott was intelligent.


Dune proved right yet again.


She's many things, but thick isn't one of them.

She's many things, but thick isn't one of them.


She is embarrassingly thick. Did you ever see her on the politics programme with Andrew Neil and Portillo?

She is embarrassingly thick. Did you ever see her on the politics programme with Andrew Neil and Portillo?


You don't get into Newnham College, Cambridge, in the 70s, if you're thick.


She is many things and I find her odious, but she's not thick.

You don't get into Newnham College, Cambridge, in the 70s, if you're thick.


She is many things and I find her odious, but she's not thick.


She certainly disguises her intelligence very well then. On the Andrew neil show she was utterly our of her depth.

Abbot is a nasty, hypocritical, self-opinionated bigot and racist.


Have always hated her, since the first time I saw that pompous way she closes her eyes and lifts her nose when expressing her opinion.


Still would like to know if the born-again Leftie Portaloo gave her one after that Andrew Neil show they appeared on together. Always seemed so cosy.



You don't get into Newnham College, Cambridge, in the 70s, if you're thick.


She is many things and I find her odious, but she's not thick.


Indeed she is not thick, certainly not in a traditional academic sense anyway. Like BoJo she is academically bright, but prone to gaffes and foot in mouth moments.

You don't get into Newnham College, Cambridge, in the 70s, if you're thick.


She is many things and I find her odious, but she's not thick.


Could that college have been in at the early start of "positive discrimination"? That phrase did spring to mind.

Could that college have been in at the early start of "positive discrimination"? That phrase did spring to mind.


It crossed my mind.


Actually when I think of it I find her saying that West Indians do everything for their kids a tad insulting.


I am pretty certain that most parents from all countries will do everything for their kids not just that group

that Ms Abbott is conected to.

Could that college have been in at the early start of "positive discrimination"? That phrase did spring to mind.


No, but Newnham is a women-only college, and the 'early start' on this form of provision (not positive discrimination, since women were excluded from the majority of Oxbridge colleges) dates back to the 19th century.

No, but Newnham is a women-only college, and the 'early start' on this form of provision (not positive discrimination, since women were excluded from the majority of Oxbridge colleges) dates back to the 19th century.


IIRC they could attend but not graduate from Oxford until the late 1930s?

IIRC they could attend but not graduate from Oxford until the late 1930s?


1920 in Oxford - not sure about Cambridge. And women continued to be excluded from some colleges until 1974.

You don't get into Newnham College, Cambridge, in the 70s, if you're thick.


She is many things and I find her odious, but she's not thick.


I got in there in the 60s. We gatecrashed a party one Saturday night. She may not be thick, but she's a nasty, opinionated, bigoted piece of work.

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